2065 lines
58 KiB
2065 lines
58 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
// Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
// the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
// agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
// the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
// Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
// refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
// Device: Altera EP4CE10F17C8 Package FBGA256
// This file contains Slow Corner delays for the design using part EP4CE10F17C8,
// with speed grade 8, core voltage 1.2VmV, and temperature 85 Celsius
// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (Verilog) only
(DESIGN "timer_pwm_top")
(DATE "11/03/2018 15:43:36")
(VENDOR "Altera")
(PROGRAM "Quartus Prime")
(VERSION "Version 18.0.0 Build 614 04/24/2018 SJ Standard Edition")
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ch\[0\]\~output)
(PORT i (1078:1078:1078) (988:988:988))
(IOPATH i o (3127:3127:3127) (3075:3075:3075))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ch\[1\]\~output)
(PORT i (1007:1007:1007) (931:931:931))
(IOPATH i o (3138:3138:3138) (3115:3115:3115))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE rst_n\~input)
(IOPATH i o (776:776:776) (822:822:822))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE rst_n\~inputclkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (222:222:222) (208:208:208))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE clk\~input)
(IOPATH i o (766:766:766) (812:812:812))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_pll")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|pll1)
(PORT areset (1327:1327:1327) (1327:1327:1327))
(PORT inclk[0] (2336:2336:2336) (2336:2336:2336))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|wire_pll1_clk\[0\]\~clkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (2340:2340:2340) (2307:2307:2307))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[0\]\~16)
(PORT datab (382:382:382) (459:459:459))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|pll_lock_sync)
(PORT clk (2010:2010:2010) (2138:2138:2138))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1692:1692:1692) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|locked)
(PORT datac (1302:1302:1302) (1421:1421:1421))
(PORT datad (294:294:294) (364:364:364))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE my_pll\|altpll_component\|auto_generated\|locked\~clkctrl)
(PORT inclk[0] (1172:1172:1172) (1153:1153:1153))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[15\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[15\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3628:3628:3628) (3804:3804:3804))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[15\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[7\]\~30)
(PORT datab (360:360:360) (437:437:437))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (487:487:487))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[8\]\~32)
(PORT datab (360:360:360) (437:437:437))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[8\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[9\]\~34)
(PORT datab (385:385:385) (462:462:462))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (487:487:487))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[9\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[10\]\~36)
(PORT datab (360:360:360) (437:437:437))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[10\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[11\]\~38)
(PORT dataa (387:387:387) (471:471:471))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (481:481:481))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[11\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[12\]\~40)
(PORT datab (385:385:385) (462:462:462))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[12\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[13\]\~42)
(PORT dataa (362:362:362) (446:446:446))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (481:481:481))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[13\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[14\]\~44)
(PORT datab (384:384:384) (461:461:461))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[14\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[15\]\~46)
(PORT dataa (388:388:388) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH dataa combout (471:471:471) (481:481:481))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[15\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[14\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (724:724:724) (771:771:771))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[14\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3556:3556:3556) (3742:3742:3742))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[14\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[13\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[13\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4068:4068:4068) (4229:4229:4229))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[12\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (764:764:764) (811:811:811))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[12\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT asdata (3770:3770:3770) (3978:3978:3978))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[11\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[11\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3547:3547:3547) (3732:3732:3732))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[11\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[10\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (776:776:776) (822:822:822))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[10\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (1932:1932:1932) (2009:2009:2009))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[10\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[9\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[9\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4484:4484:4484) (4614:4614:4614))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[8\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[8\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4447:4447:4447) (4579:4579:4579))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[7\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (754:754:754) (801:801:801))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[7\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4854:4854:4854) (4943:4943:4943))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[6\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[6\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (3716:3716:3716) (3946:3946:3946))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[5\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[5\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4095:4095:4095) (4265:4265:4265))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[4\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[4\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3938:3938:3938) (4087:4087:4087))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[4\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[3\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[3\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (4783:4783:4783) (4887:4887:4887))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[2\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[2\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3305:3305:3305) (3533:3533:3533))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[2\])
