/* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Alex Forencich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Language: Verilog 2001 `timescale 1ns / 1ps /* * si570_i2c_init */ module si570_i2c_init ( input wire clk, input wire rst, /* * I2C master interface */ output wire [6:0] cmd_address, output wire cmd_start, output wire cmd_read, output wire cmd_write, output wire cmd_write_multiple, output wire cmd_stop, output wire cmd_valid, input wire cmd_ready, output wire [7:0] data_out, output wire data_out_valid, input wire data_out_ready, output wire data_out_last, /* * Status */ output wire busy, /* * Configuration */ input wire start ); /* Generic module for I2C bus initialization. Good for use when multiple devices on an I2C bus must be initialized on system start without intervention of a general-purpose processor. Copy this file and change init_data and INIT_DATA_LEN as needed. This module can be used in two modes: simple device initalization, or multiple device initialization. In multiple device mode, the same initialization sequence can be performed on multiple different device addresses. To use single device mode, only use the start write to address and write data commands. The module will generate the I2C commands in sequential order. Terminate the list with a 0 entry. To use the multiple device mode, use the start data and start address block commands to set up lists of initialization data and device addresses. The module enters multiple device mode upon seeing a start data block command. The module stores the offset of the start of the data block and then skips ahead until it reaches a start address block command. The module will store the offset to the address block and read the first address in the block. Then it will jump back to the data block and execute it, substituting the stored address for each current address write command. Upon reaching the start address block command, the module will read out the next address and start again at the top of the data block. If the module encounters a start data block command while looking for an address, then it will store a new data offset and then look for a start address block command. Terminate the list with a 0 entry. Normal address commands will operate normally inside a data block. Commands: 00 0000000 : stop 00 0000001 : exit multiple device mode 00 0000011 : start write to current address 00 0001000 : start address block 00 0001001 : start data block 00 1000001 : send I2C stop 01 aaaaaaa : start write to address 1 dddddddd : write 8-bit data Examples write 0x11223344 to register 0x0004 on device at 0x50 01 1010000 start write to 0x50 1 00000000 write address 0x0004 1 00000100 1 00010001 write data 0x11223344 1 00100010 1 00110011 1 01000100 0 00000000 stop write 0x11223344 to register 0x0004 on devices at 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, and 0x53 00 0001001 start data block 00 0000011 start write to current address 1 00000100 1 00010001 write data 0x11223344 1 00100010 1 00110011 1 01000100 00 0001000 start address block 01 1010000 address 0x50 01 1010000 address 0x51 01 1010000 address 0x52 01 1010000 address 0x53 00 0000000 stop */ // init_data ROM localparam INIT_DATA_LEN = 24; reg [8:0] init_data [INIT_DATA_LEN-1:0]; initial begin // set up I2C muxes to select U32 init_data[0] = {2'b01, 7'b1110101}; // select U80 (0x75) init_data[1] = {1'b1, 8'b00000000}; // disconnect all outputs init_data[2] = {2'b00, 7'b1000001}; // I2C stop init_data[3] = {2'b01, 7'b1110100}; // select U28 (0x74) init_data[4] = {1'b1, 8'b00000001}; // connect only output 0 to SI570 init_data[5] = {2'b00, 7'b1000001}; // I2C stop // set SI570 output frequency (U32) // freeze DCO init_data[6] = {2'b01, 7'b1011101}; init_data[7] = {1'b1, 8'd137}; init_data[8] = {1'b1, 8'h10}; // 137: 0x10 // set output to 156.25 MHz (HS_DIV=4 N1=8 DCO=5000.0 RFREQ=0x02BC035168) init_data[9] = {2'b01, 7'b1011101}; init_data[10] = {1'b1, 8'd7}; init_data[11] = {1'b1, 8'h01}; // 7: HS_DIV[2:0], N1[6:2] init_data[12] = {1'b1, 8'hC2}; // 8: N1[1:0], RFREQ[37:32] init_data[13] = {1'b1, 8'hBC}; // 9: RFREQ[31:24] init_data[14] = {1'b1, 8'h03}; // 10: RFREQ[23:16] init_data[15] = {1'b1, 8'h51}; // 11: RFREQ[15:8] init_data[16] = {1'b1, 8'h68}; // 12: RFREQ[7:0] // un-freeze DCO init_data[17] = {2'b01, 7'b1011101}; init_data[18] = {1'b1, 8'd137}; init_data[19] = {1'b1, 8'h00}; // 137: 0x00 // new frequency init_data[20] = {2'b01, 7'b1011101}; init_data[21] = {1'b1, 8'd135}; init_data[22] = {1'b1, 8'h40}; // 135: 0x40 init_data[23] = 9'd0; // stop end localparam [3:0] STATE_IDLE = 3'd0, STATE_RUN = 3'd1, STATE_TABLE_1 = 3'd2, STATE_TABLE_2 = 3'd3, STATE_TABLE_3 = 3'd4; reg [4:0] state_reg = STATE_IDLE, state_next; parameter AW = $clog2(INIT_DATA_LEN); reg [8:0] init_data_reg = 9'd0; reg [AW-1:0] address_reg = {AW{1'b0}}, address_next; reg [AW-1:0] address_ptr_reg = {AW{1'b0}}, address_ptr_next; reg [AW-1:0] data_ptr_reg = {AW{1'b0}}, data_ptr_next; reg [6:0] cur_address_reg = 7'd0, cur_address_next; reg [6:0] cmd_address_reg = 7'd0, cmd_address_next; reg cmd_start_reg = 1'b0, cmd_start_next; reg cmd_write_reg = 1'b0, cmd_write_next; reg cmd_stop_reg = 1'b0, cmd_stop_next; reg cmd_valid_reg = 1'b0, cmd_valid_next; reg [7:0] data_out_reg = 8'd0, data_out_next; reg data_out_valid_reg = 1'b0, data_out_valid_next; reg start_flag_reg = 1'b0, start_flag_next; reg busy_reg = 1'b0; assign cmd_address = cmd_address_reg; assign cmd_start = cmd_start_reg; assign cmd_read = 1'b0; assign cmd_write = cmd_write_reg; assign cmd_write_multiple = 1'b0; assign cmd_stop = cmd_stop_reg; assign cmd_valid = cmd_valid_reg; assign data_out = data_out_reg; assign data_out_valid = data_out_valid_reg; assign data_out_last = 1'b1; assign busy = busy_reg; always @* begin state_next = STATE_IDLE; address_next = address_reg; address_ptr_next = address_ptr_reg; data_ptr_next = data_ptr_reg; cur_address_next = cur_address_reg; cmd_address_next = cmd_address_reg; cmd_start_next = cmd_start_reg & ~(cmd_valid & cmd_ready); cmd_write_next = cmd_write_reg & ~(cmd_valid & cmd_ready); cmd_stop_next = cmd_stop_reg & ~(cmd_valid & cmd_ready); cmd_valid_next = cmd_valid_reg & ~cmd_ready; data_out_next = data_out_reg; data_out_valid_next = data_out_valid_reg & ~data_out_ready; start_flag_next = start_flag_reg; if (cmd_valid | data_out_valid) begin // wait for output registers to clear state_next = state_reg; end else begin case (state_reg) STATE_IDLE: begin // wait for start signal if (~start_flag_reg & start) begin address_next = {AW{1'b0}}; start_flag_next = 1'b1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else begin state_next = STATE_IDLE; end end STATE_RUN: begin // process commands if (init_data_reg[8] == 1'b1) begin // write data cmd_write_next = 1'b1; cmd_stop_next = 1'b0; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; data_out_next = init_data_reg[7:0]; data_out_valid_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg[8:7] == 2'b01) begin // write address cmd_address_next = init_data_reg[6:0]; cmd_start_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b001000001) begin // send stop cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001001) begin // data table start data_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_1; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd0) begin // stop cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; state_next = STATE_IDLE; end else begin // invalid command, skip address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end end STATE_TABLE_1: begin // find address table start if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001000) begin // address table start address_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_2; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001001) begin // data table start data_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_1; end else if (init_data_reg == 1) begin // exit mode address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd0) begin // stop cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; state_next = STATE_IDLE; end else begin // invalid command, skip address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_1; end end STATE_TABLE_2: begin // find next address if (init_data_reg[8:7] == 2'b01) begin // write address command // store address and move to data table cur_address_next = init_data_reg[6:0]; address_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = data_ptr_reg; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001001) begin // data table start data_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_1; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd1) begin // exit mode address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd0) begin // stop cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; state_next = STATE_IDLE; end else begin // invalid command, skip address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_2; end end STATE_TABLE_3: begin // process data table with selected address if (init_data_reg[8] == 1'b1) begin // write data cmd_write_next = 1'b1; cmd_stop_next = 1'b0; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; data_out_next = init_data_reg[7:0]; data_out_valid_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end else if (init_data_reg[8:7] == 2'b01) begin // write address cmd_address_next = init_data_reg[6:0]; cmd_start_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000000011) begin // write current address cmd_address_next = cur_address_reg; cmd_start_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b001000001) begin // send stop cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001001) begin // data table start data_ptr_next = address_reg + 1; address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_1; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'b000001000) begin // address table start address_next = address_ptr_reg; state_next = STATE_TABLE_2; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd1) begin // exit mode address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_RUN; end else if (init_data_reg == 9'd0) begin // stop cmd_start_next = 1'b0; cmd_write_next = 1'b0; cmd_stop_next = 1'b1; cmd_valid_next = 1'b1; state_next = STATE_IDLE; end else begin // invalid command, skip address_next = address_reg + 1; state_next = STATE_TABLE_3; end end endcase end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin state_reg <= STATE_IDLE; init_data_reg <= 9'd0; address_reg <= {AW{1'b0}}; address_ptr_reg <= {AW{1'b0}}; data_ptr_reg <= {AW{1'b0}}; cur_address_reg <= 7'd0; cmd_valid_reg <= 1'b0; data_out_valid_reg <= 1'b0; start_flag_reg <= 1'b0; busy_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin state_reg <= state_next; // read init_data ROM init_data_reg <= init_data[address_next]; address_reg <= address_next; address_ptr_reg <= address_ptr_next; data_ptr_reg <= data_ptr_next; cur_address_reg <= cur_address_next; cmd_valid_reg <= cmd_valid_next; data_out_valid_reg <= data_out_valid_next; start_flag_reg <= start & start_flag_next; busy_reg <= (state_reg != STATE_IDLE); end cmd_address_reg <= cmd_address_next; cmd_start_reg <= cmd_start_next; cmd_write_reg <= cmd_write_next; cmd_stop_reg <= cmd_stop_next; data_out_reg <= data_out_next; end endmodule