2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
# 一个README容纳不下 , 第二个README接上
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2019-10-13 21:24:32 +08:00
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2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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2019-10-10 20:26:40 +08:00
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2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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2019-10-10 20:26:40 +08:00
# # Swift
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ yanue / V2rayU ] ( https : //github.com/yanue/V2rayU) | V2rayU,基于v2ray核心的mac版客户端,用于科学上网,使用swift编写,支持vmess,shadowsocks,socks5等服务协议,支持订阅, 支持二维码,剪贴板导入,手动配置,二维码分享等 | 9.0k | Swift | 05/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 2 | [ Caldis / Mos ] ( https : //github.com/Caldis/Mos) | 一个用于在 MacOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 \| A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on MacOS | 4.2k | Swift | 05/13 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 3 | [ SwiftOldDriver / iOS - Weekly ] ( https : //github.com/SwiftOldDriver/iOS-Weekly) | 🇨🇳 老司机 iOS 周报 | 3.1k | Swift | 06/01 |
2020-04-21 22:40:17 +08:00
| 4 | [ tid - kijyun / Kanna ] ( https : //github.com/tid-kijyun/Kanna) | Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift. | 2.0k | Swift | 04/19 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 5 | [ wxxsw / SwiftTheme ] ( https : //github.com/wxxsw/SwiftTheme) | 🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 8+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式 | 1.9k | Swift | 05/17 |
2020-04-13 11:40:13 +08:00
| 6 | [ Danie1s / Tiercel ] ( https : //github.com/Danie1s/Tiercel) | 简单易用、功能丰富的纯 Swift 下载框架 | 1.7k | Swift | 03/19 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 7 | [ Apollonyan / Developing - iOS - 11 - Apps - with - Swift ] ( https : //github.com/Apollonyan/Developing-iOS-11-Apps-with-Swift) | Stanford 公开课, Developing iOS 11 Apps with Swift 字幕翻译 | 1.2k | Swift | 05/21 |
| 8 | [ pujiaxin33 / JXSegmentedView ] ( https : //github.com/pujiaxin33/JXSegmentedView) | A powerful and easy to use segmented view (segmentedcontrol, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol, categoryview) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图) | 1.1k | Swift | 04/09 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 9 | [ netyouli / WHC_ConfuseSoftware ] ( https : //github.com/netyouli/WHC_ConfuseSoftware) | u3d、cocos2dx、iOS代码混淆、自动翻新专家(WHC_ConfuseSoftware)是一款新一代运行在MAC OS平台的App、完美支持Objc和Swift、U3D、Cocos2dx项目代码的自动翻新(混淆)、支持文件夹名称、文件名、修改资源文件hash值、类名、方法名、属性名、添加混淆函数方法体、添加混淆属性、自动调用生成的混淆方法、字符串混淆加密等。。。功能强大而稳定。 | 949 | Swift | 05/24 |
| 10 | [ dengzemiao / DZMeBookRead ] ( https : //github.com/dengzemiao/DZMeBookRead) | (支持项目使用)最完整小说阅读器Demo。(仿iReader(掌阅),QQ阅读等常用阅读器阅读页面),支持字体,翻页效果(无效果,覆盖,仿真,上下滚动),字体切换,书签功能,阅读记录,亮度调整,背景颜色切换 等等.. | 886 | Swift | 04/20 |
| 11 | [ Harley - xk / MaLiang ] ( https : //github.com/Harley-xk/MaLiang) | iOS painting and drawing library based on Metal. 神笔马良有一支神笔(基于 Metal 的涂鸦绘图库) | 879 | Swift | 05/28 |
| 12 | [ honghaoz / Ji ] ( https : //github.com/honghaoz/Ji) | Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift | 819 | Swift | 01/16 |
| 13 | [ JiongXing / PhotoBrowser ] ( https : //github.com/JiongXing/PhotoBrowser) | Elegant photo browser in Swift. 图片与视频浏览器。 | 816 | Swift | 05/30 |
| 14 | [ gltwy / LTScrollView ] ( https : //github.com/gltwy/LTScrollView) | ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView( UITableView 、UICollectionView) 解决方案, 支持OC / Swift( 持续更新中...) 实现原理: http://blog.csdn.net/glt_code/article/details/78576628 | 775 | Swift | 01/03 |
| 15 | [ saeipi / KSChart ] ( https : //github.com/saeipi/KSChart) | k线图/kline/kchart, 已经集成MA/EMA/MACD/KDJ/BOLL/RSI/WR/AVG等指标, 新增指标及其方便。适用于股票/区块链交易所等种类App。Swift5编写, CPU/内存占用率极低, 60FPS稳定运行。示例集成websocket, 并接入币安数据( 需VPN) 。 | 718 | Swift | 05/23 |
| 16 | [ lb2281075105 / LBXMLYFM - Swift ] ( https : //github.com/lb2281075105/LBXMLYFM-Swift) | Swift5项目仿写喜马拉雅App, 采用MVC+MVVM设计模式, Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源抓包及部分本地json文件 | 691 | Swift | 05/14 |
| 17 | [ SherlockQi / HeavenMemoirs ] ( https : //github.com/SherlockQi/HeavenMemoirs) | AR相册 Photo Album For AR | 590 | Swift | 03/20 |
| 18 | [ zyphs21 / HSStockChart ] ( https : //github.com/zyphs21/HSStockChart) | Stock Chart include CandleStickChart,TimeLineChart. 股票走势图,包括 K 线图,分时图,手势缩放,拖动 | 578 | Swift | 05/04 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 19 | [ daomoer / XMLYFM ] ( https : //github.com/daomoer/XMLYFM) | swift项目仿写喜马拉雅App, 采用MVC+MVVM设计模式, Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源抓包及部分本地json文件 | 441 | Swift | 01/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 20 | [ Fnoz / FNMatchPull ] ( https : //github.com/Fnoz/FNMatchPull) | Swift实现的火柴图案&火柴文字下拉刷新动效( 超炫酷下拉刷新) , Swift&加强版本CBStoreHouseRefreshControl. | 403 | Swift | 05/20 |
| 21 | [ Danie1s / DNSPageView ] ( https : //github.com/Danie1s/DNSPageView) | 一个纯Swift的轻量级、灵活且易于使用的pageView | 397 | Swift | 05/15 |
| 22 | [ easyui / EZPlayer ] ( https : //github.com/easyui/EZPlayer) | 基于AVPlayer封装的视频播放器, 功能丰富, 快速集成, 可定制性强, 支持react-native。 | 341 | Swift | 03/10 |
| 23 | [ xjbeta / iina - plus ] ( https : //github.com/xjbeta/iina-plus) | Extra danmaku support for iina. (iina 弹幕支持 | 297 | Swift | 04/04 |
| 24 | [ DarielChen / iOSTips ] ( https : //github.com/DarielChen/iOSTips) | 记录iOS( Swift) 开发中的一些知识点、小技巧 | 297 | Swift | 05/19 |
| 25 | [ choiceyou / FWPopupView ] ( https : //github.com/choiceyou/FWPopupView) | 弹窗控件: 支持AlertView、Sheet、自定义视图的PopupView。AlertView中可以嵌套自定义视图, 各组件的显示隐藏可配置; Sheet仿微信样式; 同时提供自定义弹出。更多配置请参考”可设置参数“, 提供OC使用Demo。 | 293 | Swift | 05/29 |
| 26 | [ zqqf16 / SYM ] ( https : //github.com/zqqf16/SYM) | A crash log symbolicating Mac app \| 一个图形化的崩溃日志符号化工具 | 293 | Swift | 04/17 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 27 | [ LvJianfeng / LLCycleScrollView ] ( https : //github.com/LvJianfeng/LLCycleScrollView) | Swift - 轮播图,文本轮播,支持左右箭头 | 284 | Swift | 01/07 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 28 | [ lb2281075105 / LBU25 - Swift ] ( https : //github.com/lb2281075105/LBU25-Swift) | Swift5 精仿漫画类App(有妖气漫画),Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源真实接口获得 | 242 | Swift | 05/14 |
| 29 | [ Xinguang / WechatKit ] ( https : //github.com/Xinguang/WechatKit) | 一款快速实现微信第三方登录的框架(Swift版) SDK 1.8.5 | 237 | Swift | 02/24 |
| 30 | [ andyRon / swift - algorithm - club - cn ] ( https : //github.com/andyRon/swift-algorithm-club-cn) | swift-algorithm-club的翻译。使用Swift学习算法和数据结构。 | 233 | Swift | 02/21 |
| 31 | [ Coder - TanJX / JXBanner ] ( https : //github.com/Coder-TanJX/JXBanner) | 🚀🚀🚀 A super - custom multifunctional framework for banner unlimited rollover diagrams [一个超自定义多功能无限轮播图框架] | 230 | Swift | 03/12 |
| 32 | [ ZzzM / HostsToolforMac ] ( https : //github.com/ZzzM/HostsToolforMac) | HostsToolforMac是Mac平台下的一个简易工具, 来获取最新的hosts更新。 | 220 | Swift | 04/15 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 33 | [ SunshineBrother / SwiftTools ] ( https : //github.com/SunshineBrother/SwiftTools) | Swift学习 | 209 | Swift | 04/14 |
| 34 | [ XiongJoJo / OFO ] ( https : //github.com/XiongJoJo/OFO) | OFO共享单车(Swift版) | 206 | Swift | 04/29 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 35 | [ wxxsw / SwiftUI - WeChat ] ( https : //github.com/wxxsw/SwiftUI-WeChat) | 🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢 | 204 | Swift | 05/17 |
| 36 | [ GTMYang / GTMRefresh ] ( https : //github.com/GTMYang/GTMRefresh) | Swift实现的下拉刷新和上拉加载组件 | 200 | Swift | 01/06 |
| 37 | [ iosyaowei / JSONConverter ] ( https : //github.com/iosyaowei/JSONConverter) | JSONConverter可以快速的把json数据转换生成OC/Swift/Flutter的属性,省去手动创建的麻烦, 大大提高iOSer的开发效率 | 200 | Swift | 01/20 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 38 | [ zlyBear / BearFree ] ( https : //github.com/zlyBear/BearFree) | iOS NetworkExtension ShadowSocket for iOS developer (swift 5) 支持系统小组件开关SS | 177 | Swift | 04/20 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 39 | [ Noah37 / zhuishushenqi ] ( https : //github.com/Noah37/zhuishushenqi) | 追书神器Swift版客户端( 非官方) 。 不断更新中...... | 172 | Swift | 05/17 |
| 40 | [ Liaoworking / Advanced - Swift ] ( https : //github.com/Liaoworking/Advanced-Swift) | Notes of Advanced Swift. 《swift进阶》学习笔记 swift 5.1 | 167 | Swift | 05/31 |
| 41 | [ Light413 / dctt ] ( https : //github.com/Light413/dctt) | xx头条【完整项目持续迭代中】(一款本地生活信息发布APP, 分享新鲜事、找人找对象等生活服务)。已App Store上架, 这里仅供学习交流 | 161 | Swift | 05/13 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 42 | [ PPHubApp / PPHub - Feedback ] ( https : //github.com/PPHubApp/PPHub-Feedback) | This repository is used to collect user feedback from PPHub (GitHub third-party client) - 此仓库用于收集PPHub(GitHub第三方客户端)的用户反馈信息 | 147 | Swift | 05/22 |
| 43 | [ we11cheng / WCPotatso ] ( https : //github.com/we11cheng/WCPotatso) | iOS Potatso源码(配置下自己的开发证书就能编译版本) | 129 | Swift | 01/17 |
| 44 | [ Darren - chenchen / CLImagePickerTool ] ( https : //github.com/Darren-chenchen/CLImagePickerTool) | 这是一个多图片选择的控件 | 128 | Swift | 03/27 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 45 | [ CaamDau / CaamDau ] ( https : //github.com/CaamDau/CaamDau) | CaamDau 系列组件组合! iOS Swift 通用业务组件库 & Cocoa便利性扩展。Form流式模型化UI排版、Timer计时管理、AppDelegate解耦方案、HUD提示窗、Page分页导航、Indexes侧边索引、TopBar自定义导航栏、InputBox输入框扩展、Router组件化路由协议、IconFont阿里矢量图标管理、MJRefresh扩展、Alamofire扩展; 附.功能组件、组件化示例、第三方库示例 | 125 | Swift | 05/15 |
| 46 | [ Tuluobo / Leiter ] ( https : //github.com/Tuluobo/Leiter) | 一个基于 NEKit 的网络 Proxy App。 | 125 | Swift | 02/11 |
| 47 | [ Habit21D / SwiftHttpRequest ] ( https : //github.com/Habit21D/SwiftHttpRequest) | Swift5.0:基于Alamofire的网络封装及基于Codable的model解析 | 121 | Swift | 04/29 |
| 48 | [ heyode / HEPhotoPicker ] ( https : //github.com/heyode/HEPhotoPicker) | 自由定制支持视频,图片的相册选择器 | 121 | Swift | 04/09 |
| 49 | [ huangboju / GesturePassword ] ( https : //github.com/huangboju/GesturePassword) | GesturePassword 是一个Swift的手势密码库 | 120 | Swift | 01/05 |
| 50 | [ 937447974 / YJCocoa ] ( https : //github.com/937447974/YJCocoa) | YJ 系列 Pod 开源库 | 113 | Swift | 05/30 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 51 | [ wxxsw / VideoPlayer ] ( https : //github.com/wxxsw/VideoPlayer) | 📽 A video player for SwiftUI, support for caching, preload and custom control view. SwiftUI 视频播放器,支持边下边播、预加载、自定义控制层 | 99 | Swift | 05/17 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 52 | [ MoyaMapper / MoyaMapper ] ( https : //github.com/MoyaMapper/MoyaMapper) | 快速解析模型工具, 支持RxSwift。同时支持缓存功能 【相关手册 https://MoyaMapper.github.io 】 | 94 | Swift | 05/10 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 53 | [ tysqapp / tysq - ios ] ( https : //github.com/tysqapp/tysq-ios) | 天宇社区客户端APP开源 | 92 | Swift | 01/06 |
| 54 | [ WangWenzhuang / ZKProgressHUD ] ( https : //github.com/WangWenzhuang/ZKProgressHUD) | iOS App 上极易于使用的 HUD | 91 | Swift | 01/30 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 55 | [ Liaoworking / MoyaNetworkTool ] ( https : //github.com/Liaoworking/MoyaNetworkTool) | a robust networkTool based on Moya. Moya Demo 一个强健的基于moya二次封装的网络框架 | 87 | Swift | 04/20 |
| 56 | [ miniLV / MNWeibo ] ( https : //github.com/miniLV/MNWeibo) | Swift5 + MVVM + 文艺复兴微博(纯代码 + 纯Swift), 可作为第一个上手的Swift项目. | 87 | Swift | 05/06 |
| 57 | [ choiceyou / FWSegmentedControl ] ( https : //github.com/choiceyou/FWSegmentedControl) | 分段控件: 支持纯文字、纯图片、文字图片混排等方式的Segment, 文字、图片排布顺序可选, 同时有多重可选下标, 更多配置请参考”可设置参数“。提供OC使用Demo。 | 87 | Swift | 05/29 |
| 58 | [ 520 / EasyWords ] ( https : //github.com/520/EasyWords) | 苹果商店上架项目, 周更 update weekly, on app store, for MacOS, mac开源, mac open source | 78 | Swift | 04/08 |
| 59 | [ windstormeye / SwiftGame ] ( https : //github.com/windstormeye/SwiftGame) | 小专栏《Swift 游戏开发》代码集合 | 76 | Swift | 03/07 |
| 60 | [ lixiang1994 / AttributedString ] ( https : //github.com/lixiang1994/AttributedString) | 基于Swift插值方式优雅的构建富文本 | 74 | Swift | 04/10 |
| 61 | [ hello - david / SwiftV2Ray ] ( https : //github.com/hello-david/SwiftV2Ray) | V2Ray-Core的iOS工具 | 72 | Swift | 04/16 |
| 62 | [ LinXunFeng / LXFProtocolTool ] ( https : //github.com/LinXunFeng/LXFProtocolTool) | 由swift中协议方式实现功能的实用工具库【Refreshable、EmptyDataSetable 支持 Rx 】 | 71 | Swift | 05/10 |
| 63 | [ zhongjianfeipqy / VerificationCode ] ( https : //github.com/zhongjianfeipqy/VerificationCode) | 自定义多位验证码 | 70 | Swift | 04/15 |
| 64 | [ ming1016 / MethodTraceAnalyze ] ( https : //github.com/ming1016/MethodTraceAnalyze) | 方法耗时分析 | 69 | Swift | 02/26 |
| 65 | [ maltsugar / RollingNotice - Swift ] ( https : //github.com/maltsugar/RollingNotice-Swift) | 滚动公告、广告, 支持灵活自定义cell。淘宝、口碑、京东、美团、天猫等等一切滚动广告 Roll Notice or Advertising, customize cell as UITableViewCell supported, Swift version is also ready | 69 | Swift | 04/15 |
| 66 | [ ChaosTong / RainReminder ] ( https : //github.com/ChaosTong/RainReminder) | SwiftWeather--简洁的Swift天气应用 | 68 | Swift | 04/22 |
| 67 | [ Harley - xk / Chrysan ] ( https : //github.com/Harley-xk/Chrysan) | Chrysan 是一个简单易用的 HUD 库,使用 iOS 自带的 UIBlurEffect 毛玻璃特效,支持自定义动画。 | 65 | Swift | 05/28 |
| 68 | [ LYM - mg / MGDYZB ] ( https : //github.com/LYM-mg/MGDYZB) | Xcode8以上版本, 已升级为Swift3.x语法。 斗鱼- 每个人的直播平台提供高清、快捷、流畅的视频直播和游戏赛事直播服务,包含英雄联盟lol直播、穿越火线cf直播、dota2直播、美女直播等各类热门游戏赛事直播和各种.. | 64 | Swift | 03/20 |
| 69 | [ wxxsw / GSPlayer ] ( https : //github.com/wxxsw/GSPlayer) | ⏯ Video player, support for caching, preload, fullscreen transition and custom control view. 视频播放器,支持边下边播、预加载、全屏转场和自定义控制层 | 61 | Swift | 05/18 |
| 70 | [ Insfgg99x / FGVideoEditor ] ( https : //github.com/Insfgg99x/FGVideoEditor) | swif版微信视屏裁剪, 类似微信朋友圈视频裁剪方式的视频裁剪工具(video croping) | 61 | Swift | 03/16 |
| 71 | [ xiaoyouxinqing / PostDemo ] ( https : //github.com/xiaoyouxinqing/PostDemo) | BBCo - iOS开发入门教程 SwiftUI 微博App项目实战 零基础学习Swift编程 | 58 | Swift | 05/22 |
| 72 | [ RayJiang16 / XYColor ] ( https : //github.com/RayJiang16/XYColor) | An easy way to adapter dark mode on CALayer. iOS 快速适配夜间模式 | 56 | Swift | 02/07 |
| 73 | [ choiceyou / FWCycleScrollView ] ( https : //github.com/choiceyou/FWCycleScrollView) | 轮播控件: 支持本地图片、网络图片、自定义视图, 轮播分页控件有多重可选方案, 轮播次数、间隔时间也可设置, 更多配置请参考”可设置参数“。提供OC使用Demo。 | 55 | Swift | 05/28 |
| 74 | [ gl - lei / algorithm ] ( https : //github.com/gl-lei/algorithm) | 数据结构与算法之美代码 , 原始代码 https://github.com/wangzheng0822/algo | 55 | Swift | 05/31 |
| 75 | [ Jvaeyhcd / HcdSpecialField ] ( https : //github.com/Jvaeyhcd/HcdSpecialField) | A special field like mobike input bike number field.仿摩拜单车手动输入单车编号控件. | 54 | Swift | 01/16 |
| 76 | [ CaiWanFeng / iOS_Storage ] ( https : //github.com/CaiWanFeng/iOS_Storage) | 收纳的艺术 | 53 | Swift | 05/30 |
| 77 | [ TonyReet / AutoSQLite . swift ] ( https : //github.com/TonyReet/AutoSQLite.swift) | SQLite.swift的封装, Model直接存储.获取, 无需再转换, 增删改查, 脱离sql语句 | 51 | Swift | 04/14 |
| 78 | [ HuaZao / TC1 - NG ] ( https : //github.com/HuaZao/TC1-NG) | 斐讯TC1 DC1 A1 M1 iOS客户端 | 49 | Swift | 05/23 |
| 79 | [ xidian - rs / Ruisi_Ios ] ( https : //github.com/xidian-rs/Ruisi_Ios) | 西电睿思手机客户端[iOS]适用于discuz论坛 | 48 | Swift | 05/17 |
| 80 | [ xindong / anti - addiction - kit ] ( https : //github.com/xindong/anti-addiction-kit) | 📱手机游戏防沉迷系统 SDK, 支持 iOS+Android+Unity, 快速接入! | 45 | Swift | 05/22 |
| 81 | [ fcbox / Lantern ] ( https : //github.com/fcbox/Lantern) | 基于Swift的高可用视图框架 | 45 | Swift | 03/16 |
| 82 | [ klbest1 / MyIOSDemo ] ( https : //github.com/klbest1/MyIOSDemo) | 模仿探探图片切换, 自定义折线图, 图片裁剪, 微信朋友圈图片视频浏览, 图片下载缓存, 数量标记, 爆炸动画, autolayout,线程安全 | 44 | Swift | 02/14 |
| 83 | [ shinnytech / shinny - futures - ios ] ( https : //github.com/shinnytech/shinny-futures-ios) | 一个开源的 ios 平台期货行情交易终端 | 44 | Swift | 02/29 |
| 84 | [ FighterLightning / ZHFJDAddress ] ( https : //github.com/FighterLightning/ZHFJDAddress) | Swift 仿京东地址选择器,京东地址选择器(网络,本地数据。三级、四级、保证成功集成) | 43 | Swift | 04/28 |
| 85 | [ Harley - xk / Comet ] ( https : //github.com/Harley-xk/Comet) | iOS 项目的 Swift 基础库,提供常用组件、便利方法等。支持 Swift 3.x、Swift 4.x, iOS 8.0+ | 41 | Swift | 04/07 |
| 86 | [ even - cheng / ECSigner ] ( https : //github.com/even-cheng/ECSigner) | ( Support multi-file synchronization signature and auto create profile and certificate to sign, support insert dynamic lib in app) 一键签名, 网络地址直签, 多文件同步签, 自动区分企业签名和个人证书, 一键Assets.car解压导出和替换,自动注册设备并更新下载签名证书和签名文件进行签名, 支持动态库注入。支持Swift5和iOS13, macOS10.15并向下兼容。 | 41 | Swift | 05/14 |
| 87 | [ Boxzhi / HZNavigationBar ] ( https : //github.com/Boxzhi/HZNavigationBar) | A very simple to use, can be completely customized navigation bar. 一款使用非常简单,可以完全自定义的导航栏。 | 37 | Swift | 01/14 |
| 88 | [ Pircate / AlipayHomePageDemo ] ( https : //github.com/Pircate/AlipayHomePageDemo) | 仿支付宝首页 | 36 | Swift | 04/15 |
| 89 | [ Xianlau / SwiftProject ] ( https : //github.com/Xianlau/SwiftProject) | swfit整合项目, 项目里面有整个swift应用框架, (alamofire + moya )网络请求框架 + Swiftyjson + HandyJson的实际应用, DSBridge原生与H5交互的用法, 反射知识的使用, WCDB数据库的封装使用, WebRTC音视频直播demo, socket的使用, socket协议的封装使用等等知识点. 希望对大家有用 | 33 | Swift | 05/22 |
| 90 | [ liujunliuhong / YHDragContainer ] ( https : //github.com/liujunliuhong/YHDragContainer) | 高度还原类似探探等社交应用的滑牌、卡牌交互效果( 兼容OC) | 33 | Swift | 04/26 |
| 91 | [ lou - lan / SmartConfig ] ( https : //github.com/lou-lan/SmartConfig) | SmartConfig ESP8266 with Swift language( Swift 语言编写的 Smart Config UDP 广播给 ESP WiFi 芯片入网程序) | 28 | Swift | 04/27 |
| 92 | [ developerjet / JetChat ] ( https : //github.com/developerjet/JetChat) | Swift5.0编写的简仿微信聊天应用,完美支持表情键盘、单聊、群聊、本地消息会话缓存。 | 28 | Swift | 01/04 |
| 93 | [ yuan - gao / GYSide ] ( https : //github.com/yuan-gao/GYSide) | swift版侧边栏抽屉效果 | 27 | Swift | 05/16 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 94 | [ SunshineBrother / LeetCodeStudy ] ( https : //github.com/SunshineBrother/LeetCodeStudy) | 算法学习 | 23 | Swift | 04/10 |
| 95 | [ sfldzh / SRAlbum ] ( https : //github.com/sfldzh/SRAlbum) | 自定义相册, 带拍照、录像, 图片处理( GPUImage) | 23 | Swift | 05/15 |
| 96 | [ hxwxww / HXImagePickerController ] ( https : //github.com/hxwxww/HXImagePickerController) | 仿微信图片选择器 | 23 | Swift | 02/14 |
| 97 | [ mojimomo / PlanIt ] ( https : //github.com/mojimomo/PlanIt) | 一个iOS平台上自我计划App | 22 | Swift | 03/18 |
| 98 | [ Weang / WLVideo ] ( https : //github.com/Weang/WLVideo) | 仿照微信拍照拍视频的功能 | 22 | Swift | 01/07 |
| 99 | [ nenhall / NHAVEditor ] ( https : //github.com/nenhall/NHAVEditor) | (Objective-C) 基于 AVFoundation 框架封装的 iOS视频编辑工具 | 21 | Swift | 05/09 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 100 | [ zhouXiaoR / FloatWeChatView ] ( https : //github.com/zhouXiaoR/FloatWeChatView) | 仿微信网页悬浮框 | 21 | Swift | 05/28 |
2019-10-10 20:26:40 +08:00
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2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
# # Jupyter Notebook
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ jackfrued / Python - 100 - Days ] ( https : //github.com/jackfrued/Python-100-Days) | Python - 100天从新手到大师 | 86.8k | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 2 | [ MLEveryday / 100 - Days - Of - ML - Code ] ( https : //github.com/MLEveryday/100-Days-Of-ML-Code) | 100-Days-Of-ML-Code中文版 | 15.5k | Jupyter Notebook | 02/18 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 3 | [ zergtant / pytorch - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/zergtant/pytorch-handbook) | pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍, 目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门, 其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行 | 11.5k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/20 |
| 4 | [ fengdu78 / lihang - code ] ( https : //github.com/fengdu78/lihang-code) | 《统计学习方法》的代码实现 | 10.2k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/08 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 5 | [ ShusenTang / Dive - into - DL - PyTorch ] ( https : //github.com/ShusenTang/Dive-into-DL-PyTorch) | 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为PyTorch实现。 | 9.0k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/31 |
| 6 | [ dragen1860 / Deep - Learning - with - TensorFlow - book ] ( https : //github.com/dragen1860/Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book) | 深度学习入门开源书, 基于TensorFlow 2.0案例实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework. | 8.4k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 7 | [ chenyuntc / pytorch - book ] ( https : //github.com/chenyuntc/pytorch-book) | PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch: 入门与实战》) | 7.4k | Jupyter Notebook | 01/06 |
| 8 | [ apachecn / Interview ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/Interview) | Interview = 简历指南 + LeetCode + Kaggle | 6.0k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/26 |
| 9 | [ czy36mengfei / tensorflow2_tutorials_chinese ] ( https : //github.com/czy36mengfei/tensorflow2_tutorials_chinese) | tensorflow2中文教程, 持续更新(当前版本:tensorflow2.0), tag: tensorflow 2.0 tutorials | 5.6k | Jupyter Notebook | 02/07 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 10 | [ lijin - THU / notes - python ] ( https : //github.com/lijin-THU/notes-python) | 中文 Python 笔记 | 5.6k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 11 | [ NLP - LOVE / ML - NLP ] ( https : //github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP) | 此项目是机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现, 也是作为一个算法工程师必会的理论基础知识。 | 5.1k | Jupyter Notebook | 04/20 |
| 12 | [ dragen1860 / TensorFlow - 2 . x - Tutorials ] ( https : //github.com/dragen1860/TensorFlow-2.x-Tutorials) | TensorFlow 2.x version's Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc. TF 2.0版入门实例代码,实战教程。 | 5.0k | Jupyter Notebook | 04/11 |
| 13 | [ xianhu / LearnPython ] ( https : //github.com/xianhu/LearnPython) | 以撸代码的形式学习Python | 5.0k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/21 |
| 14 | [ roboticcam / machine - learning - notes ] ( https : //github.com/roboticcam/machine-learning-notes) | My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (1500+ slides) 我不间断更新的机器学习,概率模型和深度学习的讲义(1500+页)和视频链接 | 3.9k | Jupyter Notebook | 01/27 |
| 15 | [ xiaolai / regular - investing - in - box ] ( https : //github.com/xiaolai/regular-investing-in-box) | 定投改变命运 —— 让时间陪你慢慢变富 https://onregularinvesting.com | 3.8k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/31 |
| 16 | [ fengdu78 / Data - Science - Notes ] ( https : //github.com/fengdu78/Data-Science-Notes) | 数据科学的笔记以及资料搜集 | 3.4k | Jupyter Notebook | 04/24 |
| 17 | [ Alfred1984 / interesting - python ] ( https : //github.com/Alfred1984/interesting-python) | 有趣的Python爬虫和Python数据分析小项目(Some interesting Python crawlers and data analysis projects) | 3.1k | Jupyter Notebook | 03/06 |
| 18 | [ snowkylin / tensorflow - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/snowkylin/tensorflow-handbook) | 简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2 \| A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow 2 \| 一本简明的 TensorFlow 2 入门指导教程 | 2.5k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/31 |
| 19 | [ TrickyGo / Dive - into - DL - TensorFlow2 . 0 ] ( https : //github.com/TrickyGo/Dive-into-DL-TensorFlow2.0) | 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为TensorFlow 2.0实现,项目已得到李沐老师的同意 | 2.3k | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 20 | [ ypwhs / captcha_break ] ( https : //github.com/ypwhs/captcha_break) | 验证码识别 | 1.7k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/17 |
| 21 | [ datawhalechina / joyful - pandas ] ( https : //github.com/datawhalechina/joyful-pandas) | Pandas中文教程 | 1.4k | Jupyter Notebook | 04/23 |
| 22 | [ wangshub / RL - Stock ] ( https : //github.com/wangshub/RL-Stock) | 📈 如何用深度强化学习自动炒股 | 1.3k | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 23 | [ fengdu78 / machine_learning_beginner ] ( https : //github.com/fengdu78/machine_learning_beginner) | 机器学习初学者公众号作品 | 1.2k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/06 |
| 24 | [ Rockyzsu / stock ] ( https : //github.com/Rockyzsu/stock) | 30天掌握量化交易 (持续更新) | 1.1k | Jupyter Notebook | 03/04 |
| 25 | [ hangsz / pandas - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/hangsz/pandas-tutorial) | 适合初级到中级晋升者,有了体系之后就看熟练度了。 | 1.1k | Jupyter Notebook | 02/11 |
| 26 | [ xavier - zy / Awesome - pytorch - list - CNVersion ] ( https : //github.com/xavier-zy/Awesome-pytorch-list-CNVersion) | Awesome-pytorch-list 翻译工作进行中...... | 1.0k | Jupyter Notebook | 05/28 |
| 27 | [ AIZOOTech / FaceMaskDetection ] ( https : //github.com/AIZOOTech/FaceMaskDetection) | 开源人脸口罩检测模型和数据 Detect faces and determine whether people are wearing mask. | 903 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/21 |
| 28 | [ amusi / TensorFlow - From - Zero - To - One ] ( https : //github.com/amusi/TensorFlow-From-Zero-To-One) | TensorFlow 最佳学习资源大全(含课程、书籍、博客、公开课等内容) | 900 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/04 |
| 29 | [ datawhalechina / competition - baseline ] ( https : //github.com/datawhalechina/competition-baseline) | 数据科学竞赛各种baseline代码、思路分享 | 897 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/15 |
| 30 | [ liuyubobobo / Play - with - Machine - Learning - Algorithms ] ( https : //github.com/liuyubobobo/Play-with-Machine-Learning-Algorithms) | Code of my MOOC Course <Play with Machine Learning Algorithms>. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《Python3 入门机器学习》示例代码。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。 | 872 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/24 |
| 31 | [ datawhalechina / team - learning ] ( https : //github.com/datawhalechina/team-learning) | Datawhale组队学习计划与课程内容 | 763 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 32 | [ bighuang624 / Andrew - Ng - Deep - Learning - notes ] ( https : //github.com/bighuang624/Andrew-Ng-Deep-Learning-notes) | 吴恩达《深度学习》系列课程笔记及代码 \| Notes in Chinese for Andrew Ng Deep Learning Course | 749 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/16 |
| 33 | [ huaweicloud / ModelArts - Lab ] ( https : //github.com/huaweicloud/ModelArts-Lab) | ModelArts-Lab是示例代码库。更多AI开发学习交流信息, 请访问华为云AI开发者社区: https://developer.huaweicloud.com/techfield/ai.html | 682 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 34 | [ 996refuse / zheye ] ( https : //github.com/996refuse/zheye) | 者也 - 知乎 倒立的文字 汉字验证码识别程序 | 678 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/29 |
