2021-05-18 19:16:30 -07:00

51 lines
1.4 KiB

package require -exact qsys 20.4
# create the system "reset_release"
proc do_create_reset_release {} {
# create the system
create_system reset_release
set_project_property DEVICE {1SM21CHU1F53E1VG}
set_project_property DEVICE_FAMILY {Stratix 10}
set_project_property HIDE_FROM_IP_CATALOG {true}
set_use_testbench_naming_pattern 0 {}
# add HDL parameters
# add the components
add_instance s10_user_rst_clkgate_0 altera_s10_user_rst_clkgate
set_instance_parameter_value s10_user_rst_clkgate_0 {outputType} {Conduit Interface}
set_instance_property s10_user_rst_clkgate_0 AUTO_EXPORT true
# add wirelevel expressions
# add the exports
set_interface_property ninit_done EXPORT_OF s10_user_rst_clkgate_0.ninit_done
# set values for exposed HDL parameters
# set the the module properties
set_module_property BONUS_DATA {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<element __value="s10_user_rst_clkgate_0">
<datum __value="_sortIndex" value="0" type="int" />
set_module_property FILE {reset_release.ip}
set_module_property GENERATION_ID {0x00000000}
set_module_property NAME {reset_release}
# save the system
save_system reset_release
proc do_set_exported_interface_sysinfo_parameters {} {
# create all the systems, from bottom up
# set system info parameters on exported interface, from bottom up