(PORT clk (1608:1608:1608) (1645:1645:1645))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1642:1642:1642) (1638:1638:1638))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[1\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[1\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (3805:3805:3805) (4015:4015:4015))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_arr\[0\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (784:784:784) (831:831:831))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_arr\[0\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1646:1646:1646))
(PORT asdata (3996:3996:3996) (4166:4166:4166))
(PORT clrn (1643:1643:1643) (1639:1639:1639))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~1)
(PORT dataa (550:550:550) (581:581:581))
(PORT datab (653:653:653) (655:655:655))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~3)
(PORT dataa (586:586:586) (623:623:623))
(PORT datab (538:538:538) (574:574:574))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~5)
(PORT dataa (645:645:645) (654:654:654))
(PORT datab (590:590:590) (596:596:596))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~7)
(PORT dataa (583:583:583) (620:620:620))
(PORT datab (333:333:333) (409:409:409))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~9)
(PORT dataa (594:594:594) (605:605:605))
(PORT datab (637:637:637) (645:645:645))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~11)
(PORT dataa (913:913:913) (879:879:879))
(PORT datab (333:333:333) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~13)
(PORT dataa (851:851:851) (836:836:836))
(PORT datab (333:333:333) (409:409:409))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~15)
(PORT dataa (546:546:546) (576:576:576))
(PORT datab (637:637:637) (645:645:645))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~17)
(PORT dataa (337:337:337) (420:420:420))
(PORT datab (949:949:949) (904:904:904))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~19)
(PORT dataa (336:336:336) (419:419:419))
(PORT datab (657:657:657) (666:666:666))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~21)
(PORT dataa (842:842:842) (826:826:826))
(PORT datab (589:589:589) (595:595:595))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~23)
(PORT dataa (595:595:595) (606:606:606))
(PORT datab (650:650:650) (656:656:656))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~25)
(PORT dataa (533:533:533) (573:573:573))
(PORT datab (649:649:649) (654:654:654))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~27)
(PORT dataa (551:551:551) (576:576:576))
(PORT datab (868:868:868) (840:840:840))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~29)
(PORT dataa (536:536:536) (577:577:577))
(PORT datab (595:595:595) (623:623:623))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|LessThan0\~30)
(PORT datab (858:858:858) (831:831:831))
(PORT datad (850:850:850) (828:828:828))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[0\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[1\]\~18)
(PORT datab (358:358:358) (434:434:434))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (487:487:487))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[1\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[2\]\~20)
(PORT datab (359:359:359) (435:435:435))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[2\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[3\]\~22)
(PORT dataa (362:362:362) (445:445:445))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (481:481:481))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[3\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[4\]\~24)
(PORT datab (359:359:359) (436:436:436))
(IOPATH datab combout (472:472:472) (473:473:473))
(IOPATH datab cout (565:565:565) (421:421:421))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[4\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[5\]\~26)
(PORT dataa (387:387:387) (471:471:471))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (481:481:481))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[5\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[6\]\~28)
(PORT dataa (363:363:363) (446:446:446))
(IOPATH dataa combout (471:471:471) (472:472:472))
(IOPATH dataa cout (552:552:552) (416:416:416))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(IOPATH cin combout (607:607:607) (577:577:577))
(IOPATH cin cout (73:73:73) (73:73:73))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[6\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|cnt\[7\])
(PORT clk (1609:1609:1609) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1644:1644:1644) (1640:1640:1640))
(PORT sclr (1067:1067:1067) (1153:1153:1153))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal0\~1)
(PORT dataa (984:984:984) (968:968:968))
(PORT datab (939:939:939) (941:941:941))
(PORT datac (946:946:946) (928:928:928))
(PORT datad (945:945:945) (929:929:929))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal0\~2)
(PORT dataa (595:595:595) (625:625:625))
(PORT datab (596:596:596) (623:623:623))
(PORT datac (899:899:899) (877:877:877))
(PORT datad (574:574:574) (593:593:593))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal0\~0)
(PORT dataa (947:947:947) (951:951:951))
(PORT datab (979:979:979) (955:955:955))
(PORT datac (935:935:935) (927:927:927))
(PORT datad (932:932:932) (922:922:922))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal0\~3)
(PORT dataa (644:644:644) (658:658:658))
(PORT datab (594:594:594) (620:620:620))
(PORT datac (917:917:917) (896:896:896))
(PORT datad (591:591:591) (607:607:607))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal0\~4)
(PORT dataa (282:282:282) (315:315:315))
(PORT datab (835:835:835) (776:776:776))
(PORT datac (239:239:239) (266:266:266))
(PORT datad (771:771:771) (714:714:714))
(IOPATH dataa combout (392:392:392) (398:398:398))
(IOPATH datab combout (393:393:393) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (316:316:316))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|tim_ch\[0\]\~1)
(PORT datac (243:243:243) (273:273:273))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (315:315:315))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[7\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (746:746:746) (792:792:792))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[7\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3678:3678:3678) (3862:3862:3862))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[7\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[6\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (724:724:724) (771:771:771))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[6\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT asdata (4035:4035:4035) (4217:4217:4217))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~3)
(PORT dataa (337:337:337) (421:421:421))
(PORT datab (940:940:940) (943:943:943))