| 35 | [ wx - chevalier / AI - Series ] ( https : //github.com/wx-chevalier/AI-Series) | :books: [.md & .ipynb] Series of Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning, including Mathematics Fundamentals, Python Practices, NLP Application, etc. 💫 人工智能与深度学习实战,数理统计篇 \| 机器学习篇 \| 深度学习篇 \| 自然语言处理篇 \| 工具实践 Scikit & Tensoflow & PyTorch 篇 \| 行业应用 & 课程笔记 | 668 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/29 |
| 36 | [ howl - anderson / Chinese_models_for_SpaCy ] ( https : //github.com/howl-anderson/Chinese_models_for_SpaCy) | SpaCy 中文模型 \| Models for SpaCy that support Chinese | 483 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/12 |
| 37 | [ yuanxiaosc / Machine - Learning - Book ] ( https : //github.com/yuanxiaosc/Machine-Learning-Book) | 《机器学习宝典》包含:谷歌机器学习速成课程(招式)+机器学习术语表(口诀)+机器学习规则(心得)+机器学习中的常识性问题 (内功)。该资源适用于机器学习、深度学习研究人员和爱好者参考! | 445 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 38 | [ EricWebsmith / china_job_survey ] ( https : //github.com/EricWebsmith/china_job_survey) | stats of Chinese developers. 统计中国程序员的就业情况 | 418 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/01 |
| 39 | [ coldlarry / YOLOv3 - complete - pruning ] ( https : //github.com/coldlarry/YOLOv3-complete-pruning) | 提供对YOLOv3及Tiny的多种剪枝版本, 以适应不同的需求。 | 415 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/25 |
| 40 | [ yenlung / Python - 3 - Data - Analysis - Basics ] ( https : //github.com/yenlung/Python-3-Data-Analysis-Basics) | Python 3 與數據分析概要 | 360 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/25 |
| 41 | [ neolee / pilot ] ( https : //github.com/neolee/pilot) | 进入编程世界的第一课 | 341 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/07 |
| 42 | [ fly51fly / Practical_Python_Programming ] ( https : //github.com/fly51fly/Practical_Python_Programming) | 北邮《Python编程与实践》课程资料 | 339 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 43 | [ zjunlp / deepke ] ( https : //github.com/zjunlp/deepke) | 基于深度学习的开源中文关系抽取框架 | 315 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/05 |
| 44 | [ shibing624 / python - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/shibing624/python-tutorial) | python教程, 包括: python基础、python进阶; 常用机器学习库: numpy、scipy、sklearn、xgboost; 深度学习库: keras、tensorflow、paddle、pytorch。 | 313 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/20 |
| 45 | [ geektutu / interview - questions ] ( https : //github.com/geektutu/interview-questions) | 机器学习深度学习面试题笔试题(Machine learning Deep Learning Interview Questions) | 305 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/16 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 46 | [ htygithub / machine - learning - python ] ( https : //github.com/htygithub/machine-learning-python) | 機器學習: Python | 303 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/16 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 47 | [ DjangoPeng / tensorflow - 101 ] ( https : //github.com/DjangoPeng/tensorflow-101) | 《TensorFlow 快速入门与实战》课件与参考代码 | 300 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/28 |
| 48 | [ FighterLYL / GraphNeuralNetwork ] ( https : //github.com/FighterLYL/GraphNeuralNetwork) | 《深入浅出图神经网络: GNN原理解析》配套代码 | 294 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/18 |
| 49 | [ yizt / numpy_neural_network ] ( https : //github.com/yizt/numpy_neural_network) | 仅使用numpy从头开始实现神经网络,包括反向传播公式推导过程; numpy构建全连接层、卷积层、池化层、Flatten层; 以及图像分类案例及精调网络案例等,持续更新中... ... | 249 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/10 |
| 50 | [ panxl6 / cc150 ] ( https : //github.com/panxl6/cc150) | 《程序员面试金典》(cc150) | 248 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/08 |
| 51 | [ LinXueyuanStdio / LaTeX_OCR_PRO ] ( https : //github.com/LinXueyuanStdio/LaTeX_OCR_PRO) | :art: 数学公式识别增强版:中英文手写印刷公式、支持初级符号推导(数据结构基于 LaTeX 抽象语法树) | 232 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/22 |
| 52 | [ zhouwei713 / data_analysis ] ( https : //github.com/zhouwei713/data_analysis) | 一些爬虫和数据分析相关实战练习 | 224 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/23 |
| 53 | [ hecongqing / 2018 - daguan - competition ] ( https : //github.com/hecongqing/2018-daguan-competition) | 2018年"达观杯"文本智能处理挑战赛-长文本分类-rank4 | 217 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/07 |
| 54 | [ YiranJing / Coronavirus - Epidemic - 2019 - nCov ] ( https : //github.com/YiranJing/Coronavirus-Epidemic-2019-nCov) | 👩🏻 ⚕️ Covid-19 estimation and forecast using statistical model; 新型冠状病毒肺炎统计模型预测 | 210 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/23 |
| 55 | [ zpw1995 / aotodata ] ( https : //github.com/zpw1995/aotodata) | 朱小五写文章涉及到的数据分析,爬虫,源数据 | 208 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/08 |
| 56 | [ ShusenTang / Deep - Learning - with - PyTorch - Chinese ] ( https : //github.com/ShusenTang/Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Chinese) | 本仓库将PyTorch官方书籍《Deep learning with PyTorch》( 基本摘录版) 翻译成中文版并给出可运行的相关代码。 | 207 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/19 |
| 57 | [ nladuo / THSTrader ] ( https : //github.com/nladuo/THSTrader) | 量化交易。同花顺免费模拟炒股软件客户端的python API。(Python3) | 202 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/19 |
| 58 | [ 19920625lsg / algorithms ] ( https : //github.com/19920625lsg/algorithms) | 慕课网刘宇波老师所有的算法视频教程在学习时自己的代码记录+加一些其他的算法书籍和课程的学习 | 200 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/23 |
| 59 | [ zkywsg / Daily - DeepLearning ] ( https : //github.com/zkywsg/Daily-DeepLearning) | 🔥机器学习/深度学习/Python/算法面试/自然语言处理教程/剑指offer/machine learning/deeplearning/Python/Algorithm interview/NLP Tutorial | 196 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/04 |
| 60 | [ bobo0810 / PytorchNetHub ] ( https : //github.com/bobo0810/PytorchNetHub) | 加注释的网络模型(便于理解) | 189 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/12 |
| 61 | [ peiss / ant - learn - pandas ] ( https : //github.com/peiss/ant-learn-pandas) | pandas学习课程代码仓库 | 188 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/27 |
| 62 | [ cxy229 / BDCI2019 - SENTIMENT - CLASSIFICATION ] ( https : //github.com/cxy229/BDCI2019-SENTIMENT-CLASSIFICATION) | CCF BDCI 2019 互联网新闻情感分析 复赛top1解决方案 | 187 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/25 |
| 63 | [ allenlu2008 / PythonDemo ] ( https : //github.com/allenlu2008/PythonDemo) | 虾神的Python示例代码库 | 185 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/20 |
| 64 | [ AllanYiin / DeepBelief_Course4_Examples ] ( https : //github.com/AllanYiin/DeepBelief_Course4_Examples) | 深度學習課程(第四梯)所設計的課程實作 | 174 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/13 |
| 65 | [ HuangCongQing / MachineLearning_Ng ] ( https : //github.com/HuangCongQing/MachineLearning_Ng) | 吴恩达机器学习coursera课程, 学习代码(2017年秋) The Stanford Coursera course on MachineLearning with Andrew Ng | 164 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/11 |
| 66 | [ ZhangYikaii / NJUCS_Course_Material_JatHoiCheung ] ( https : //github.com/ZhangYikaii/NJUCS_Course_Material_JatHoiCheung) | 南京大学 NJU 计算机系 CS 课程资料 作业 代码 实验报告(数据挖掘 模式识别 机器学习导论 概率论与数理统计 计算机图形学 高级程序设计 数据库 计算机系统基础 操作系统 程设实验 数电 数电实验... ) 更新中, star! :star2: | 160 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/26 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 67 | [ HuangCongQing / deeplearning . ai - note ] ( https : //github.com/HuangCongQing/deeplearning.ai-note) | 网易云课堂终于官方发布了吴恩达经过授权的汉化课程-“”深度学习专项课程“”,这是自己做的一些笔记以及代码。下为网易云学习链接 | 159 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/29 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 68 | [ LYuhang / GNN_Review ] ( https : //github.com/LYuhang/GNN_Review) | GNN综述阅读报告 | 155 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/08 |
| 69 | [ LinXueyuanStdio / LaTeX_OCR ] ( https : //github.com/LinXueyuanStdio/LaTeX_OCR) | :gem: 数学公式识别 | 152 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/29 |
| 70 | [ CNFeffery / DataScienceStudyNotes ] ( https : //github.com/CNFeffery/DataScienceStudyNotes) | 这个仓库保管从( 数据科学学习手札69) 开始的所有代码、数据等相关附件内容 | 144 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 71 | [ LemenChao / PythonFromDAToDS ] ( https : //github.com/LemenChao/PythonFromDAToDS) | 图书《Python编程: 从数据分析到数据科学》的配套资源 | 139 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/01 |
| 72 | [ fire717 / Machine - Learning ] ( https : //github.com/fire717/Machine-Learning) | 机器学习&深度学习资料笔记&基本算法实现&资源整理( ML / CV / NLP / DM...) | 138 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/29 |
| 73 | [ kuhung / SSD_keras ] ( https : //github.com/kuhung/SSD_keras) | 简明 SSD 目标检测模型 keras version( 交通标志识别 训练部分见 dev 分支) | 136 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/28 |
| 74 | [ Relph1119 / statistical - learning - method - camp ] ( https : //github.com/Relph1119/statistical-learning-method-camp) | 统计学习方法训练营课程作业及答案, 视频笔记在线阅读地址: https://relph1119.github.io/statistical-learning-method-camp | 132 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/15 |
| 75 | [ loveunk / machine - learning - deep - learning - notes ] ( https : //github.com/loveunk/machine-learning-deep-learning-notes) | 机器学习、深度学习的学习路径及知识总结 | 128 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/17 |
| 76 | [ zwq2018 / AI_UAV ] ( https : //github.com/zwq2018/AI_UAV) | 在人工智能、机器视觉、高精度导航定位和多传感器融合等技术的助推下,众多行业迎来了前所未有的发展机遇,人工智能+无人机( AI+UAV) 正是一个具有无限想象力的应用方向。 | 128 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 77 | [ qiguming / MLAPP_CN_CODE ] ( https : //github.com/qiguming/MLAPP_CN_CODE) | 《Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective》( Kevin P. Murphy) 中文翻译和书中算法的Python实现。 | 123 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 78 | [ geektutu / tensorflow2 - docs - zh ] ( https : //github.com/geektutu/tensorflow2-docs-zh) | TF2.0 / TensorFlow 2.0 / TensorFlow2.0 官方文档中文版 | 112 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/16 |
| 79 | [ sailist / ASRFrame ] ( https : //github.com/sailist/ASRFrame) | An Automatic Speech Recognition Frame ,一个中文语音识别的完整框架, 提供了多个模型 | 109 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/23 |
| 80 | [ ShusenTang / BDC2019 ] ( https : //github.com/ShusenTang/BDC2019) | 2019中国高校计算机大赛——大数据挑战赛 第三名解决方案 | 100 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/16 |
| 81 | [ zhulei227 / ML_Notes ] ( https : //github.com/zhulei227/ML_Notes) | 机器学习算法的公式推导以及numpy实现 | 99 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 82 | [ GenTang / intro_ds_wy_course ] ( https : //github.com/GenTang/intro_ds_wy_course) | 《精通数据科学:从线性回归到深度学习》视频课程的配套资料 | 96 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/16 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 83 | [ ChuanyuXue / CIKM - 2019 - AnalytiCup ] ( https : //github.com/ChuanyuXue/CIKM-2019-AnalytiCup) | 2019-CIKM挑战赛, 超大规模推荐之用户兴趣高效检索赛道 冠军解决方案 | 95 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/26 |
| 84 | [ Dylanin1999 / Tensorflow2 . 0 ] ( https : //github.com/Dylanin1999/Tensorflow2.0) | 学习笔记代码 | 92 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/25 |
| 85 | [ FontTian / hyperopt - doc - zh ] ( https : //github.com/FontTian/hyperopt-doc-zh) | Github开源项目hyperopt系列的中文文档,以及学习教程等 | 92 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/13 |
| 86 | [ linguishi / chinese_sentiment ] ( https : //github.com/linguishi/chinese_sentiment) | 中文情感分析, CNN, BI-LSTM, 文本分类 | 92 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/29 |
| 87 | [ Mryangkaitong / python - Machine - learning ] ( https : //github.com/Mryangkaitong/python-Machine-learning) | 机器学习算法项目 | 91 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/13 |
| 88 | [ Relph1119 / MachineLearning - WatermelonBook ] ( https : //github.com/Relph1119/MachineLearning-WatermelonBook) | 周志华-机器学习 | 91 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/16 |
| 89 | [ peiss / ant - learn - python ] ( https : //github.com/peiss/ant-learn-python) | 蚂蚁学Python, 微信公众号的代码仓库 | 89 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/24 |
| 90 | [ hktxt / Learn - Statistical - Learning - Method ] ( https : //github.com/hktxt/Learn-Statistical-Learning-Method) | Implementation of Statistical Learning Method, Second Edition.《统计学习方法》第二版,算法实现。 | 85 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/20 |
| 91 | [ PhilosopherZ / Meteorological - Books ] ( https : //github.com/PhilosopherZ/Meteorological-Books) | 气象相关书籍合集(持续更新) | 81 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/07 |
| 92 | [ kingname / SourceCodeofMongoRedis ] ( https : //github.com/kingname/SourceCodeofMongoRedis) | 《左手MongoDB, 右手Redis——从入门到商业实战》书籍配套源代码。 | 80 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/02 |
| 93 | [ ChileWang0228 / Deep - Learning - With - Python ] ( https : //github.com/ChileWang0228/Deep-Learning-With-Python) | 《Python深度学习》书籍代码 | 79 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/22 |
| 94 | [ sangyx / d2l - torch ] ( https : //github.com/sangyx/d2l-torch) | 《动手学深度学习》 PyTorch 版本 | 78 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/09 |
| 95 | [ airxiechao / simple - car - plate - recognition ] ( https : //github.com/airxiechao/simple-car-plate-recognition) | 简单车牌识别-Mask_RCNN定位车牌+手写方法分割字符+CNN单个字符识别 | 77 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/16 |
| 96 | [ duoergun0729 / adversarial_examples ] ( https : //github.com/duoergun0729/adversarial_examples) | 对抗样本 | 76 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 97 | [ czczup / UrbanRegionFunctionClassification ] ( https : //github.com/czczup/UrbanRegionFunctionClassification) | 第五届百度西安交大大数据竞赛 城市区域功能分类 Baseline | 76 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/12 |
| 98 | [ ni1o1 / pygeo - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/ni1o1/pygeo-tutorial) | Tutorial of geospatial data processing using python 用python分析时空数据的教程(in Chinese and English ) | 75 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/31 |
| 99 | [ Relph1119 / deeplearning - with - tensorflow - notes ] ( https : //github.com/Relph1119/deeplearning-with-tensorflow-notes) | 《TensorFlow深度学习》学习笔记及代码, 采用TensorFlow2.0.0版本 | 74 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/18 |
| 100 | [ batermj / data_sciences_campaign ] ( https : //github.com/batermj/data_sciences_campaign) | 【数据科学家系列课程】 | 74 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/24 |
| 101 | [ dsh0416 / quantum - i - ching ] ( https : //github.com/dsh0416/quantum-i-ching) | A Quantum 爻 System Implementation for Divination | 72 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 102 | [ xuwening / blog ] ( https : //github.com/xuwening/blog) | 对过往做做总结 | 70 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/23 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 103 | [ JackonYang / paper - reading ] ( https : //github.com/JackonYang/paper-reading) | 深度学习论文阅读、数据仓库实践体验。比做算法的懂工程落地,比做工程的懂算法模型。 | 69 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/14 |
| 104 | [ makelove / Programer_Log ] ( https : //github.com/makelove/Programer_Log) | 最新动态在这里【我的程序员日志】 | 69 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/08 |
| 105 | [ JokerJohn / bilibli_notes2 ] ( https : //github.com/JokerJohn/bilibli_notes2) | 攻城狮之家B站视频课程课件合集2, 1号仓库https://github.com/JokerJohn/bilibili_notes.git | 68 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/02 |
| 106 | [ cantjie / XJTU - Share ] ( https : //github.com/cantjie/XJTU-Share) | 西安交通大学课程资料共享计划 | 67 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/24 |
| 107 | [ jiayiwang5 / Chinese - ChatBot ] ( https : //github.com/jiayiwang5/Chinese-ChatBot) | 中文聊天机器人, 基于10万组对白训练而成, 采用注意力机制, 对一般问题都会生成一个有意义的答复。已上传模型, 可直接运行, 跑不起来直播吃键盘。 | 65 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/24 |
| 108 | [ yenlung / nccu - jupyter - math ] ( https : //github.com/yenlung/nccu-jupyter-math) | 這是政治大學應用數學系《數學軟體應用》課程的上課筆記。主要介紹 Python 程式語言, 目標是用 Python 做數據分析。 | 64 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/20 |
| 109 | [ monkeyDemon / Learn_Dive - into - DL - PyTorch ] ( https : //github.com/monkeyDemon/Learn_Dive-into-DL-PyTorch) | Datawhale第10期组队学习活动: 《动手学深度学习》Pytorch版的练习代码 | 64 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/15 |
| 110 | [ qiwsir / DataAnalysis ] ( https : //github.com/qiwsir/DataAnalysis) | 《跟老齐学Python系列》图书之《数据分析》www.itdiffer.com | 62 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/12 |
| 111 | [ LemenChao / Introduction - to - Data - Science ] ( https : //github.com/LemenChao/Introduction-to-Data-Science) | 本Repository为中国人民大学朝乐门老师开源课程——《数据科学导论》 | 61 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/05 |
| 112 | [ datawhalechina / dive - into - cv - pytorch ] ( https : //github.com/datawhalechina/dive-into-cv-pytorch) | 动手学CV-Pytorch版 | 61 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 113 | [ neolee / pilot - student ] ( https : //github.com/neolee/pilot-student) | “进入编程世界的第一课” 的学习用书 | 60 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/28 |
| 114 | [ jt120 / tianchi_ship_2019 ] ( https : //github.com/jt120/tianchi_ship_2019) | 天池智慧海洋 2019 https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/231768/introduction?spm=5176.12281949.1003.1.493e5cfde2Jbke | 57 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/12 |
| 115 | [ YQGong / NN_From_Scratch ] ( https : //github.com/YQGong/NN_From_Scratch) | B站视频系列-从零开始的神经网络 | 57 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/02 |
| 116 | [ hudengjunai / DeepEmbeding ] ( https : //github.com/hudengjunai/DeepEmbeding) | 图像检索和向量搜索, similarity learning,compare deep metric and deep-hashing applying in image retrieval | 55 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/03 |
| 117 | [ azy1988 / ML - CV ] ( https : //github.com/azy1988/ML-CV) | 机器学习实战 | 55 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/29 |
| 118 | [ jakezj / hidden_geometry_of_nCoV ] ( https : //github.com/jakezj/hidden_geometry_of_nCoV) | 建模nCov传播情况 | 55 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/30 |
| 119 | [ yutiansut / QAStrategy ] ( https : //github.com/yutiansut/QAStrategy) | 策略基类/ 支持QIFI协议 | 54 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/22 |
| 120 | [ shiyanlou / louplus - ml ] ( https : //github.com/shiyanlou/louplus-ml) | 实验楼 《楼+ 机器学习实战》课程挑战作业参考答案 https://www.shiyanlou.com/louplus/ml | 53 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/09 |
| 121 | [ jamess010 / AIOpen ] ( https : //github.com/jamess010/AIOpen) | AIOpen是一个按人工智能三要素( 数据、算法、算力) 进行AI开源项目分类的汇集项目, 项目致力于跟踪目前人工智能( AI) 的深度学习( DL) 开源项目, 并尽可能地罗列目前的开源项目, 同时加入了一些曾经研究过的代码。通过这些开源项目, 使初次接触AI的人们对人工智能( 深度学习) 有更清晰和更全面的了解。 | 52 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/11 |
| 122 | [ LiuChuang0059 / Complex - Network ] ( https : //github.com/LiuChuang0059/Complex-Network) | 复杂网络研究资源整理和基础知识学习 | 52 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/20 |
| 123 | [ FLyingLSJ / Computer_Vision_Project ] ( https : //github.com/FLyingLSJ/Computer_Vision_Project) | 计算机视觉项目实战 | 50 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/27 |
| 124 | [ shikanon / MyPresentations ] ( https : //github.com/shikanon/MyPresentations) | this is my presentaion area .个人演讲稿展示区,主要展示一些平时的个人演讲稿或者心得之类的, | 49 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/12 |
| 125 | [ shiyanlou / louplus - dm ] ( https : //github.com/shiyanlou/louplus-dm) | 实验楼 《楼+ 数据分析与挖掘实战》课程挑战作业参考答案 | 48 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/03 |
| 126 | [ plouto - quants / FBDQA - 2019A ] ( https : //github.com/plouto-quants/FBDQA-2019A) | 金融大数据量化分析 | 48 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/26 |
| 127 | [ Wakinguup / Underwater_detection ] ( https : //github.com/Wakinguup/Underwater_detection) | 2020年全国水下机器人( 湛江) 大赛 | 47 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/14 |
| 128 | [ TensShinet / learn_statistical - learning - method ] ( https : //github.com/TensShinet/learn_statistical-learning-method) | 学习《统计学习方法》并实现其中的大部分算法 | 46 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/22 |
| 129 | [ Harry3W / readata ] ( https : //github.com/Harry3W/readata) | Python数据分析实战项目汇总~ | 45 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/02 |
| 130 | [ PandasCute / 2018 - ORANGE - FINANCIAL - BIG - DATA - top9 ] ( https : //github.com/PandasCute/2018-ORANGE-FINANCIAL-BIG-DATA-top9) | 2018年甜橙金融杯大数据建模大赛-初赛第四-复赛线上11-决赛9-复现top1解决方案-【二分类,风控】 | 45 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/04 |
| 131 | [ xiaoxiaoyao / MyApp ] ( https : //github.com/xiaoxiaoyao/MyApp) | 随便写的各种,点链接可以进入我的知乎 | 45 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 132 | [ AlvinAi96 / match_rcnn_unfinished_draft ] ( https : //github.com/AlvinAi96/match_rcnn_unfinished_draft) | Tianchi New Product Laboratory - Taobao Live Product Identification 天池大赛项目:天池新品实验室 - 淘宝直播商品识别 | 44 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/11 |
| 133 | [ wqw547243068 / Python - learning ] ( https : //github.com/wqw547243068/Python-learning) | 好玩儿的Python: 从数据挖掘到深度学习 | 44 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/06 |
| 134 | [ 08zhangyi / multi - factor - gm - wind - joinquant ] ( https : //github.com/08zhangyi/multi-factor-gm-wind-joinquant) | 基于掘金+万得+聚宽的多因子策略开发框架 | 42 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/25 |
| 135 | [ letylin / pyprogbook ] ( https : //github.com/letylin/pyprogbook) | 金融大數據首部曲 書名: Python 程式設計入門 — 金融商管實務案例 讀者可以在此下載教學資源含程式碼 | 41 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/07 |
| 136 | [ nmcdev / nmc_met_map ] ( https : //github.com/nmcdev/nmc_met_map) | 天气学诊断分析工具(Meteorological Diagnostic Tools, MetDig) | 40 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/30 |
| 137 | [ feng - li / Distributed - Statistical - Computing ] ( https : //github.com/feng-li/Distributed-Statistical-Computing) | Teaching Materials for Distributed Statistical Computing (大数据分布式计算教学材料) | 40 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/05 |
| 138 | [ oubindo / cs231n - cnn ] ( https : //github.com/oubindo/cs231n-cnn) | 斯坦福的cs231n课程的assignments, 非常好的课程, 在这里也要强推 | 39 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/19 |
| 139 | [ heucoder / ML - DL_book ] ( https : //github.com/heucoder/ML-DL_book) | 机器学习、深度学习一些个人认为不错的书籍。 | 37 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 140 | [ Jie - Yuan / tql - Python ] ( https : //github.com/Jie-Yuan/tql-Python) | 思维误区: 用理想模型来思考复杂现实问题 | 36 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/25 |
| 141 | [ Fafa - DL / Tensorflow2 . 0 - ] ( https : //github.com/Fafa-DL/Tensorflow2.0-) | bilibili:啥都会一点的研究生 | 34 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/15 |
| 142 | [ makelove / True_Artificial_Intelligence ] ( https : //github.com/makelove/True_Artificial_Intelligence) | 真AI人工智能 | 33 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/21 |
| 143 | [ CodingChaozhang / Deep - Learning ] ( https : //github.com/CodingChaozhang/Deep-Learning) | 深度学习的实战项目 | 33 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/17 |
| 144 | [ edu2act / course - PySCE ] ( https : //github.com/edu2act/course-PySCE) | 人工智能方向, 《Python科学计算生态》课程仓库 | 33 | Jupyter Notebook | 02/16 |
| 145 | [ howie6879 / pylab ] ( https : //github.com/howie6879/pylab) | 和Python相关的学习笔记: 机器学习、算法、进阶书籍、文档, 博客地址: https://www.howie6879.cn | 33 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/11 |
| 146 | [ dengxiuqi / WeiboSentiment ] ( https : //github.com/dengxiuqi/WeiboSentiment) | 基于FastText/SVM/贝叶斯/神经网络的中文微博情感分析 | 32 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/24 |
| 147 | [ wererLinC / Machine_Learning ] ( https : //github.com/wererLinC/Machine_Learning) | 参考了西瓜书, sklearn源码, 李航统计学, 机器学习实战、机器学习中的数学 | 32 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/27 |
| 148 | [ watermelon - lee / NLP - practice - with - Tensorflow2 ] ( https : //github.com/watermelon-lee/NLP-practice-with-Tensorflow2) | 使用tensorflow2完成一些常见的NLP任务 | 32 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/25 |
| 149 | [ VoldeMortzzz / 2019Baai - zhihu - Cup - findexp - 4th ] ( https : //github.com/VoldeMortzzz/2019Baai-zhihu-Cup-findexp-4th) | 2019年知乎看山杯第四名 | 32 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/13 |
| 150 | [ chinapnr / python_study ] ( https : //github.com/chinapnr/python_study) | python 入门培训教材,实用、快速、清晰 | 31 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 151 | [ allenlu2008 / PySparkDemo ] ( https : //github.com/allenlu2008/PySparkDemo) | PySpark算子及空间应用的各个Demo | 31 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/20 |
| 152 | [ ultimatejoe / rul_of_cutter ] ( https : //github.com/ultimatejoe/rul_of_cutter) | 刀具剩余寿命预测 | 31 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/17 |
| 153 | [ unlimitbladeworks / python - tools ] ( https : //github.com/unlimitbladeworks/python-tools) | python3日常小工具仓库 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/25 |
| 154 | [ neolee / wop - ecnu - pub ] ( https : //github.com/neolee/wop-ecnu-pub) | 华东师范大学《数据思维与实践》课程主站 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/31 |
| 155 | [ zhanlaoban / CCF_BDCI_2019_datafountain350 ] ( https : //github.com/zhanlaoban/CCF_BDCI_2019_datafountain350) | CCF BDCI 2019 互联网新闻情感分析 复赛top8 代码 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/07 |
| 156 | [ DjangoPeng / keras - 101 ] ( https : //github.com/DjangoPeng/keras-101) | Keras 快速入门与实战 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/30 |
| 157 | [ Travisgogogo / 2019 - ABC - Athena ] ( https : //github.com/Travisgogogo/2019-ABC-Athena) | 2019 农业银行雅典娜杯数据挖掘大赛高校 Top2 Solution | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/12 |
| 158 | [ mepeichun / Efficient - Neural - Network - Bilibili ] ( https : //github.com/mepeichun/Efficient-Neural-Network-Bilibili) | B站Efficient-Neural-Network学习分享的配套代码 | 30 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/09 |
| 159 | [ IBBD / IBBD . github . io ] ( https : //github.com/IBBD/IBBD.github.io) | IBBD技术博客 | 29 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/06 |
| 160 | [ wangyingsm / Python - Data - Science - Handbook ] ( https : //github.com/wangyingsm/Python-Data-Science-Handbook) | A Chinese translation of Jake Vanderplas' "Python Data Science Handbook". 《Python数据科学手册》在线Jupyter notebook中文翻译 | 28 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/18 |
