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synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
- Creating an arbitrary 'src' directory really doesn't help much... - Goal is to make each folder self contained - Make meta repos and individual repos have the same directory structure
111 lines
3.1 KiB
111 lines
3.1 KiB
module dut(/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
dut_active, clkout, wait_out, access_out, packet_out,
// Inputs
clk1, clk2, nreset, vdd, vss, access_in, packet_in, wait_in
parameter N = 1;
parameter AW = 32; // address width
parameter NMIO = 8; // IO data width
parameter DEF_CFG = 18'h1070; // for 104 bits
parameter DEF_CLK = 7;
localparam PW = 2*AW + 40; // standard packet
//clock, reset
input clk1;
input clk2;
input nreset;
input [N*N-1:0] vdd;
input vss;
output dut_active;
output clkout;
//Stimulus Driven Transaction
input [N-1:0] access_in;
input [N*PW-1:0] packet_in;
output [N-1:0] wait_out;
//DUT driven transactoin
output [N-1:0] access_out;
output [N*PW-1:0] packet_out;
input [N-1:0] wait_in;
//# BODY
wire reg_access_in;
wire [PW-1:0] reg_packet_in;
wire reg_wait_in;
wire edma_access_in;
// End of automatics
// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
wire irq; // From edma of edma.v
wire reg_access_out; // From edma of edma.v
wire [PW-1:0] reg_packet_out; // From edma of edma.v
wire reg_wait_out; // From edma of edma.v
// End of automatics
assign dut_active = 1'b1;
assign clkout = clk1;
//hack: send to regfile if addr[31:20] is zero
assign edma_access_in = access_in & |packet_in[39:28];
assign reg_access_in = access_in & ~(|packet_in[39:28]);
assign reg_packet_in = packet_in;
assign reg_wait_in = wait_in;
.clk (clk1),
.access_in (edma_access_in),
edma #(.AW(AW))
edma (/*AUTOINST*/
// Outputs
.irq (irq),
.wait_out (wait_out),
.access_out (access_out),
.packet_out (packet_out[PW-1:0]),
.reg_wait_out (reg_wait_out),
.reg_access_out (reg_access_out),
.reg_packet_out (reg_packet_out[PW-1:0]),
// Inputs
.clk (clk1), // Templated
.nreset (nreset),
.access_in (edma_access_in), // Templated
.packet_in (packet_in[PW-1:0]),
.wait_in (wait_in),
.reg_access_in (reg_access_in),
.reg_packet_in (reg_packet_in[PW-1:0]),
.reg_wait_in (reg_wait_in));
endmodule // dut
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-directories:("." "../hdl" "../../common/hdl" "../../emesh/dv" "../../emesh/hdl")
// End: