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Andreas.Olofsson 1bd7c552fb Adding basic tesbench for stimulus function
-testing the tester
2020-02-03 13:19:21 -05:00

61 lines
1.7 KiB

module dv_top ();
parameter DW = 64; // Memory width
parameter MAW = 15; // Memory address width
reg [1023:0] filename;
wire [DW-1:0] ext_packet;
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire nreset; // From dv_ctrl of dv_ctrl.v
wire start; // From dv_ctrl of dv_ctrl.v
wire stim_access; // From stimulus of stimulus.v
wire stim_done; // From stimulus of stimulus.v
wire [DW-1:0] stim_packet; // From stimulus of stimulus.v
wire vdd; // From dv_ctrl of dv_ctrl.v
wire vss; // From dv_ctrl of dv_ctrl.v
// End of automatics
assign test_done = 1'b1;
assign dut_active = 1'b1;
//Reset and clocks
dv_ctrl dv_ctrl(.clk1 (ext_clk),
.clk2 (dut_clk),
// Outputs
.nreset (nreset),
.start (start),
.vdd (vdd),
.vss (vss),
// Inputs
.dut_active (dut_active),
.stim_done (stim_done),
.test_done (test_done));
assign ext_start = start;
assign ext_access = 'b0;
assign ext_packet = 'b0;
assign dut_wait = 'b0;
stimulus #(.DW(DW),.MAW(MAW),.HEXFILE("firmware.hex"))
// Outputs
.stim_access (stim_access),
.stim_packet (stim_packet[DW-1:0]),
.stim_done (stim_done),
// Inputs
.nreset (nreset),
.ext_start (ext_start),
.ext_clk (ext_clk),
.ext_access (ext_access),
.ext_packet (ext_packet[DW-1:0]),
.dut_clk (dut_clk),
.dut_wait (dut_wait));
endmodule // unmatched end(function|task|module|primitive|interface|package|class|clocking)