| 161 | [ PandasCute / Provide - Banks - with - precision - marketing - solutions - Provide - Banks - with - precision - marketing - solutions ] ( https : //github.com/PandasCute/Provide-Banks-with-precision-marketing-solutions-Provide-Banks-with-precision-marketing-solutions) | 「二分类算法」提供银行精准营销解决方案 \| 练习赛-0.93984283-【二分类,特征组】 | 28 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/04 |
| 162 | [ zhangjunhd / reading - notes ] ( https : //github.com/zhangjunhd/reading-notes) | 张俊的读书笔记 | 28 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 163 | [ BrikerMan / classic_chinese_punctuate ] ( https : //github.com/BrikerMan/classic_chinese_punctuate) | classic Chinese punctuate experiment with keras using daizhige(殆知阁古代文献藏书) dataset | 27 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 164 | [ saturn - lab / MEE - CC07 ] ( https : //github.com/saturn-lab/MEE-CC07) | CC07-单元 | 27 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 165 | [ derekhe / crawler - book ] ( https : //github.com/derekhe/crawler-book) | 《爬虫实战:从数据到产品》一书源代码 | 27 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/01 |
| 166 | [ leovan / data - science - introduction - with - r ] ( https : //github.com/leovan/data-science-introduction-with-r) | R 语言数据科学导论 \| Data Science Introduction with R | 27 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/16 |
| 167 | [ computational - class / ccrbook ] ( https : //github.com/computational-class/ccrbook) | 《计算传播学导论》Python代码和PPT | 27 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/09 |
| 168 | [ LogicJake / tuling - video - click - top3 ] ( https : //github.com/LogicJake/tuling-video-click-top3) | 图灵联邦视频点击预测大赛线上第三-【ctr, embedding, 穿越特征】 | 26 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/04 |
| 169 | [ wgwang / ccks2020 - baseline ] ( https : //github.com/wgwang/ccks2020-baseline) | CCKS 2020: 基于本体的金融知识图谱自动化构建技术评测 | 26 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/23 |
| 170 | [ DataLoaderX / datasetsome ] ( https : //github.com/DataLoaderX/datasetsome) | 一些数据集处理相关的 API | 26 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/01 |
| 171 | [ Travisgogogo / BAAI - ZHIHU - 2019 ] ( https : //github.com/Travisgogogo/BAAI-ZHIHU-2019) | Top3 Solution for 2019 BAAI-Zhihu-Cup 知乎看山杯 | 26 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/12 |
| 172 | [ 0809zheng / CS231n - assignment2019 ] ( https : //github.com/0809zheng/CS231n-assignment2019) | CS231n 2019年春季学期课程作业 | 25 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 173 | [ xushengyuan / Fastsinging ] ( https : //github.com/xushengyuan/Fastsinging) | 一个基于Fastspeech的开源歌声合成系统 | 25 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/27 |
| 174 | [ SamaelChen / hexo - practice - code ] ( https : //github.com/SamaelChen/hexo-practice-code) | hexo里练习的源码 | 25 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/23 |
| 175 | [ MachineLP / Spark - ] ( https : //github.com/MachineLP/Spark-) | Spark学习笔记 | 25 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/16 |
| 176 | [ mengjiexu / OCR_CNN_ - CTC ] ( https : //github.com/mengjiexu/OCR_CNN_-CTC) | 使用CNN全卷积神经网络进行整行汉字识别, 正确率90-94%,后来有朋友改成densenet做主网络, 做到99%以上正确率 | 24 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/18 |
| 177 | [ GiantPandaCV / yolov3 - point ] ( https : //github.com/GiantPandaCV/yolov3-point) | 从零开始学习YOLOv3教程解读代码+注意力模块(SE,SPP,RFB etc) | 24 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/03 |
| 178 | [ cumtcssuld / RSP_of_CUMTCS ] ( https : //github.com/cumtcssuld/RSP_of_CUMTCS) | 【矿大计算机学院资源共享计划( Resource SharingPlan of CUMTCS) 】本仓库由矿大计算机学院学生会学习部牵头维护, 由计算机学院全体同学共建共享。欢迎大家积极的参加到本资源库的建设中来吧! ( 每当有重大更新, 我们都会将整个库克隆到码云, 点击下边链接, 到我们的码云仓库可以获得更好的下载体验) | 24 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/25 |
| 179 | [ StdioA / fluent - python - notes ] ( https : //github.com/StdioA/fluent-python-notes) | 《流畅的 Python》阅读笔记 | 23 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/31 |
| 180 | [ yinizhilian / NLP_Share ] ( https : //github.com/yinizhilian/NLP_Share) | 自然语言处理NLP( 自然语言生成NLG、自然语言理解NLU) 、自然语言学术会议大盘点、自然语言大佬介绍、NLP研究机构、NLP资料分享、NLP学习资源分享、NLP学术论文介绍 | 23 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/14 |
| 181 | [ EuphoriaYan / pkuss - nlp - pytorch ] ( https : //github.com/EuphoriaYan/pkuss-nlp-pytorch) | 自然语言处理导论实验课课件 | 23 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/25 |
| 182 | [ DataXujing / DIoU_YOLO_V3 ] ( https : //github.com/DataXujing/DIoU_YOLO_V3) | :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:【口罩佩戴检测数据训练 \| 开源口罩检测数据集和预训练模型】Train D/CIoU_YOLO_V3 by darknet for object detection | 22 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/03 |
| 183 | [ hecongqing / TensorFlow2 . 0 - Notes ] ( https : //github.com/hecongqing/TensorFlow2.0-Notes) | Tensorflow 2.0 个人笔记 | 22 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 184 | [ Rockyzsu / convertible_bond ] ( https : //github.com/Rockyzsu/convertible_bond) | 低风险投资之可转债 | 21 | Jupyter Notebook | 03/29 |
| 185 | [ Light2077 / QA - Abstract - And - Reasoning ] ( https : //github.com/Light2077/QA-Abstract-And-Reasoning) | 问答摘要与推理 | 21 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/17 |
| 186 | [ ChuanyuXue / The - Purchase - and - Redemption - Forecast - Challenge - baseline ] ( https : //github.com/ChuanyuXue/The-Purchase-and-Redemption-Forecast-Challenge-baseline) | 天池“资金流入流出预测——挑战baseline”的解决方案, 线上效果143.5 | 21 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/26 |
| 187 | [ Amberlan1001 / eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days_ipynb ] ( https : //github.com/Amberlan1001/eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days_ipynb) | 30天掌握Tensorflow2.1 Jupyter Notebook 版 | 20 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/10 |
| 188 | [ wybert / open - wuhan - ncov - illness - data ] ( https : //github.com/wybert/open-wuhan-ncov-illness-data) | 这个项目有关有关 武汉肺炎 2019-ncov的相关病例数据的分享。从gitlab迁移过来。发布页这里 | 20 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/31 |
| 189 | [ jiye - ML / math_study ] ( https : //github.com/jiye-ML/math_study) | 数学相关知识 包括 高数 概率 线性代数 | 20 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/29 |
| 190 | [ oldratlee / data - science - practice ] ( https : //github.com/oldratlee/data-science-practice) | 数据科学实践 \| data science practice | 19 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/03 |
| 191 | [ thunderhit / DaDengAndHisPython ] ( https : //github.com/thunderhit/DaDengAndHisPython) | 【微信公众号: 大邓和他的python】, Python语法快速入门https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44384851 Python网络爬虫快速入门https://www.bilibili.com/video/av72010301, 我的联系邮箱thunderhit@qq.com | 19 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/20 |
| 192 | [ ywchiu / tibamedl ] ( https : //github.com/ywchiu/tibamedl) | Python深度學習實戰- 邁向A.I.的第一步 | 19 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/18 |
| 193 | [ Flyfoxs / xf_tag ] ( https : //github.com/Flyfoxs/xf_tag) | 大数据应用分类标注挑战赛(NLP),亚军🥈 | 19 | Jupyter Notebook | 01/29 |
| 194 | [ wanyueli / DeepLizard - pytorch - ] ( https : //github.com/wanyueli/DeepLizard-pytorch-) | 自己总结的DeepLizard的pytorch神经网络编程系列视频的笔记(非官方) | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/08 |
| 195 | [ Microstrong0305 / Python2AI ] ( https : //github.com/Microstrong0305/Python2AI) | 从零开始学习人工智能 | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/21 |
| 196 | [ nmcdev / meteva ] ( https : //github.com/nmcdev/meteva) | 提供气象产品检验相关程序 | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | 06/01 |
| 197 | [ Fan - Meng / DM - Python - MOOC ] ( https : //github.com/Fan-Meng/DM-Python-MOOC) | 此项目提供在中国大学慕课《数据挖掘与python实践》在线课程的代码及相关资料。课程链接如下: https://www.icourse163.org/course/CUFE-1207262801 | 17 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/11 |
| 198 | [ JoshuaQYH / TIDIBEI ] ( https : //github.com/JoshuaQYH/TIDIBEI) | 基于机器学习方法构建多因子选股模型: RandomForest, GBDT, Adaboots, xgboost, MLP, Linear Model, LSTM | 17 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/10 |
| 199 | [ BackyardofAbela / EnsembleLearning ] ( https : //github.com/BackyardofAbela/EnsembleLearning) | 包括决策树和随机森林进行离职人员预测, Xgboost和lightGBM的应用 | 17 | Jupyter Notebook | 04/17 |
| 200 | [ Fan - Meng / DM - Python - MOOC ] ( https : //github.com/Fan-Meng/DM-Python-MOOC) | 此项目提供在中国大学慕课《数据挖掘与python实践》在线课程的代码及相关资料。课程链接如下: https://www.icourse163.org/course/CUFE-1207262801 | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | 05/11 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # Shell
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ taizilongxu / interview_python ] ( https : //github.com/taizilongxu/interview_python) | 关于Python的面试题 | 12.5k | Shell | 05/31 |
| 2 | [ 233boy / v2ray ] ( https : //github.com/233boy/v2ray) | 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本 | 12.0k | Shell | 04/18 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 3 | [ EtherDream / jsproxy ] ( https : //github.com/EtherDream/jsproxy) | 一个基于浏览器端 JS 实现的在线代理 | 7.6k | Shell | 05/08 |
2020-05-05 17:39:26 +08:00
| 4 | [ judasn / Linux - Tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/judasn/Linux-Tutorial) | 《Java 程序员眼中的 Linux》 | 7.1k | Shell | 01/09 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 5 | [ rootsongjc / kubernetes - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/rootsongjc/kubernetes-handbook) | Kubernetes中文指南/云原生应用架构实践手册 - https://jimmysong.io/kubernetes-handbook | 7.1k | Shell | 05/29 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 6 | [ skywind3000 / awesome - cheatsheets ] ( https : //github.com/skywind3000/awesome-cheatsheets) | 超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 :zap: | 5.9k | Shell | 05/12 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 7 | [ opsnull / follow - me - install - kubernetes - cluster ] ( https : //github.com/opsnull/follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster) | 和我一步步部署 kubernetes 集群 | 5.5k | Shell | 02/07 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 8 | [ easzlab / kubeasz ] ( https : //github.com/easzlab/kubeasz) | 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群, 介绍组件交互原理, 方便直接, 不受国内网络环境影响 | 5.4k | Shell | 05/29 |
| 9 | [ wulabing / V2Ray_ws - tls_bash_onekey ] ( https : //github.com/wulabing/V2Ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey) | V2Ray Nginx+vmess+ws+tls/ http2 over tls 一键安装脚本 | 4.3k | Shell | 05/16 |
| 10 | [ HIT - Alibaba / interview ] ( https : //github.com/HIT-Alibaba/interview) | 笔试面试知识整理 | 4.2k | Shell | 03/20 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 11 | [ ToyoDAdoubi / doubi ] ( https : //github.com/ToyoDAdoubi/doubi) | 一个逗比写的各种逗比脚本~ | 3.7k | Shell | 02/10 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 12 | [ softwaredownload / openwrt - fanqiang ] ( https : //github.com/softwaredownload/openwrt-fanqiang) | 最好的路由器翻墙、科学上网教程—OpenWrt—shadowsocks | 3.5k | Shell | 05/14 |
2020-04-28 12:01:09 +08:00
| 13 | [ Medicean / VulApps ] ( https : //github.com/Medicean/VulApps) | 快速搭建各种漏洞环境(Various vulnerability environment) | 2.8k | Shell | 04/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 14 | [ wangdoc / javascript - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wangdoc/javascript-tutorial) | JavaScript 教程 https://wangdoc.com/javascript | 2.4k | Shell | 05/31 |
| 15 | [ hoochanlon / fq - book ] ( https : //github.com/hoochanlon/fq-book) | :open_book: 《这本书能让你连接互联网》科学上网Freestyle, 了解网络基础知识与实践蹭网操作 | 1.9k | Shell | 05/25 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 16 | [ lmk123 / oh - my - wechat ] ( https : //github.com/lmk123/oh-my-wechat) | 微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。 | 1.8k | Shell | 05/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 17 | [ wangdoc / bash - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wangdoc/bash-tutorial) | Bash 教程 | 1.8k | Shell | 05/25 |
| 18 | [ CyC2018 / Job - Recommend ] ( https : //github.com/CyC2018/Job-Recommend) | 🔎 互联网内推信息(社招、校招、实习) | 1.8k | Shell | 05/28 |
| 19 | [ licess / lnmp ] ( https : //github.com/licess/lnmp) | LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon、Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux VPS或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx/MySQL/PHP)、LNMPA(Nginx/MySQL/PHP/Apache)、LAMP(Apache/MySQL/PHP)生产环境的Shell程序。 | 1.7k | Shell | 06/01 |
| 20 | [ LCTT / TranslateProject ] ( https : //github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) | Linux中国翻译项目 | 1.6k | Shell | 06/01 |
| 21 | [ P3TERX / Actions - OpenWrt ] ( https : //github.com/P3TERX/Actions-OpenWrt) | Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions \| 使用 GitHub Actions 云编译 OpenWrt | 1.5k | Shell | 05/28 |
| 22 | [ wind - liang / leetcode ] ( https : //github.com/wind-liang/leetcode) | leetcode 顺序刷题, 详细通俗题解, with JAVA | 1.3k | Shell | 05/31 |
| 23 | [ neoFelhz / neohosts ] ( https : //github.com/neoFelhz/neohosts) | 自由·负责·克制 去广告 Hosts 项目 | 1.3k | Shell | 03/12 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 24 | [ zfl9 / ss - tproxy ] ( https : //github.com/zfl9/ss-tproxy) | 搭建 SS/SSR/V2Ray/Socks5 透明代理环境的简陋脚本 | 1.1k | Shell | 03/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 25 | [ studygolang / GCTT ] ( https : //github.com/studygolang/GCTT) | GCTT Go中文网翻译组。 | 1.1k | Shell | 05/31 |
| 26 | [ maxlicheng / luci - app - unblockmusic ] ( https : //github.com/maxlicheng/luci-app-unblockmusic) | 用于解锁网易云灰色歌曲的OpenWRT/LEDE路由器插件 (openwrt/lede luci support for unblock neteasecloudmusic) | 966 | Shell | 05/01 |
| 27 | [ devdawei / libstdc - ] ( https : //github.com/devdawei/libstdc-) | Xcode 10 和 Xcode 11 中删除的 libstdc++ 库 | 961 | Shell | 01/07 |
| 28 | [ liuyi01 / kubernetes - starter ] ( https : //github.com/liuyi01/kubernetes-starter) | kubernetes入门, 包括kubernetes概念, 架构设计, 集群环境搭建, 认证授权等。 | 959 | Shell | 05/07 |
| 29 | [ gotok8s / k8s - docker - desktop - for - mac ] ( https : //github.com/gotok8s/k8s-docker-desktop-for-mac) | Docker Desktop for Mac 开启并使用 Kubernetes | 955 | Shell | 05/19 |
| 30 | [ aqzt / kjyw ] ( https : //github.com/aqzt/kjyw) | 快捷运维, 代号kjyw, 项目基于shell、python, 运维脚本工具库, 收集各类运维常用工具脚本, 实现快速安装nginx、mysql、php、redis、nagios、运维经常使用的脚本等等... | 935 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 31 | [ gaoyifan / china - operator - ip ] ( https : //github.com/gaoyifan/china-operator-ip) | 中国运营商IPv4/IPv6地址库-每日更新 | 922 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 32 | [ c0ny1 / vulstudy ] ( https : //github.com/c0ny1/vulstudy) | 使用docker快速搭建各大漏洞靶场, 目前可以一键搭建17个靶场。 | 897 | Shell | 03/25 |
| 33 | [ hellofwy / ss - bash ] ( https : //github.com/hellofwy/ss-bash) | Shadowsocks流量管理脚本 | 855 | Shell | 02/22 |
| 34 | [ klever1988 / nanopi - openwrt ] ( https : //github.com/klever1988/nanopi-openwrt) | Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S 固件编译 | 823 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 35 | [ P3TERX / aria2 . conf ] ( https : //github.com/P3TERX/aria2.conf) | Aria2 配置文件 \| OneDrive & Google Drvive 离线下载 \| 百度网盘转存 | 727 | Shell | 05/28 |
| 36 | [ liquanzhou / ops_doc ] ( https : //github.com/liquanzhou/ops_doc) | 运维简洁实用手册 | 719 | Shell | 03/06 |
| 37 | [ goreliu / zshguide ] ( https : //github.com/goreliu/zshguide) | Zsh 开发指南 | 673 | Shell | 02/15 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 38 | [ monlor / Monlor - Tools ] ( https : //github.com/monlor/Monlor-Tools) | 小米路由器Shell工具箱, 本人自用, 主要参考了小米的Misstar Tools制作, 仅学习之用! Telegram群组: https://t.me/joinchat/FMraA0lwzH9fzEW1wXdCFA | 646 | Shell | 01/06 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 39 | [ xuexb / learn - nginx ] ( https : //github.com/xuexb/learn-nginx) | Nginx 入门指南 | 642 | Shell | 03/18 |
| 40 | [ MvsCode / frps - onekey ] ( https : //github.com/MvsCode/frps-onekey) | Frps 一键安装脚本&管理脚本 A tool to auto-compile & install frps on Linux | 616 | Shell | 04/28 |
| 41 | [ apachecn / awesome - indie - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/awesome-indie-zh) | 独立开发/自由职业/远程工作资源列表 | 568 | Shell | 05/07 |
| 42 | [ wppurking / ocserv - docker ] ( https : //github.com/wppurking/ocserv-docker) | 用于初始化 ocserv 的 Dockfile 脚本 | 557 | Shell | 03/09 |
| 43 | [ hijkpw / scripts ] ( https : //github.com/hijkpw/scripts) | Shadowsocks/SS一键脚本、ShadowsocksR/SSR一键脚本、V2Ray一键脚本、trojan一键脚本、VPS购买教程, 以及各种资源教程 | 537 | Shell | 05/24 |
| 44 | [ Nick233333 / phper - linux - gitbook ] ( https : //github.com/Nick233333/phper-linux-gitbook) | 💡PHPer 必知必会的 Linux 命令 | 536 | Shell | 05/13 |
| 45 | [ RokasUrbelis / docker - wine - linux ] ( https : //github.com/RokasUrbelis/docker-wine-linux) | :boom::whale::fire:Linux运行wine应用(QQ/微信/百度网盘/TIM/迅雷极速版/Foxmail等),适用于所有发行版------- Best wine-QQ/TIM/Wechat for all Linux distros | 528 | Shell | 02/23 |
| 46 | [ arloor / iptablesUtils ] ( https : //github.com/arloor/iptablesUtils) | iptables转发ddns域名 | 525 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 47 | [ Jactor - Sue / Deepin - Apps - Installation ] ( https : //github.com/Jactor-Sue/Deepin-Apps-Installation) | 本仓库介绍如何在基于Ubuntu的系统上安装Deepin移植的软件。This repo shows how to install apps packaged by Deepin. | 507 | Shell | 01/17 |
| 48 | [ rust - lang - cn / rust - by - example - cn ] ( https : //github.com/rust-lang-cn/rust-by-example-cn) | Rust By Example 中文版(包含在线代码编辑器) | 485 | Shell | 04/06 |
| 49 | [ huan / docker - wechat ] ( https : //github.com/huan/docker-wechat) | DoChat is a Dockerized WeChat (盒装微信) PC Windows Client for Linux | 476 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 50 | [ rime / plum ] ( https : //github.com/rime/plum) | 東風破 /plum/: Rime configuration manager and input schema repository | 476 | Shell | 04/01 |
| 51 | [ P3TERX / aria2 . sh ] ( https : //github.com/P3TERX/aria2.sh) | Aria2 一键安装管理脚本 增强版 | 458 | Shell | 05/28 |
| 52 | [ skyline75489 / Heart - First - JavaWeb ] ( https : //github.com/skyline75489/Heart-First-JavaWeb) | 一个走心的 Java Web 入门开发教程 | 452 | Shell | 03/20 |
| 53 | [ ctf - wiki / ctf - tools ] ( https : //github.com/ctf-wiki/ctf-tools) | CTF 工具集合 | 403 | Shell | 03/11 |
| 54 | [ anrip / dnspod - shell ] ( https : //github.com/anrip/dnspod-shell) | 基于DNSPod用户API实现的纯Shell动态域名客户端 | 400 | Shell | 03/10 |
| 55 | [ ben1234560 / k8s_PaaS ] ( https : //github.com/ben1234560/k8s_PaaS) | 如何基于K8S部署成PaaS( 一套完整的软件研发和部署平台) ——教程/学习(实战代码/欢迎讨论/大量注释/操作配图) , 你将习得部署如: K8S、dashboard、Harbor、Jenkins、本地gitlab、Apollo框架、promtheus、grafana、spinnaker。 | 397 | Shell | 05/14 |
| 56 | [ venshine / decompile - apk ] ( https : //github.com/venshine/decompile-apk) | 🔥 Decompile APK( 反编译APK) | 359 | Shell | 01/15 |
| 57 | [ csy512889371 / learnDoc ] ( https : //github.com/csy512889371/learnDoc) | 🔥:rocket:架构师的成长之路-博客-导图 | 359 | Shell | 03/12 |
| 58 | [ zhangguanzhang / Kubernetes - ansible ] ( https : //github.com/zhangguanzhang/Kubernetes-ansible) | :christmas_tree:ansible多网卡机器上一键部署高可用Kubernetes(systemd) | 355 | Shell | 05/11 |
| 59 | [ tonydeng / sdn - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/tonydeng/sdn-handbook) | SDN手册 | 353 | Shell | 03/10 |
| 60 | [ EtherDream / anti - portscan ] ( https : //github.com/EtherDream/anti-portscan) | 使用 iptables 防止端口扫描 | 350 | Shell | 01/20 |
| 61 | [ eritpchy / Fingerprint - pay - magisk - wechat ] ( https : //github.com/eritpchy/Fingerprint-pay-magisk-wechat) | 微信指纹支付 (Fingerprint pay for WeChat) | 341 | Shell | 05/12 |
| 62 | [ V2RaySSR / Trojan ] ( https : //github.com/V2RaySSR/Trojan) | Trojan 一键安装脚本 | 335 | Shell | 04/27 |
| 63 | [ P3TERX / docker - aria2 - pro ] ( https : //github.com/P3TERX/docker-aria2-pro) | Aria2 Pro \| A perfect Aria2 Docker image \| 更好用的 Aria2 Docker 容器镜像 | 331 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 64 | [ bclswl0827 / v2ray - heroku ] ( https : //github.com/bclswl0827/v2ray-heroku) | 用于在 Heroku 上部署 V2Ray Websocket, 本项目不宜做为长期使用之对策。 | 320 | Shell | 05/23 |
| 65 | [ esirplayground / AutoBuild - OpenWrt ] ( https : //github.com/esirplayground/AutoBuild-OpenWrt) | Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions \| 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt \| 感谢P3TERX的项目源码 | 314 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 66 | [ jaywcjlove / docker - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/jaywcjlove/docker-tutorial) | 🐳Docker入门学习笔记 | 308 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 67 | [ apachecn / ml - mastery - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/ml-mastery-zh) | :book: [译] MachineLearningMastery 博客文章 | 302 | Shell | 01/20 |
| 68 | [ IOTQQ / IOTQQ ] ( https : //github.com/IOTQQ/IOTQQ) | 跨平台 QQ机器人 框架 原生 高效 迸发 Lua Plugin 只有你想不到 | 293 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 69 | [ haiwen / seafile - docs - cn ] ( https : //github.com/haiwen/seafile-docs-cn) | Seafile服务器用户手册 | 287 | Shell | 05/05 |
| 70 | [ meetbill / op_practice_book ] ( https : //github.com/meetbill/op_practice_book) | 📚 《运维实践指南》持续更新中,推荐大牛干货博客 https://me.csdn.net/g2V13ah | 286 | Shell | 05/13 |
| 71 | [ woniuzfb / iptv ] ( https : //github.com/woniuzfb/iptv) | 一键管理 [ IPTV / v2ray / Nginx ] 脚本 youtube, mpegts, 直播源... => hls <=> http-flv <= ... A [ ffmpeg / v2ray / Nginx ] wrapper | 274 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 72 | [ andyzhshg / syno - acme ] ( https : //github.com/andyzhshg/syno-acme) | 通过acme协议更新群晖HTTPS泛域名证书的自动脚本 | 268 | Shell | 05/11 |
| 73 | [ WangHL0927 / grafana - chinese ] ( https : //github.com/WangHL0927/grafana-chinese) | grafana中文版本 | 258 | Shell | 05/07 |
| 74 | [ 233boy / ss ] ( https : //github.com/233boy/ss) | Shadowsocks-Go 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本 | 258 | Shell | 01/15 |
| 75 | [ snail007 / proxy_admin_free ] ( https : //github.com/snail007/proxy_admin_free) | Proxy是高性能全功能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、Websocket代理、TCP代理、UDP代理、DNS代理、DNS加密代理, 代理API认证, 全能跨平台代理服务器。 | 256 | Shell | 05/22 |
| 76 | [ project - openwrt / luci - app - unblockneteasemusic ] ( https : //github.com/project-openwrt/luci-app-unblockneteasemusic) | [OpenWrt] 解除网易云音乐播放限制 | 246 | Shell | 05/26 |
| 77 | [ apachecn / awesome - cs - courses - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/awesome-cs-courses-zh) | 计算机公开课推荐 | 244 | Shell | 04/24 |
| 78 | [ felix - fly / v2ray - openwrt ] ( https : //github.com/felix-fly/v2ray-openwrt) | 路由器Openwrt安装V2ray简单流程 | 238 | Shell | 05/25 |
| 79 | [ wang - bin / avbuild ] ( https : //github.com/wang-bin/avbuild) | ffmpeg花式编译. build tool for all platforms: iOS, android, raspberry pi, win32, uwp, linux, macOS etc. | 235 | Shell | 05/22 |
| 80 | [ dunwu / linux - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/dunwu/linux-tutorial) | :penguin: Linux教程, 主要内容: Linux 命令、Linux 系统运维、软件运维、精选常用Shell脚本 | 234 | Shell | 04/28 |
| 81 | [ 91yun / 91yuntest ] ( https : //github.com/91yun/91yuntest) | 91云服务器一键测试包 | 233 | Shell | 05/19 |
| 82 | [ gdut - yy / Domain - Driven - Design - zh ] ( https : //github.com/gdut-yy/Domain-Driven-Design-zh) | 《领域驱动设计》中文翻译 | 233 | Shell | 05/02 |
| 83 | [ gdut - yy / CSS - The - Definitive - Guide - 4th - zh ] ( https : //github.com/gdut-yy/CSS-The-Definitive-Guide-4th-zh) | 《CSS权威指南第四版》中文翻译 | 223 | Shell | 05/12 |
| 84 | [ QAX - A - Team / WeblogicEnvironment ] ( https : //github.com/QAX-A-Team/WeblogicEnvironment) | Weblogic环境搭建工具 | 222 | Shell | 04/23 |
| 85 | [ JACK - THINK / SCRIPTS - BOOTLOADER - FOR - ASUS - ROUTER ] ( https : //github.com/JACK-THINK/SCRIPTS-BOOTLOADER-FOR-ASUS-ROUTER) | 用于华硕路由器官方固件和梅林固件的自启动脚本系统( Self-starting scripts that can be used in both Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin) | 211 | Shell | 05/13 |
| 86 | [ godbasin / vue - ebook ] ( https : //github.com/godbasin/vue-ebook) | 《深入理解Vue.js实战》- 介绍Vue.js框架的出现、设计和使用, 结合实战让读者更深入理解Vue.js框架, 掌握使用方法。 | 207 | Shell | 03/30 |
| 87 | [ guanguans / dnmp - plus ] ( https : //github.com/guanguans/dnmp-plus) | 🐳Docker的LNMP一键安装开发环境 + PHP非侵入式监控平台xhgui(优化系统性能、定位Bug神器) | 202 | Shell | 04/20 |
| 88 | [ wangdoc / es6 - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wangdoc/es6-tutorial) | 一本开源的 JavaScript 语言教程,全面介绍 ECMAScript 6 新引入的语法特性。 | 200 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 89 | [ zwmscorm / sharealiddns ] ( https : //github.com/zwmscorm/sharealiddns) | 全功能阿里云域名解析脚本(支持IPV4, IPV6, 多域名等, 同时支持asuswrt-merlin 、padavan、pandorabox、lede/openwrt固件) | 198 | Shell | 02/22 |
| 90 | [ deyuhua / xv6 - book - chinese ] ( https : //github.com/deyuhua/xv6-book-chinese) | MIT操作系统工程的教学操作系统Xv6的源码剖析中文翻译项目, 使用ANSI标准C重新在riscv架构上实现Unix v6; | 195 | Shell | 02/26 |
| 91 | [ HyperledgerCN / hyperledgerDocs ] ( https : //github.com/HyperledgerCN/hyperledgerDocs) | Hyperledger文档 | 188 | Shell | 01/08 |
| 92 | [ rachpt / AutoSeed ] ( https : //github.com/rachpt/AutoSeed) | 全自动发种姬 [流程图 https://www.processon.com/view/link/5c088855e4b0ca4b40c93a49 ] | 188 | Shell | 02/28 |
| 93 | [ diguage / mysql - notes ] ( https : //github.com/diguage/mysql-notes) | MySQL 学习笔记 | 186 | Shell | 05/19 |
| 94 | [ jardenliu / XPS15 - 9560 - Catalina ] ( https : //github.com/jardenliu/XPS15-9560-Catalina) | XPS15-9560-Catalina, Q群: 161385229 | 183 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 95 | [ aturl / awesome - anti - gfw ] ( https : //github.com/aturl/awesome-anti-gfw) | 突破网络审查和封锁的开源工具清单。 | 182 | Shell | 04/02 |
| 96 | [ tianhao / alfred - mweb - workflow ] ( https : //github.com/tianhao/alfred-mweb-workflow) | 搜索、打开MWeb 内部文档和外部 Markdown 文档 | 174 | Shell | 04/27 |
| 97 | [ DeppWang / Java - Books ] ( https : //github.com/DeppWang/Java-Books) | 📚 Java 程序员必读高分神作(非扫描版) | 170 | Shell | 03/28 |
| 98 | [ jgsrty / jgsrty . github . docs ] ( https : //github.com/jgsrty/jgsrty.github.docs) | :sunny: 英语学习 :feet: 项目预览: https://jgsrty.github.io 国内访问: https://rtyxmd.gitee.io | 163 | Shell | 05/26 |
| 99 | [ TheKingOfDuck / ApkAnalyser ] ( https : //github.com/TheKingOfDuck/ApkAnalyser) | 一键提取安卓应用中可能存在的敏感信息。 | 159 | Shell | 04/03 |
| 100 | [ lovezzzxxx / liverecord ] ( https : //github.com/lovezzzxxx/liverecord) | 自动录播并自动备份, 支持youtube频道、twitcast频道、twitch频道、openrec频道、niconico生放送、niconico社区、niconico频道、mirrativ频道、reality频道、17live频道、bilibili频道、streamlink支持的直播网址、ffmpeg支持的m3u8地址 | 155 | Shell | 02/29 |
| 101 | [ idoop / docker - apollo ] ( https : //github.com/idoop/docker-apollo) | docker image for Ctrip/Apollo(携程Apollo) | 155 | Shell | 04/23 |
| 102 | [ A - BenMao / pure - bash - bible - zh_CN ] ( https : //github.com/A-BenMao/pure-bash-bible-zh_CN) | 📖 一个纯bash实现外部命令的脚本集合( 中文版) 【翻译自pure-bash-bible仓库】 | 155 | Shell | 05/06 |
| 103 | [ hczhcz / the - elder - is - excited ] ( https : //github.com/hczhcz/the-elder-is-excited) | 暴力膜蛤 | 152 | Shell | 05/21 |
| 104 | [ eritpchy / Fingerprint - pay - magisk - alipay ] ( https : //github.com/eritpchy/Fingerprint-pay-magisk-alipay) | 支付宝指纹支付 (Fingerprint pay for Alipay) | 152 | Shell | 05/12 |
| 105 | [ whunt1 / onekeymakemtg ] ( https : //github.com/whunt1/onekeymakemtg) | 编译安装最新版 mtproxy-go 一键脚本 | 152 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 106 | [ openwrtcompileshell / OpenwrtCompileScript ] ( https : //github.com/openwrtcompileshell/OpenwrtCompileScript) | Openwrt编译辅助脚本可以帮助你更快的搭建openwrt环境, 但不会帮你完成整个编译过程 | 150 | Shell | 05/18 |
| 107 | [ wangdoc / webapi - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wangdoc/webapi-tutorial) | Web API 教程 | 140 | Shell | 05/02 |
| 108 | [ Karmenzind / dotfiles - and - scripts ] ( https : //github.com/Karmenzind/dotfiles-and-scripts) | :fishing_pole_and_fish: Dotfiles and scripts providing cumbersome configure details and other senseless stuff. 一些无聊的脚本和配置文件 | 136 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 109 | [ lijianying10 / FixLinux ] ( https : //github.com/lijianying10/FixLinux) | 记录我是如何解决一些问题的,公开我平时用的脚本,变量等。 | 129 | Shell | 03/09 |
| 110 | [ wangdoc / html - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wangdoc/html-tutorial) | HTML 语言教程 | 128 | Shell | 05/13 |
| 111 | [ Lancenas / actions - openwrt - helloworld ] ( https : //github.com/Lancenas/actions-openwrt-helloworld) | Actions使用Lean's lede源码编译含helloworld服务固件 | 122 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 112 | [ Toxic - Cat / Airport - toolkit ] ( https : //github.com/Toxic-Cat/Airport-toolkit) | 各類方便機場主進行安裝維護的shell腳本 | 122 | Shell | 05/17 |
| 113 | [ clion007 / dnsmasq ] ( https : //github.com/clion007/dnsmasq) | 全自动dnsmasq及hosts科学上网, 防DNS劫持及全面广告屏蔽脚本( ADSI) | 120 | Shell | 05/24 |
| 114 | [ giantbranch / pwn - env - init ] ( https : //github.com/giantbranch/pwn-env-init) | CTF PWN 做题环境一键搭建脚本 | 118 | Shell | 03/18 |
| 115 | [ XIU2 / SHELL ] ( https : //github.com/XIU2/SHELL) | 🤪 一些乱七八糟的脚本 | 117 | Shell | 05/28 |
| 116 | [ FantasticLBP / codesnippets ] ( https : //github.com/FantasticLBP/codesnippets) | iOS 代码规范、属性、方法、GCD、线程等代码块和控制器、单例、Model 类模版 | 116 | Shell | 03/05 |
| 117 | [ nwcdlabs / kops - cn ] ( https : //github.com/nwcdlabs/kops-cn) | AWS中国宁夏区域/北京区域, 快速Kops部署K8S集群 | 114 | Shell | 04/27 |
| 118 | [ songchenwen / nanopi - r2s ] ( https : //github.com/songchenwen/nanopi-r2s) | Openwrt for Nanopi R2S 固件编译 | 112 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 119 | [ primovist / snell . sh ] ( https : //github.com/primovist/snell.sh) | snell的一键安装脚本 | 111 | Shell | 04/12 |
| 120 | [ gdut - yy / Clean - Architecture - zh ] ( https : //github.com/gdut-yy/Clean-Architecture-zh) | 《架构整洁之道》中文翻译 | 111 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 121 | [ apachecn / stanford - cs234 - notes - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/stanford-cs234-notes-zh) | 斯坦福 cs234 强化学习中文讲义 | 110 | Shell | 02/07 |
| 122 | [ fenglh / IPABuildShell ] ( https : //github.com/fenglh/IPABuildShell) | IPABuildShell 一个强大的、轻量的 iOS 自动打包工具,无需手动指定授权文件和证书 | 109 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 123 | [ levinit / itnotes ] ( https : //github.com/levinit/itnotes) | 个人笔记, IT相关。 | 108 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 124 | [ lgs3137 / MR_S1 - macOS ] ( https : //github.com/lgs3137/MR_S1-macOS) | 机械革命S1( MSI PS42 8RB) for macOS Catalina & Mojave | 106 | Shell | 05/05 |
| 125 | [ yanhuacuo / 98wubi - tables ] ( https : //github.com/yanhuacuo/98wubi-tables) | 98五笔基础码表 | 105 | Shell | 04/25 |
| 126 | [ 52fancy / GooGle - BBR ] ( https : //github.com/52fancy/GooGle-BBR) | GooGle开源TCP加速算法 | 103 | Shell | 02/16 |
| 127 | [ easy - swoole / doc ] ( https : //github.com/easy-swoole/doc) | easyswoole文档 | 102 | Shell | 05/07 |
| 128 | [ analysys / argo - installer ] ( https : //github.com/analysys/argo-installer) | 方舟Argo安装工具 | 101 | Shell | 05/27 |
| 129 | [ apachecn / interpretable - ml - book - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/interpretable-ml-book-zh) | interpretable-ml-book中文翻译 | 100 | Shell | 01/21 |
| 130 | [ xiaohouzivpn / xiaohouzi ] ( https : //github.com/xiaohouzivpn/xiaohouzi) | 小猴子最新后台网站 www.xiaohouzilaaa.site 小猴子安卓版https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaohouzivpn/xiaohouzi/master/xiaohouzijiasuqi.apk 小猴子 pc版本 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaohouzivpn/xiaohouzi/master/xiaohouzipc.rar | 99 | Shell | 04/18 |
| 131 | [ laubonghaudoi / Chinese_Rime ] ( https : //github.com/laubonghaudoi/Chinese_Rime) | 收集現代漢語方言和古漢語的中州韻輸入法拼音方案 Collection of phonetic spelling schemas for Sinitic languages and dialects | 99 | Shell | 05/28 |
| 132 | [ AndorChen / rbenv - china - mirror ] ( https : //github.com/AndorChen/rbenv-china-mirror) | 让 rbenv 使用 Ruby China 的镜像安装 Ruby | 98 | Shell | 01/27 |
| 133 | [ goodboy23 / shell - script - collection ] ( https : //github.com/goodboy23/shell-script-collection) | shell小框架, 地址: http://www.linkops.cn/363.htm | 98 | Shell | 04/15 |
| 134 | [ mritd / shell_scripts ] ( https : //github.com/mritd/shell_scripts) | 常用的一些 shell 脚本 | 96 | Shell | 05/11 |
| 135 | [ daliansky / Lenovo - Air13 - IWL - Hackintosh ] ( https : //github.com/daliansky/Lenovo-Air13-IWL-Hackintosh) | 联想小新Air 13 IWL笔记本EFI | 96 | Shell | 05/05 |
| 136 | [ JinjunHan / iOSDeviceSupport ] ( https : //github.com/JinjunHan/iOSDeviceSupport) | 各个版本的iOS Device Support | 94 | Shell | 05/21 |
| 137 | [ liungkejin / Bash - Games ] ( https : //github.com/liungkejin/Bash-Games) | LINUX终端下的贪吃蛇(Snake), 屏保(ClockSaver), 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)游戏(使用Bash shell编写) | 92 | Shell | 05/27 |
| 138 | [ TimeBye / kubeadm - ha ] ( https : //github.com/TimeBye/kubeadm-ha) | kubeadm-ha 使用 kubeadm 进行高可用 kubernetes 集群搭建,利用 ansible-playbook 实现自动化安装,既提供一键安装脚本,也可以根据 playbook 分步执行安装各个组件。 | 92 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 139 | [ zq99299 / note - book ] ( https : //github.com/zq99299/note-book) | 新笔记本, java、git、elasticsearch、mycat、设计模式、gradle、vue, 等 。vuepress 构建的 Markdown 笔记。 | 91 | Shell | 05/06 |
| 140 | [ jinfeijie / yapi ] ( https : //github.com/jinfeijie/yapi) | Docker for YApi 一键部署YApi | 89 | Shell | 04/16 |
| 141 | [ lightyearvpn / LightyearVPN ] ( https : //github.com/lightyearvpn/LightyearVPN) | LightyearVPN - Visit global internet without boundary. 光年VPN | 89 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 142 | [ i5ting / i5ting - mac - init ] ( https : //github.com/i5ting/i5ting-mac-init) | 自己 Mac + Node.js 电脑初始化开发环境的安装脚本 | 89 | Shell | 04/12 |
| 143 | [ Messiahhh / blog ] ( https : //github.com/Messiahhh/blog) | Web前端博客, 面经, Star~ | 89 | Shell | 05/26 |
| 144 | [ rime / rime - cantonese ] ( https : //github.com/rime/rime-cantonese) | Rime Cantonese input schema \| 粵語拼音輸入方案 | 89 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 145 | [ veip007 / dd ] ( https : //github.com/veip007/dd) | 萌咖大佬的Linux 一键DD脚本 | 88 | Shell | 04/25 |
| 146 | [ Binlogo / iOS - Practice - Checklist ] ( https : //github.com/Binlogo/iOS-Practice-Checklist) | iOS 精进与实践检查清单 | 88 | Shell | 03/17 |
| 147 | [ Lancger / opslinux ] ( https : //github.com/Lancger/opslinux) | Linux运维手册(基础+frp内网穿透+分布式锁+Redis+Kafka+安全+漏洞扫描+Docker+ELFK+LVM+监控+CI/CD+数据库+翻墙+LDAP+MQ+minio对象存储+命令录制审计+IP出口+gmail邮件安全校验+Jaeger 分布式追踪+苹果app安全审核等) | 87 | Shell | 05/27 |
| 148 | [ JaderH / GreenBox ] ( https : //github.com/JaderH/GreenBox) | :game_die: 娱乐项目,使用 Crontab 定时提交 Commits。点亮绿格子; 对就是绿 | 87 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 149 | [ imroc / kubernetes - practice - guide ] ( https : //github.com/imroc/kubernetes-practice-guide) | Kubernetes Practice Guide (Kubernetes 实践指南) | 84 | Shell | 05/17 |
| 150 | [ huweihuang / kubernetes - notes ] ( https : //github.com/huweihuang/kubernetes-notes) | Kubernetes 学习笔记-https://www.huweihuang.com/kubernetes-notes/ | 82 | Shell | 04/04 |
| 151 | [ MFrank2016 / GotoSSH ] ( https : //github.com/MFrank2016/GotoSSH) | Automatic login SSH ( 一键登录SSH, 可直接从跳板机登录到线上服务器) | 81 | Shell | 03/19 |
| 152 | [ orangbus / Tool ] ( https : //github.com/orangbus/Tool) | 收藏一些自己常用的东西。 | 81 | Shell | 03/28 |
| 153 | [ bookfere / KindleEar - Uploader ] ( https : //github.com/bookfere/KindleEar-Uploader) | 适用于 GAE 云端 Shell 的 KindleEar上传脚本。 | 80 | Shell | 04/24 |
| 154 | [ idoop / zentao ] ( https : //github.com/idoop/zentao) | auto build docker image for zentao(禅道). | 79 | Shell | 04/23 |
| 155 | [ lxchuan12 / blog ] ( https : //github.com/lxchuan12/blog) | 若川的博客—前端视野-资源和源代码vuepress 博客 | 79 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 156 | [ felix - fly / v2ray - dnsmasq - dnscrypt ] ( https : //github.com/felix-fly/v2ray-dnsmasq-dnscrypt) | 路由器openwrt配置dnsmasq、doh, 高性能v2ray解决方案。 | 78 | Shell | 05/28 |
| 157 | [ kkkgo / DSM_Login_BingWallpaper ] ( https : //github.com/kkkgo/DSM_Login_BingWallpaper) | 群晖登录壁纸自动换 | 75 | Shell | 05/18 |
| 158 | [ apachecn / beginnersbook - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/beginnersbook-zh) | :books: [译] BeginnersBook 中文系列教程 | 75 | Shell | 05/20 |
| 159 | [ xausky / ShadowsocksGostPlugin ] ( https : //github.com/xausky/ShadowsocksGostPlugin) | Gost 的 Shadowsocks 安卓插件,可以直接在 Shadowsocks 安卓客户端上连接 Gost 服务器 | 73 | Shell | 03/14 |
| 160 | [ ibisheng / deploy ] ( https : //github.com/ibisheng/deploy) | onlyoffice 一键安装 : 毕升文档包括drive和在线文件服务功能。其中drive实现文件的在线管理, 组织结构权限, 分享, 团队协作等, 文件的全文检索等功能; 在线文件服务能够处理word,ppt,excel格式文件的带水印预览以及多人协同编辑, 另外还能处理pdf, 视频, 音频文件的预览以及实现了100多种文本文件带语法高亮的预览 | 73 | Shell | 05/19 |
| 161 | [ mdrights / LiveSlak ] ( https : //github.com/mdrights/LiveSlak) | 中文化的隐私加强 GNU/Linux 系统 - Forked from Alien Bob's powerful building script for Slackware Live. | 72 | Shell | 05/17 |
| 162 | [ hoochanlon / helpdesk - guide ] ( https : //github.com/hoochanlon/helpdesk-guide) | 📖《桌面运维管理指南》培训机构PUA手法运营剖析、中小外包公司业务解构、换位思考解读HR; 反欺骗研究, 社会工程学入门实践, IT方向速成就业入职 | 71 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 163 | [ Lancger / opsfull ] ( https : //github.com/Lancger/opsfull) | k8s集群资料合集(高可用安装部署+应用部署+redis+mysql+kafak等各个组件生产环境使用技巧以及高可用) | 70 | Shell | 05/20 |
| 164 | [ 1265578519 / kangle ] ( https : //github.com/1265578519/kangle) | kangle web server 最强网站性能服务器架设软件 | 70 | Shell | 05/20 |
| 165 | [ snail007 / goproxy - heroku ] ( https : //github.com/snail007/goproxy-heroku) | goproxy heroku 一键部署套装, 把heroku变为免费的http(s)\socks5代理, 搜索学习资料。 | 69 | Shell | 05/08 |
| 166 | [ Vonng / adcode ] ( https : //github.com/Vonng/adcode) | 中国行政区划代码,包括五级行政区划详细代码,县级以上区划地理围栏。 | 69 | Shell | 03/12 |
| 167 | [ hepyu / k8s - app - config ] ( https : //github.com/hepyu/k8s-app-config) | 提供kubernetes容器化生产级实践, 包含配置, 参数, 流程, 架构等。 | 67 | Shell | 02/27 |
| 168 | [ Ljohn001 / ljohn_ops ] ( https : //github.com/Ljohn001/ljohn_ops) | Linux运维工作中常用的shell脚本 | 65 | Shell | 03/20 |
| 169 | [ abcfyk / impatriot ] ( https : //github.com/abcfyk/impatriot) | 科学上网,理性爱国 | 65 | Shell | 05/13 |
| 170 | [ shenuiuin / LXD_GPU_SERVER ] ( https : //github.com/shenuiuin/LXD_GPU_SERVER) | 实验室GPU服务器的LXD虚拟化 | 65 | Shell | 05/15 |
| 171 | [ 1orz / My - action ] ( https : //github.com/1orz/My-action) | 自动编译-无人值守Auto release base on Github actions | 63 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 172 | [ rootsongjc / serverless - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/rootsongjc/serverless-handbook) | Serverless Handbook 无服务架构实践手册 - https://jimmysong.io/serverless-handbook | 63 | Shell | 04/10 |
| 173 | [ kirin10000 / V2Ray - WebSocket - TLS - Web - setup - script ] ( https : //github.com/kirin10000/V2Ray-WebSocket-TLS-Web-setup-script) | v2ray ws tls 1.3 web nginx 搭建脚本 | 63 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 174 | [ KingFalse / ohmyiterm2 ] ( https : //github.com/KingFalse/ohmyiterm2) | 快速安装一个漂亮且强大的iterm2 | 62 | Shell | 04/26 |
| 175 | [ BlockchainOne / WeChat ] ( https : //github.com/BlockchainOne/WeChat) | 区块链技术指北( ChainONE) 社区微信群价值信息汇总。 | 61 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 176 | [ HuaZhuangNan / actions - build - padavan - openwrt ] ( https : //github.com/HuaZhuangNan/actions-build-padavan-openwrt) | GitHub Action 学习实例 - 自动编译 padavan 和 openWrt | 61 | Shell | 05/15 |
| 177 | [ cloud - op / monitor ] ( https : //github.com/cloud-op/monitor) | 云产品功能监控 | 59 | Shell | 05/27 |
| 178 | [ hegphegp / docker - learning ] ( https : //github.com/hegphegp/docker-learning) | docker学习笔记 | 59 | Shell | 05/10 |
| 179 | [ ellermister / mtproxy ] ( https : //github.com/ellermister/mtproxy) | MTProxyTLS一键安装绿色脚本 | 59 | Shell | 04/25 |
| 180 | [ neroxps / hassio_install ] ( https : //github.com/neroxps/hassio_install) | hassio 一键脚本,适配国内网络环境目前兼容(Debian Ubuntu Raspbian) | 57 | Shell | 05/27 |
| 181 | [ meishixiu / note ] ( https : //github.com/meishixiu/note) | 笔记 | 56 | Shell | 03/27 |
| 182 | [ zealotCE / AmericaOpposeAmerica ] ( https : //github.com/zealotCE/AmericaOpposeAmerica) | 《美国反对美国》是王沪宁先生在上世纪80年代末赴美观察写作的。我们知道在那个年代中国对西方特别是美国的追捧有多高, 所以突然看到一个学者在80年代就有如此清楚的认识, 十分钦佩。由于网上只有效果很差的PDF扫描版, 所以我想利用OCR技术和肉眼( 人体OCR) 来转成现代化的文本格式。目前已经全部完成。 | 55 | Shell | 04/28 |
| 183 | [ Pinming / Dell - Inspiron - 7590 - Hackintosh - Opencore ] ( https : //github.com/Pinming/Dell-Inspiron-7590-Hackintosh-Opencore) | OpenCore EFI for Dell Inspiron 7590 / 7591. 国内用户也可以去 Gitee, 下载速度更快→ 【欲使用 Intel 蓝牙请参见 IntelBT 分支; Wifi 驱动尚不能提供原生体验,此处不做合并,请自行操作】 | 55 | Shell | 05/30 |
| 184 | [ nicejade / vuepress - web - app ] ( https : //github.com/nicejade/vuepress-web-app) | 📝 采用 VuePress 构建的 Web 应用程序,支持 Pwa、Github Issues 评论、Prettier Markdown 等。 | 55 | Shell | 04/07 |
| 185 | [ alicfeng / AShell ] ( https : //github.com/alicfeng/AShell) | 开发者常用脚本shell | 55 | Shell | 03/15 |
| 186 | [ helloxz / nginx - cdn ] ( https : //github.com/helloxz/nginx-cdn) | CentOS一键安装Nginx | 52 | Shell | 04/25 |
| 187 | [ s1oz / embyonekey ] ( https : //github.com/s1oz/embyonekey) | 群辉emby套件版服务端一点五键白嫖 | 52 | Shell | 05/08 |
| 188 | [ project - openwrt / luci - app - unblockneteasemusic - mini ] ( https : //github.com/project-openwrt/luci-app-unblockneteasemusic-mini) | [OpenWrt] 解除网易云音乐播放限制 [Mini Ver] | 51 | Shell | 04/23 |
| 189 | [ fanck0605 / nanopi - r2s ] ( https : //github.com/fanck0605/nanopi-r2s) | 使用 Github Actions 在线编译 NanoPi-R2s 固件 | 50 | Shell | 05/31 |
| 190 | [ apachecn / zetcode - zh ] ( https : //github.com/apachecn/zetcode-zh) | :books: [译] Zetcode 中文系列教程 | 50 | Shell | 04/26 |
| 191 | [ musistudio / wukong - robot - install - script ] ( https : //github.com/musistudio/wukong-robot-install-script) | wukong-robot的一键安装脚本. | 49 | Shell | 04/13 |
| 192 | [ lihaoyun6 / macOS - Displays - icon ] ( https : //github.com/lihaoyun6/macOS-Displays-icon) | Show the real Displays Icon in "About This Mac > Displays" / 在"关于本机 > 显示器"中显示真实的显示器外观图标 | 49 | Shell | 05/14 |
| 193 | [ KubeOperator / k8s - package ] ( https : //github.com/KubeOperator/k8s-package) | Kubernetes 离线安装包工程,一个分支对应一个版本,每个分支会构建成一个容器交付给 KubeOperator 使用。 | 49 | Shell | 06/01 |
| 194 | [ riverscn / openwrt - iptvhelper ] ( https : //github.com/riverscn/openwrt-iptvhelper) | 方便地使用 Openwrt 融合IPTV到家庭局域网。Watching IPTV with Openwrt becomes easy. | 48 | Shell | 04/27 |
| 195 | [ zdwork / k8s - install ] ( https : //github.com/zdwork/k8s-install) | kubernetes集群安装脚本 | 48 | Shell | 01/09 |
| 196 | [ jiangtao / blog ] ( https : //github.com/jiangtao/blog) | 深入基础, 沉淀下来。欢迎watch或star. 更多信息关注: 公众号 前端进制 | 48 | Shell | 03/30 |
| 197 | [ fei5seven / lotServer ] ( https : //github.com/fei5seven/lotServer) | 来自萌咖大佬的锐速相关( 如果不怕我换域名你们就fork吧...部分ubuntu死机的可以换centos,记得关掉ipv6不然可能会出奇怪的问题) | 47 | Shell | 05/08 |
| 198 | [ xiaoyunjie / Shell_Script ] ( https : //github.com/xiaoyunjie/Shell_Script) | Linux系统的安全, 通过脚本对Linux系统进行一键检测和一键加固 | 47 | Shell | 04/28 |
| 199 | [ wangtunan / blog ] ( https : //github.com/wangtunan/blog) | :memo: 记录个人博客,见证成长之路 https://wangtunan.github.io/blog/ | 47 | Shell | 05/29 |
| 200 | [ sean - liang / PHICOMM - N1 - OpenWRT - Image - Builder ] ( https : //github.com/sean-liang/PHICOMM-N1-OpenWRT-Image-Builder) | 斐讯N1盒子OpenWRT镜像自动构建脚本 | 46 | Shell | 01/17 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # C
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ QSCTech / zju - icicles ] ( https : //github.com/QSCTech/zju-icicles) | 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 | 17.8k | C | 05/25 |
| 2 | [ Awesome - HarmonyOS / HarmonyOS ] ( https : //github.com/Awesome-HarmonyOS/HarmonyOS) | A curated list of awesome things related to HarmonyOS. 华为鸿蒙操作系统。 | 13.6k | C | 01/26 |
| 3 | [ skywind3000 / kcp ] ( https : //github.com/skywind3000/kcp) | KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol (快速可靠传输协议) | 8.1k | C | 04/24 |
| 4 | [ bingoogolapple / BGAQRCode - Android ] ( https : //github.com/bingoogolapple/BGAQRCode-Android) | QRCode 扫描二维码、扫描条形码、相册获取图片后识别、生成带 Logo 二维码、支持微博微信 QQ 二维码扫描样式 | 6.6k | C | 03/12 |
| 5 | [ huangz1990 / redis - 3 . 0 - annotated ] ( https : //github.com/huangz1990/redis-3.0-annotated) | 带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码( annotated Redis 3.0 source code) 。 | 6.3k | C | 04/23 |
| 6 | [ nonstriater / Learn - Algorithms ] ( https : //github.com/nonstriater/Learn-Algorithms) | 算法学习笔记 | 4.7k | C | 05/28 |
| 7 | [ Tencent / TencentOS - tiny ] ( https : //github.com/Tencent/TencentOS-tiny) | 腾讯物联网终端操作系统 | 4.3k | C | 05/29 |
| 8 | [ SecWiki / windows - kernel - exploits ] ( https : //github.com/SecWiki/windows-kernel-exploits) | windows-kernel-exploits Windows平台提权漏洞集合 | 4.2k | C | 03/31 |
| 9 | [ miloyip / json - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/miloyip/json-tutorial) | 从零开始的 JSON 库教程 | 3.5k | C | 05/26 |
| 10 | [ SecWiki / linux - kernel - exploits ] ( https : //github.com/SecWiki/linux-kernel-exploits) | linux-kernel-exploits Linux平台提权漏洞集合 | 3.3k | C | 03/30 |
| 11 | [ linw7 / Skill - Tree ] ( https : //github.com/linw7/Skill-Tree) | 🐼 准备秋招,欢迎来树上取果实 | 2.9k | C | 03/04 |
| 12 | [ pymumu / smartdns ] ( https : //github.com/pymumu/smartdns) | A local DNS server to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, 一个本地DNS服务器, 获取最快的网站IP, 获得最佳上网体验。 | 2.6k | C | 05/10 |
| 13 | [ WizTeam / WizQTClient ] ( https : //github.com/WizTeam/WizQTClient) | 为知笔记跨平台客户端 | 2.2k | C | 05/29 |
| 14 | [ huangz1990 / annotated_redis_source ] ( https : //github.com/huangz1990/annotated_redis_source) | 带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 源码 | 2.2k | C | 01/01 |
| 15 | [ chiakge / Linux - NetSpeed ] ( https : //github.com/chiakge/Linux-NetSpeed) | 将Linux现常用的网络加速集成在一起 | 2.0k | C | 03/11 |
| 16 | [ microshow / RxFFmpeg ] ( https : //github.com/microshow/RxFFmpeg) | 🔥RxFFmpeg 是基于 ( FFmpeg 4.0 + X264 + mp3lame + fdk-aac ) 编译的适用于 Android 平台的音视频编辑、视频剪辑的快速处理框架, 包含以下功能: 视频拼接, 转码, 压缩, 裁剪, 片头片尾, 分离音视频, 变速, 添加静态贴纸和gif动态贴纸, 添加字幕, 添加滤镜, 添加背景音乐, 加速减速视频, 倒放音视频, 音频裁剪, 变声, 混音, 图片合成视频, 视频解码图片, 抖音首页, 视频播放器及支持 OpenSSL https 等主流特色功能 | 2.0k | C | 05/29 |
| 17 | [ Mzzopublic / C ] ( https : //github.com/Mzzopublic/C) | C语言 | 1.9k | C | 03/06 |
| 18 | [ firmianay / CTF - All - In - One ] ( https : //github.com/firmianay/CTF-All-In-One) | CTF竞赛入门指南 | 1.8k | C | 04/08 |
| 19 | [ guanzhi / GmSSL ] ( https : //github.com/guanzhi/GmSSL) | 支持国密SM2/SM3/SM4/SM9/ZUC/SSL的OpenSSL分支 | 1.7k | C | 05/30 |
| 20 | [ EZLippi / WebBench ] ( https : //github.com/EZLippi/WebBench) | Webbench是Radim Kolar在1997年写的一个在linux下使用的非常简单的网站压测工具。它使用fork()模拟多个客户端同时访问我们设定的URL, 测试网站在压力下工作的性能, 最多可以模拟3万个并发连接去测试网站的负载能力。官网地址:http://home.tiscali.cz/~cz210552/webbench.html | 1.7k | C | 02/14 |
| 21 | [ xufuji456 / FFmpegAndroid ] ( https : //github.com/xufuji456/FFmpegAndroid) | android端基于FFmpeg实现音频剪切、拼接、转码、混音、编解码; 视频剪切、水印、截图、转码、编解码、转Gif动图、画面拼接、视频倒播; 音视频合成与分离; 音视频解码、同步与播放; FFmpeg本地推流、H264与RTMP实时推流直播; OpenGL实时滤镜; FFmpeg滤镜: 素描、色彩平衡、hue、lut、模糊、九宫格等; 基于IjkPlayer修改支持RTSP超低延时直播(局域网1080P延时130ms)、暂停、静音,多路投屏直播 | 1.6k | C | 05/25 |
| 22 | [ ShadowsocksR - Live / shadowsocksr - native ] ( https : //github.com/ShadowsocksR-Live/shadowsocksr-native) | 从容翻越党国敏感日 ShadowsocksR (SSR) native implementation for all platforms, GFW terminator | 1.6k | C | 05/30 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 23 | [ yangchaojiang / yjPlay ] ( https : //github.com/yangchaojiang/yjPlay) | 一个支持自定义UI布局,流式API, 加密,直播 ,亮度,音量,快进等手势 ,广告视频预览,多种加载模式 ,多种分辨率切换 ,多种封面图, 自定义数据源,列表播放,倍数播放,边播变缓存<font color="red">不是使用AndroidVideoCache</font>,离线播放,神奇的播放器 | 1.6k | C | 05/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 24 | [ yangjie10930 / EpMedia ] ( https : //github.com/yangjie10930/EpMedia) | Android上基于FFmpeg开发的视频处理框架, 简单易用, 体积小, 帮助使用者快速实现视频处理功能。包含以下功能: 剪辑, 裁剪, 旋转, 镜像, 合并, 分离, 变速, 添加LOGO, 添加滤镜, 添加背景音乐, 加速减速视频, 倒放音视频。 The video processing framework based on FFmpeg developed on Android is simple, easy to use, and small in size, helping users quickly realize video processing functions. Contains the follow ... | 1.5k | C | 05/23 |
| 25 | [ reactnativecn / react - native - pushy ] ( https : //github.com/reactnativecn/react-native-pushy) | React Native 极速热更新服务 | 1.5k | C | 05/25 |
| 26 | [ loyinglin / LearnOpenGLES ] ( https : //github.com/loyinglin/LearnOpenGLES) | OpenGL ES的各种尝试, 有详细的博客。 | 1.4k | C | 03/17 |
| 27 | [ quickjs - zh / QuickJS ] ( https : //github.com/quickjs-zh/QuickJS) | QuickJS是一个小型并且可嵌入的Javascript引擎, 它支持ES2020规范, 包括模块, 异步生成器和代理器。 | 1.3k | C | 04/13 |
| 28 | [ armink / EasyLogger ] ( https : //github.com/armink/EasyLogger) | A ultra-lightweight(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k), high-performance C/C++ log library. \| 一款超轻量级(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k)、高性能的 C/C++ 日志库 | 1.2k | C | 04/07 |
| 29 | [ cetus - tools / cetus ] ( https : //github.com/cetus-tools/cetus) | 专注于稳定、性能和分布式事务的MySQL数据库中间件( 其中性能测试在开源数据库中间件排名第一) | 1.1k | C | 03/13 |
| 30 | [ Ewenwan / ShiYanLou ] ( https : //github.com/Ewenwan/ShiYanLou) | 学习C & C++ & python&汇编语言 LLVM编译器 数据结构 算法 操作系统 单片机 linux 面试 | 1.1k | C | 05/10 |
| 31 | [ momotech / MLN ] ( https : //github.com/momotech/MLN) | 高性能、小巧、易上手的移动跨平台开发框架. A framework for building Mobile cross-platform apps with Lua | 1.1k | C | 05/30 |
| 32 | [ kangjianwei / Data - Structure ] ( https : //github.com/kangjianwei/Data-Structure) | 《数据结构》-严蔚敏.吴伟民-教材源码与习题解析 | 1.0k | C | 04/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 33 | [ armink / EasyFlash ] ( https : //github.com/armink/EasyFlash) | Lightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG. \| 轻量级物联网设备信息存储方案:参数存储、在线升级及日志存储 ,全新一代版本请移步至 https://github.com/armink/FlashDB | 1.0k | C | 05/24 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 34 | [ cppla / ServerStatus ] ( https : //github.com/cppla/ServerStatus) | 云探针、多服务器探针、云监控、多服务器云监控,演示: https://tz.cloudcpp.com/ | 903 | C | 05/27 |
| 35 | [ gatieme / LDD - LinuxDeviceDrivers ] ( https : //github.com/gatieme/LDD-LinuxDeviceDrivers) | Linux内核与设备驱动程序学习笔记 | 864 | C | 05/24 |
| 36 | [ feiyangqingyun / QWidgetDemo ] ( https : //github.com/feiyangqingyun/QWidgetDemo) | Qt编写的一些开源的demo, 预计会有100多个, 一直持续更新完善, 代码简洁易懂注释详细, 每个都是独立项目, 非常适合初学者, 代码随意传播使用, 拒绝打赏和捐赠, 欢迎留言评论! | 791 | C | 05/28 |
| 37 | [ Simple - XX / SimpleKernel ] ( https : //github.com/Simple-XX/SimpleKernel) | Simple kernel for learning operating systems. 用于学习操作系统的简单内核 | 774 | C | 04/24 |
| 38 | [ netwarm007 / GameEngineFromScratch ] ( https : //github.com/netwarm007/GameEngineFromScratch) | 配合我的知乎专栏写的项目 | 773 | C | 05/31 |
| 39 | [ BruceWind / AESJniEncrypt ] ( https : //github.com/BruceWind/AESJniEncrypt) | Make the most secure code in Android. (ndk实现AES,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork} | 767 | C | 02/14 |
| 40 | [ yianwillis / vimcdoc ] ( https : //github.com/yianwillis/vimcdoc) | Vim 中文文档计划 | 709 | C | 05/31 |
| 41 | [ feiskyer / sdn - handbook ] ( https : //github.com/feiskyer/sdn-handbook) | SDN网络指南( SDN Handbook) | 696 | C | 05/22 |
| 42 | [ armink / FreeModbus_Slave - Master - RTT - STM32 ] ( https : //github.com/armink/FreeModbus_Slave-Master-RTT-STM32) | Add master mode to FreeModbus. \| 在 FreeModbus 中添加主机模式 | 668 | C | 05/19 |
| 43 | [ rock - app / fabu . love ] ( https : //github.com/rock-app/fabu.love) | 应用发布平台类似fir.im/蒲公英,支持检查更新,灰度发布等等.Demo地址: https://fabu.apppills.com/ | 643 | C | 04/17 |
| 44 | [ armink / CmBacktrace ] ( https : //github.com/armink/CmBacktrace) | Advanced fault backtrace library for ARM Cortex-M series MCU \| ARM Cortex-M 系列 MCU 错误追踪库 | 615 | C | 03/30 |
| 45 | [ hoverwinter / HIT - OSLab ] ( https : //github.com/hoverwinter/HIT-OSLab) | S - 哈工大《操作系统》实验 | 587 | C | 05/24 |
| 46 | [ daoluan / decode - memcached ] ( https : //github.com/daoluan/decode-memcached) | memcached 源码剖析注释 | 560 | C | 05/25 |
| 47 | [ feiskyer / linux - perf - examples ] ( https : //github.com/feiskyer/linux-perf-examples) | 极客时间《Linux 性能优化实战》案例 | 558 | C | 01/31 |
| 48 | [ Tencent / TencentOS - kernel ] ( https : //github.com/Tencent/TencentOS-kernel) | 腾讯针对云的场景研发的服务器操作系统 | 526 | C | 05/29 |
| 49 | [ u0u0 / Quick - Cocos2dx - Community ] ( https : //github.com/u0u0/Quick-Cocos2dx-Community) | Cocos2d-Lua 社区版 | 487 | C | 05/30 |
| 50 | [ wuzhouhui / misc ] ( https : //github.com/wuzhouhui/misc) | 学习与工作中收集的一些资料 | 464 | C | 03/22 |
| 51 | [ lihancong / tonyenc ] ( https : //github.com/lihancong/tonyenc) | 高性能、跨平台的 PHP7 代码加密扩展 (A high performance and cross-platform encrypt extension for PHP source code) | 463 | C | 04/24 |
| 52 | [ ChenLittlePing / LearningVideo ] ( https : //github.com/ChenLittlePing/LearningVideo) | 【Android 音视频开发打怪升级】系列文章示例代码( A demo to introduce how to develop android video) 。本项目将从MediaCodec硬解, FFmpeg软解, OpenGL等方面, 全方位讲解如何在Android上进行音视频编辑开发。 | 460 | C | 05/28 |
| 53 | [ vonzhou / CSAPP ] ( https : //github.com/vonzhou/CSAPP) | CSAPP,《深入理解计算机系统结构》2nd ,阅读与实践! | 450 | C | 04/25 |
| 54 | [ armink / SFUD ] ( https : //github.com/armink/SFUD) | An using JEDEC's SFDP standard serial (SPI) flash universal driver library \| 一款使用 JEDEC SFDP 标准的串行 (SPI) Flash 通用驱动库 | 444 | C | 05/20 |
