// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2015, The Regents of the University of California All // rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // // * Neither the name of The Regents of the University of California // nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or // promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS OF THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS // OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR // TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE // USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH // DAMAGE. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filename: tx_port_monitor_128.v // Version: 1.00.a // Verilog Standard: Verilog-2001 // Description: Detects transaction open/close events from the stream // of data from the tx_port_channel_gate. Filters out events and passes data // onto the tx_port_buffer. // Author: Matt Jacobsen // History: @mattj: Version 2.0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `define S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT 5'b0_0001 `define S_TXPORTMON128_TXN 5'b0_0010 `define S_TXPORTMON128_READ 5'b0_0100 `define S_TXPORTMON128_END_0 5'b0_1000 `define S_TXPORTMON128_END_1 5'b1_0000 `timescale 1ns/1ns module tx_port_monitor_128 #( parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 9'd128, parameter C_FIFO_DEPTH = 512, // Local parameters parameter C_FIFO_DEPTH_THRESH = (C_FIFO_DEPTH - 4), parameter C_FIFO_DEPTH_WIDTH = clog2((2**clog2(C_FIFO_DEPTH))+1), parameter C_VALID_HIST = 1 ) ( input RST, input CLK, input [C_DATA_WIDTH:0] EVT_DATA, // Event data from tx_port_channel_gate input EVT_DATA_EMPTY, // Event data FIFO is empty output EVT_DATA_RD_EN, // Event data FIFO read enable output [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] WR_DATA, // Output data output WR_EN, // Write enable for output data input [C_FIFO_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] WR_COUNT, // Output FIFO count output TXN, // Transaction parameters are valid input ACK, // Transaction parameter read, continue output LAST, // Channel last write output [31:0] LEN, // Channel write length (in 32 bit words) output [30:0] OFF, // Channel write offset output [31:0] WORDS_RECVD, // Count of data words received in transaction output DONE, // Transaction is closed input TX_ERR // Transaction encountered an error ); `include "functions.vh" (* syn_encoding = "user" *) (* fsm_encoding = "user" *) reg [4:0] rState=`S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT, _rState=`S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT; reg rRead=0, _rRead=0; reg [C_VALID_HIST-1:0] rDataValid={C_VALID_HIST{1'd0}}, _rDataValid={C_VALID_HIST{1'd0}}; reg rEvent=0, _rEvent=0; reg [63:0] rReadData=64'd0, _rReadData=64'd0; reg [31:0] rWordsRecvd=0, _rWordsRecvd=0; reg [31:0] rWordsRecvdAdv=0, _rWordsRecvdAdv=0; reg rAlmostAllRecvd=0, _rAlmostAllRecvd=0; reg rAlmostFull=0, _rAlmostFull=0; reg rLenEQ0Hi=0, _rLenEQ0Hi=0; reg rLenEQ0Lo=0, _rLenEQ0Lo=0; reg rLenLE4Lo=0, _rLenLE4Lo=0; reg rTxErr=0, _rTxErr=0; wire wEventData = (rDataValid[0] & EVT_DATA[C_DATA_WIDTH]); wire wPayloadData = (rDataValid[0] & !EVT_DATA[C_DATA_WIDTH] & rState[2]); // S_TXPORTMON128_READ wire wAllWordsRecvd = ((rAlmostAllRecvd | (rLenEQ0Hi & rLenLE4Lo)) & wPayloadData); assign EVT_DATA_RD_EN = rRead; assign WR_DATA = EVT_DATA[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]; assign WR_EN = wPayloadData; // S_TXPORTMON128_READ assign TXN = rState[1]; // S_TXPORTMON128_TXN assign LAST = rReadData[0]; assign OFF = rReadData[31:1]; assign LEN = rReadData[63:32]; assign WORDS_RECVD = rWordsRecvd; assign DONE = !rState[2]; // !S_TXPORTMON128_READ // Buffer the input signals that come from outside the tx_port. always @ (posedge CLK) begin rTxErr <= #1 (RST ? 