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2020-06-09 15:54:49 +08:00

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// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
// Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
// the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
// agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
// the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
// Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
// refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
// Device: Altera EP4CE10F17C8 Package FBGA256
// This file contains Slow Corner delays for the design using part EP4CE10F17C8,
// with speed grade 8, core voltage 1.2VmV, and temperature 0 Celsius
// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (Verilog) only
(DESIGN "dpwm_top")
(DATE "11/05/2018 21:21:20")
(VENDOR "Altera")
(PROGRAM "Quartus Prime")
(VERSION "Version 18.0.0 Build 614 04/24/2018 SJ Standard Edition")
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE delay_out\[0\]\~output)
(PORT i (442:442:442) (373:373:373))
(IOPATH i o (2800:2800:2800) (2762:2762:2762))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE delay_out\[1\]\~output)
(PORT i (441:441:441) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH i o (2790:2790:2790) (2752:2752:2752))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE delay_out\[2\]\~output)
(PORT i (444:444:444) (377:377:377))
(IOPATH i o (2697:2697:2697) (2676:2676:2676))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE delay_out\[3\]\~output)
(PORT i (421:421:421) (348:348:348))
(IOPATH i o (2800:2800:2800) (2762:2762:2762))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE pwm_out\~output)
(PORT i (1001:1001:1001) (816:816:816))
(IOPATH i o (2800:2800:2800) (2762:2762:2762))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE clk\~input)
(IOPATH i o (748:748:748) (773:773:773))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE clk\~inputclkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (194:194:194) (190:190:190))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE rst_n\~input)
(IOPATH i o (758:758:758) (783:783:783))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE rst_n\~inputclkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (194:194:194) (190:190:190))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_pll")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|pll1)
(PORT areset (1180:1180:1180) (1180:1180:1180))
(PORT inclk[0] (2058:2058:2058) (2058:2058:2058))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|pll_lock_sync)
(PORT clk (1491:1491:1491) (1697:1697:1697))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1527:1527:1527) (1456:1456:1456))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|locked)
(PORT datac (844:844:844) (1025:1025:1025))
(PORT datad (277:277:277) (331:331:331))
(IOPATH datac combout (301:301:301) (283:283:283))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|locked\~clkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (1486:1486:1486) (1349:1349:1349))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[7\])
(PORT clk (1916:1916:1916) (1909:1909:1909))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[0\]\~0)
(IOPATH datac combout (415:415:415) (429:429:429))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[0\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~0)
(PORT dataa (524:524:524) (511:511:511))
(PORT datab (337:337:337) (392:392:392))
(IOPATH dataa combout (408:408:408) (425:425:425))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab combout (415:415:415) (425:425:425))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[1\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~2)
(PORT datab (315:315:315) (369:369:369))
(IOPATH datab combout (423:423:423) (451:451:451))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[2\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~4)
(PORT dataa (317:317:317) (376:376:376))
(IOPATH dataa combout (435:435:435) (425:425:425))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[3\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~6)
(PORT datab (314:314:314) (368:368:368))
(IOPATH datab combout (423:423:423) (451:451:451))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[4\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~8)
(PORT dataa (316:316:316) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH dataa combout (435:435:435) (425:425:425))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[5\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~10)
(PORT datab (314:314:314) (367:367:367))
(IOPATH datab combout (423:423:423) (451:451:451))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|out_8bit\[6\])
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(PORT clrn (1483:1483:1483) (1457:1457:1457))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (222:222:222) (222:222:222))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|Add0\~12)
(PORT datad (486:486:486) (472:472:472))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[7\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (758:758:758) (783:783:783))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[6\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (748:748:748) (773:773:773))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[5\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (718:718:718) (743:743:743))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[4\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (708:708:708) (733:733:733))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[3\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (728:728:728) (753:753:753))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[2\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (718:718:718) (743:743:743))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[1\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (728:728:728) (753:753:753))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE dpid\[0\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (718:718:718) (743:743:743))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~1)
(PORT dataa (553:553:553) (534:534:534))
(PORT datab (3056:3056:3056) (3143:3143:3143))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~3)
(PORT dataa (3026:3026:3026) (3137:3137:3137))
(PORT datab (740:740:740) (583:583:583))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~5)
(PORT dataa (485:485:485) (417:417:417))
(PORT datab (3046:3046:3046) (3131:3131:3131))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~7)
(PORT dataa (3317:3317:3317) (3327:3327:3327))
(PORT datab (474:474:474) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~9)
(PORT dataa (483:483:483) (415:415:415))
(PORT datab (3045:3045:3045) (3130:3130:3130))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~11)
(PORT dataa (3031:3031:3031) (3139:3139:3139))
(PORT datab (473:473:473) (413:413:413))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~13)
(PORT dataa (484:484:484) (415:415:415))
(PORT datab (409:409:409) (532:532:532))
(IOPATH dataa cout (486:486:486) (375:375:375))
(IOPATH datab cout (497:497:497) (381:381:381))
(IOPATH cin cout (63:63:63) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|LessThan0\~14)
(PORT dataa (269:269:269) (281:281:281))
(PORT datad (364:364:364) (468:468:468))
(IOPATH dataa combout (414:414:414) (444:444:444))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(IOPATH cin combout (549:549:549) (519:519:519))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|delay0)
(PORT datad (1191:1191:1191) (1017:1017:1017))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|de7)
(PORT datad (226:226:226) (233:233:233))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|delay1)
(PORT datac (246:246:246) (262:262:262))
(IOPATH datac combout (305:305:305) (285:285:285))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|de6)
(PORT datad (226:226:226) (233:233:233))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|delay2)
(PORT datad (249:249:249) (257:257:257))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|de5)
(PORT datad (226:226:226) (233:233:233))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|delay3)
(PORT datad (251:251:251) (260:260:260))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|de4)
(PORT datad (439:439:439) (376:376:376))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|bit_high_syn\~0)
(PORT datac (542:542:542) (518:518:518))
(IOPATH datac combout (301:301:301) (283:283:283))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|bit_high_syn)
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|n_bit_high_syn\~0)
(PORT datad (284:284:284) (342:342:342))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|n_bit_high_syn)
(PORT clk (1449:1449:1449) (1490:1490:1490))
(PORT d (90:90:90) (101:101:101))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (240:240:240) (240:240:240))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (195:195:195))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE dpwm\|pwm_out)
(PORT datab (317:317:317) (372:372:372))
(PORT datad (284:284:284) (342:342:342))
(IOPATH datab combout (380:380:380) (380:380:380))
(IOPATH datad combout (167:167:167) (143:143:143))