| 55 | [ CokeMine / ServerStatus - Hotaru ] ( https : //github.com/CokeMine/ServerStatus-Hotaru) | 云探针、多服务器探针、云监控、多服务器云监控 | 438 | C | 05/30 |
| 56 | [ aliyun / iotkit - embedded ] ( https : //github.com/aliyun/iotkit-embedded) | 高速镜像: https://code.aliyun.com/linkkit/c-sdk | 437 | C | 05/12 |
| 57 | [ tsingsee / EasyRTMP ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyRTMP) | EasyRTMP是一套调用简单、功能完善、运行高效稳定的RTMP功能组件, 经过多年实战和线上运行打造, 支持RTMP推送断线重连、环形缓冲、智能丢帧、网络事件回调, 支持Windows、Linux、arm( hisiv100/hisiv200/hisiv300/hisiv400/hisiv500/hisiv600/etc..) 、Android、iOS平台, 支持市面上绝大部分的RTMP流媒体服务器, 包括Wowza、Red5、ngnix_rtmp、crtmpserver等主流RTMP服务器, 能够完美应用于各种行业的直播需求, 手机直播、桌面直播、摄像机直播、课堂直播等等方面! Android版本地址: ht ... | 428 | C | 05/09 |
| 58 | [ vimfung / LuaScriptCore ] ( https : //github.com/vimfung/LuaScriptCore) | 一款简单易用的多平台Lua桥接器, 目前支持在iOS、Mac OS X、Android以及Unity3D中使用, 让原生环境与Lua无障碍沟通。 | 424 | C | 05/10 |
| 59 | [ rime / ibus - rime ] ( https : //github.com/rime/ibus-rime) | 【中州韻】Rime for Linux/IBus | 414 | C | 02/07 |
| 60 | [ aqi00 / android2 ] ( https : //github.com/aqi00/android2) | 《Android Studio开发实战: 从零基础到App上线》随书源码( 全面添加注释版) | 402 | C | 05/29 |
| 61 | [ CoderMJLee / MJCodeObfuscation ] ( https : //github.com/CoderMJLee/MJCodeObfuscation) | 一个用于代码混淆和字符串加密的Mac小Demo | 384 | C | 01/04 |
| 62 | [ dlxg / Linux - NetSpeed ] ( https : //github.com/dlxg/Linux-NetSpeed) | BBR+BBR魔改+Lotsever(锐速)一键脚本 for Centos/Debian/Ubuntu | 381 | C | 04/23 |
| 63 | [ CasterWx / AntzOS ] ( https : //github.com/CasterWx/AntzOS) | :earth_asia: Develop an intelligent AI half terminal half graphical operating system Antz. 一个随心所欲制造的操作系统Antz。 | 377 | C | 03/12 |
| 64 | [ chenall / grub4dos ] ( https : //github.com/chenall/grub4dos) | 外部命令和工具源码:https://github.com/chenall/grubutils 下载: | 377 | C | 04/02 |
| 65 | [ destan19 / OpenAppFilter ] ( https : //github.com/destan19/OpenAppFilter) | 基于OpenWrt的App过滤(上网管控)模块, 支持抖音、斗鱼、王者荣耀、腾讯视频等上百款App过滤 | 374 | C | 05/26 |
| 66 | [ osgochina / donkeyid ] ( https : //github.com/osgochina/donkeyid) | php扩展, 64位自增id生成器 | 361 | C | 04/08 |
| 67 | [ chai2010 / go - ast - book ] ( https : //github.com/chai2010/go-ast-book) | :books: 《Go语法树入门》(开源免费图书/Go语言进阶/掌握抽象语法树/Go语言AST) | 361 | C | 05/29 |
| 68 | [ hurley25 / Hurlex - II ] ( https : //github.com/hurley25/Hurlex-II) | 第二版重新设计和构思,参考一些优秀的实现进行补充设计和编码。 | 339 | C | 04/09 |
| 69 | [ armink / struct2json ] ( https : //github.com/armink/struct2json) | A fast convert library between the JSON and C structure. Implement structure serialization and deserialization for C. \| C 结构体与 JSON 快速互转库,快速实现 C 结构体的序列化及反序列化 | 339 | C | 02/23 |
| 70 | [ picasso250 / spring12 ] ( https : //github.com/picasso250/spring12) | 春节十二响 | 321 | C | 03/14 |
| 71 | [ y123456yz / middleware_development_learning ] ( https : //github.com/y123456yz/middleware_development_learning) | 手把手教你做中间件、高性能服务器、分布式存储等(redis、memcache、nginx、大容量redis pika、rocksdb、mongodb、wiredtiger存储引擎、高性能代理中间件)二次开发、性能优化, 逐步整理文档说明并配合demo指导--每周末定时更新2-3篇技术文章及程序demo--(技术交流QQ群: 568892619) | 309 | C | 01/20 |
| 72 | [ YunYang1994 / yynet ] ( https : //github.com/YunYang1994/yynet) | 📚 自己写的一个深度学习框架( c/c++ 实现, 不依赖于任何第三方库,含中文注释) | 303 | C | 04/28 |
| 73 | [ froghui / yolanda ] ( https : //github.com/froghui/yolanda) | 极客时间<网络编程实战>代码 | 297 | C | 05/24 |
| 74 | [ huangz1990 / blog ] ( https : //github.com/huangz1990/blog) | 我的个人博客。 | 293 | C | 05/27 |
| 75 | [ figozhang / runninglinuxkernel_4 . 0 ] ( https : //github.com/figozhang/runninglinuxkernel_4.0) | 《奔跑吧Linux内核》配套实验平台和代码, 白色入门酱香篇, 蓝色进阶浓香篇 | 289 | C | 02/02 |
| 76 | [ elarity / data - structure - php - clanguage ] ( https : //github.com/elarity/data-structure-php-clanguage) | 对于数据结构和算法类的东西,我工作有些年份了,大学也有所涉猎,积累了一些内容,不高产不母猪,打我自己脸 | 287 | C | 05/07 |
| 77 | [ MustangYM / WeChatICU - ForMac ] ( https : //github.com/MustangYM/WeChatICU-ForMac) | Mac版企业微信消息防撤回, 聊天会话去水印 | 282 | C | 02/03 |
| 78 | [ chenyahui / AnnotatedCode ] ( https : //github.com/chenyahui/AnnotatedCode) | 知名开源代码库的注释版, 包括libco、coroutine、muduo等 | 273 | C | 04/03 |
| 79 | [ xausky / UnityModManager ] ( https : //github.com/xausky/UnityModManager) | 一个便捷的程序可以修改游戏内资源包括: Unity游戏资源, Wwise音频资源。 | 270 | C | 01/13 |
| 80 | [ konosubakonoakua / Various_MCU_Debugger_DIY ] ( https : //github.com/konosubakonoakua/Various_MCU_Debugger_DIY) | 各种LInk大合集 | 267 | C | 04/30 |
| 81 | [ shineframe / shineframe ] ( https : //github.com/shineframe/shineframe) | 高性能超轻量级C++开发库及服务器编程框架 | 255 | C | 05/11 |
| 82 | [ MiEcosystem / miio_open ] ( https : //github.com/MiEcosystem/miio_open) | 智能硬件接入文档 | 250 | C | 03/20 |
| 83 | [ zlgopen / ametal ] ( https : //github.com/zlgopen/ametal) | 芯片级裸机软件包, 定义了一系列常用外设( 如: UART、IIC、SPI、ADC等) 的通用接口, 基于通用接口的应用可以跨平台复用。 | 238 | C | 05/29 |
| 84 | [ murphyzhao / FlexibleButton ] ( https : //github.com/murphyzhao/FlexibleButton) | 灵活的按键处理库( Flexible Button) \| 按键驱动 \| 支持单击、双击、连击、长按、自动消抖 \| 灵活适配中断和低功耗 \| 按需实现组合按键 | 234 | C | 04/12 |
| 85 | [ OliverLew / PAT ] ( https : //github.com/OliverLew/PAT) | PAT OJ exercises in C language 浙江大学PAT纯C语言题解, 欢迎改进建议 | 222 | C | 05/25 |
| 86 | [ AngelKitty / review_the_national_post - graduate_entrance_examination ] ( https : //github.com/AngelKitty/review_the_national_post-graduate_entrance_examination) | 🌟复习考研的那些事儿(清华912考研)~ ~ | 221 | C | 01/01 |
| 87 | [ dpull / skynet - mingw ] ( https : //github.com/dpull/skynet-mingw) | 对skynet无任何改动的windows版 | 217 | C | 05/13 |
| 88 | [ wuxx / nanoDAP ] ( https : //github.com/wuxx/nanoDAP) | 建议大家star此仓库, 仓库会持续更新。由于部分淘宝卖家“借鉴”实验室出品的nanoDAP详情及描述, 请大家认准实验室官方链接 | 213 | C | 05/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 89 | [ zpoint / Redis - Internals ] ( https : //github.com/zpoint/Redis-Internals) | Analyze redis 5.0 source code through diagrams \| 图解 Redis 5.0 | 195 | C | 04/29 |
| 90 | [ alipay / mpaas - demo ] ( https : //github.com/alipay/mpaas-demo) | mPaaS Demo 合集, mPaaS 是源自于支付宝的移动开发平台。The collection of demos for mPaaS components. mPaaS is the Mobile Development Platform which oriented from Alipay. | 192 | C | 02/17 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 91 | [ LGCooci / objc4_debug ] ( https : //github.com/LGCooci/objc4_debug) | 可编译苹果官方源码objc! 现在有objc4-750,objc4-756.2,objc4-779.1,以及libmalloc-166.200.60等可编译版本, 大家可以自由LLDB调试! | 192 | C | 03/05 |
| 92 | [ fanchy / h2engine ] ( https : //github.com/fanchy/h2engine) | H2服务器引擎架构是轻量级的, 与其说是引擎, 个人觉得称之为平台更为合适。因为它封装的功能少之又少, 但是提供了非常简洁方便的扩展机制, 使得可以用C++、python、lua、js、php来开发具体的服务器功能。H2引擎的灵感来源于web服务器Apache。 | 191 | C | 05/12 |
| 93 | [ hanson - young / nniefacelib ] ( https : //github.com/hanson-young/nniefacelib) | nniefacelib是一个在海思35xx系列芯片上运行的人脸算法库 | 190 | C | 05/15 |
| 94 | [ zxystd / AppleIntelWifiAdapter ] ( https : //github.com/zxystd/AppleIntelWifiAdapter) | 苹果IO80211Controller调用 | 187 | C | 04/22 |
| 95 | [ lcodecorex / KeepAlive ] ( https : //github.com/lcodecorex/KeepAlive) | Fighting against force-stop kill process on Android with binder ioctl / Android高级保活 | 185 | C | 05/30 |
| 96 | [ PHZ76 / DesktopSharing ] ( https : //github.com/PHZ76/DesktopSharing) | 桌面共享, 支持RTSP转发, RTSP推流, RTMP推流。 | 185 | C | 05/21 |
| 97 | [ usbxyz / CAN - Bootloader ] ( https : //github.com/usbxyz/CAN-Bootloader) | 使用USB2XXX实现的CAN Bootloader功能, 实现CAN节点固件远程升级 | 184 | C | 05/11 |
| 98 | [ notrynohigh / BabyOS ] ( https : //github.com/notrynohigh/BabyOS) | 专为MCU项目开发提速的代码框架 | 180 | C | 05/31 |
| 99 | [ scriptiot / evm ] ( https : //github.com/scriptiot/evm) | 超轻量级物联网虚拟机 | 178 | C | 05/21 |
| 100 | [ maxlicheng / stm32f4_ucosii_lwip_mqtt ] ( https : //github.com/maxlicheng/stm32f4_ucosii_lwip_mqtt) | 基于正点原子STM32F4开发板和阿里云物联网平台的MQTT项目 | 163 | C | 03/15 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 101 | [ Wangzhike / HIT - Linux - 0 . 11 ] ( https : //github.com/Wangzhike/HIT-Linux-0.11) | 网易云课堂选的操作系统课实验的代码及相关记录 | 162 | C | 04/14 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 102 | [ peng - zhihui / ONE - Robot ] ( https : //github.com/peng-zhihui/ONE-Robot) | 2015年做的一个基于IMU和STM32的独轮自平衡机器人 | 162 | C | 02/15 |
| 103 | [ guanshuicheng / invoice ] ( https : //github.com/guanshuicheng/invoice) | 增值税发票OCR识别, 使用flask微服务架构, 识别type: 增值税电子普通发票, 增值税普通发票, 增值税专用发票; 识别字段为: 发票代码、发票号码、开票日期、校验码、税后金额等 | 159 | C | 01/29 |
| 104 | [ depthlove / FFmpeg - X264 - Encode - for - iOS ] ( https : //github.com/depthlove/FFmpeg-X264-Encode-for-iOS) | 利用FFmpeg+x264将iOS摄像头实时视频流编码为h264文件 | 157 | C | 03/15 |
| 105 | [ armfly / H7 - TOOL_STM32H7_App ] ( https : //github.com/armfly/H7-TOOL_STM32H7_App) | 单片机APP程序 | 157 | C | 05/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 106 | [ eboxmaker / eBox_Framework ] ( https : //github.com/eboxmaker/eBox_Framework) | ebox是类似于arduino的一层api, 简化stm32编程 | 155 | C | 04/06 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 107 | [ FantasticLBP / knowledge - kit ] ( https : //github.com/FantasticLBP/knowledge-kit) | iOS、Web前端、后端、数据库、计算机网络、设计模式经验总结 | 151 | C | 05/12 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 108 | [ xuhongv / StudyInEsp32 ] ( https : //github.com/xuhongv/StudyInEsp32) | 【深度开源】wiif+bt模块esp32学习之旅( 持续更新, 欢迎 Star...) | 148 | C | 03/31 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 109 | [ switch - iot / hin2n ] ( https : //github.com/switch-iot/hin2n) | n2n support for mobiles(n2n手机版) | 144 | C | 04/21 |
| 110 | [ tsingsee / EasyPlayer - RTSP - Win ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyPlayer-RTSP-Win) | An elegant, simple, fast windows RTSP Player.EasyPlayer support RTSP(RTP over TCP/UDP),video support H.264/H.265,audio support G.711/G.726/AAC! EasyPlayer RTSP是一款精炼、高效、稳定的RTSP流媒体播放器, 视频支持H.264/H.265, 音频支持G.711/G.726/AAC, 支持RTP over UDP/TCP两种模式! | 143 | C | 05/09 |
| 111 | [ dustpg / StepFC ] ( https : //github.com/dustpg/StepFC) | Make FC(NES) Emulator Step-by-Step 一步一步模拟红白机 | 143 | C | 05/29 |
| 112 | [ xinyang - go / SJTU - RM - CV - 2019 ] ( https : //github.com/xinyang-go/SJTU-RM-CV-2019) | 上海交通大学 RoboMaster 2019赛季 视觉代码 | 140 | C | 01/02 |
| 113 | [ zkwlx / ADI ] ( https : //github.com/zkwlx/ADI) | ADI(Android Debug Intensive) 是通过 JVMTI 实现的 Android 应用开发调试的增强工具集,目前主要提供性能相关的监控能力。 | 136 | C | 02/13 |
| 114 | [ kyzhouhzau / Clinical - NER ] ( https : //github.com/kyzhouhzau/Clinical-NER) | 面向中文电子病历的命名实体识别 | 133 | C | 05/19 |
| 115 | [ luoweipeter / C ] ( https : //github.com/luoweipeter/C) | c/c++ 学习记录 | 129 | C | 04/12 |
| 116 | [ fdslight / fdslight ] ( https : //github.com/fdslight/fdslight) | IP层代理软件(VPN), 支持Linux路由器设备和Linux本地代理, 可以加速你的网络访问 | 126 | C | 05/31 |
| 117 | [ timwhitez / Cobalt - Strike - Aggressor - Scripts ] ( https : //github.com/timwhitez/Cobalt-Strike-Aggressor-Scripts) | Cobalt Strike Aggressor 插件包 | 123 | C | 04/23 |
| 118 | [ gnbdev / gnb ] ( https : //github.com/gnbdev/gnb) | GNB is open source de-centralized VPN to achieve layer3 network via p2p with the ultimate capability of NAT Traversal.GNB是一个开源的去中心化的具有极致内网穿透能力的通过P2P进行三层网络交换的VPN。 | 123 | C | 04/20 |
| 119 | [ 404name / winter ] ( https : //github.com/404name/winter) | 答辩作品0( 2020上半年C程序) | 122 | C | 05/30 |
| 120 | [ wonderkun / CTFENV ] ( https : //github.com/wonderkun/CTFENV) | 为应对CTF比赛而搭建的各种环境 | 121 | C | 05/09 |
| 121 | [ xiayuanquan / FFmpegDemo ] ( https : //github.com/xiayuanquan/FFmpegDemo) | 视频直播和播放转码器框架 | 120 | C | 01/06 |
| 122 | [ jiejieTop / ButtonDrive ] ( https : //github.com/jiejieTop/ButtonDrive) | 纯C语言实现的一个按键驱动, 可移植性强, 支持单双击、连按、连按释放、长按; 采用回调处理按键事件( 自定义消抖时间) , 使用只需3步, 1: 创建按键, 2: 按键事件与回调处理函数链接映射。然后周期检查按键。 | 117 | C | 05/25 |
| 123 | [ fujie - xiyou / chat_room ] ( https : //github.com/fujie-xiyou/chat_room) | 聊天室 -- 17年暑假项目(Linux C网络编程) | 114 | C | 01/09 |
| 124 | [ ouyanghuiyu / darknet_face_with_landmark ] ( https : //github.com/ouyanghuiyu/darknet_face_with_landmark) | 加入关键点的darknet训练框架, 轻量级的人脸检测, 支持ncnn推理 | 112 | C | 05/22 |
| 125 | [ YJLAugus / Inios ] ( https : //github.com/YJLAugus/Inios) | 从零开发一32位操作系统 | 110 | C | 01/02 |
| 126 | [ zhuotong / Android_InlineHook ] ( https : //github.com/zhuotong/Android_InlineHook) | Android内联hook框架 | 108 | C | 01/08 |
| 127 | [ Echocipher / AUTO - EARN ] ( https : //github.com/Echocipher/AUTO-EARN) | 一个利用OneForAll进行子域收集、Shodan API端口扫描、Xray漏洞Fuzz、Server酱的自动化漏洞扫描、即时通知提醒的漏洞挖掘辅助工具 | 103 | C | 05/25 |
| 128 | [ Chocolatl / qqlight - websocket ] ( https : //github.com/Chocolatl/qqlight-websocket) | QQLight机器人WebSocket-RPC插件, 让你能够使用任何语言编写QQ机器人程序 | 102 | C | 03/05 |
| 129 | [ yangfei963158659 / nnie ] ( https : //github.com/yangfei963158659/nnie) | 重构海思sample中的NNIE模块 | 96 | C | 04/01 |
| 130 | [ CreativeLau / Mini - DSO ] ( https : //github.com/CreativeLau/Mini-DSO) | 用STC单片机制作的简易示波器 / DIY Mini Digital Storage Oscilloscopes(DSO) with STC MCU | 96 | C | 05/16 |
| 131 | [ doctording / os ] ( https : //github.com/doctording/os) | 《操作系统真相还原》笔记 | 96 | C | 03/25 |
| 132 | [ RainbowRoad1 / Cgame ] ( https : //github.com/RainbowRoad1/Cgame) | 一些用C编写的小游戏, 代码极短, 18行贪吃蛇 33行俄罗斯方块 28行2048...以及各种小玩意 | 94 | C | 04/30 |
| 133 | [ MeiK2333 / apue ] ( https : //github.com/MeiK2333/apue) | 《UNIX环境高级编程》随书代码与课后习题 | 92 | C | 02/24 |
| 134 | [ uknowsec / getSystem ] ( https : //github.com/uknowsec/getSystem) | webshell下提权执行命令 Reference:https://github.com/yusufqk/SystemToken | 91 | C | 04/23 |
| 135 | [ xyzmos / GeekDNS ] ( https : //github.com/xyzmos/GeekDNS) | GeekDNS配置文件 | 90 | C | 05/01 |
| 136 | [ rokid / docs ] ( https : //github.com/rokid/docs) | Rokid 语音开放平台, 包含技能开发、语音设备接入及智能家居接入的文档、SDK 及示例代码 | 90 | C | 05/30 |
| 137 | [ Embedfire / embed_linux_tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/Embedfire/embed_linux_tutorial) | 野火《i.MX Linux开发实战指南》书籍及代码 | 90 | C | 05/27 |
| 138 | [ MissFreak / SI - 2019 - Spring ] ( https : //github.com/MissFreak/SI-2019-Spring) | 信息学院( School of Information) 2019春入学的同学们, 欢迎进入公共讨论区, 你可以与本专业的老师和同学在这里交流。 | 86 | C | 05/16 |
| 139 | [ yundiantech / VideoPlayer ] ( https : //github.com/yundiantech/VideoPlayer) | Qt+ffmpeg实现的视频播放器 | 86 | C | 05/08 |
| 140 | [ trumanzhao / luna ] ( https : //github.com/trumanzhao/luna) | 基于C++17的lua/C++绑定库,以及lua的二进制序列化等辅助代码 | 85 | C | 04/15 |
| 141 | [ tidyjiang8 / esp - idf - zh ] ( https : //github.com/tidyjiang8/esp-idf-zh) | ESP-IDF 中文文档 | 82 | C | 03/08 |
| 142 | [ dodola / fbhookfork ] ( https : //github.com/dodola/fbhookfork) | 从 fb 的 profilo 项目里提取出来的hook 库,自己用 | 81 | C | 01/11 |
| 143 | [ pymumu / tinylog ] ( https : //github.com/pymumu/tinylog) | A lightweight c,c++ log component developed for Linux, It is designed with high performance, asynchronized, thread-safe and process-safe; tinylog是一个专为UNIX设计的轻量级的C/ C++日志模块,其提供了高性能,异步,线程安全,进程安全的日志功能。 | 79 | C | 05/06 |
| 144 | [ dengfaheng / WeChatCode ] ( https : //github.com/dengfaheng/WeChatCode) | 微信公众号【程序猿声】的相关代码汇总 | 77 | C | 01/28 |
| 145 | [ zl03jsj / mupdf ] ( https : //github.com/zl03jsj/mupdf) | 扩展mupdf 实现图像数字证书签名, 手写笔迹数字证书签名, 插入图片, 手写签名注释..改进手写批注,实现模拟真实手写的算法, annot自定义数据, annot插入,删除密码校验等功能...支持ios, windows, mac, linux, c++, java, android | 77 | C | 03/28 |
| 146 | [ foxclever / Modbus ] ( https : //github.com/foxclever/Modbus) | 一个Modbus通讯协议栈 | 75 | C | 03/29 |
| 147 | [ ultraji / linux - 0 . 12 ] ( https : //github.com/ultraji/linux-0.12) | 《Linux内核完全剖析》linux0.12源码及实验环境 | 75 | C | 01/24 |
| 148 | [ qq4108863 / himqtt ] ( https : //github.com/qq4108863/himqtt) | himqtt是首款完整源码的高性能MQTT物联网防火墙 - MQTT Application FireWall, 采用epoll模式支持高并发连接。 | 71 | C | 04/23 |
| 149 | [ qq4108863 / hihttps ] ( https : //github.com/qq4108863/hihttps) | hihttps是一款完整源码的高性能SSL WEB应用防火墙( SSL WAF) , 采用epoll模式支持高并发, 并且兼容ModSecurity正则规则。 | 71 | C | 05/22 |
| 150 | [ isrc - cas / pacific ] ( https : //github.com/isrc-cas/pacific) | 方舟编译器的Runtime参考实现。这不是华为官方项目, 是PLCT实验室的培训项目。 | 72 | C | 01/09 |
| 151 | [ Albert - Zhan / php - decrypt ] ( https : //github.com/Albert-Zhan/php-decrypt) | PHP Decrypt是一个跨平台用来解密PHP源码的扩展 | 70 | C | 04/29 |
| 152 | [ PaddlePaddle / Fleet ] ( https : //github.com/PaddlePaddle/Fleet) | 飞桨分布式训练API-基线-示例-算法包 | 68 | C | 05/26 |
| 153 | [ firestaradmin / WorldEdit - No . 1 ] ( https : //github.com/firestaradmin/WorldEdit-No.1) | 基于STM32, 极度硬核DIY蓝牙机械键盘 | 67 | C | 03/30 |
| 154 | [ armink - rtt - pkgs / EasyFlash ] ( https : //github.com/armink-rtt-pkgs/EasyFlash) | Lightweight embedded flash memory library. Make flash to be a small KV database. \| 嵌入式 Flash 存储器库,让 Flash 成为小型 KV 数据库 | 66 | C | 04/12 |
| 155 | [ blindpirate / no2 - linggong - road ] ( https : //github.com/blindpirate/no2-linggong-road) | 战棋类RPG游戏: 凌工路2号 | 66 | C | 01/20 |
| 156 | [ hungtcs - lab / 8051 - examples ] ( https : //github.com/hungtcs-lab/8051-examples) | 基于SDCC编译器的8051单片机示例 | 65 | C | 03/09 |
| 157 | [ draveness / linux - archive ] ( https : //github.com/draveness/linux-archive) | Linux archive for studying the process scheduler. 调度系统设计精要 http://draveness.me/system-design-scheduler | 65 | C | 02/02 |
| 158 | [ tsingsee / EasyPlayer - RTSP - iOS ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyPlayer-RTSP-iOS) | An elegant, simple, fast windows RTSP Player.EasyPlayer support RTSP(RTP over TCP/UDP),video support H.264/H.265,audio support G.711/G.726/AAC! EasyPlayer RTSP是一款精炼、高效、稳定的RTSP流媒体播放器, 视频支持H.264/H.265, 音频支持G.711/G.726/AAC, 支持RTP over UDP/TCP两种模式! | 65 | C | 04/28 |
| 159 | [ BBuf / Darknet ] ( https : //github.com/BBuf/Darknet) | AlexeyAB-DarkNet源码解析 | 65 | C | 03/29 |
| 160 | [ nengm / Tinyhttpd ] ( https : //github.com/nengm/Tinyhttpd) | 一次对Tinyhttpd完整的精读, 注释, 测试 | 64 | C | 04/14 |
| 161 | [ jntass / TASSL - 1 . 1 . 1b ] ( https : //github.com/jntass/TASSL-1.1.1b) | 支持SM2 SM3 SM4国密算法和国密openssl协议的TASSL 基于openssl-1.1.1b版本 | 64 | C | 03/28 |
| 162 | [ wwptrdudu / Voice_Recognition_Control_Robot ] ( https : //github.com/wwptrdudu/Voice_Recognition_Control_Robot) | 树莓派上的语音控制语音聊天的智能机器人。利用树莓派的wiringPi, 科大讯飞, 图灵机器人, alsa等开发库实现。 | 63 | C | 05/10 |
| 163 | [ zhayujie / C - Primer - Plus ] ( https : //github.com/zhayujie/C-Primer-Plus) | C Primer Plus第六版中文版习题答案 | 63 | C | 04/11 |
| 164 | [ leleliu008 / C ] ( https : //github.com/leleliu008/C) | C语言学习项目 | 61 | C | 05/05 |
| 165 | [ labplus - cn / mpython ] ( https : //github.com/labplus-cn/mpython) | mpython掌控板文档和固件源码 | 59 | C | 05/30 |
| 166 | [ tongban / Learning - DIY - RTOS ] ( https : //github.com/tongban/Learning-DIY-RTOS) | 自己动手从0到1写嵌入式操作系统 课程的相关资料下载 | 59 | C | 03/08 |
| 167 | [ TensShinet / toy_vm ] ( https : //github.com/TensShinet/toy_vm) | 用 c 实现一个简单的虚拟机 | 58 | C | 05/22 |
| 168 | [ alibaba / id2_client_sdk ] ( https : //github.com/alibaba/id2_client_sdk) | ID²( Internet Device ID) , 是物联网设备的可信身份标识, 具备不可篡改、不可伪造、全球唯一的安全属性, 是实现万物互联、服务流转的关键基础设施。ID²支持多安全等级载体, 合理地平衡物联网在安全、成本、功耗等各方面的诉求, 为客户提供用得起、容易用、有保障的安全方案, 适应物联网碎片化的市场需求。 ID² Client SDK是用于设备端开发的软件工具包, 帮助开发者快速集成接入ID²开放平台. | 57 | C | 03/19 |
| 169 | [ kernelbin / BOIT ] ( https : //github.com/kernelbin/BOIT) | BOT for OIers. /*BOIT = BOT + OI; yh蒟蒻写的给OIers用的一个bot, Made by kernel.bin with ❤*/ | 57 | C | 05/11 |
| 170 | [ Niyunfeng / PID ] ( https : //github.com/Niyunfeng/PID) | 增量式PID算法C语言实现 | 57 | C | 04/18 |
| 171 | [ w1nds / dll2shellcode ] ( https : //github.com/w1nds/dll2shellcode) | dll转shellcode工具 | 56 | C | 02/20 |
| 172 | [ Car - eye - team / Car - eye - RTMP - server ] ( https : //github.com/Car-eye-team/Car-eye-RTMP-server) | Car-eye-RTMP-server 是基于Nginx开发的一个开源服务器, 稳定高效。可应用于安防, 移动终端, 医疗, 教育等行业。配合car-eye-server 实现对设备的管理, 配合视频后台实现直播和点播功能。流媒体服务器后台设备管理平台网站: www.liveoss.com 视频直播测试网站:http://www.car-eye.cn:8080/ | 56 | C | 03/04 |
| 173 | [ openLuat / LuatOS ] ( https : //github.com/openLuat/LuatOS) | 合宙LuatOS -- Lua base RTOS, build for many embedded systems. LuatOS是运行在嵌入式硬件的实时操作系统 | 55 | C | 05/28 |
| 174 | [ ZJ - TEK / ZJ - SDK - RT - Thread - NORDIC ] ( https : //github.com/ZJ-TEK/ZJ-SDK-RT-Thread-NORDIC) | 基于RT-Thread操作系统在子敬电子ZJ-TEK系列开发板的软件开发包 | 55 | C | 03/08 |
| 175 | [ jmp19940829 / WeChat ] ( https : //github.com/jmp19940829/WeChat) | 声明1: 本源码是本人利用业余时间所写, 《免费》 仅供逆向编程爱好者学习使用!本源码禁止用于商业非法用途! 声明2: 本源码无任何恶意代码! 但可能存在些许BUG 因此所造成的损失等概与本人无关 声明3: 使用编译本源码即默认同意上述声明+ | 54 | C | 01/02 |
| 176 | [ guoweilkd / lkdGui ] ( https : //github.com/guoweilkd/lkdGui) | 一款简单实用的单色Gui | 53 | C | 03/29 |
| 177 | [ al1020119 / iCocosPay ] ( https : //github.com/al1020119/iCocosPay) | 第三方支付:支付宝,微信,银联封装 | 52 | C | 04/23 |
| 178 | [ xiaoliang314 / libatask ] ( https : //github.com/xiaoliang314/libatask) | 纯C语言高性能异步多任务多事件驱动的协程库\| Pure C language high-performance asynchronous multi-task multi-event driven coroutine library. | 52 | C | 05/13 |
| 179 | [ zhichao281 / duilib - MiniBlinkBrowser ] ( https : //github.com/zhichao281/duilib-MiniBlinkBrowser) | 用duilib做的miniblink的浏览器 | 51 | C | 04/26 |
| 180 | [ Manistein / dummylua - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/Manistein/dummylua-tutorial) | 这是一个仿制lua解释器的项目, 我希望通过逐步实现lua解释器的各个部分, 更加深刻地掌握lua的基本结构和运作原理。 | 50 | C | 03/27 |
| 181 | [ Zero - Free / nrf52832 - nimble ] ( https : //github.com/Zero-Free/nrf52832-nimble) | NimBLE Stack 基于 RT-Thread 在 nRF52832 上的开发 | 50 | C | 03/08 |
| 182 | [ renhui / Thinking - in - AV ] ( https : //github.com/renhui/Thinking-in-AV) | 音视频开发知识库 | 50 | C | 05/28 |
| 183 | [ hongmingjian / epos ] ( https : //github.com/hongmingjian/epos) | 《操作系统原理》实验操作系统 | 49 | C | 04/11 |
| 184 | [ jiejieTop / DoraOS ] ( https : //github.com/jiejieTop/DoraOS) | DoraOS 是我个人所写的RTOS内核, 结合FreeRTOS、uCOS, RT-Thread, LiteOS 的特性所写, 取其精华, 去其糟粕, 本项目将持续维护, 欢迎大家fork与star。 | 49 | C | 03/22 |
| 185 | [ RapidsBlink / service - mesh - agent ] ( https : //github.com/RapidsBlink/service-mesh-agent) | Blink`团队 (https://github.com/WANG-lp and https://github.com/CheYulin ), Service mesh agent in pure c (使用intrinsics编写向量化代码), 第四届阿里中间件初赛代码, 线上成绩7144+, 排名第1 | 48 | C | 05/25 |
| 186 | [ 4kingRAS / CSstudy ] ( https : //github.com/4kingRAS/CSstudy) | 自己收集的一些计算机/数学/Linux/分布式的资料,收藏夹不够用了! | 48 | C | 02/02 |
| 187 | [ antiwar3 / py ] ( https : //github.com/antiwar3/py) | 飘云ark( pyark) | 48 | C | 05/19 |
| 188 | [ jiejieTop / cmd - parser ] ( https : //github.com/jiejieTop/cmd-parser) | 一个非常简单好用的命令解析器,占用资源极少极少,采用哈希算法超快匹配命令! | 47 | C | 05/29 |
| 189 | [ balanceTWK / LidarCar ] ( https : //github.com/balanceTWK/LidarCar) | 激光雷达小车,基于国产 RT-Thread 实时操作系统. | 46 | C | 03/07 |
| 190 | [ CasterWx / AntzGameOS ] ( https : //github.com/CasterWx/AntzGameOS) | 基于AntzOS的一个游戏操作系统, 重现我记忆中的一款RPG冒险游戏, 以后玩游戏先关机, 再进入AGOS. | 45 | C | 03/12 |
| 191 | [ jixiuf / vmacs ] ( https : //github.com/jixiuf/vmacs) | 基于evil-mode 提供一个适合vim emacs双修者,下载即可用的emacs配置集 | 45 | C | 05/29 |
| 192 | [ zlgopen / awtk - stm32f103ze - raw ] ( https : //github.com/zlgopen/awtk-stm32f103ze-raw) | awtk在stm32f103ze平台上的移植。 | 44 | C | 05/19 |
| 193 | [ houjixin / mosquitto - 1 . 4 . 11 - opt ] ( https : //github.com/houjixin/mosquitto-1.4.11-opt) | 这里是我对mosquitto的优化版本, 并增加了查询在线状态等功能。 | 44 | C | 04/02 |
| 194 | [ PearInc / FogConnect ] ( https : //github.com/PearInc/FogConnect) | 提供企业级网络设备之间数据的快速, 安全, 可靠的P2P传输协议 | 43 | C | 04/30 |
| 195 | [ Manistein / SparkServer ] ( https : //github.com/Manistein/SparkServer) | SparkServer是一个参照skynet设计的C#服务端框架, 能够无缝整合到skynet集群机制中, 也能自行组网, 构建只有SparkServer节点的集群 | 42 | C | 04/23 |
| 196 | [ poemdistance / ScreenTranslation ] ( https : //github.com/poemdistance/ScreenTranslation) | Linux屏幕取词翻译(适用于如Gnome等基于X server的桌面发行版) -- 含界面 | 43 | C | 05/13 |
| 197 | [ yangzigy / yz_keyboard ] ( https : //github.com/yangzigy/yz_keyboard) | diy机械键盘 | 41 | C | 05/06 |
| 198 | [ Mushroom0709 / ffmpeg_demo ] ( https : //github.com/Mushroom0709/ffmpeg_demo) | 记录学习ffmpeg的过程中编写的demo | 41 | C | 05/25 |
| 199 | [ knight - rider / ptx ] ( https : //github.com/knight-rider/ptx) | Earthsoft PT3 & Plex PX-Q3PE 玉手箱 | 40 | C | 03/11 |
| 200 | [ vgvgvvv / ResetCore ] ( https : //github.com/vgvgvvv/ResetCore) | 想到什么就添加进去的代码库! | 40 | C | 05/04 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # C + +
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ huihut / interview ] ( https : //github.com/huihut/interview) | 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结, 包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library, in ... | 12.2k | C++ | 04/19 |
| 2 | [ vnpy / vnpy ] ( https : //github.com/vnpy/vnpy) | 基于Python的开源量化交易平台开发框架 | 11.8k | C++ | 05/29 |
| 3 | [ PaddlePaddle / Paddle ] ( https : //github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle) | PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署) | 11.5k | C++ | 06/01 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 4 | [ USTC - Resource / USTC - Course ] ( https : //github.com/USTC-Resource/USTC-Course) | :heart:中国科学技术大学课程资源 | 8.9k | C++ | 04/28 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 5 | [ zhongyang219 / TrafficMonitor ] ( https : //github.com/zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor) | 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件, 并支持任务栏显示, 支持更换皮肤。 | 7.9k | C++ | 06/01 |
| 6 | [ PaddlePaddle / Paddle - Lite ] ( https : //github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite) | Multi-platform high performance deep learning inference engine (『飞桨』多平台高性能深度学习预测引擎) | 5.0k | C++ | 06/01 |
| 7 | [ ouyanghuiyu / chineseocr_lite ] ( https : //github.com/ouyanghuiyu/chineseocr_lite) | 超轻量级中文ocr, 支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn推理 , psenet(8.5M) + crnn(6.3M) + anglenet(1.5M) 总模型仅17M | 4.8k | C++ | 04/22 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 8 | [ Ewenwan / MVision ] ( https : //github.com/Ewenwan/MVision) | 机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶 | 4.5k | C++ | 05/05 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 9 | [ me115 / design_patterns ] ( https : //github.com/me115/design_patterns) | 图说设计模式 | 4.5k | C++ | 05/26 |
| 10 | [ weolar / miniblink49 ] ( https : //github.com/weolar/miniblink49) | a lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in your app. 一个小巧、轻量的浏览器内核, 用来取代wke和libcef | 4.2k | C++ | 05/20 |
| 11 | [ wuye9036 / CppTemplateTutorial ] ( https : //github.com/wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial) | 中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同, 该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授, 以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中) | 3.6k | C++ | 05/25 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 12 | [ anyRTC / anyRTC - RTMP - OpenSource ] ( https : //github.com/anyRTC/anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource) | RTMP 推流器, RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器, 跨平台( Win,IOS,Android) 开源代码 | 3.5k | C++ | 02/10 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 13 | [ zhedahht / CodingInterviewChinese2 ] ( https : //github.com/zhedahht/CodingInterviewChinese2) | 《剑指Offer》第二版源代码 | 3.5k | C++ | 01/02 |
