# Avem :bird: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/but0n/Avem.png)](https://travis-ci.org/but0n/Avem) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/but0n/Avem.svg)](#) [![Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/release/but0n/Avem.svg)](https://github.com/but0n/Avem/releases) [![platform](https://img.shields.io/badge/platform-MacOS%20%7C%20Linux-orange.svg)](#) ![](docs/images/PF.png) [UAV] - [STM32F103] - 6 Axes sensor MPU6050 - Quaternion & Euler Angles Compute - PID Controller [Detials & Videos](http://bbs.5imx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1227960&extra=page%3D1) Terminal demo ![](docs/images/HUD.PNG) # GPIO List MPU6050 | BLDC | Wi-Fi | GPS :----: |:----: |:----: |:---: **`SCL`** PB15 |**`Channel 1`** PA6|**`USART3_TX`** PB10 |*TBD* **`SDA`** PB14 |**`Channel 2`** PA7|**`USART3_RX`** PB11 |*TBD* |**`Channel 3`** PB0 |**`Channel 4`** PB1 # To-do list - [x] Software **I2C** - [x] Init **MPU6050** - [x] Get 3 axes `Gryo` and 3 axes `Accel` data from MPU6050 - [x] Cumpute Quaternion and **Euler** Angles - [x] **PWM** output - [x] Driving motors with **L9110S** - [x] **PID** Control - [x] Schematic - [x] PCB Layout - [x] Brushless DC motor-[Video via YouTube](https://youtu.be/iHYVgTmxoSw) - [ ] **Wi-Fi**(`ESP8266`) - [x] [Cascade PID control](https://github.com/but0n/Avem/blob/master/docs/README.md) - [x] FreeRTOS - [ ] TCP/IP Socket connect with host - [ ] PID debug - [ ] **GPS** - [ ] 3D print or CNC cut ---- # Hardware ## PCB Layout Front ![](docs/images/PCB/layoutF.png) Back ![](docs/images/PCB/layoutB.png) ## 3D Moudle ![](docs/images/PCB/demoV2.png) ## Schematic ![](docs/images/pcb.png) [More details](docs/)