1'd0 : _rTxErr); end always @ (*) begin _rTxErr = TX_ERR; end // Transaction monitoring FSM. always @ (posedge CLK) begin rState <= #1 (RST ? `S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT : _rState); end always @ (*) begin _rState = rState; case (rState) `S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT: begin // Read, wait for start of transaction event if (rEvent) _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_TXN; end `S_TXPORTMON128_TXN: begin // Don't read, wait until transaction has been acknowledged if (ACK) _rState = ((rLenEQ0Hi && rLenEQ0Lo) ? `S_TXPORTMON128_END_0 : `S_TXPORTMON128_READ); end `S_TXPORTMON128_READ: begin // Continue reading, wait for end of transaction event or all expected data if (rEvent) _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_END_1; else if (wAllWordsRecvd | rTxErr) _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_END_0; end `S_TXPORTMON128_END_0: begin // Continue reading, wait for first end of transaction event if (rEvent) _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_END_1; end `S_TXPORTMON128_END_1: begin // Continue reading, wait for second end of transaction event if (rEvent) _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT; end default: begin _rState = `S_TXPORTMON128_NEXT; end endcase end // Manage reading from the FIFO and tracking amounts read. always @ (posedge CLK) begin rRead <= #1 (RST ? 1'd0 : _rRead); rDataValid <= #1 (RST ? {C_VALID_HIST{1'd0}} : _rDataValid); rEvent <= #1 (RST ? 1'd0 : _rEvent); rReadData <= #1 _rReadData; rWordsRecvd <= #1 _rWordsRecvd; rWordsRecvdAdv <= #1 _rWordsRecvdAdv; rAlmostAllRecvd <= #1 _rAlmostAllRecvd; rAlmostFull <= #1 _rAlmostFull; rLenEQ0Hi <= #1 _rLenEQ0Hi; rLenEQ0Lo <= #1 _rLenEQ0Lo; rLenLE4Lo <= #1 _rLenLE4Lo; end always @ (*) begin // Don't get to the full point in the output FIFO _rAlmostFull = (WR_COUNT >= C_FIFO_DEPTH_THRESH); // Track read history so we know when data is valid _rDataValid = ((rDataValid<<1) | (rRead & !EVT_DATA_EMPTY)); // Read until we get a (valid) event _rRead = (!rState[1] & !wEventData & !rAlmostFull); // !S_TXPORTMON128_TXN // Track detected events _rEvent = wEventData; // Save event data when valid if (wEventData) _rReadData = EVT_DATA[63:0]; else _rReadData = rReadData; // If LEN == 0, we don't want to send any data to the output _rLenEQ0Hi = (LEN[31:16] == 16'd0); _rLenEQ0Lo = (LEN[15:0] == 16'd0); // If LEN <= 4, we want to trigger the almost all received flag _rLenLE4Lo = (LEN[15:0] <= 16'd4); // Count received non-event data _rWordsRecvd = (ACK ? 0 : rWordsRecvd + (wPayloadData<<2)); _rWordsRecvdAdv = (ACK ? 2*(C_DATA_WIDTH/32) : rWordsRecvdAdv + (wPayloadData<<2)); _rAlmostAllRecvd = ((rWordsRecvdAdv >= LEN) && wPayloadData); end /* wire [35:0] wControl0; chipscope_icon_1 cs_icon( .CONTROL0(wControl0) ); chipscope_ila_t8_512 a0( .CLK(CLK), .CONTROL(wControl0), .TRIG0({TXN, wPayloadData, wEventData, rState}), .DATA({201'd0, rWordsRecvd, // 32 WR_COUNT, // 10 wPayloadData, // 1 EVT_DATA_RD_EN, // 1 RST, // 1 rTxErr, // 1 wEventData, // 1 rReadData, // 64 OFF, // 31 LEN, // 32 LAST, // 1 TXN, // 1 EVT_DATA_EMPTY, // 1 EVT_DATA, // 129 rState}) // 5 ); */ endmodule