| 14 | [ zeusees / HyperLPR ] ( https : //github.com/zeusees/HyperLPR) | 基于深度学习高性能中文车牌识别 High Performance Chinese License Plate Recognition Framework. | 3.4k | C++ | 06/01 |
| 15 | [ anhkgg / SuperWeChatPC ] ( https : //github.com/anhkgg/SuperWeChatPC) | 超级微信电脑客户端,支持多开、防消息撤销、语音消息备份...开放WeChatSDK | 3.1k | C++ | 02/27 |
| 16 | [ TonyChen56 / WeChatRobot ] ( https : //github.com/TonyChen56/WeChatRobot) | PC版微信机器人 | 3.1k | C++ | 05/12 |
| 17 | [ Light - City / CPlusPlusThings ] ( https : //github.com/Light-City/CPlusPlusThings) | C++那些事 | 3.0k | C++ | 05/31 |
| 18 | [ yedf / handy ] ( https : //github.com/yedf/handy) | 简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework | 3.0k | C++ | 01/07 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 19 | [ CtripMobile / DynamicAPK ] ( https : //github.com/CtripMobile/DynamicAPK) | Solution to implement multi apk dynamic loading and hot fixing for Android App. (实现Android App多apk插件化和动态加载, 支持资源分包和热修复) | 2.9k | C++ | 05/11 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 20 | [ wang - bin / QtAV ] ( https : //github.com/wang-bin/QtAV) | A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg(https://github.com/wang-bin/avbuild). High performance. User & developer friendly. Supports Android, iOS, Windows store and desktops. 基于Qt和FFmpeg的跨平台高性能音视频播放框架 | 2.4k | C++ | 05/20 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 21 | [ Trojan - Qt5 / Trojan - Qt5 ] ( https : //github.com/Trojan-Qt5/Trojan-Qt5) | A cross-platform ss/ssr/vmess/trojan GUI client based on Shadowsocks-qt. 有问题请加tg群反馈 | 2.2k | C++ | 05/31 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 22 | [ WrBug / dumpDex ] ( https : //github.com/WrBug/dumpDex) | 💯一款Android脱壳工具, 需要xposed支持, 易开发已集成该项目: | 2.1k | C++ | 05/15 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 23 | [ MegEngine / MegEngine ] ( https : //github.com/MegEngine/MegEngine) | MegEngine 是一个快速、可拓展、易于使用且支持自动求导的深度学习框架 | 2.1k | C++ | 05/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 24 | [ liuchuo / PAT ] ( https : //github.com/liuchuo/PAT) | 🍭 浙江大学PAT题解(C/C++/Java/Python) - 努力成为萌萌的程序媛~ | 2.0k | C++ | 05/20 |
| 25 | [ HuTianQi / SmartOpenCV ] ( https : //github.com/HuTianQi/SmartOpenCV) | :fire: :fire: :fire: SmartOpenCV是一个OpenCV在Android端的增强库, 解决了OpenCV Android SDK在图像预览方面存在的诸多问题, 且无需修改OpenCV SDK源码, 与OpenCV的SDK解耦 | 1.8k | C++ | 04/28 |
| 26 | [ zlgopen / awtk ] ( https : //github.com/zlgopen/awtk) | AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(为嵌入式、手机和PC打造的通用GUI系统) | 1.7k | C++ | 05/31 |
| 27 | [ yanyiwu / cppjieba ] ( https : //github.com/yanyiwu/cppjieba) | "结巴"中文分词的C++版本 | 1.7k | C++ | 03/19 |
| 28 | [ cool2528 / baiduCDP ] ( https : //github.com/cool2528/baiduCDP) | 百度网盘下载神器 | 1.6k | C++ | 01/02 |
| 29 | [ liuyubobobo / Play - Leetcode ] ( https : //github.com/liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode) | My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言, 一部分问题支持Java语言。近乎所有问题都会提供多个算法解决。大家加油! : ) | 1.5k | C++ | 05/31 |
| 30 | [ richardchien / coolq - http - api ] ( https : //github.com/richardchien/coolq-http-api) | 为 酷Q 提供通过 HTTP 或 WebSocket 接收事件和调用 API 的能力 | 1.5k | C++ | 05/31 |
| 31 | [ rime / weasel ] ( https : //github.com/rime/weasel) | 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows | 1.5k | C++ | 05/22 |
| 32 | [ Tencent / plato ] ( https : //github.com/Tencent/plato) | 腾讯高性能分布式图计算框架Plato | 1.3k | C++ | 05/14 |
| 33 | [ huangmingchuan / Cpp_Primer_Answers ] ( https : //github.com/huangmingchuan/Cpp_Primer_Answers) | 《C++ Primer》第五版中文版习题答案 | 1.2k | C++ | 05/12 |
| 34 | [ baidu / lac ] ( https : //github.com/baidu/lac) | 百度开源中文词法分析工具: 分词,词性标注,命名实体识别 | 1.1k | C++ | 05/21 |
| 35 | [ knightsj / awesome - algorithm - question - solution ] ( https : //github.com/knightsj/awesome-algorithm-question-solution) | LeetCode, 《剑指offer》中的算法题的题目和解法以及常见算法的实现 | 906 | C++ | 03/24 |
| 36 | [ QuantBox / XAPI2 ] ( https : //github.com/QuantBox/XAPI2) | 统一行情交易接口第2版 | 897 | C++ | 05/18 |
| 37 | [ qdtroy / DuiLib_Ultimate ] ( https : //github.com/qdtroy/DuiLib_Ultimate) | duilib 旗舰版-高分屏、多语言、样式表、资源管理器、异形窗口、窗口阴影、简单动画 | 883 | C++ | 05/21 |
| 38 | [ applenob / Cpp_Primer_Practice ] ( https : //github.com/applenob/Cpp_Primer_Practice) | 搞定C++:punch:。C++ Primer 中文版第5版学习仓库, 包括笔记和课后练习答案。 | 868 | C++ | 05/05 |
| 39 | [ aiyaapp / AiyaEffectsAndroid ] ( https : //github.com/aiyaapp/AiyaEffectsAndroid) | 宝宝特效Demo通过短视频SDK、直播SDK轻松实现特效与视频剪辑, 为用户提供特效相机, 拍摄辅助, 自动美颜相机, 抖音滤镜、直播礼物、直播贴纸等, 超低占用空间, 十秒大型场景仅100KB+, 精准人脸识别、人脸跟踪, 支持3D特效, 3D动画特效, 2D特效、动画渲染、特效渲染等, visual effects IOS demo, support 3D effect, 3D Animation, 2D effect | 860 | C++ | 03/12 |
| 40 | [ qinguoyi / TinyWebServer ] ( https : //github.com/qinguoyi/TinyWebServer) | :fire: Linux下C++轻量级Web服务器 | 786 | C++ | 05/24 |
| 41 | [ yanyiwu / simhash ] ( https : //github.com/yanyiwu/simhash) | 中文文档simhash值计算 | 779 | C++ | 03/11 |
| 42 | [ fasiondog / hikyuu ] ( https : //github.com/fasiondog/hikyuu) | Hikyuu Quant Framework 基于C++/Python的开源量化交易研究框架 | 746 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 43 | [ 188080501 / JQTools ] ( https : //github.com/188080501/JQTools) | 基于Qt开发的小工具包 | 739 | C++ | 05/22 |
| 44 | [ didi / AoE ] ( https : //github.com/didi/AoE) | AoE (AI on Edge, 终端智能, 边缘计算) 是一个终端侧AI集成运行时环境 (IRE),帮助开发者提升效率。 | 676 | C++ | 04/03 |
| 45 | [ Jack - Cherish / LeetCode ] ( https : //github.com/Jack-Cherish/LeetCode) | :monkey:LeetCode、剑指Offer刷题笔记( C/C++、Python3实现) | 675 | C++ | 05/13 |
| 46 | [ Greedysky / TTKMusicplayer ] ( https : //github.com/Greedysky/TTKMusicplayer) | TTKMusicPlayer that imitation Kugou music, the music player uses of qmmp core library based on Qt for windows and linux.(支持网易云音乐、QQ音乐、虾米音乐、酷我音乐、酷狗音乐、百度音乐等等) | 662 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 47 | [ Making - It / Code ] ( https : //github.com/Making-It/Code) | 面试高频算法题总结,个人博客 | 657 | C++ | 02/04 |
| 48 | [ xiongziliang / ZLToolKit ] ( https : //github.com/xiongziliang/ZLToolKit) | 一个基于C++11的轻量级网络框架, 基于线程池技术可以实现大并发网络IO | 613 | C++ | 05/27 |
| 49 | [ netease - im / NIM_Duilib_Framework ] ( https : //github.com/netease-im/NIM_Duilib_Framework) | 网易云信Windows应用界面开发框架( 基于Duilib) 。招人搞事情, windows/mac/duilib/qt/electron/爱好造车轮的速来 http://mobile.bole.netease.com/bole/boleDetail?id=19904&employeeId=510064bce318835c&key=all&type=2&from=timeline | 597 | C++ | 05/06 |
| 50 | [ tencentyun / TRTCSDK ] ( https : //github.com/tencentyun/TRTCSDK) | 腾讯云TRTC音视频服务, 国内下载镜像: | 587 | C++ | 05/29 |
| 51 | [ shuax / GreenChrome ] ( https : //github.com/shuax/GreenChrome) | 增强Chrome的工具 | 585 | C++ | 03/22 |
| 52 | [ aiyaapp / AiyaEffectsIOS ] ( https : //github.com/aiyaapp/AiyaEffectsIOS) | 宝宝特效Demo通过短视频SDK、直播SDK轻松实现特效与视频剪辑, 为用户提供特效相机, 拍摄辅助, 自动美颜相机, 抖音滤镜、直播礼物、直播贴纸等, 超低占用空间, 十秒大型场景仅100KB+, 精准人脸识别、人脸跟踪, 支持3D特效, 3D动画特效, 2D特效、动画渲染、特效渲染等, visual effects IOS demo, support 3D effect, 3D Animation, 2D effect | 566 | C++ | 03/12 |
| 53 | [ Ewenwan / ORB_SLAM2_SSD_Semantic ] ( https : //github.com/Ewenwan/ORB_SLAM2_SSD_Semantic) | 动态语义SLAM 目标检测+VSLAM+光流/多视角几何动态物体检测+octomap地图+目标数据库 | 561 | C++ | 03/22 |
| 54 | [ smilehao / xlua - framework ] ( https : //github.com/smilehao/xlua-framework) | Unity游戏纯lua客户端完整框架---基于xlua, 整合tolua的proto-gen-lua以及各个lua库和工具类 | 552 | C++ | 05/09 |
| 55 | [ limingfan2016 / game_service_system ] ( https : //github.com/limingfan2016/game_service_system) | 从0开始开发 基础库( 配置文件读写、日志、多线程、多进程、锁、对象引用计数、内存池、免锁消息队列、免锁数据缓冲区、进程信号、共享内存、定时器等等基础功能组件) , 网络库( socket、TCP、UDP、epoll机制、连接自动收发消息等等) , 数据库操作库( mysql, redis、memcache API 封装可直接调用),开发框架库(消息调度处理、自动连接管理、服务开发、游戏框架、服务间消息收发、消息通信等等),消息中间件服务(不同网络节点间自动传递收发消息)等多个功能组件、服务,最后完成一套完整的服务器引擎,基于该框架引擎可开发任意的网络服务。 主体架构: N网关+N服务+N数据库代理+内存DB ... | 527 | C++ | 05/25 |
| 56 | [ sylar - yin / sylar ] ( https : //github.com/sylar-yin/sylar) | C++高性能分布式服务器框架,webserver,websocket server,自定义tcp_server( 包含日志模块, 配置模块, 线程模块, 协程模块, 协程调度模块, io协程调度模块, hook模块, socket模块, bytearray序列化, http模块, TcpServer模块, Websocket模块, Https模块等, Smtp邮件模块, MySQL, SQLite3, ORM,Redis,Zookeeper) | 515 | C++ | 05/22 |
| 57 | [ Mapaler / FastCopy - M ] ( https : //github.com/Mapaler/FastCopy-M) | FastCopy-Multilanguage, FastCopy完整支持多国语言版 | 514 | C++ | 04/20 |
| 58 | [ callmePicacho / Data - Structres ] ( https : //github.com/callmePicacho/Data-Structres) | 浙江大学《数据结构》上课笔记 + 数据结构实现 + 课后题题解 | 507 | C++ | 04/02 |
| 59 | [ SOUI2 / soui ] ( https : //github.com/SOUI2/soui) | SOUI是目前为数不多的轻量级可快速开发window桌面程序开源DirectUI库.其前身为Duiengine,更早期则是源自于金山卫士开源版本UI库Bkwin.经过多年持续更新方得此库 | 500 | C++ | 04/24 |
| 60 | [ hedada - hc / pc_wechat_hook ] ( https : //github.com/hedada-hc/pc_wechat_hook) | pc微信hook 课程例子源码 最新版pc微信hook全套课程尽在网易云课堂 搜索微信逆向即可 pcwx pcweichat 微信hook C语言开发 | 458 | C++ | 01/21 |
| 61 | [ hao14293 / 2021 - Postgraduate - 408 ] ( https : //github.com/hao14293/2021-Postgraduate-408) | 💯✍备考2020年研究生-408 | 441 | C++ | 03/16 |
| 62 | [ MKXJun / DirectX11 - With - Windows - SDK ] ( https : //github.com/MKXJun/DirectX11-With-Windows-SDK) | 现代DX11系列教程: 使用Windows SDK(C++)开发Direct3D 11.x | 435 | C++ | 05/29 |
| 63 | [ ylmbtm / GameProject3 ] ( https : //github.com/ylmbtm/GameProject3) | 游戏服务器框架, 网络层分别用SocketAPI、Boost Asio、Libuv三种方式实现, 框架内使用共享内存, 无锁队列, 对象池, 内存池来提高服务器性能。还包含一个不断完善的Unity 3D客户端, 客户端含大量完整资源, 坐骑, 宠物, 伙伴, 装备, 这些均己实现上阵和穿戴, 并可进入副本战斗,多人玩法也己实现, 持续开发中。 | 419 | C++ | 06/01 |
| 64 | [ anhkgg / SuperDllHijack ] ( https : //github.com/anhkgg/SuperDllHijack) | SuperDllHijack: A general DLL hijack technology, don't need to manually export the same function interface of the DLL, so easy! 一种通用Dll劫持技术, 不再需要手工导出Dll的函数接口了 | 400 | C++ | 04/04 |
| 65 | [ scarsty / kys - cpp ] ( https : //github.com/scarsty/kys-cpp) | 《金庸群侠传》c++复刻版,已完工 | 396 | C++ | 05/11 |
| 66 | [ yuanyuanxiang / SimpleRemoter ] ( https : //github.com/yuanyuanxiang/SimpleRemoter) | 基于gh0st的远程控制器: 实现了终端管理、进程管理、窗口管理、远程桌面、文件管理、语音管理、视频管理、服务管理、注册表管理等功能, 优化全部代码及整理排版, 修复内存泄漏缺陷, 程序运行稳定。此项目初版见: https://github.com/zibility/Remote | 386 | C++ | 03/17 |
| 67 | [ zhongyang219 / MusicPlayer2 ] ( https : //github.com/zhongyang219/MusicPlayer2) | 这是一款可以播放常见音频格式的音频播放器。支持歌词显示、歌词卡拉OK样式显示、歌词在线下载、歌词编辑、歌曲标签识别、Win10小娜搜索显示歌词、频谱分析、音效设置、任务栏缩略图按钮、主题颜色等功能。 播放内核为BASS音频库(V2.4)。 | 385 | C++ | 05/16 |
| 68 | [ codeByDog / pcWechat ] ( https : //github.com/codeByDog/pcWechat) | windows PC微信逆向 | 371 | C++ | 03/04 |
| 69 | [ silence1772 / GreedySnake ] ( https : //github.com/silence1772/GreedySnake) | c++经典项目贪吃蛇游戏控制台版,详细注释 | 366 | C++ | 01/06 |
| 70 | [ Captain1986 / CaptainBlackboard ] ( https : //github.com/Captain1986/CaptainBlackboard) | 船长关于机器学习、计算机视觉和工程技术的总结和分享 | 363 | C++ | 04/13 |
| 71 | [ gloomyfish1998 / opencv_tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/gloomyfish1998/opencv_tutorial) | 基于OpenCV4.0 C++/Python SDK的案例代码演示程序与效果图像 | 342 | C++ | 02/03 |
| 72 | [ KangLin / RabbitIm ] ( https : //github.com/KangLin/RabbitIm) | 玉兔即时通讯。开源的跨平台的的即时通信系统。包括文本、音视频、白板、远程控制 | 324 | C++ | 05/09 |
| 73 | [ xiangweizeng / mobile - lpr ] ( https : //github.com/xiangweizeng/mobile-lpr) | Mobile-LPR 是一个面向移动端的准商业级车牌识别库, 以NCNN作为推理后端, 使用DNN作为算法核心, 支持多种车牌检测算法, 支持车牌识别和车牌颜色识别。 | 311 | C++ | 03/23 |
| 74 | [ wlgq2 / uv - cpp ] ( https : //github.com/wlgq2/uv-cpp) | libuv wrapper in C++11 /libuv C++11网络库 | 308 | C++ | 05/23 |
| 75 | [ galois - advertising / thunder - trader ] ( https : //github.com/galois-advertising/thunder-trader) | A industrial high-performance High Frequency Trading System by C++11, support CTP, Femas and so on. 基于C++11开发的量化交易平台, 可实现CTP、飞马等平台的高频交易策略。 | 298 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 76 | [ liuchuo / Lanqiao ] ( https : //github.com/liuchuo/Lanqiao) | 🍦 蓝桥杯竞赛练习题的题解(C/C++/Java)-努力成为萌萌的程序媛~ | 287 | C++ | 05/22 |
| 77 | [ chrisguo / beijing_fushengji ] ( https : //github.com/chrisguo/beijing_fushengji) | 北京浮生记PC版源代码 | 286 | C++ | 01/11 |
| 78 | [ SpriteOvO / Telegram - Anti - Revoke ] ( https : //github.com/SpriteOvO/Telegram-Anti-Revoke) | Telegram anti-revoke plugin - Telegram 防撤回插件 | 284 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 79 | [ openvanilla / McBopomofo ] ( https : //github.com/openvanilla/McBopomofo) | 小麥注音輸入法 | 279 | C++ | 05/10 |
| 80 | [ zeusees / HyperVID ] ( https : //github.com/zeusees/HyperVID) | 开源移动端车型识别 Mobile Plateform Vehicle Identification Model | 264 | C++ | 05/11 |
| 81 | [ FengGuanxi / HDU - Experience ] ( https : //github.com/FengGuanxi/HDU-Experience) | 用于向所有杭电学子分享在杭电的知识与经验 | 264 | C++ | 01/09 |
| 82 | [ zc8424 / LazzyQuant ] ( https : //github.com/zc8424/LazzyQuant) | 期货/期权量化交易系统 | 261 | C++ | 06/01 |
| 83 | [ richenyunqi / CCF - CSP - and - PAT - solution ] ( https : //github.com/richenyunqi/CCF-CSP-and-PAT-solution) | CCF CSP和PAT考试题解( 使用C++11语法) | 260 | C++ | 03/29 |
| 84 | [ VelsonWang / HmiFuncDesigner ] ( https : //github.com/VelsonWang/HmiFuncDesigner) | HmiFuncDesigner是一款集HMI, 数据采集于一体的软件。目前支持Modbus协议, JavaScript解析, 画面功能编辑等。HmiFuncDesigner is a software integrating HMI and data collection.Now it supports Modbus protocol, JavaScript explain, graphic control edit etc. | 260 | C++ | 04/30 |
| 85 | [ Dr - Incognito / V2Ray - Desktop ] ( https : //github.com/Dr-Incognito/V2Ray-Desktop) | 最优雅的跨平台代理客户端, 支持Shadowsocks, V2Ray和Trojan协议。The most elegant cross-platform proxy GUI client that supports Shadowsocks, V2Ray, and Trojan. Built with Qt5 and QML2. | 255 | C++ | 05/21 |
| 86 | [ czs108 / Cpp - Primer - 5th - Notes - CN ] ( https : //github.com/czs108/Cpp-Primer-5th-Notes-CN) | 📚 《C++ Primer中文版( 第5版) 》笔记 | 254 | C++ | 05/28 |
| 87 | [ balloonwj / TeamTalk ] ( https : //github.com/balloonwj/TeamTalk) | 这是我维护的蘑菇街TeamTalk源码版本。 | 250 | C++ | 01/10 |
| 88 | [ 188080501 / JQHttpServer ] ( https : //github.com/188080501/JQHttpServer) | 基于Qt开发的轻量级HTTP/HTTPS服务器 | 250 | C++ | 05/28 |
| 89 | [ chatopera / clause ] ( https : //github.com/chatopera/clause) | :horse_racing: Chatopera语义理解系统 | 249 | C++ | 03/27 |
| 90 | [ Samuel - 0 - 0 / phicomm_dc1 - esphome ] ( https : //github.com/Samuel-0-0/phicomm_dc1-esphome) | 斐讯DC1插座自制固件方式接入开源智能家居平台 | 242 | C++ | 02/25 |
| 91 | [ Beipy / Mac - Hackintosh - Clover ] ( https : //github.com/Beipy/Mac-Hackintosh-Clover) | PC主机黑苹果引导驱动文件 | 242 | C++ | 03/28 |
| 92 | [ wangzuohuai / WebRunLocal ] ( https : //github.com/wangzuohuai/WebRunLocal) | 牛插(PluginOK)中间件(原名:本网通)是一个实现网页浏览器(Web Browser)与本地程序(Local App)之间进行双向调用的低成本、强兼容、安全可控、轻量级、易集成、可扩展的浏览器小程序框架。通过本中间件可实现网页前端JS脚本无障碍操作本地电脑各种硬件、调用本地系统API及相关组件功能, 可彻底解决ActiveX组件在Chrome、Edge、360、FireFox、IE、Opera等浏览器各版本中的嵌入使用问题, 媲美原Java Applet的效果 | 240 | C++ | 05/22 |
| 93 | [ Greedysky / TTKWidgetTools ] ( https : //github.com/Greedysky/TTKWidgetTools) | QWidget 自定义控件集合 持续更新中...... | 239 | C++ | 04/22 |
| 94 | [ githubhaohao / NDK_OpenGLES_3_0 ] ( https : //github.com/githubhaohao/NDK_OpenGLES_3_0) | Android OpenGL ES 3.0 开发极简教程 | 227 | C++ | 05/29 |
| 95 | [ yangyangFeng / TTPatch ] ( https : //github.com/yangyangFeng/TTPatch) | 热修复、热更新、JS代码动态下发、动态创建类 | 224 | C++ | 05/18 |
| 96 | [ jaredtao / DesignPattern ] ( https : //github.com/jaredtao/DesignPattern) | C++11全套设计模式-23种指针的用法(a full DesignPattern implement with c++11) | 220 | C++ | 05/11 |
| 97 | [ Meituan - Dianping / octo - ns ] ( https : //github.com/Meituan-Dianping/octo-ns) | OCTO-NS是美团OCTO服务治理体系服务注册发现功能的套件, 包括SDK(Java/C++)、本地服务治理代理(SgAgent), 服务缓存(NSC), 云端健康检查(Scanner)等基础组件,目前已经在全公司大规模使用 | 220 | C++ | 05/16 |
| 98 | [ itas109 / CSerialPort ] ( https : //github.com/itas109/CSerialPort) | 基于C++的轻量级开源跨平台串口类库Lightweight cross-platform serial port library based on C++ | 208 | C++ | 05/30 |
| 99 | [ zeusees / HyperFT ] ( https : //github.com/zeusees/HyperFT) | 开源移动端快速视频人脸跟踪-移动端150FPS+ | 205 | C++ | 03/03 |
| 100 | [ lesliefish / Qt ] ( https : //github.com/lesliefish/Qt) | Qt相关知识总结。包括Qss,数据库,Excel,Model/View等操作demo。 | 202 | C++ | 04/06 |
| 101 | [ open - speech / speech - aligner ] ( https : //github.com/open-speech/speech-aligner) | speech-aligner, 是一个从“人声语音”及其“语言文本”, 产生音素级别时间对齐标注的工具。speech-aligner, is a tool that generate phoneme-level alignment between human speech and its transcription | 202 | C++ | 04/08 |
| 102 | [ oceancx / YZXY ] ( https : //github.com/oceancx/YZXY) | 原罪西游( YZXY) 是一款MMORPG类型的2D回合制开源游戏, 采用C++/lua开发 | 201 | C++ | 05/22 |
| 103 | [ gzc426 / leetcode ] ( https : //github.com/gzc426/leetcode) | 每天一道leetcode | 194 | C++ | 03/03 |
| 104 | [ 2013fangwentao / Multi_Sensor_Fusion ] ( https : //github.com/2013fangwentao/Multi_Sensor_Fusion) | Multi-Sensor Fusion (GNSS, IMU, Camera) 多源多传感器融合定位 GPS/INS组合导航 PPP/INS紧组合 | 194 | C++ | 04/24 |
| 105 | [ MrTrans / RegularNotes ] ( https : //github.com/MrTrans/RegularNotes) | 记录cpp知识点, 面试题, 网络编程, 多线程编程 | 193 | C++ | 05/23 |
| 106 | [ php - extension - research / study ] ( https : //github.com/php-extension-research/study) | 手把手教你写PHP协程扩展(teach you to write php coroutine extension by hand) | 188 | C++ | 03/05 |
| 107 | [ jiafeng5513 / Evision ] ( https : //github.com/jiafeng5513/Evision) | 计算机视觉实践和探索/Practice and explorations in computer vision. | 181 | C++ | 05/04 |
| 108 | [ Protostars / KikoPlay ] ( https : //github.com/Protostars/KikoPlay) | KikoPlay - NOT ONLY A Full-Featured Danmu Player 不仅仅是全功能弹幕播放器 | 170 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 109 | [ twomonkeyclub / BackEnd ] ( https : //github.com/twomonkeyclub/BackEnd) | 后台开发相关知识 | 166 | C++ | 05/06 |
| 110 | [ xyz347 / x2struct ] ( https : //github.com/xyz347/x2struct) | Convert between json string and c++ object. json字符串和c++结构体之间互相转换 | 165 | C++ | 02/11 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 111 | [ tsingsee / EasyPlayerPro - Win ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyPlayerPro-Win) | EasyPlayerPro是一款全功能的流媒体播放器, 支持RTSP、RTMP、HTTP、HLS、UDP、RTP、File等多种流媒体协议播放、支持本地文件播放, 支持本地抓拍、本地录像、播放旋转、多屏播放、倍数播放等多种功能特性, 核心基于ffmpeg, 稳定、高效、可靠、可控, 支持Windows、Android、iOS三个平台, 目前在多家教育、安防、行业型公司, 都得到的应用, 广受好评! | 164 | C++ | 02/25 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 112 | [ BesLyric - for - X / BesLyric - for - X ] ( https : //github.com/BesLyric-for-X/BesLyric-for-X) | 本项目是 BesLyric 的全平台版本。BesLyric 是一款 操作简单、功能实用的 专门用于制作网易云音乐滚动歌词的 歌词制作软件。基于Qt实现, 主打歌词制作功能, 以网易云风格界面, 力图为云村村民提供一个良好的歌词制作体验! | 164 | C++ | 03/11 |
| 113 | [ czyt1988 / sa ] ( https : //github.com/czyt1988/sa) | 信号分析及数据可视化软件 | 158 | C++ | 05/17 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 114 | [ tsingsee / EasyScreenLive ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyScreenLive) | Streaming media sdk tool: EasyScreenLive是一款简单、高效、稳定的集采集, 编码, 组播, 推流和流媒体RTSP服务于一身的同屏功能组件, 具低延时, 高效能, 低丢包等特点。目前支持Windows, Android平台, 通过EasyScreenLive我们就可以避免接触到稍显复杂的音视频源采集, 编码和流媒体推送以及RTSP/RTP/RTCP/RTMP服务流程, 只需要调用EasyScreenLive的几个API接口, 就能轻松、稳定地把流媒体音视频数据RTMP推送给EasyDSS服务器以及发布RTSPServer服务, RTSP同屏服务支持组播和单播两种模式。 | 158 | C++ | 05/21 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 115 | [ dlunion / CC4 . 0 ] ( https : //github.com/dlunion/CC4.0) | Caffe for CC4.0-Windows, 简单的Caffe C++接口,方便简单 | 157 | C++ | 01/15 |
| 116 | [ esrrhs / fake ] ( https : //github.com/esrrhs/fake) | 嵌入式脚本语言 Lightweight embedded scripting language | 157 | C++ | 04/28 |
| 117 | [ kevinlq / SmartHome - Qt ] ( https : //github.com/kevinlq/SmartHome-Qt) | 基于zigbee和stm32的智能家居系统, 上位机使用Qt编写, 实现了基本的监控。主要包括监控室内温度、湿度、烟雾浓度, 用led灯模拟控制家中的灯。界面良好。 | 156 | C++ | 03/11 |
| 118 | [ w4123 / Dice ] ( https : //github.com/w4123/Dice) | QQ Dice Robot For TRPG QQ跑团掷骰机器人 | 156 | C++ | 05/20 |
| 119 | [ tiny656 / PAT ] ( https : //github.com/tiny656/PAT) | 浙江大学PAT题解 | 154 | C++ | 04/19 |
| 120 | [ profthecopyright / Thunder_Class ] ( https : //github.com/profthecopyright/Thunder_Class) | 雷课堂大作业 | 154 | C++ | 04/30 |
| 121 | [ physercoe / starquant ] ( https : //github.com/physercoe/starquant) | a light-weighted, integrated trading/backtesting system/platform( 综合量化交易回测系统/平台) | 150 | C++ | 05/02 |
| 122 | [ tuoxie007 / play_with_llvm ] ( https : //github.com/tuoxie007/play_with_llvm) | A book about LLVM & Clang( 中文开源书: 玩转 LLVM) | 149 | C++ | 04/11 |
| 123 | [ q191201771 / libchef ] ( https : //github.com/q191201771/libchef) | 🍀 c++ standalone header-only basic library. \|\| c++头文件实现无第三方依赖基础库 | 146 | C++ | 04/24 |
| 124 | [ DreamWaterFound / self_commit_ORB - SLAM2 ] ( https : //github.com/DreamWaterFound/self_commit_ORB-SLAM2) | ORB-SLAM2 源码注释, 基于泡泡机器人的注释版本 | 145 | C++ | 01/21 |
| 125 | [ HMBSbige / GetCNDomainsAndIPv4 ] ( https : //github.com/HMBSbige/GetCNDomainsAndIPv4) | 获取国内 IP 和域名,生成路由表和 PAC 文件 | 145 | C++ | 04/25 |
| 126 | [ seahime / ImageQt ] ( https : //github.com/seahime/ImageQt) | 数字图像处理——基于Qt 5.8.0 | 142 | C++ | 04/12 |
| 127 | [ downdemo / Cpp - Templates - 2ed ] ( https : //github.com/downdemo/Cpp-Templates-2ed) | 📚《C++ Templates 2ed》笔记: C++11/14/17模板技术 | 142 | C++ | 05/15 |
| 128 | [ huqinghua / pyui4win ] ( https : //github.com/huqinghua/pyui4win) | 一个用python实现业务逻辑、用xml和html/css/js描述界面的windows程序的快速开发框架。该框架将duilib运行时和python运行时结合到一起, 实现用xml快速构建界面的同时, 利用python及其众多久经考验的库编写业务逻辑, 极大地缩短开发周期。 | 142 | C++ | 04/22 |
| 129 | [ zeusees / HyperNSFW ] ( https : //github.com/zeusees/HyperNSFW) | 基于深度学习图片鉴黄 Caffe implementation of Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) | 141 | C++ | 03/03 |
| 130 | [ PaddlePaddle / Serving ] ( https : //github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving) | A flexible, high-performance carrier for machine learning models( 『飞桨』服务化部署框架) | 140 | C++ | 06/01 |
| 131 | [ mobizt / Firebase - ESP8266 ] ( https : //github.com/mobizt/Firebase-ESP8266) | 武汉加油, 中国加油, 我爱你中国. | 140 | C++ | 05/18 |
| 132 | [ houpengfei88 / Play - with - Data - Structures ] ( https : //github.com/houpengfei88/Play-with-Data-Structures) | 波波老师的数据结构课程的C++代码实现,和波波老师的代码库目录一样:) | 136 | C++ | 03/07 |
| 133 | [ wlgq2 / eomaia ] ( https : //github.com/wlgq2/eomaia) | 一个基于reactor模式的Linux/C++网络库, 支持one loop per thread机制。 | 136 | C++ | 04/14 |
| 134 | [ imistyrain / EasyPR4Android ] ( https : //github.com/imistyrain/EasyPR4Android) | 最强大的开源车牌识别 | 134 | C++ | 04/18 |
| 135 | [ Salensoft / thu - cst - cracker ] ( https : //github.com/Salensoft/thu-cst-cracker) | 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 | 134 | C++ | 02/28 |
| 136 | [ LeechanX / Easy - Reactor ] ( https : //github.com/LeechanX/Easy-Reactor) | Easy-Reactor是一个Linux C++高性能TCP服务框架, 基于Reactor模式, 支持单线程、多线程Reactor, 也支持UDP服务 | 133 | C++ | 03/03 |
| 137 | [ lengjibo / RedTeamTools ] ( https : //github.com/lengjibo/RedTeamTools) | 记录自己写的部分工具 | 132 | C++ | 06/01 |
| 138 | [ iotang / Project_LemonLime ] ( https : //github.com/iotang/Project_LemonLime) | 为了 OI 比赛而生的基于 Lemon + LemonPlus 的轻量评测系统 \| 三大桌面系统支持 | 129 | C++ | 05/28 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 139 | [ mobizt / Firebase - ESP32 ] ( https : //github.com/mobizt/Firebase-ESP32) | 武汉加油 | 128 | C++ | 05/11 |
| 140 | [ chiuchiuuu / programming - and - algorithm ] ( https : //github.com/chiuchiuuu/programming-and-algorithm) | 这是北京大学在coursera上开设的「程序设计与算法」专项课程 | 128 | C++ | 03/02 |
| 141 | [ hongwenjun / WinKcp_Launcher ] ( https : //github.com/hongwenjun/WinKcp_Launcher) | Windows udp2raw+kcptun 加速tcp流量 简易工具 by 蘭雅sRGB | 126 | C++ | 04/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 142 | [ y123456yz / reading - and - annotate - mongodb - 3 . 6 . 1 ] ( https : //github.com/y123456yz/reading-and-annotate-mongodb-3.6.1) | 分布式文档数据库mongodb-3.6(mongos、mongod、wiredtiger存储引擎)源码中文注释分析,近期持续更新(码学习交流QQ群: 568892619) | 122 | C++ | 05/17 |
| 143 | [ shinnytech / open - trade - gateway ] ( https : //github.com/shinnytech/open-trade-gateway) | Diff协议中继网关, 支持 CTP / FEMAS / UFX 等交易系统 | 120 | C++ | 05/24 |
| 144 | [ Rvn0xsy / BadCode ] ( https : //github.com/Rvn0xsy/BadCode) | 恶意代码逃逸源代码 http://payloads.online | 119 | C++ | 01/16 |
| 145 | [ hzl123456 / LibyuvDemo ] ( https : //github.com/hzl123456/LibyuvDemo) | 使用libyuv对yuv数据进行缩放, 旋转, 镜像, 裁剪等操作 | 119 | C++ | 01/16 |
| 146 | [ flexih / Snake ] ( https : //github.com/flexih/Snake) | Yet Another Mach-O Unused ObjC Selector/Class/Protocol Detector. 检测ObjC无用方法、无用类、无用协议。 | 119 | C++ | 05/16 |
| 147 | [ BigPig0 / RelayLive ] ( https : //github.com/BigPig0/RelayLive) | 视频服务中继, 转换传输协议。将rtsp、gb28181转为html5可以直接播放的协议。 | 118 | C++ | 05/20 |
| 148 | [ KongKong20 / WeChatPCHook ] ( https : //github.com/KongKong20/WeChatPCHook) | 微信 电脑 机器人 基于HOOK | 116 | C++ | 05/26 |
| 149 | [ Winnerhust / uthread ] ( https : //github.com/Winnerhust/uthread) | 一个简单的用户级线程库 | 114 | C++ | 04/23 |
| 150 | [ netease - im / NIM_PC_Demo ] ( https : //github.com/netease-im/NIM_PC_Demo) | 云信Windows(PC) C/C++ Demo源码仓库 | 113 | C++ | 05/28 |
| 151 | [ anbingxu666 / WangDao - DataStructure ] ( https : //github.com/anbingxu666/WangDao-DataStructure) | 王道《数据结构》2020考研算法代码 | 111 | C++ | 05/13 |
| 152 | [ WallBreaker2 / op ] ( https : //github.com/WallBreaker2/op) | op插件(类似大漠插件), Windows消息模拟,gdi,dx,opengl截图, 找图,找字(OCR),其他实用算法 | 108 | C++ | 05/13 |
| 153 | [ bitdata / ocrtable ] ( https : //github.com/bitdata/ocrtable) | Recognize tables and text from scanned images that contain tables. 从包含表格的扫描图片中识别表格和文字 | 105 | C++ | 04/24 |
| 154 | [ dustpg / LongUI ] ( https : //github.com/dustpg/LongUI) | Lightweight C++ GUI Library 轻量级C++图形界面库 | 104 | C++ | 06/01 |
| 155 | [ MRwangmaomao / semantic_slam_nav_ros ] ( https : //github.com/MRwangmaomao/semantic_slam_nav_ros) | 针对带有RGBD相机的服务机器人, 物流机器人等。具有: 语义地图构建、定位导航、三维重构、重定位、动态物体识别、移动避障、手势识别、人脸识别、语音合成与识别等功能 | 99 | C++ | 01/16 |
| 156 | [ JelinYao / HttpInterface ] ( https : //github.com/JelinYao/HttpInterface) | Windows上C++封装的HTTP库, 包含三种实现模式( WinInet、WinHttp、socket) | 99 | C++ | 05/20 |
| 157 | [ raintean / blink ] ( https : //github.com/raintean/blink) | 使用html来编写golang图形界面程序(only windows) | 96 | C++ | 05/29 |
| 158 | [ liuyanghejerry / painttyWidget ] ( https : //github.com/liuyanghejerry/painttyWidget) | This is client of Mr.Paint, 茶绘君, located at http://mrspaint.com | 95 | C++ | 05/31 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 159 | [ XimalayaCloud / xcache ] ( https : //github.com/XimalayaCloud/xcache) | 喜马拉雅xcache缓存系统 | 95 | C++ | 04/29 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 160 | [ Jack - Cherish / Algorithm ] ( https : //github.com/Jack-Cherish/Algorithm) | :art:冒泡排序;直接插入排序;希尔排序;快速排序;堆排序;归并排序;基数排序 | 95 | C++ | 05/13 |
