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synced 2025-02-07 06:44:09 +08:00
- holding rx in reset state until tx is done - removing reset from all pipeline registers - removing reset from oddr/iddr - the idea is to keep things quiet not to block in lots of places. The only real block needed is in the FIFO to keep "noise" from propagating past the link. The link should be kept in a safe reset state until the rx fram is stable and the clock is running so that the pipe can be cleaned out.
83 lines
2.3 KiB
83 lines
2.3 KiB
module erx_remap (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
emesh_access_out, emesh_packet_out,
// Inputs
clk, emesh_access_in, emesh_packet_in, remap_mode, remap_sel,
remap_pattern, remap_base
parameter AW = 32;
parameter DW = 32;
parameter PW = 104;
parameter ID = 12'h808;
input clk;
//Input from arbiter
input emesh_access_in;
input [PW-1:0] emesh_packet_in;
input [1:0] remap_mode; //00=none,01=static,02=continuity
input [11:0] remap_sel; //number of bits to remap
input [11:0] remap_pattern; //static pattern to map to
input [31:0] remap_base; //remap offset
//Output to TX IO
output emesh_access_out;
output [PW-1:0] emesh_packet_out;
wire [31:0] static_remap;
wire [31:0] dynamic_remap;
wire [31:0] remap_mux;
wire write_in;
wire read_in;
wire [31:0] addr_in;
wire [31:0] addr_out;
wire remap_en;
reg emesh_access_out;
reg [PW-1:0] emesh_packet_out;
parameter[5:0] colid = ID[5:0];
//parsing packet
assign addr_in[31:0] = emesh_packet_in[39:8];
assign write_in = emesh_packet_in[1];
assign read_in = ~emesh_packet_in[1];
//simple static remap
assign static_remap[31:20] = (remap_sel[11:0] & remap_pattern[11:0]) |
(~remap_sel[11:0] & addr_in[31:20]);
assign static_remap[19:0] = addr_in[19:0];
//more complex compresssed map
assign dynamic_remap[31:0] = addr_in[31:0] //input
- (colid << 20) //subtracing elink (start at 0)
+ remap_base[31:0] //adding back base
- (addr_in[31:26]<<$clog2(colid));
//Static, dynamic, or no remap
assign remap_mux[31:0] = (remap_mode[1:0]==2'b00) ? addr_in[31:0] :
(remap_mode[1:0]==2'b01) ? static_remap[31:0] :
//Access pipeline
always @ (posedge clk)
emesh_access_out <= emesh_access_in;
//Packet Remapping
always @ (posedge clk)
emesh_packet_out[PW-1:0] <= {emesh_packet_in[103:40],
endmodule // etx_mux