""" Copyright (c) 2018 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from myhdl import * import xgmii_ep ETH_PRE = 0x55 ETH_SFD = 0xD5 XGMII_IDLE = 0x07 XGMII_LPI = 0x06 XGMII_START = 0xfb XGMII_TERM = 0xfd XGMII_ERROR = 0xfe XGMII_SEQ_OS = 0x9c XGMII_RES_0 = 0x1c XGMII_RES_1 = 0x3c XGMII_RES_2 = 0x7c XGMII_RES_3 = 0xbc XGMII_RES_4 = 0xdc XGMII_RES_5 = 0xf7 XGMII_SIG_OS = 0x5c CTRL_IDLE = 0x00 CTRL_LPI = 0x06 CTRL_ERROR = 0x1e CTRL_RES_0 = 0x2d CTRL_RES_1 = 0x33 CTRL_RES_2 = 0x4b CTRL_RES_3 = 0x55 CTRL_RES_4 = 0x66 CTRL_RES_5 = 0x78 O_SEQ_OS = 0x0 O_SIG_OS = 0xf SYNC_DATA = 0b10 SYNC_CTRL = 0b01 BLOCK_TYPE_CTRL = 0x1e # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_OS_4 = 0x2d # D7 D6 D5 O4 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_START_4 = 0x33 # D7 D6 D5 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_OS_START = 0x66 # D7 D6 D5 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT BLOCK_TYPE_OS_04 = 0x55 # D7 D6 D5 O4 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT BLOCK_TYPE_START_0 = 0x78 # D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 BT BLOCK_TYPE_OS_0 = 0x4b # C7 C6 C5 C4 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_0 = 0x87 # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_1 = 0x99 # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_2 = 0xaa # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 D1 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_3 = 0xb4 # C7 C6 C5 C4 D2 D1 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_4 = 0xcc # C7 C6 C5 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_5 = 0xd2 # C7 C6 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_6 = 0xe1 # C7 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_7 = 0xff # D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT def block_type_term_lane(bt): if bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_0: return 0 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_1: return 1 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_2: return 2 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_3: return 3 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_4: return 4 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_5: return 5 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_6: return 6 elif bt == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_7: return 7 else: return None class BaseRSerdesSource(object): def __init__(self, ifg=12, enable_dic=True): self.has_logic = False self.queue = [] self.ifg = ifg self.enable_dic = enable_dic self.force_offset_start = False def send(self, frame): self.queue.append(xgmii_ep.XGMIIFrame(frame)) def count(self): return len(self.queue) def empty(self): return not self.queue def create_logic(self, clk, tx_data, tx_header, enable=True, scramble=True, reverse=False, name=None ): assert not self.has_logic self.has_logic = True assert len(tx_data) in [64] assert len(tx_data) == len(tx_header)*32 bw = int(len(tx_data)/8) @instance def logic(): frame = None ccl = [] ifg_cnt = 0 deficit_idle_cnt = 0 scrambler_state = 0 while True: yield clk.posedge if enable: data = 0x000000000000001e header = 0b01 if ifg_cnt > bw-1 or (not self.enable_dic and ifg_cnt > 0): ifg_cnt = max(ifg_cnt - bw, 0) elif ccl: header, data = ccl.pop(0) if not ccl: l = block_type_term_lane(data & 0xff) if l is not None: ifg_cnt = self.ifg - (bw-l) + deficit_idle_cnt else: ifg_cnt = self.ifg + deficit_idle_cnt elif self.queue: frame = self.queue.pop(0) dl, cl = frame.build() if name is not None: print("[%s] Sending frame %s" % (name, repr(frame))) assert len(dl) > 0 assert dl[0] == ETH_PRE dl[0] = XGMII_START cl[0] = 1 dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) if (bw == 8 and ifg_cnt >= 4) or self.force_offset_start: ifg_cnt = max(ifg_cnt-4, 0) dl = [XGMII_IDLE]*4+dl cl = [1]*4+cl deficit_idle_cnt = max(ifg_cnt, 0) ifg_cnt = 0 # pad length to multiple of 8 by adding idles if len(dl)%8: for k in range(8-(len(dl)%8)): dl.append(XGMII_IDLE) cl.append(1) # 10GBASE-R encoding for k in range(0, len(dl), 8): di = dl[k:k+8] ci = cl[k:k+8] # remap control characters ctrl = 0 ctrl_decode_error = [0]*8 for i in range(8): if not ci[i]: # data ctrl |= CTRL_ERROR << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_IDLE: # idle ctrl |= CTRL_IDLE << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_LPI: # LPI ctrl |= CTRL_LPI << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_ERROR: # error ctrl |= CTRL_ERROR << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_0: # reserved0 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_0 << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_1: # reserved1 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_1 << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_2: # reserved2 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_2 << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_3: # reserved3 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_3 << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_4: # reserved4 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_4 << i*7 elif di[i] == XGMII_RES_5: # reserved5 ctrl |= CTRL_RES_5 << i*7 else: # invalid ctrl |= CTRL_ERROR << i*7 ctrl_decode_error[i] = ci[i] if not any(ci): # data h = SYNC_DATA d = 0 for i in range(8): d |= di[i] << i*8 else: # control h = SYNC_CTRL if ci[0] and di[0] == XGMII_START and not any(ci[1:]): # start in lane 0 d = BLOCK_TYPE_START_0 for i in range(1,8): d |= di[i] << i*8 elif ci[4] and di[4] == XGMII_START and not any(ci[5:]): # start in lane 4 if ci[0] and (di[0] == XGMII_SEQ_OS or di[0] == XGMII_SIG_OS) and not any(ci[1:4]): # ordered set in lane 0 d = BLOCK_TYPE_OS_START for i in range(1,4): d |= di[i] << i*8 if di[0] == XGMII_SIG_OS: # signal ordered set d |= O_SIG_OS << 32 else: # other control d = BLOCK_TYPE_START_4 | (ctrl & 0xfffffff) << 8 for i in range(5,8): d |= di[i] << i*8 elif ci[0] and (di[0] == XGMII_SEQ_OS or di[0] == XGMII_SIG_OS) and not any(ci[1:4]): # ordered set in lane 0 if ci[4] and (di[4] == XGMII_SEQ_OS or di[4] == XGMII_SIG_OS) and not any(ci[5:8]): # ordered set in lane 4 d = BLOCK_TYPE_OS_04 for i in range(5,8): d |= di[i] << i*8 if di[4] == XGMII_SIG_OS: # signal ordered set d |= O_SIG_OS << 36 else: d = BLOCK_TYPE_OS_0 | (ctrl & 0xfffffff) << 40 for i in range(1,4): d |= di[i] << i*8 if di[0] == XGMII_SIG_OS: # signal ordered set d |= O_SIG_OS << 32 elif ci[4] and (di[4] == XGMII_SEQ_OS or di[4] == XGMII_SIG_OS) and not any(ci[5:8]): # ordered set in lane 4 d = BLOCK_TYPE_OS_4 | (ctrl & 0xfffffff) << 8 for i in range(5,8): d |= di[i] << i*8 if di[4] == XGMII_SIG_OS: # signal ordered set d |= O_SIG_OS << 36 elif ci[0] and di[0] == XGMII_TERM: # terminate in lane 0 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_0 | (ctrl & 0xffffffffffff80) << 8 elif ci[1] and di[1] == XGMII_TERM and not ci[0]: # terminate in lane 1 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_1 | (ctrl & 0xffffffffffc000) << 8 | di[0] << 8 elif ci[2] and di[2] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:2]): # terminate in lane 2 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_2 | (ctrl & 0xffffffffe00000) << 8 for i in range(2): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) elif ci[3] and di[3] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:3]): # terminate in lane 3 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_3 | (ctrl & 0xfffffff0000000) << 8 for i in range(3): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) elif ci[4] and di[4] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:4]): # terminate in lane 4 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_4 | (ctrl & 0xfffff800000000) << 8 for i in range(4): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) elif ci[5] and di[5] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:5]): # terminate in lane 5 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_5 | (ctrl & 0xfffc0000000000) << 8 for i in range(5): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) elif ci[6] and di[6] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:6]): # terminate in lane 6 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_6 | (ctrl & 0xfe000000000000) << 8 for i in range(6): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) elif ci[7] and di[7] == XGMII_TERM and not any(ci[0:7]): # terminate in lane 7 d = BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_7 