| 161 | [ ziqiangxu / words - picker ] ( https : //github.com/ziqiangxu/words-picker) | 希望成为一款好的取词应用 | 95 | C++ | 05/31 |
| 162 | [ jdcloud - api / jdcloud - sdk - cpp - signer ] ( https : //github.com/jdcloud-api/jdcloud-sdk-cpp-signer) | C++ SDK签名库 | 93 | C++ | 01/09 |
| 163 | [ qaz734913414 / Ncnn_FaceTrack ] ( https : //github.com/qaz734913414/Ncnn_FaceTrack) | 开源视频人脸跟踪算法,基于mtcnn人脸检测+onet人脸跟踪,在i7-9700k的cpu检测速度可高达250fps | 93 | C++ | 03/23 |
| 164 | [ nwpuhq / AwesomeCpp ] ( https : //github.com/nwpuhq/AwesomeCpp) | ---AWESOME--- C++学习笔记和常见面试知识点, C++11特性, 包括多态、虚表、移动语义、友元函数、符号重载、完美转发、智能指针、const和static、数组指针和指针数组、struct内存对齐、enum和union关键字等等 | 92 | C++ | 02/16 |
| 165 | [ mayerui / sudoku ] ( https : //github.com/mayerui/sudoku) | C++实现的跨平台数独游戏,命令行操作易上手,可以在开发间隙用来放松身心。数百行代码,初学者也可以轻松掌握。 | 91 | C++ | 05/15 |
| 166 | [ YellBinn / GIGABYTE - B360M - AORUS - PRO - 8400 - EFI - Hackintosh ] ( https : //github.com/YellBinn/GIGABYTE-B360M-AORUS-PRO-8400-EFI-Hackintosh) | 技嘉b360m aorus pro 小雕 8400 黑苹果 EFI 10.13/10.14/10.15 | 89 | C++ | 03/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 167 | [ xiaoyanLG / Soft - keyboard ] ( https : //github.com/xiaoyanLG/Soft-keyboard) | 集成google输入法的嵌入式中文输入面板 | 88 | C++ | 01/13 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 168 | [ xmuli / QtExamples ] ( https : //github.com/xmuli/QtExamples) | Qt 的 GUI 控件使用和网络; DTK 重绘控件方式的框架架构解析; Qt 原理/运行机制理解; QtCrator 使用和一些小技巧;及此系列文章教程 | 88 | C++ | 05/26 |
| 169 | [ lidaohang / ceph_study ] ( https : //github.com/lidaohang/ceph_study) | ceph学习资料整理 | 88 | C++ | 04/11 |
| 170 | [ liuyubobobo / Play - Leetcode - Explore ] ( https : //github.com/liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode-Explore) | My Solutions to Leetcode Explore problems(Learn & Interview). All solutions support C++, some support Java. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. 我的Leetcode Explore解答( 包括Interview & Learn两部分) 。所有的问题都支持C++语言, 一部分问题支持Java语言。近乎所有问题都会提供多个算法解决。大家加油! : ) | 88 | C++ | 03/08 |
| 171 | [ tsingsee / EasyRTSPLive ] ( https : //github.com/tsingsee/EasyRTSPLive) | Streaming media middleware: RTSP to RTMP, 拉流IPC摄像机或者NVR硬盘录像机RTSP流转成RTMP推送到阿里云CDN/腾讯云CDN/RTMP流媒体服务器, 支持多路RTSP流同时拉取并以RTMP协议推送发布, EasyRTSPLive我们支持任何平台, 包括但不限于Windows/Linux/Android/ARM | 87 | C++ | 05/25 |
| 172 | [ 778477 / iOS - LinkMapAnalyzer ] ( https : //github.com/778477/iOS-LinkMapAnalyzer) | 解析iOS工程中的linkmap文件, 方便分析各个模块占用的包大小 | 87 | C++ | 02/20 |
| 173 | [ codeplutos / MySQL - JDBC - Deserialization - Payload ] ( https : //github.com/codeplutos/MySQL-JDBC-Deserialization-Payload) | MySQL JDBC Deserialization Payload / MySQL客户端jdbc反序列化漏洞payload | 86 | C++ | 02/08 |
| 174 | [ DGuco / shmqueue ] ( https : //github.com/DGuco/shmqueue) | 基于c++内存池,共享内存和信号量实现高速的进程间通信队列,单进程读单进程写无需加锁,多进程读多进程写用信号量集实现读写锁保证读写安全 | 86 | C++ | 05/18 |
| 175 | [ chxuan / cpp - utils ] ( https : //github.com/chxuan/cpp-utils) | :hibiscus: 一些C/C++常用封装例子 | 85 | C++ | 03/30 |
| 176 | [ ExtremeMart / dev - docs ] ( https : //github.com/ExtremeMart/dev-docs) | 服务于极市平台开发者的项目, 提供SDK接口文件规范与常见问题示例代码。欢迎所有开发者一起参与示例代码编写。 | 85 | C++ | 05/25 |
| 177 | [ 188080501 / JQQmlImage ] ( https : //github.com/188080501/JQQmlImage) | QML中Image控件升级版, 利用预解码和预读取, 提升图片加载速度 | 84 | C++ | 05/11 |
| 178 | [ fly8888 / pubg - mobile - esp ] ( https : //github.com/fly8888/pubg-mobile-esp) | 刺激战场腾讯模拟器透视+磁性自瞄 | 83 | C++ | 03/12 |
| 179 | [ zakheav / automatic - differentiation - framework ] ( https : //github.com/zakheav/automatic-differentiation-framework) | an automatic differentiation framework with dynamic graph/支持动态图的自动求导框架 | 82 | C++ | 03/01 |
| 180 | [ zhujisheng / Home - Assistant - DIY ] ( https : //github.com/zhujisheng/Home-Assistant-DIY) | Home Assistant智能家居实践篇 | 82 | C++ | 05/21 |
| 181 | [ Rvn0xsy / Linco2 ] ( https : //github.com/Rvn0xsy/Linco2) | 模拟Cobalt Strike的Beacon与C2通信过程, 实现了基于HTTP协议的Linux C2 | 81 | C++ | 03/30 |
| 182 | [ YYC572652645 / QCoolPage ] ( https : //github.com/YYC572652645/QCoolPage) | Qt炫酷界面 | 80 | C++ | 05/02 |
| 183 | [ fawdlstty / NetToolbox ] ( https : //github.com/fawdlstty/NetToolbox) | Net Toolbox for Master Yi (易大师网络工具箱) | 77 | C++ | 02/19 |
| 184 | [ Konano / Ingress - Field - Design ] ( https : //github.com/Konano/Ingress-Field-Design) | Ingress 多重规划 | 77 | C++ | 04/01 |
| 185 | [ freezestudio / hana . zh ] ( https : //github.com/freezestudio/hana.zh) | Boost.Hana中文文档 | 76 | C++ | 03/19 |
| 186 | [ KangLin / FaceRecognizer ] ( https : //github.com/KangLin/FaceRecognizer) | 人脸识别应用 | 76 | C++ | 05/25 |
| 187 | [ qingkouwei / oarplayer ] ( https : //github.com/qingkouwei/oarplayer) | Android Rtmp播放器,基于MediaCodec与srs-librtmp,不依赖ffmpeg | 76 | C++ | 05/26 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 188 | [ ART - Robot - Release / racecar ] ( https : //github.com/ART-Robot-Release/racecar) | 第十四届全国大学生智能汽车竞赛室外光电竞速创意赛,ART-Racecar | 75 | C++ | 04/01 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 189 | [ fawdlstty / FawCourse_FFmpeg ] ( https : //github.com/fawdlstty/FawCourse_FFmpeg) | ffmpeg教程, 非命令行模式 | 75 | C++ | 04/27 |
| 190 | [ qlwz / esp_dc1 ] ( https : //github.com/qlwz/esp_dc1) | DC1插线板固件 | 74 | C++ | 04/04 |
| 191 | [ BiBoyang / BoyangBlog ] ( https : //github.com/BiBoyang/BoyangBlog) | 伯阳写东西的地方 | 73 | C++ | 05/24 |
| 192 | [ hsd815 / Y9000X - 4K - hackintosh ] ( https : //github.com/hsd815/Y9000X-4K-hackintosh) | Y9000X 4K hackintosh 黑苹果 efi | 72 | C++ | 05/08 |
| 193 | [ tiankonguse / leetcode - solutions ] ( https : //github.com/tiankonguse/leetcode-solutions) | My Solutions to Leetcode problems ! leetcode 算法题源代码 & Leetcode 互动编程项目 | 70 | C++ | 05/15 |
| 194 | [ bajdcc / GameFramework ] ( https : //github.com/bajdcc/GameFramework) | 简易游戏框架, 整合D2D和Lua | 69 | C++ | 05/30 |
| 195 | [ cggos / vins_mono_cg ] ( https : //github.com/cggos/vins_mono_cg) | 注释版: Modified version of VINS-Mono (commit 9e657be on Jan 9, 2019) | 69 | C++ | 05/18 |
| 196 | [ huoyu820125 / Micro - Development - Kit ] ( https : //github.com/huoyu820125/Micro-Development-Kit) | 微量级的软件开发包, 目前版本提供一个tcp nio框架和一些基础类 | 68 | C++ | 04/09 |
| 197 | [ aceld / Lars ] ( https : //github.com/aceld/Lars) | 负载均衡远程服务调度系统 | 67 | C++ | 02/19 |
| 198 | [ szza / LearningNote ] ( https : //github.com/szza/LearningNote) | C++和Linux学习笔记 | 66 | C++ | 01/16 |
| 199 | [ kimlongli / FiveChess ] ( https : //github.com/kimlongli/FiveChess) | 博弈能力不错的五子棋AI | 66 | C++ | 03/04 |
| 200 | [ scarsty / smallpot ] ( https : //github.com/scarsty/smallpot) | 小水壶播放器:一个轻量级播放器 | 65 | C++ | 05/28 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # C #
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ JeffreySu / WeiXinMPSDK ] ( https : //github.com/JeffreySu/WeiXinMPSDK) | 微信公众平台SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持.NET Framework及.NET Core。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、企业号、企业微信、开放平台、微信支付、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#. | 6.2k | C# | 06/01 |
| 2 | [ huiyadanli / RevokeMsgPatcher ] ( https : //github.com/huiyadanli/RevokeMsgPatcher) | :trollface: A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁( 我已经看到了, 撤回也没用了) | 4.2k | C# | 04/25 |
| 3 | [ HMBSbige / ShadowsocksR - Windows ] ( https : //github.com/HMBSbige/ShadowsocksR-Windows) | 【自用】Bug-Oriented Programming | 3.3k | C# | 05/09 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 4 | [ dotnetcore / Util ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/Util) | Util是一个.net core平台下的应用框架, 旨在提升小型团队的开发输出能力, 由常用公共操作类(工具类)、分层架构基类、Ui组件, 第三方组件封装, 第三方业务接口封装, 配套代码生成模板, 权限等组成。 | 3.2k | C# | 05/01 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 5 | [ studyzy / imewlconverter ] ( https : //github.com/studyzy/imewlconverter) | 一款开源免费的输入法词库转换程序 | 2.6k | C# | 04/05 |
| 6 | [ siteserver / cms ] ( https : //github.com/siteserver/cms) | SS CMS 基于 .NET Core, 能够以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优异、规模庞大并易于维护的网站平台。 | 2.2k | C# | 05/31 |
| 7 | [ anjoy8 / Blog . Core ] ( https : //github.com/anjoy8/Blog.Core) | 💖 ASP.NET Core 3.1 全家桶教程, 前后端分离后端接口, vue教程姊妹篇, 官方文档 | 2.0k | C# | 05/30 |
| 8 | [ nilaoda / N_m3u8DL - CLI ] ( https : //github.com/nilaoda/N_m3u8DL-CLI) | [.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS下载器, 支持普通AES-128-CBC解密, 多线程, 自定义请求头等. | 1.8k | C# | 04/17 |
| 9 | [ dotnetcore / FreeSql ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/FreeSql) | 🦄 dotnet ORM, Mysql orm, Postgresql orm, SqlServer orm, Oracle orm, Sqlite orm, Odbc orm, 达梦 orm, 人大金仓 orm, MsAccess orm. | 1.6k | C# | 06/01 |
| 10 | [ k8gege / Ladon ] ( https : //github.com/k8gege/Ladon) | 大型内网渗透扫描器&Cobalt Strike, Ladon6.5内置70个模块, 包含信息收集/存活主机/IP扫描/端口扫描/服务识别/网络资产/密码爆破/漏洞检测/漏洞利用。漏洞检测含MS17010、Weblogic、ActiveMQ、Tomcat、Struts2系列, 密码口令爆破(Mysql、Oracle、MSSQL)、FTP、SSH(Linux)、VNC、Windows(IPC、WMI、SMB、LDAP、SmbHash、WmiHash、Winrm),远程执行命令(wmiexe/psexec/atexec/sshexec/jspshell),降权提权Runas、GetSystem, Poc/E ... | 1.6k | C# | 05/03 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 11 | [ QianMo / Unity - Design - Pattern ] ( https : //github.com/QianMo/Unity-Design-Pattern) | :tea: All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples. And some Game Programming Patterns written in Unity C#. \| 各种设计模式的Unity3D C#版本实现 | 1.6k | C# | 02/06 |
| 12 | [ geffzhang / NanoFabric ] ( https : //github.com/geffzhang/NanoFabric) | 基于Consul + .NET Core + Polly + Ocelot + Exceptionless + IdentityServer等开源项目的微服务开发框架 | 1.3k | C# | 03/13 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 13 | [ dotnetcore / OSharp ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/OSharp) | OSharp是一个基于.NetCore的快速开发框架, 框架对 AspNetCore 的配置、依赖注入、日志、缓存、实体框架、Mvc(WebApi)、身份认证、功能权限、数据权限等模块进行更高一级的自动化封装,并规范了一套业务实现的代码结构与操作流程,使 .Net Core 框架更易于应用到实际项目开发中。 | 1.3k | C# | 05/28 |
| 14 | [ XINCGer / Unity3DTraining ] ( https : //github.com/XINCGer/Unity3DTraining) | Unity的练习项目 | 1.2k | C# | 05/31 |
| 15 | [ NewLifeX / X ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/X) | 新生命X组件, 数据中间件XCode、日志、网络、RPC、序列化、缓存、Windows服务 | 1.1k | C# | 05/31 |
| 16 | [ cq - panda / Vue . NetCore ] ( https : //github.com/cq-panda/Vue.NetCore) | .NetCore+Vue, 前后端分离, 支持前后端业务代码扩展的快速开发框架, Vol.Vue为前端项目, Vue.Net后台项目 | 1.1k | C# | 06/01 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 17 | [ kenvix / USBCopyer ] ( https : //github.com/kenvix/USBCopyer) | 😉 用于在插上U盘后自动按需复制该U盘的文件。”备份&偷U盘文件的神器”( 写作USBCopyer, 读作USBCopier) | 1.1k | C# | 03/27 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 18 | [ yimengfan / BDFramework . Core ] ( https : //github.com/yimengfan/BDFramework.Core) | [中]Simple! Easy! Powerful Unity3d game workflow! Unity3d framework: c# hotfix(ILRuntime)、asset manager、ui workflow、network debug... and so on | 980 | C# | 05/29 |
| 19 | [ zengzhan / qqzeng - ip ] ( https : //github.com/zengzhan/qqzeng-ip) | 最新IP地址数据库-多语言解析以及导入数据库脚本 | 980 | C# | 05/17 |
| 20 | [ TheCGDF / SSD - Windows ] ( https : //github.com/TheCGDF/SSD-Windows) | 依附于shadowsocks-windows并年度性跟随更新 | 939 | C# | 05/02 |
| 21 | [ lampo1024 / DncZeus ] ( https : //github.com/lampo1024/DncZeus) | DncZeus 是一个基于ASP.NET Core 3 + Vue.js(iview-admin) 的前后端分离的通用后台权限(页面访问、操作按钮控制)管理系统框架。后端使用.NET Core 3 + Entity Framework Core构建, UI则是目前流行的基于Vue.js的iView(iview-admin)。项目实现了前后端的动态权限管理和控制以及基于JWT的用户令牌认证机制, 让前后端的交互更流畅。码云镜像:https://gitee.com/rector/DncZeus 。演示地址(demo): | 939 | C# | 04/14 |
| 22 | [ GaoKaiHaHa / MyUnityFrameWork ] ( https : //github.com/GaoKaiHaHa/MyUnityFrameWork) | 我的Unity框架, 包含资源加载, 配置加载, 数据加载, UI管理, 日志管理, 动画系统, 特效系统 | 924 | C# | 05/11 |
| 23 | [ ldqk / Masuit . Tools ] ( https : //github.com/ldqk/Masuit.Tools) | 包含一些常用的操作类, 大都是静态类, 加密解密, 反射操作, 动态编译, 权重随机筛选算法, 简繁转换, 分布式短id, 表达式树, linq扩展, 文件压缩, 多线程下载和FTP客户端, 硬件信息, 字符串扩展方法, 日期时间扩展操作, 中国农历, 大文件拷贝, 图像裁剪, 验证码, 断点续传, 实体映射等常用封装。任何性质的外包公司或996公司需要使用本类库, 请联系作者进行商业授权! | 848 | C# | 05/21 |
| 24 | [ xasset / xasset ] ( https : //github.com/xasset/xasset) | 一个简易轻量的Unity资源管理框架 | 841 | C# | 04/15 |
| 25 | [ phorcys / Taiwu_mods ] ( https : //github.com/phorcys/Taiwu_mods) | 太吾绘卷游戏Mod | 813 | C# | 05/23 |
| 26 | [ neil3d / excel2json ] ( https : //github.com/neil3d/excel2json) | 把Excel表转换成json对象, 并保存到一个文本文件中。 | 749 | C# | 05/30 |
| 27 | [ essensoft / payment ] ( https : //github.com/essensoft/payment) | Payment 是基于 .NET Core / ASP.NET Core 开发, 支持多商户的跨平台支付SDK集。简化了API调用及相关通知的处理流程。目前支持: 支付宝(Alipay)、微信支付(WeChatPay) | 743 | C# | 05/20 |
| 28 | [ Varorbc / PaySharp ] ( https : //github.com/Varorbc/PaySharp) | PaySharp是一个支持多商户多种支付方式的跨平台网关处理类库, 使用PaySharp可以简化订单的创建、查询、退款和接收网关返回的支付通知等操作。 | 731 | C# | 01/12 |
| 29 | [ iamoldli / NetModular ] ( https : //github.com/iamoldli/NetModular) | NetModular 是基于.Net Core 和 Vue.js 的业务模块化以及前后端分离的快速开发框架 | 716 | C# | 05/30 |
| 30 | [ zhaopeiym / quartzui ] ( https : //github.com/zhaopeiym/quartzui) | 基于Quartz.NET3.0的定时任务Web可视化管理。docker打包开箱即用、内置SQLite持久化、语言无关、业务代码零污染、支持 RESTful风格接口、傻瓜式配置 | 710 | C# | 04/16 |
| 31 | [ anderscui / jieba . NET ] ( https : //github.com/anderscui/jieba.NET) | jieba中文分词的.NET版本( 支持.NET Framework与.NET Core) | 667 | C# | 01/30 |
| 32 | [ dotnetcore / Magicodes . IE ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/Magicodes.IE) | 导入导出通用库, 支持Dto导入导出以及动态导出, 支持Excel、Csv、Word、Pdf和Html。 | 643 | C# | 06/01 |
| 33 | [ VictorTzeng / Zxw . Framework . NetCore ] ( https : //github.com/VictorTzeng/Zxw.Framework.NetCore) | 基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架, 其中包括DBContext、IOC组件autofac和AspectCore.Injector、代码生成器( 也支持DB First) 、基于AspectCore的memcache和Redis缓存组件, 以及基于ICanPay的支付库和一些日常用的方法和扩展, 比如批量插入、更新、删除以及触发器支持, 当然还有demo。欢迎提交各种建议、意见和pr~ | 624 | C# | 05/17 |
| 34 | [ bing - framework / Bing . NetCore ] ( https : //github.com/bing-framework/Bing.NetCore) | Bing是基于 .net core 2.0 的框架,旨在提升团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类、帮助类)、分层架构基类,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装等组成。 | 623 | C# | 05/30 |
| 35 | [ 1217950746 / Arthas - WPFUI ] ( https : //github.com/1217950746/Arthas-WPFUI) | WPF 控件库,支持 .Net Core 3 + & .Net 4.6.2 + | 576 | C# | 03/30 |
| 36 | [ RayTale / Ray ] ( https : //github.com/RayTale/Ray) | 基于Actor模型构建的最终一致性分布式事件溯源高性能框架。欢迎使用Ray, 感受不一样的.Net Core编程体验。 | 570 | C# | 05/31 |
| 37 | [ cyq1162 / cyqdata ] ( https : //github.com/cyq1162/cyqdata) | cyq.data is a high-performance and the most powerful orm.( .NET 最好用的ORM数据层框架, 木有之一! 支持.NET Core) Support: Txt、Xml、Access、Sqlite、Mssql、Mysql、Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、Redis、MemCache。 | 570 | C# | 05/28 |
| 38 | [ monitor1394 / unity - ugui - XCharts ] ( https : //github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts) | A charting and data visualization library for Unity. 一款基于UGUI的数据可视化图表插件。 | 553 | C# | 06/01 |
| 39 | [ q315523275 / FamilyBucket ] ( https : //github.com/q315523275/FamilyBucket) | 集合.net core、ocelot、consul、netty、rpc、eventbus、configserver、tracing、sqlsugar、vue-admin、基础管理平台等构建的微服务一条龙应用 | 546 | C# | 05/09 |
| 40 | [ 2881099 / im ] ( https : //github.com/2881099/im) | .NETCore websocket 实现简易、高性能、集群即时通讯组件,支持点对点通讯、群聊通讯、上线下线事件消息等众多实用性功能. | 530 | C# | 05/19 |
| 41 | [ dotnetcore / HttpReports ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/HttpReports) | 使用HttpReports可以快速搭建.Net Core环境下统计,分析,图表,监控一体化的站点,并且支持多种数据库存储,适应.Net Core WebAPI,MVC, Web项目, 通过引用Nuget构建Dashboard面板, 非常适合中小项目使用。 | 529 | C# | 05/31 |
| 42 | [ hanmin0822 / MisakaTranslator ] ( https : //github.com/hanmin0822/MisakaTranslator) | 御坂翻译器—Galgame/文字游戏多语种实时机翻工具 | 521 | C# | 05/27 |
| 43 | [ shack2 / SuperSQLInjectionV1 ] ( https : //github.com/shack2/SuperSQLInjectionV1) | 超级SQL注入工具( SSQLInjection) 是一款基于HTTP协议自组包的SQL注入工具,采用C#开发, 直接操作TCP会话来进行HTTP交互, 支持出现在HTTP协议任意位置的SQL注入, 支持各种类型的SQL注入, 支持HTTPS模式注入; 支持以盲注、错误显示、Union注入等方式来获取数据; 支持Access/MySQL/SQLServer/Oracle/PostgreSQL/DB2/SQLite/Informix等数据库; 支持手动灵活的进行SQL注入绕过, 可自定义进行字符替换等绕过注入防护。本工具为渗透测试人员、信息安全工程师等掌握SQL注入技能的人员设计, 需要使用人员对SQL注入有一定了解 ... | 504 | C# | 05/27 |
| 44 | [ chengderen / Smartflow - Sharp ] ( https : //github.com/chengderen/Smartflow-Sharp) | 基于C#语言研发的Smartflow-Sharp工作流组件, 该工作流组件的特点是简单易用、方便扩展、支持多种数据库访问、高度可定制化, 支持用户按需求做功能的定制开发, 节省用户的使用成本 | 485 | C# | 05/26 |
| 45 | [ CHKZL / DDTV ] ( https : //github.com/CHKZL/DDTV) | 本项目已经停止维护, 重构优化后项目发布为【DDTV2】 | 454 | C# | 05/13 |
| 46 | [ liukuo362573 / YiShaAdmin ] ( https : //github.com/liukuo362573/YiShaAdmin) | 基于 .NET Core MVC 的权限管理系统,代码易读易懂、界面简洁美观。演示版 https://yishasoft.com/admin | 443 | C# | 06/01 |
| 47 | [ migomiddle / xms ] ( https : //github.com/migomiddle/xms) | 基于.netcore的跨平台应用框架, 包含众多常用模块, 易上手、易扩展, xms可理解为x(可扩展的/任意的)m(管理)s(系统) | 437 | C# | 02/19 |
| 48 | [ wuxiongbin / XIL ] ( https : //github.com/wuxiongbin/XIL) | 使用ILRuntime实现的类似XLUA功能的Unity3D下热修复BUG的解决方案 | 432 | C# | 05/26 |
| 49 | [ qq576067421 / cshotfix ] ( https : //github.com/qq576067421/cshotfix) | C# HotFix C#热更新 unity3d 热更新 | 432 | C# | 04/25 |
| 50 | [ Bililive / BililiveRecorder ] ( https : //github.com/Bililive/BililiveRecorder) | B站录播姬 \| BiliBili Stream Recorder | 430 | C# | 05/03 |
| 51 | [ zsh2401 / AutumnBox ] ( https : //github.com/zsh2401/AutumnBox) | 图形化ADB工具箱 | 427 | C# | 05/30 |
| 52 | [ tmoonlight / NSmartProxy ] ( https : //github.com/tmoonlight/NSmartProxy) | NSmartProxy是一款开源免费的内网穿透工具。采用.NET CORE的全异步模式打造。(NSmartProxy is an open source reverse proxy tool that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally service.) | 427 | C# | 04/22 |
| 53 | [ weixinbao / WeChatXY ] ( https : //github.com/weixinbao/WeChatXY) | 最新微信协议, ipad协议, ipad_7.12_V8, 功能完善、稳定不易掉线。可以测试demo或api接口。请联系qq: 1919670042 | 426 | C# | 05/16 |
| 54 | [ coding2233 / TextInlineSprite ] ( https : //github.com/coding2233/TextInlineSprite) | UGUI图文混排 unity version: 2017.2+ | 423 | C# | 01/27 |
| 55 | [ NewLifeX / NewLife . Redis ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/NewLife.Redis) | 高性能Redis协议封装, 支持.Net Core, 经过一年多日均80亿调用量验证 | 420 | C# | 05/31 |
| 56 | [ wzxinchen / Blazui ] ( https : //github.com/wzxinchen/Blazui) | Element的blazor版本, 用 .NET 写前端的 UI 框架, 无JS, 无TS, 非 Silverlight, 非 WebForm, 开箱即用 | 418 | C# | 05/31 |
| 57 | [ yuzd / AntData . ORM ] ( https : //github.com/yuzd/AntData.ORM) | 特色: vs插件或者t4一键生成entity 支持配置非物理外键。分离linq转sql引擎(原生linq非扩展)和执行dal功能,支持异步,支持netcore2.0 | 414 | C# | 05/11 |
| 58 | [ dotnetcore / Natasha ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/Natasha) | 使用roslyn方案打造高性能动态代码, 包括动态构建, 运行时编译, 插件管理, 域管理等功能。( Use Roslyn to create efficient dynamic code. Including dynamic build and so on.) | 414 | C# | 05/30 |
| 59 | [ mili - tan / AuroraDNS . GUI ] ( https : //github.com/mili-tan/AuroraDNS.GUI) | 纯净抗污染,简单轻量级 | 410 | C# | 05/10 |
| 60 | [ dotnetcore / CanalSharp ] ( https : //github.com/dotnetcore/CanalSharp) | Alibaba mysql database binlog incremental subscription & consumer components Canal's .NET client. 阿里巴巴mysql数据库binlog的增量订阅&消费组件 Canal 的 .NET 客户端 | 403 | C# | 03/15 |
| 61 | [ anjoy8 / ChristDDD ] ( https : //github.com/anjoy8/ChristDDD) | 🙌 ASP.NET Core 3.1 应用, 包含 DDD、CQRS、EDA 和ES事件回溯 | 397 | C# | 05/30 |
| 62 | [ bobowire / Wireboy . Socket . P2PSocket ] ( https : //github.com/bobowire/Wireboy.Socket.P2PSocket) | P2P内网穿透, 实现【公司】-【家】远程控制 | 382 | C# | 04/16 |
| 63 | [ copyliu / bililive_dm ] ( https : //github.com/copyliu/bililive_dm) | B站直播彈幕工具 | 379 | C# | 04/10 |
| 64 | [ iccfish / FSLib . App . SimpleUpdater ] ( https : //github.com/iccfish/FSLib.App.SimpleUpdater) | A simple automatic update library for .net. 一个炒鸡简单但是足够好用的自动更新库。 | 377 | C# | 05/21 |
| 65 | [ Meowv / Blog ] ( https : //github.com/Meowv/Blog) | 此版本个人博客项目底层基于 ABP Framework(不完全依赖)搭建项目 和免费开源跨平台的 .NET Core 3.1 开发,可作为 .NET Core 入门项目进行学习,支持各种主流数据库(SqlServer、MySQL、PostgreSql、Sqlite),接口遵循 RESTful API 接口规范,前端所有页面采用 axios 和 template-web.js 请求和加载数据, 原生JavaScript操作页面。 | 373 | C# | 06/01 |
| 66 | [ jm33 - m0 / kms - activate ] ( https : //github.com/jm33-m0/kms-activate) | Microsoft Windows/Office 一键激活工具, 基于kms.jm33.me的KMS服务器 | 353 | C# | 03/23 |
| 67 | [ salamander - mh / SalamanderWnmp ] ( https : //github.com/salamander-mh/SalamanderWnmp) | A beautiful Nginx PHP Mysql environment for windows( windows下用WPF制作的nginx, php, mysql集成环境( 免安装) ) | 352 | C# | 01/03 |
| 68 | [ Jie2GG / Native . Framework ] ( https : //github.com/Jie2GG/Native.Framework) | 完全由 C# 语言编写的 QQ机器人插件 SDK | 349 | C# | 06/01 |
| 69 | [ jarjin / LuaFramework_UGUI_V2 ] ( https : //github.com/jarjin/LuaFramework_UGUI_V2) | 基于tolua的热更新框架集成lockstep的实例 | 340 | C# | 05/19 |
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| 70 | [ zyzsdy / biliroku ] ( https : //github.com/zyzsdy/biliroku) | bilibili 生放送(直播)录制 | 328 | C# | 04/07 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 71 | [ HMBSbige / NatTypeTester ] ( https : //github.com/HMBSbige/NatTypeTester) | 测试当前网络的NAT类型( STUN) | 313 | C# | 03/02 |
| 72 | [ jarjin / FinalFramework ] ( https : //github.com/jarjin/FinalFramework) | 为独立游戏开发者而生的、最后的Gameplay游戏框架! ! ! | 312 | C# | 05/27 |
| 73 | [ dathlin / HslControlsDemo ] ( https : //github.com/dathlin/HslControlsDemo) | HslControls控件库的使用demo, HslControls是一个工业物联网的控件库, 基于C#开发, 配套HslCommunication组件可以实现工业上位机软件的快速开发, 支持常用的工业图形化控件, 快速的集成界面开发。 主要包含了按钮,开关,进度条,信号灯,数码管,时钟,曲线显示控件,仪表盘控件,管道控件,瓶子控件,饼图控件,传送带控件,温度计控件,鼓风机控件,阀门控件,电池控件等等。 | 312 | C# | 05/20 |
| 74 | [ JiepengTan / Lockstep - Tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/JiepengTan/Lockstep-Tutorial) | 帧同步 教程 | 302 | C# | 03/23 |
| 75 | [ gemgin / WeChatTools ] ( https : //github.com/gemgin/WeChatTools) | 微信域名检测接口:实时检测域名能否在微信中直接访问的技术;QQ管家域名检测接口;域名icp备案信息查询接口 | 302 | C# | 05/26 |
| 76 | [ KevinWG / OSS . Clients . Pay ] ( https : //github.com/KevinWG/OSS.Clients.Pay) | 开源支付SDK(标准库),主要打造微信支付,支付宝支付,标准库项目,同时支持.net framework和.net core | 299 | C# | 04/29 |
| 77 | [ ctripcorp / apollo . net ] ( https : //github.com/ctripcorp/apollo.net) | Apollo配置中心.Net客户端 | 296 | C# | 05/29 |
| 78 | [ dreamanlan / Cs2Lua ] ( https : //github.com/dreamanlan/Cs2Lua) | CSharp代码转lua, 适用于使用lua实现热更新而又想有一个强类型检查的语言的场合 | 293 | C# | 05/13 |
| 79 | [ aduskin / AduSkin ] ( https : //github.com/aduskin/AduSkin) | 一款简单漂亮的WPF UI, 融合部分开源框架的组件, 为个人定制的UI, 可供学者参考和使用 | 290 | C# | 05/31 |
| 80 | [ Tangent - 90 / Coolapk - UWP ] ( https : //github.com/Tangent-90/Coolapk-UWP) | 酷安第三方UWP客户端 | 286 | C# | 05/29 |
| 81 | [ yuzhengyang / Fork ] ( https : //github.com/yuzhengyang/Fork) | a c# utility library. C#工具包, C#工具类, 常用方法, 系统API, 文件处理、加密解密、Winform美化( C# Tools) | 283 | C# | 03/15 |
| 82 | [ dathlin / OpcUaHelper ] ( https : //github.com/dathlin/OpcUaHelper) | 一个通用的opc ua客户端类库, 基于.net 4.6.1创建, 基于官方opc ua基金会跨平台库创建, 封装了节点读写, 批量节点读写, 引用读取, 特性读取, 历史数据读取, 方法调用, 节点订阅, 批量订阅等操作。还提供了一个节点浏览器工具。 | 281 | C# | 02/16 |
| 83 | [ metromancn / Parse12306 ] ( https : //github.com/metromancn/Parse12306) | 分析12306 获取全国列车数据 | 279 | C# | 01/24 |
| 84 | [ rpa - ai / RPAStudio ] ( https : //github.com/rpa-ai/RPAStudio) | RPA机器人流程自动化 | 275 | C# | 04/16 |
| 85 | [ cyq1162 / Taurus . MVC ] ( https : //github.com/cyq1162/Taurus.MVC) | Taurus.mvc is a high-performance mvc and webapi framework for asp.net or asp.net core( 适合场景: 对性能和并发有较高要求的电商、站点、WebAPI等系统, 支持.Net Core) | 275 | C# | 05/21 |
| 86 | [ yuzd / Hangfire . HttpJob ] ( https : //github.com/yuzd/Hangfire.HttpJob) | httpjob for Hangfire,restful api for Hangfire,job调度与业务分离 | 271 | C# | 05/31 |
| 87 | [ ixre / cms ] ( https : //github.com/ixre/cms) | DDD 开源.NET CMS、跨平台, 兼容.NET Core和ASP.NET,支持Docker容器 | 266 | C# | 05/25 |
| 88 | [ Senparc / Senparc . CO2NET ] ( https : //github.com/Senparc/Senparc.CO2NET) | 支持 .NET Framework & .NET Core 的公共基础扩展库 | 265 | C# | 05/30 |
| 89 | [ itdos / Dos . ORM ] ( https : //github.com/itdos/Dos.ORM) | Dos.ORM于2009年发布、2015年正式开源, 该组件已在数百个成熟项目中应用。初期开发过程中吸取了NBear与MySoft的一些精华并加入新思想, 之后参考EF Lambda语法进行大量扩展。经过数十个版本的更新迭代发布全新v2.0版本,支持动态列/表、分库/分表等。官方网站: https://www.itdos.com/dos/orm/Index.html 交流群: 60831381 | 261 | C# | 03/20 |
| 90 | [ BladeMight / Mahou ] ( https : //github.com/BladeMight/Mahou) | Mahou(魔法) - The magic layout switcher. | 258 | C# | 05/25 |
| 91 | [ holdengong / EasyOffice ] ( https : //github.com/holdengong/EasyOffice) | a library to easy manipulate excel,word for .net core...一句调用代码即可实现常规的导入导出Excel, 生成Word。 | 257 | C# | 03/23 |
| 92 | [ lysilver / KopSoftWms ] ( https : //github.com/lysilver/KopSoftWms) | KopSoft仓库管理系统 | 256 | C# | 05/10 |
| 93 | [ NewLifeX / NewLife . Cube ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/NewLife.Cube) | 魔方是一个快速Web开发平台, 能够快速搭建系统原型, 而又具有足够灵活的可扩展性! 内部集成了用户权限管理、模板继承、SSO登录、OAuth服务端、数据导出与分享等多个功能模块, 默认模板在真实项目中经历过单表100亿数据添删改查的考验。 | 256 | C# | 05/31 |
| 94 | [ QianMo / X - PostProcessing - Library ] ( https : //github.com/QianMo/X-PostProcessing-Library) | XPL : HQ Post Processing Effects For Unity \| Unity引擎的高品质后处理库 | 241 | C# | 06/01 |
| 95 | [ gabrielxvx / zh - fiddler ] ( https : //github.com/gabrielxvx/zh-fiddler) | Fiddler Web Debugger 中文版 | 233 | C# | 04/30 |
| 96 | [ yukuyoulei / ILRuntime_HotGames ] ( https : //github.com/yukuyoulei/ILRuntime_HotGames) | 基于ILRuntime的热更新能力实现的可以直接使用的框架, 友情赠送C# WebService + WebSocketServer服务器端。 | 232 | C# | 05/12 |
| 97 | [ yswenli / SAEA ] ( https : //github.com/yswenli/SAEA) | SAEA.Socket is a high-performance IOCP framework TCP based on dotnet standard 2.0; Src contains its application test scenarios, such as websocket,rpc, redis driver, MVC WebAPI, lightweight message server, ultra large file transmission, etc. SAEA.Socket是一个高性能IOCP框架的 TCP, 基于dotnet standard 2.0; Src中含有其应 ... | 230 | C# | 05/20 |
| 98 | [ MikeJinhua / UnitySocketProtobuf3Demo ] ( https : //github.com/MikeJinhua/UnitySocketProtobuf3Demo) | 主要实现了用Unity对接了Leaf服务器。其次带了些小工具。 | 225 | C# | 03/05 |
| 99 | [ CHKZL / DDTV2 ] ( https : //github.com/CHKZL/DDTV2) | DDTV2。可进行B站直播开播提醒, 自动录制, 播放。油管, TC直播监控, llinux/win多平台自动录制工具。 | 223 | C# | 05/30 |
| 100 | [ XINCGer / ColaFrameWork ] ( https : //github.com/XINCGer/ColaFrameWork) | ColaFrameWork 一个Unity客户端框架 | 223 | C# | 05/29 |
| 101 | [ liaozb / APIJSON . NET ] ( https : //github.com/liaozb/APIJSON.NET) | 后端接口自动化 .NET CORE版本 | 217 | C# | 03/29 |