(PORT datad (942:942:942) (916:916:916))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[5\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[5\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3278:3278:3278) (3512:3512:3512))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[5\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[4\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (764:764:764) (811:811:811))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[4\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT asdata (3800:3800:3800) (4020:4020:4020))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~2)
(PORT dataa (988:988:988) (974:974:974))
(PORT datab (333:333:333) (409:409:409))
(PORT datad (945:945:945) (929:929:929))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[2\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (766:766:766) (812:812:812))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[2\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT asdata (4154:4154:4154) (4333:4333:4333))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[3\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (724:724:724) (771:771:771))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[3\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3328:3328:3328) (3555:3555:3555))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[3\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~1)
(PORT dataa (941:941:941) (947:947:947))
(PORT datab (989:989:989) (968:968:968))
(PORT datad (294:294:294) (363:363:363))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[1\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (756:756:756) (802:802:802))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[1\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT asdata (4135:4135:4135) (4303:4303:4303))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[0\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (754:754:754) (801:801:801))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[0\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT asdata (3788:3788:3788) (4010:4010:4010))
(PORT clrn (1648:1648:1648) (1644:1644:1644))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~0)
(PORT dataa (947:947:947) (951:951:951))
(PORT datab (335:335:335) (411:411:411))
(PORT datad (932:932:932) (922:922:922))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~4)
(PORT dataa (282:282:282) (314:314:314))
(PORT datab (279:279:279) (304:304:304))
(PORT datac (238:238:238) (265:265:265))
(PORT datad (237:237:237) (255:255:255))
(IOPATH dataa combout (392:392:392) (398:398:398))
(IOPATH datab combout (393:393:393) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (316:316:316))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[15\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[15\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3351:3351:3351) (3567:3567:3567))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[15\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[14\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (754:754:754) (801:801:801))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[14\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT asdata (4089:4089:4089) (4285:4285:4285))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~8)
(PORT dataa (547:547:547) (577:577:577))
(PORT datab (590:590:590) (616:616:616))
(PORT datad (589:589:589) (604:604:604))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[8\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[8\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT asdata (3777:3777:3777) (3986:3986:3986))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[9\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (754:754:754) (801:801:801))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[9\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3333:3333:3333) (3543:3543:3543))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[9\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~5)
(PORT dataa (594:594:594) (625:625:625))
(PORT datab (590:590:590) (616:616:616))
(PORT datad (294:294:294) (363:363:363))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (473:473:473) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[11\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[11\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT asdata (4421:4421:4421) (4558:4558:4558))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[10\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (734:734:734) (781:781:781))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[10\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT asdata (4135:4135:4135) (4322:4322:4322))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~6)
(PORT dataa (337:337:337) (421:421:421))
(PORT datab (594:594:594) (620:620:620))
(PORT datad (572:572:572) (592:592:592))
(IOPATH dataa combout (456:456:456) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[12\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (744:744:744) (791:791:791))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[12\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT asdata (3720:3720:3720) (3952:3952:3952))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD asdata (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE tim_ccr1\[13\]\~input)
(IOPATH i o (754:754:754) (801:801:801))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[13\]\~feeder)
(PORT datad (3649:3649:3649) (3856:3856:3856))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|r_tim_ccr1\[13\])
(PORT clk (1610:1610:1610) (1647:1647:1647))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT clrn (1645:1645:1645) (1641:1641:1641))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(IOPATH (negedge clrn) q (247:247:247) (247:247:247))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~7)
(PORT dataa (644:644:644) (658:658:658))
(PORT datab (650:650:650) (655:655:655))
(PORT datad (295:295:295) (364:364:364))
(IOPATH dataa combout (461:461:461) (486:486:486))
(IOPATH datab combout (457:457:457) (489:489:489))
(IOPATH datac combout (462:462:462) (482:482:482))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|Equal1\~9)
(PORT dataa (280:280:280) (312:312:312))
(PORT datab (278:278:278) (303:303:303))
(PORT datac (236:236:236) (262:262:262))
(PORT datad (239:239:239) (257:257:257))
(IOPATH dataa combout (392:392:392) (398:398:398))
(IOPATH datab combout (393:393:393) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH datac combout (324:324:324) (316:316:316))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|tim_ch\[0\]\~0)
(PORT datab (277:277:277) (302:302:302))
(PORT datac (245:245:245) (276:276:276))
(PORT datad (808:808:808) (750:750:750))
(IOPATH datab combout (407:407:407) (408:408:408))
(IOPATH datac combout (327:327:327) (316:316:316))
(IOPATH datad combout (177:177:177) (155:155:155))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|tim_ch\[0\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT ena (1043:1043:1043) (1024:1024:1024))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD ena (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE timer_pwm\|tim_ch\[1\])
(PORT clk (1613:1613:1613) (1650:1650:1650))
(PORT d (99:99:99) (115:115:115))
(PORT ena (1043:1043:1043) (1024:1024:1024))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (261:261:261) (261:261:261))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (212:212:212))
(HOLD ena (posedge clk) (212:212:212))