for i in range(7): d |= di[i] << ((i+1)*8) else: # all control d = BLOCK_TYPE_CTRL | ctrl << 8 ccl.append((h, d)) header, data = ccl.pop(0) if not ccl: l = block_type_term_lane(data & 0xff) if l is not None: ifg_cnt = self.ifg - (bw-l) + deficit_idle_cnt else: ifg_cnt = self.ifg + deficit_idle_cnt else: ifg_cnt = 0 deficit_idle_cnt = 0 if scramble: # 64b66b scrambler b = 0 for i in range(len(tx_data)): if bool(scrambler_state & (1<<38)) ^ bool(scrambler_state & (1<<57)) ^ bool(data & (1 << i)): scrambler_state = ((scrambler_state & 0x1ffffffffffffff) << 1) | 1 b = b | (1 << i) else: scrambler_state = (scrambler_state & 0x1ffffffffffffff) << 1 data = b if reverse: # bit reverse data = sum(1 << (63-i) for i in range(64) if (data >> i) & 1) header = sum(1 << (1-i) for i in range(2) if (header >> i) & 1) tx_data.next = data tx_header.next = header return instances() class BaseRSerdesSink(object): def __init__(self): self.has_logic = False self.queue = [] self.sync = Signal(intbv(0)) def recv(self): if self.queue: return self.queue.pop(0) return None def count(self): return len(self.queue) def empty(self): return not self.queue def wait(self, timeout=0): if self.queue: return if timeout: yield self.sync, delay(timeout) else: yield self.sync def create_logic(self, clk, rx_data, rx_header, enable=True, scramble=True, reverse=False, name=None ): assert not self.has_logic self.has_logic = True assert len(rx_data) in [64] assert len(rx_data) == len(rx_header)*32 bw = int(len(rx_data)/8) @instance def logic(): frame = None d = [] c = [] scrambler_state = 0 while True: yield clk.posedge if enable: data = int(rx_data) header = int(rx_header) if reverse: # bit reverse data = sum(1 << (63-i) for i in range(64) if (data >> i) & 1) header = sum(1 << (1-i) for i in range(2) if (header >> i) & 1) if scramble: # 64b66b descrambler b = 0 for i in range(len(rx_data)): if bool(scrambler_state & (1<<38)) ^ bool(scrambler_state & (1<<57)) ^ bool(data & (1 << i)): b = b | (1 << i) scrambler_state = (scrambler_state & 0x1ffffffffffffff) << 1 | bool(data & (1 << i)) data = b # 10GBASE-R decoding # remap control characters ctrl = [0]*8 for i in range(8): if (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_IDLE: # idle ctrl[i] = XGMII_IDLE; elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_LPI: # LPI ctrl[i] = XGMII_LPI elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_ERROR: # error ctrl[i] = XGMII_ERROR elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_0: # reserved0 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_0 elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_1: # reserved1 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_1 elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_2: # reserved2 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_2 elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_3: # reserved3 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_3 elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_4: # reserved4 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_4 elif (data >> i*7+8) & 0x7f == CTRL_RES_5: # reserved5 ctrl[i] = XGMII_RES_5 else: # invalid ctrl[i] = XGMII_ERROR dl = [] cl = [] if header == SYNC_DATA: # data for k in range(8): dl.append((data >> k*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif header == SYNC_CTRL: if data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_CTRL: # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT dl = ctrl cl = [1]*8 elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_OS_4: # D7 D6 D5 O4 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT dl = ctrl[0:4] cl = [1]*4 if (data >> 36) & 0xf == O_SEQ_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) elif (data >> 36) & 0xf == O_SIG_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SIG_OS) else: dl.append(XGMII_ERROR) cl.append(1) for k in range(4,7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_START_4: # D7 D6 D5 C3 C2 C1 C0 BT dl = ctrl[0:4] cl = [1]*4 dl.append(XGMII_START) cl.append(1) for k in range(4,7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_OS_START: # D7 D6 D5 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT if (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SEQ_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) elif (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SIG_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SIG_OS) else: dl.append(XGMII_ERROR) cl.append(1) for k in range(0,3): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_START) cl.append(1) for k in range(4,7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_OS_04: # D7 D6 D5 O4 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT if (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SEQ_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) elif (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SIG_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SIG_OS) else: dl.append(XGMII_ERROR) cl.append(1) for k in range(0,3): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) if (data >> 36) & 0xf == O_SEQ_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) elif (data >> 36) & 0xf == O_SIG_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SIG_OS) else: dl.append(XGMII_ERROR) cl.append(1) for k in range(4,7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_START_0: # D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 BT dl.append(XGMII_START) cl.append(1) for k in range(7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_OS_0: # C7 C6 C5 C4 O0 D3 D2 D1 BT if (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SEQ_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) elif (data >> 32) & 0xf == O_SIG_OS: dl.append(XGMII_SEQ_OS) else: dl.append(XGMII_ERROR) cl.append(1) for k in range(0,3): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.extend(ctrl[4:8]) cl.extend([1]*4) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_0: # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 BT dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[1:]) cl.extend([1]*7) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_1: # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 D0 BT dl.append((data >> 8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[2:]) cl.extend([1]*6) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_2: # C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 D1 D0 BT for k in range(2): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[3:]) cl.extend([1]*5) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_3: # C7 C6 C5 C4 D2 D1 D0 BT for k in range(3): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[4:]) cl.extend([1]*4) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_4: # C7 C6 C5 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT for k in range(4): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[5:]) cl.extend([1]*3) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_5: # C7 C6 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT for k in range(5): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[6:]) cl.extend([1]*2) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_6: # C7 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT for k in range(6): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) dl.extend(ctrl[7:]) cl.extend([1]*1) elif data & 0xff == BLOCK_TYPE_TERM_7: # D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BT for k in range(7): dl.append((data >> (k+1)*8) & 0xff) cl.append(0) dl.append(XGMII_TERM) cl.append(1) else: # invalid block type dl = [XGMII_ERROR]*8 cl = [1]*8 else: # invalid sync header dl = [XGMII_ERROR]*8 cl = [1]*8 if frame is None: if cl[0] and dl[0] == XGMII_START: # start in lane 0 frame = xgmii_ep.XGMIIFrame() d = [ETH_PRE] c = [0] for i in range(1,bw): d.append(dl[i]) c.append(cl[i]) elif bw == 8 and cl[4] and dl[4] == XGMII_START: # start in lane 4 frame = xgmii_ep.XGMIIFrame() d = [ETH_PRE] c = [0] for i in range(5,bw): d.append(dl[i]) c.append(cl[i]) else: for i in range(bw): if cl[i]: # got a control character; terminate frame reception if dl[i] != XGMII_TERM: # store control character if it's not a termination d.append(dl[i]) c.append(cl[i]) frame.parse(d, c) self.queue.append(frame) self.sync.next = not self.sync if name is not None: print("[%s] Got frame %s" % (name, repr(frame))) frame = None d = [] c = [] break else: d.append(dl[i]) c.append(cl[i]) return instances()