| 102 | [ liningit / LnskyDB ] ( https : //github.com/liningit/LnskyDB) | 基于Dapper的LINQ扩展, 支持Lambda表达式, 支持按时间分库分表, 也可以自定义分库分表方法, 且实体类有T4模版自动生成.省去手写实体类的麻烦。已在实际项目使用 | 208 | C# | 05/20 |
| 103 | [ SkyChenSky / Sikiro ] ( https : //github.com/SkyChenSky/Sikiro) | 整合了社区主流开源项目的微服务框架( CAP、SkyAPM、WebAPIClient、Chloe等) | 204 | C# | 05/14 |
| 104 | [ KumoKyaku / KCP ] ( https : //github.com/KumoKyaku/KCP) | KCP C#版。线程安全, 运行时无alloc, 对gc无压力。 | 202 | C# | 05/19 |
| 105 | [ yomunsam / TinaX ] ( https : //github.com/yomunsam/TinaX) | TinaX Framework : Unity based Game Client Framework \| 基于 Unity 的游戏客户端开发框架 | 201 | C# | 05/16 |
| 106 | [ YukiCoco / YukiDrive ] ( https : //github.com/YukiCoco/YukiDrive) | Onedrive & SharePoint 文件浏览网页程序 | 198 | C# | 03/28 |
| 107 | [ NewLifeX / AntJob ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/AntJob) | 分布式任务调度系统, 纯NET打造的重量级大数据实时计算平台, 万亿级调度经验积累! 面向中小企业大数据分析场景。 | 197 | C# | 04/25 |
| 108 | [ xin - lai / Magicodes . Pay ] ( https : //github.com/xin-lai/Magicodes.Pay) | Magicodes.Pay, 是心莱科技团队提供的统一支付库, 相关库均使用.NET标准库编写, 支持.NET Framework以及.NET Core。目前已提供Abp模块的封装, 支持开箱即用。 | 195 | C# | 04/25 |
| 109 | [ JavScraper / Emby . Plugins . JavScraper ] ( https : //github.com/JavScraper/Emby.Plugins.JavScraper) | Emby/Jellyfin 的一个日本电影刮削器插件,可以从某些网站抓取影片信息。 | 194 | C# | 05/31 |
| 110 | [ noodle1983 / UnityAndroidIl2cppPatchDemo ] ( https : //github.com/noodle1983/UnityAndroidIl2cppPatchDemo) | 这是Unity Android APP il2cpp热更完美解决方案的Demo。更新build_demo_apk里的Unity路径, 执行即可一键重build Patch和apk。因为文件libunity是没有热更的, 如unity版本有变化则热更不适用。 | 192 | C# | 02/28 |
| 111 | [ sheng - jie / Design - Pattern ] ( https : //github.com/sheng-jie/Design-Pattern) | C#设计模式实现 | 192 | C# | 02/24 |
| 112 | [ anjoy8 / Blog . IdentityServer ] ( https : //github.com/anjoy8/Blog.IdentityServer) | 🥗 打造一个功能强大的通用型Ids4授权服务中心, 配合之前的所有开源项目 | 190 | C# | 05/28 |
| 113 | [ GB28181 / GB28181 . Solution ] ( https : //github.com/GB28181/GB28181.Solution) | Linux/Win/Docker/kubernetes/Chart/Kustomize/GB28181/SIP/RTP/SDP/WebRTC/作为上下级域/平台级联互联 | 190 | C# | 06/01 |
| 114 | [ EZhex1991 / EZUnity ] ( https : //github.com/EZhex1991/EZUnity) | Unity3D工具集+API二次封装+编辑器扩展 | 186 | C# | 04/24 |
| 115 | [ uknowsec / SweetPotato ] ( https : //github.com/uknowsec/SweetPotato) | SweetPotato修改版, 用于webshell下执行命令 感谢@zcgonvh和@RcoIl两位师傅的耐心指导 | 182 | C# | 04/23 |
| 116 | [ beykery / cocosocket ] ( https : //github.com/beykery/cocosocket) | cocosocket是一个为高性能网络通信准备的底层通信框架, 满足对于高性能网络通信的需求, 适用于基于tcp或kcp的应用开发。 | 181 | C# | 02/25 |
| 117 | [ linezero / jieba . NET ] ( https : //github.com/linezero/jieba.NET) | jieba中文分词.NET Core版 | 181 | C# | 01/17 |
| 118 | [ Ouyang - Zhaoxing / SREC ] ( https : //github.com/Ouyang-Zhaoxing/SREC) | 轻量级屏幕录制、直播工具。 | 181 | C# | 01/02 |
| 119 | [ jasonhua95 / awesome - dotnet - core ] ( https : //github.com/jasonhua95/awesome-dotnet-core) | .NET Core库、工具、框架和软件的中文收录大全。 内容包括: 库、工具、框架、模板引擎、身份认证、数据库、ORM框架、图片处理、文本处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析、教程等。 | 177 | C# | 04/24 |
| 120 | [ akof1314 / UnityParticleSystemPreview ] ( https : //github.com/akof1314/UnityParticleSystemPreview) | Unity ParticleSystem Preview 粒子预览插件 | 174 | C# | 03/26 |
| 121 | [ zhaopeiym / IoTClient ] ( https : //github.com/zhaopeiym/IoTClient) | 这是一个物联网设备通讯协议实现客户端, 将会包括主流PLC通信读取、ModBus协议、Bacnet协议等常用工业通讯协议。本组件终身开源免费, 采用最宽松的MIT开源协议, 您可以随意修改和商业使用( 商业使用请做好评估和测试) 。 | 171 | C# | 01/06 |
| 122 | [ qingfeng346 / Scorpio - CSharp ] ( https : //github.com/qingfeng346/Scorpio-CSharp) | Unity游戏热更新脚本 | 169 | C# | 06/01 |
| 123 | [ YanZhiwei / MasterChief ] ( https : //github.com/YanZhiwei/MasterChief) | C# 开发辅助类库,和士官长一样身经百战且越战越勇的战争机器,能力无人能出其右。 | 169 | C# | 05/26 |
| 124 | [ jinglikeblue / Zero ] ( https : //github.com/jinglikeblue/Zero) | Zero是Unity中的游戏开发框架, 为游戏开发核心问题提供轻量高效的解决方案 | 167 | C# | 05/24 |
| 125 | [ indiff / qttabbar ] ( https : //github.com/indiff/qttabbar) | QTTabBar是一款可以让你在Windows资源管理器中使用Tab多标签功能的小工具。 | 166 | C# | 05/31 |
| 126 | [ giant - app / LiveWallpaper ] ( https : //github.com/giant-app/LiveWallpaper) | 动态壁纸, 视频壁纸, Free wallpaper engine | 166 | C# | 01/09 |
| 127 | [ WeihanLi / DbTool ] ( https : //github.com/WeihanLi/DbTool) | 数据库工具, 根据表结构文档生成创建表sql, 根据数据库表信息导出Model和表结构文档, 根据文档生成数据库表, 根据已有Model文件生成创建数据库表sql | 163 | C# | 05/17 |
| 128 | [ BeichenDream / BadPotato ] ( https : //github.com/BeichenDream/BadPotato) | Windows 权限提升 BadPotato | 163 | C# | 05/10 |
| 129 | [ Planshit / ProjectEye ] ( https : //github.com/Planshit/ProjectEye) | 😎 一个基于20-20-20规则的用眼休息提醒Windows软件 | 162 | C# | 05/29 |
| 130 | [ Phynic / SLGanim ] ( https : //github.com/Phynic/SLGanim) | 木叶战记续作 | 161 | C# | 04/25 |
| 131 | [ GeorGeWzw / Sukt . Core ] ( https : //github.com/GeorGeWzw/Sukt.Core) | Sukt.Core 本项目是基于.Net Core开发的一个开源后台管理框架目前有以下模块 组织机构、菜单管理、按钮管理、用户管理、部门管理、角色管理、用户角色、角色权限、任务计划调度。 | 160 | C# | 04/27 |
| 132 | [ HenJigg / wpf - mvvm - DeskTop - Sample ] ( https : //github.com/HenJigg/wpf-mvvm-DeskTop-Sample) | WPF客户端/前端 | 160 | C# | 02/05 |
| 133 | [ HuJinguang / CxFlatUI ] ( https : //github.com/HuJinguang/CxFlatUI) | winform控件 | 158 | C# | 01/10 |
| 134 | [ yswenli / WebRedisManager ] ( https : //github.com/yswenli/WebRedisManager) | WebRedis Manager is a simple management to implement Redis using SAEA. RedisSocket, SAEA.MVC and running speed quickly.WebRedisManager是使用的SAEA.RedisSocket、SAEA.MVC等实现Redis的简便管理功能, 轻松运行~ | 156 | C# | 05/20 |
| 135 | [ weishakeji / LearningSystem ] ( https : //github.com/weishakeji/LearningSystem) | 在线学习考试系统,集“学、练、考”一体(慕课网校+题库系统+在线考试+直播),多种界面风格可自由切换,电脑、手机、微信全支持,自带分享、分润模块,对接微信支付、支付宝支付。可私有化部署,收益全掌控;永久授权,终身享用。全球教育机构安装量已经超过两万家。 | 156 | C# | 05/28 |
| 136 | [ dreamanlan / CSharpGameFramework ] ( https : //github.com/dreamanlan/CSharpGameFramework) | 基于unity3d引擎与c#语言的游戏框架/架构(包括客户端与服务器)。 | 153 | C# | 04/24 |
| 137 | [ comsmobiler / SmoSEC ] ( https : //github.com/comsmobiler/SmoSEC) | 资产管理开源项目, 移动端APP, 支持Android、iOS, 基于.NET( C#、VB) 。SmoSEC资产管理系统包含的功能有: 资产列表、借用、归还、领用、退库、维修、报废、调拨、盘点、分类管理, 区域管理, 部门管理, 耗材列表、入库、出库、调拨、盘点等功能。IDE为VisualStudio, 开发平台为Smobiler, SmobilerDesigner通过实现.NET的component组件方式, 借助Visual Studio集成开发环境来开发移动应用。SmobilerClient是通用的框架客户端, 使用自有的stml协议实现客户端的原生控件渲染和事件。云平台可在云端生成Android和IOS的安 ... | 150 | C# | 04/29 |
| 138 | [ fluttercandies / JsonToDart ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/JsonToDart) | 功能最全面的Json转换Dart的工具, 支持Windows, Mac, Web以及Linux | 149 | C# | 05/01 |
| 139 | [ NewLifeX / XCoder ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/XCoder) | 新生命码神工具, 代码生成、网络工具、API工具、串口工具、正则工具、图标工具、加解密工具、地图接口。 | 149 | C# | 05/01 |
| 140 | [ XiLife - OSPC / Masuit . Tools ] ( https : //github.com/XiLife-OSPC/Masuit.Tools) | 一个常用的操作类的类库, 汇集了加密解密, 反射操作, 硬件信息, 字符串扩展方法, 日期时间扩展操作, 大文件拷贝, 图像裁剪, 验证码等功能, 喜欢就给Star吧。 | 148 | C# | 05/11 |
| 141 | [ SmallChi / JT808 ] ( https : //github.com/SmallChi/JT808) | JT808协议、GB808协议、道路运输车辆卫星定位系统-北斗兼容车载终端通讯协议(支持2013、2019版本) | 146 | C# | 04/09 |
| 142 | [ xyfll7 / CV - translation ] ( https : //github.com/xyfll7/CV-translation) | 我叫CV翻译, 因为我的精髓就是Ctrl + c 不用v ( 原名QTranser) | 144 | C# | 02/21 |
| 143 | [ overtly / core - grpc ] ( https : //github.com/overtly/core-grpc) | C# Grpc驱动封装, 基于Consul实现服务注册服务发现, 支持DotnetCore Framework, 可快速实现基于Grpc的微服务, 内部有完整案例, 包含服务端Server 客户端 Client | 143 | C# | 03/24 |
| 144 | [ chi8708 / NBCZ_Admin ] ( https : //github.com/chi8708/NBCZ_Admin) | asp.net MVC5 + Dapper + layUI/easyUI 通用权限管理系统、权限框架、信息管理系统基础框架 | 142 | C# | 02/17 |
| 145 | [ YunxiuXu / Virus - School ] ( https : //github.com/YunxiuXu/Virus-School) | Unity模拟病毒在校园中传播 | 138 | C# | 03/03 |
| 146 | [ NewLifeX / NewLife . Net ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/NewLife.Net) | 单机吞吐2266万tps的网络通信框架 | 137 | C# | 05/31 |
| 147 | [ jitwxs / 163MusicLyrics ] ( https : //github.com/jitwxs/163MusicLyrics) | 网易云音乐歌词获取 | 136 | C# | 05/30 |
| 148 | [ QAX - A - Team / sharpwmi ] ( https : //github.com/QAX-A-Team/sharpwmi) | sharpwmi是一个基于rpc的横向移动工具, 具有上传文件和执行命令功能。 | 134 | C# | 04/08 |
| 149 | [ jerrytang67 / SoMall ] ( https : //github.com/jerrytang67/SoMall) | 社交电商商城开源项目.socail+mall即取名SoMall ,abp netcore 3.1 angular vue uni-app typescript docker mssql | 132 | C# | 05/30 |
| 150 | [ flier268 / ConvertZZ ] ( https : //github.com/flier268/ConvertZZ) | 繼承自convertz, 但更好用的簡繁轉換工具 | 131 | C# | 02/18 |
| 151 | [ usecodelee / encryption - algorithm ] ( https : //github.com/usecodelee/encryption-algorithm) | DES、AES、Present、Extended Euclidean Algorithm、Miller-Rabin( 常用密码学算法)推荐书籍《现代密码学趣味之旅》---彭长根 | 127 | C# | 04/17 |
| 152 | [ AutoCSer / AutoCSer ] ( https : //github.com/AutoCSer/AutoCSer) | AutoCSer is a high-performance RPC framework. AutoCSer 是一个以高效率为目标向导的整体开发框架。主要包括 TCP 接口服务框架、TCP 函数服务框架、远程表达式链组件、前后端一体 WEB 视图框架、ORM 内存索引缓存框架、日志流内存数据库缓存组件、消息队列组件、二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化 等一系列无缝集成的高性能组件。 | 127 | C# | 01/02 |
| 153 | [ luoyunchong / lin - cms - dotnetcore ] ( https : //github.com/luoyunchong/lin-cms-dotnetcore) | 😃A simple and practical CMS implemented by .NET Core 3.1 一个简单实用、基于.NET Core 3.1实现的CMS; 前后端分离、Docker部署、OAtuh2授权登录、自动化部署DevOps、GitHub Action同步至Gitee | 126 | C# | 06/01 |
| 154 | [ a935368322 / Kogel . Dapper . Extension ] ( https : //github.com/a935368322/Kogel.Dapper.Extension) | orm框架 dapper to linq | 125 | C# | 06/01 |
| 155 | [ znlgis / sod ] ( https : //github.com/znlgis/sod) | PDF.NET 的追求:代码的精简,开发、维护的简单与极致的运行效率! | 125 | C# | 02/04 |
| 156 | [ luiges90 / ZHSan ] ( https : //github.com/luiges90/ZHSan) | 中華三國志 | 124 | C# | 01/05 |
| 157 | [ Justin - sky / Nice - Lua ] ( https : //github.com/Justin-sky/Nice-Lua) | 基于xlua的MVVM框架, 支持Addressables, 统一渲染管线等Unity新特性 | 122 | C# | 02/13 |
| 158 | [ QAX - A - Team / PandaSniper ] ( https : //github.com/QAX-A-Team/PandaSniper) | Linux C2 框架demo, 为期2周的”黑客编程马拉松“, 从学习编程语言开始到实现一个demo的产物 | 121 | C# | 02/20 |
| 159 | [ baiyunchen / UEditor . Core ] ( https : //github.com/baiyunchen/UEditor.Core) | 百度UEditor后端服务.Net Core 2.0 版本,简单易用,文档齐全,速来尝试,还支持.Net Framework~ | 119 | C# | 05/25 |
| 160 | [ NewLifeX / NewLife . RocketMQ ] ( https : //github.com/NewLifeX/NewLife.RocketMQ) | 纯托管轻量级RocketMQ客户端, 支持发布消息、消费消息、负载均衡等核心功能! | 116 | C# | 05/31 |
| 161 | [ qianqians / abelkhan ] ( https : //github.com/qianqians/abelkhan) | 分布式游戏服务器框架 | 115 | C# | 01/16 |
| 162 | [ 2881099 / FreeSql . Tools ] ( https : //github.com/2881099/FreeSql.Tools) | FreeSql 工具包,包括生成器等 | 114 | C# | 03/30 |
| 163 | [ cixingguangming55555 / wechat - bot ] ( https : //github.com/cixingguangming55555/wechat-bot) | 带二次开发接口的PC微信聊天机器人 | 114 | C# | 05/26 |
| 164 | [ Tycx2ry / SweetPotato_CS ] ( https : //github.com/Tycx2ry/SweetPotato_CS) | 修改的SweetPotato, 使之可以用于CobaltStrike v4.0 | 113 | C# | 04/30 |
| 165 | [ uknowsec / SharpNetCheck ] ( https : //github.com/uknowsec/SharpNetCheck) | 在内网渗透过程中, 对可以出网的机器是十分渴望的。在收集大量弱口令的情况下, 一个一个去测试能不能出网太麻烦了。所以就有了这个工具, 可配合如wmiexec、psexec等横向工具进行批量检测, 该工具可以在dnslog中回显内网ip地址和计算机名, 可实现内网中的快速定位可出网机器。 | 111 | C# | 01/15 |
| 166 | [ zhutaorun / HGFramework ] ( https : //github.com/zhutaorun/HGFramework) | unity客户端框架 | 109 | C# | 01/18 |
| 167 | [ jellydong / LJDAPP ] ( https : //github.com/jellydong/LJDAPP) | 基于ASP.Net Core开发一套通用后台框架 | 109 | C# | 04/04 |
| 168 | [ Kation / ComBoost ] ( https : //github.com/Kation/ComBoost) | ComBoost是一个领域驱动的快速开发框架 | 108 | C# | 03/17 |
| 169 | [ dudu502 / LittleBee ] ( https : //github.com/dudu502/LittleBee) | 关于帧同步和ECS的实现 | 108 | C# | 02/02 |
| 170 | [ Jason - Ma - 233 / Sakura_DesktopMascot ] ( https : //github.com/Jason-Ma-233/Sakura_DesktopMascot) | 八重樱桌宠 | 108 | C# | 05/31 |
| 171 | [ SpringHgui / FastTunnel ] ( https : //github.com/SpringHgui/FastTunnel) | expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet like ngrok and frp. NAT ssh proxy tunnel reverse-proxy 跨平台内网穿透工具 远程内网计算机 域名访问内网站点 反向代理内网服务 花生壳 端口转发 http代理 微信 小程序 | 106 | C# | 05/20 |
| 172 | [ comsmobiler / SmoWMS ] ( https : //github.com/comsmobiler/SmoWMS) | 仓库管理系统, 移动端APP开源项目, 支持Android、iOS, 基于.NET( C#、VB) 。SmoWMS仓库管理系统包含了仓库管理、订单、主数据维护、图表分析、个人信息等几大功能。 SmoWMS is Warehouse Management solution for APPs, developed by .NET. Support Android & iOS. | 106 | C# | 04/29 |
| 173 | [ jiangjinnan / InsideAspNetCore3 ] ( https : //github.com/jiangjinnan/InsideAspNetCore3) | ASP.NET Core 3框架揭秘实例 | 102 | C# | 04/27 |
| 174 | [ StevenEco / . NetCoreGuide ] ( https : //github.com/StevenEco/.NetCoreGuide) | This is the simple Class to learn Microsoft Tech, such as C#,Typescript and so on。一个简单基础的.NET Core技术栈开发指南 | 102 | C# | 05/29 |
| 175 | [ hailang2ll / DMS ] ( https : //github.com/hailang2ll/DMS) | DMS是一个集中式的中间件框架, 每一个小型中间件将会是完全独立的, 都将以注册方式使用, 主要为了快速开发项目而准备, 如: DMS.Autofac, DMS.Consul, DMS.RabbitMQg, DMS.Swagger, GRPC, Thrift, Netty, DMS.Exceptionless, DMS.Log4net, DMS.NLogs, DMS.Consul, Ocelot, IdentityServer, Zookeeper等, Demo中会有每一个中间件的实例方便开发者了解 | 102 | C# | 01/10 |
| 176 | [ hyjiacan / ColorWanted ] ( https : //github.com/hyjiacan/ColorWanted) | Screen color picker for Windows (Windows 上的屏幕取色器) | 96 | C# | 05/08 |
| 177 | [ ldqk / Masuit . LuceneEFCore . SearchEngine ] ( https : //github.com/ldqk/Masuit.LuceneEFCore.SearchEngine) | 基于EntityFrameworkCore和Lucene.NET实现的全文检索搜索引擎 | 96 | C# | 05/21 |
| 178 | [ blueberryzzz / ReferenceFinder ] ( https : //github.com/blueberryzzz/ReferenceFinder) | 这是一个用来查找资源引用和依赖的插件,通过缓存来保存资源间的引用信息,通过树状结构直观的展示。 | 95 | C# | 04/28 |
| 179 | [ tianlian0 / paper_checking_system ] ( https : //github.com/tianlian0/paper_checking_system) | 基于C#和C++开发的文本查重/论文查重系统,一亿字次级论文库秒级查重。关联:查重算法 | 95 | C# | 05/22 |
| 180 | [ easy - rbac - team / easyRBAC ] ( https : //github.com/easy-rbac-team/easyRBAC) | 我要的很简单, 基于RBAC管理权限, 有容易上手的UI, 最好送给我一个看得过去的SSO就更棒了 | 94 | C# | 02/28 |
| 181 | [ Senparc / NeuChar ] ( https : //github.com/Senparc/NeuChar) | Senparc.NeuChar 跨平台信息交互标准 | 93 | C# | 05/31 |
| 182 | [ 2881099 / SafeObjectPool ] ( https : //github.com/2881099/SafeObjectPool) | 应用场景:连接池,资源池等等 | 93 | C# | 03/20 |
| 183 | [ iamxiaozhuang / MicroserviceDemo ] ( https : //github.com/iamxiaozhuang/MicroserviceDemo) | Dot Net Core 微服务例子; 采用Ocelot实现服务网关, IdentityServer4实现认证, CAP实现分布式数据最终一致性。 微服务内部采用领域模型驱动设计,实现了接口日志、权限控制、多租户、软删除、读写分离等特性 | 93 | C# | 03/04 |
| 184 | [ WeihanLi / WeihanLi . Common ] ( https : //github.com/WeihanLi/WeihanLi.Common) | common tools,methods,extension methods etc... .net 常用工具类,公共方法,常用扩展方法等,基础类库 | 93 | C# | 05/31 |
| 185 | [ xin - lai / Magicodes . Storage ] ( https : //github.com/xin-lai/Magicodes.Storage) | Magicodes.Storage, 是心莱科技团队提供的统一存储库, 相关库均使用.NET标准库( netstandard2.0)编写,支持.NET Framework以及.NET Core。 | 92 | C# | 02/11 |
| 186 | [ HMBSbige / AutoSplitVideo ] ( https : //github.com/HMBSbige/AutoSplitVideo) | bilibili 直播录制 | 92 | C# | 05/16 |
| 187 | [ overtly / core - data ] ( https : //github.com/overtly/core-data) | 基于Dapper封装的Linq表达式数据库访问驱动, 内置自定义分库, 分表的实现 | 91 | C# | 05/29 |
| 188 | [ yanghuan / CSharpLuaForUnity ] ( https : //github.com/yanghuan/CSharpLuaForUnity) | CSharp.lua的Unity适配, 可将Unity工程中的C#代码编译至Lua | 91 | C# | 05/09 |
| 189 | [ li - zheng - hao / StikyNotes ] ( https : //github.com/li-zheng-hao/StikyNotes) | 一个便捷的Windows桌面便利贴/A convenitent Windows Notes | 91 | C# | 03/08 |
| 190 | [ HenJigg / WPF - UI - Design ] ( https : //github.com/HenJigg/WPF-UI-Design) | WPF UI设计 | 90 | C# | 04/16 |
| 191 | [ tdouguo / KIT ] ( https : //github.com/tdouguo/KIT) | Unity3D开发的工具包集合, 集成常见的开发组件以免于重复造轮子。 | 90 | C# | 03/30 |
| 192 | [ zhontai / Admin . Core ] ( https : //github.com/zhontai/Admin.Core) | Admin后端, 基于.Net Core开发的WebApi | 89 | C# | 05/31 |
| 193 | [ netnr / blog ] ( https : //github.com/netnr/blog) | 项目已迁移至 | 89 | C# | 03/25 |
| 194 | [ 2881099 / FreeSql . AdminLTE ] ( https : //github.com/2881099/FreeSql.AdminLTE) | 这是一个 .NETCore MVC 中间件,基于 AdminLTE 前端框架动态产生 FreeSql 实体的增删查改界面。 | 88 | C# | 05/28 |
| 195 | [ SmallChi / JT808Gateway ] ( https : //github.com/SmallChi/JT808Gateway) | 使用Pipeline和DotNetty分别实现的JT808Gateway支持TCP/UDP通用消息业务处理(支持2013、2019版本) | 88 | C# | 05/14 |
| 196 | [ wzxinchen / BlazAdmin ] ( https : //github.com/wzxinchen/BlazAdmin) | 基于Blazui的后台管理模板, 无JS, 无TS, 非 Silverlight, 非 WebForm, 一个标签即可使用 | 88 | C# | 05/04 |
| 197 | [ BeichenDream / TencentSlider ] ( https : //github.com/BeichenDream/TencentSlider) | C# 腾讯滑块识别算法 JS轨道加密算法 | 87 | C# | 05/02 |
| 198 | [ jpush / jpush - unity3d - plugin ] ( https : //github.com/jpush/jpush-unity3d-plugin) | JPush's officially supported Unity3d plugin (Android & iOS). 极光推送官方支持的 Unity3d 插件( Android & iOS) 。 | 87 | C# | 01/02 |
| 199 | [ WangRui321 / RayPI ] ( https : //github.com/WangRui321/RayPI) | 一个基于.NET Core 3.1的DDD的WebApi开发框架 | 87 | C# | 05/31 |
| 200 | [ EasyAbp / Abp . WeChat ] ( https : //github.com/EasyAbp/Abp.WeChat) | 专门为 ABP vNext 封装的微信模块,包括微信公众号和微信支付相关接口。 | 85 | C# | 05/29 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # Dart
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 1 | [ alibaba / flutter - go ] ( https : //github.com/alibaba/flutter-go) | flutter 开发者帮助 APP, 包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档 | 21.1k | Dart | 04/13 |
| 2 | [ CarGuo / gsy_github_app_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/CarGuo/gsy_github_app_flutter) | Flutter 超完整的开源项目, 功能丰富, 适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势: 我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全, 项目框架内技术涉及面广, 完成度高, 持续维护, 配套文章, 适合全面学习, 对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App, 更好的体验, 更丰富的功能, 旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github, 提供更好更方便的驾车体验Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ。同款Weex版本 : https://github.com/CarGuo/GSYGithubAppWeex 、同款React Native版本 : https://g ... | 11.0k | Dart | 06/01 |
| 3 | [ OpenFlutter / Flutter - Notebook ] ( https : //github.com/OpenFlutter/Flutter-Notebook) | FlutterDemo合集, 今天你fu了吗 | 5.7k | Dart | 05/27 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 4 | [ kaina404 / FlutterDouBan ] ( https : //github.com/kaina404/FlutterDouBan) | 🔥🔥🔥Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。( https://img.xuvip.top/douyademo.mp4) | 5.0k | Dart | 04/18 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 5 | [ Sky24n / flutter_wanandroid ] ( https : //github.com/Sky24n/flutter_wanandroid) | 🔥🔥🔥 基于Google Flutter的WanAndroid客户端, 支持Android和iOS。包括BLoC、RxDart 、国际化、主题色、启动页、引导页,拥有较好的项目结构&比较规范的代码! | 4.2k | Dart | 05/29 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 6 | [ AweiLoveAndroid / Flutter - learning ] ( https : //github.com/AweiLoveAndroid/Flutter-learning) | :octocat::fire: :+1: :star2: :star: :star::star: Flutter all you want.Flutter install,flutter samples,Flutter projects,Flutter plugin,Flutter problems,Dart codes,etc.Flutter安装和配置, Flutter开发遇到的难题, Flutter示例代码和模板, Flutter项目实战, Dart语言学习示例代码。 | 4.0k | Dart | 04/18 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 7 | [ simplezhli / flutter_deer ] ( https : //github.com/simplezhli/flutter_deer) | 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图, 更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project. Includes a complete UI design and exercises that are closer to real projects. | 3.4k | Dart | 06/01 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 8 | [ boyan01 / flutter - netease - music ] ( https : //github.com/boyan01/flutter-netease-music) | flutter music player application, support iOS and Android. (仿网易云音乐) | 2.0k | Dart | 03/22 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 9 | [ phoenixsky / fun_android_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/phoenixsky/fun_android_flutter) | 👿👿👿👿👿玩Android客户端Flutter版本。Provider的最佳实践.DarkMode、多色彩主题、国际化、切换字体、优美动画 | 1.9k | Dart | 04/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 10 | [ huanxsd / flutter_shuqi ] ( https : //github.com/huanxsd/flutter_shuqi) | 高仿书旗小说 Flutter版, 支持iOS、Android | 1.9k | Dart | 05/20 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 11 | [ OpenFlutter / fluwx ] ( https : //github.com/OpenFlutter/fluwx) | Flutter版微信SDK.WeChat SDK for flutter. | 1.8k | Dart | 05/14 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 12 | [ toly1994328 / FlutterUnit ] ( https : //github.com/toly1994328/FlutterUnit) | 【Flutter 集录指南 App】 the unity of flutter, the unity of coder. | 1.6k | Dart | 05/27 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 13 | [ CarGuo / gsy_flutter_demo ] ( https : //github.com/CarGuo/gsy_flutter_demo) | Flutter 不同于 GSYGithubAppFlutter 完整项目,本项目将逐步完善各种 Flutter 独立例子,方便新手学习上手和小问题方案解决。 目前开始逐步补全完善,主要提供一些有用或者有趣的例子,如果你也有好例子,欢迎提交 PR 。 | 1.5k | Dart | 04/29 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 14 | [ fluttercandies / NeteaseCloudMusic ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/NeteaseCloudMusic) | Flutter - NeteaseCloudMusic Flutter 版本的网易云音乐 | 1.4k | Dart | 05/22 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 15 | [ shichunlei / flutter_app ] ( https : //github.com/shichunlei/flutter_app) | 🔥🔥🔥本项目包括各种基本控件使用( Text、TextField、Icon、Image、Listview、Gridview、Picker、Stepper、Dialog、Slider、Row、Appbar、Sizebox、BottomSheet、Chip、Dismissible、FlutterLogo、Check、Switch、TabBar、BottomNavigationBar、Sliver等) 、豆瓣电影、tubitv、每日一文、和天气、百姓生活、随机诗词、联系人、句子迷、好奇心日报、有道精品课、高德定位、音乐播放器🎵、追书神器等板块 | 1.4k | Dart | 05/25 |
| 16 | [ youxinLu / flutter_mall ] ( https : //github.com/youxinLu/flutter_mall) | Flutter_Mall是一款Flutter开源在线商城应用程序, 是基于litemall基础上进行开发, litemall包含了Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端感兴趣的同学可以自行研究部署, Flutter_Mall基本上包含了litemall中小程序的功能。 | 1.2k | Dart | 05/29 |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 17 | [ Sky24n / flustars ] ( https : //github.com/Sky24n/flustars) | 🔥🔥🔥 Flutter common utils library. SpUtil, ScreenUtil,WidgetUtil. 也许是目前最好用的SharedPreferences工具类。WidgetUtil 获取图片尺寸宽高, View尺寸&在屏幕上的坐标。 | 1.1k | Dart | 05/08 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 18 | [ boyan01 / flutter - tetris ] ( https : //github.com/boyan01/flutter-tetris) | a tetris game powered by flutter. 使用flutter开发俄罗斯方块。 | 896 | Dart | 03/02 |
| 19 | [ fluttercandies / wechat_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/wechat_flutter) | wechat_flutter Flutter版本微信, 一个优秀的Flutter即时通讯IM开源库! | 832 | Dart | 04/27 |
| 20 | [ Sky24n / common_utils ] ( https : //github.com/Sky24n/common_utils) | Dart common utils library. DateUtil, EncryptUtil, JsonUtil, LogUtil, MoneyUtil, NumUtil, ObjectUtil, RegexUtil, TextUtil, TimelineUtil, TimerUtil. 包含日期,正则,倒计时,时间轴等工具类。 | 721 | Dart | 05/29 |
| 21 | [ ZDfordream / FlutterTianYue ] ( https : //github.com/ZDfordream/FlutterTianYue) | 基于Flutter的超完整仿腾讯动漫, 小说阅读, 抖音视频项目, 功能丰富, 适合学习和日常使用, 拥有较好的项目结构&比较规范的代码! Flutter入门, 看这个就够了~ Flutter project which provide richer functionality, if you want to learn flutter, this project is a good choice | 705 | Dart | 02/24 |
| 22 | [ Sky24n / GreenTravel ] ( https : //github.com/Sky24n/GreenTravel) | Flutter 仿滴滴出行~ 仿滴滴主界面, 地图中心请求动效果, 服务tabs展开效果, 地址检索界面, 城市列表界面。 | 702 | Dart | 06/01 |
| 23 | [ huangruiLearn / flutter_hrlweibo ] ( https : //github.com/huangruiLearn/flutter_hrlweibo) | Flutter仿微博客户端, 包含首页、视频、发现、消息(仿微博聊界面)及个人中心模块 | 625 | Dart | 05/28 |
| 24 | [ yukilzw / dy_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/yukilzw/dy_flutter) | 斗鱼直播APP :rocket: 多元化Flutter开源项目。涵盖自定义编写页面交互、手势动画的方式, 还原复杂应用的真实数据流场景。( 另提供服务端Mock接口) | 608 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 25 | [ befovy / fijkplayer ] ( https : //github.com/befovy/fijkplayer) | ijkplayer for flutter. ijkplayer 的 flutter 封装。 Flutter video/audio player. Flutter media player plugin for android/iOS based on ijkplayer. fijkplayr 是基于 ijkplayer 封装的 flutter 媒体播放器,开箱即用,无需编译 ijkplayer | 595 | Dart | 05/16 |
| 26 | [ canhuah / WanAndroid - Flutter ] ( https : //github.com/canhuah/WanAndroid-Flutter) | Flutter版本 WanAndroid客户端 适合Flutter入门学习 被张鸿洋微信公众号推荐为优质Flutter开源项目啦 | 588 | Dart | 04/06 |
| 27 | [ nrop19 / weiman_app ] ( https : //github.com/nrop19/weiman_app) | 微漫app的脱敏代码 | 568 | Dart | 03/22 |
| 28 | [ jpush / jpush - flutter - plugin ] ( https : //github.com/jpush/jpush-flutter-plugin) | JPush's officially supported Flutter plugin (Android & iOS). 极光推送官方支持的 Flutter 插件( Android & iOS) 。 | 498 | Dart | 05/18 |
| 29 | [ ZQ330093887 / GankFlutter ] ( https : //github.com/ZQ330093887/GankFlutter) | 干货集中营 客户端 flutter版 | 478 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 30 | [ MeandNi / Flutter_ZhiHu ] ( https : //github.com/MeandNi/Flutter_ZhiHu) | 开发知乎App的Flutter版。 | 432 | Dart | 04/27 |
| 31 | [ CCY0122 / WanAndroid_Flutter ] ( https : //github.com/CCY0122/WanAndroid_Flutter) | 🔥🔥超完整超漂亮的Flutter版wanAndroid客户端。含wanAndroid已开放的所有功能( 包括TODO) 。项目包含BloC模式、Provider模式、常规模式。 | 419 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 32 | [ kangshaojun / flutter - book ] ( https : //github.com/kangshaojun/flutter-book) | Flutter入门与实战随书源码 第2版 | 415 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 33 | [ wendux / flutter_in_action_source_code ] ( https : //github.com/wendux/flutter_in_action_source_code) | 《Flutter实战》随书源码 | 397 | Dart | 04/28 |
| 34 | [ yechaoa / wanandroid_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/yechaoa/wanandroid_flutter) | :collision::collision::collision:【Flutter版】玩安卓, 非常适合学习, 代码不多、注释多。 | 386 | Dart | 03/17 |
| 35 | [ q805699513 / flutter_books ] ( https : //github.com/q805699513/flutter_books) | Panda看书, Flutter 小说阅读 App | 365 | Dart | 05/05 |
| 36 | [ fluttercandies / flutter_custom_calendar ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_custom_calendar) | Flutter的一个日历控件 | 357 | Dart | 04/07 |
| 37 | [ 781238222 / flutter - do ] ( https : //github.com/781238222/flutter-do) | 旨在帮助初学者快速入门、收集学习资源 | 347 | Dart | 05/12 |
| 38 | [ yangchong211 / ycflutter ] ( https : //github.com/yangchong211/ycflutter) | flutter学习案例, 接口使用玩Android开放的api, 作为入门训练代码案例, 耗时大概4个月【业余时间】, 已经完成了基本的功能。努力打造一个体验好的flutter版本的玩android客户端! | 346 | Dart | 01/16 |
| 39 | [ naco - siren / mogicians - manual ] ( https : //github.com/naco-siren/mogicians-manual) | Flutter version【膜法指南】open source project | 343 | Dart | 04/20 |
| 40 | [ flutterchina / json_model ] ( https : //github.com/flutterchina/json_model) | Gernerate model class from Json file. 一行命令, 通过Json文件生成Dart Model类。 | 326 | Dart | 03/11 |
| 41 | [ Darren - chenchen / flutter_flowermusic ] ( https : //github.com/Darren-chenchen/flutter_flowermusic) | 使用flutter编写的音乐项目, 服务器是使用nodejs+mongodb简单搭建的, 主要功能包括登录、注册、修改密码、收藏、分享、评论、上传图片、富文本、音频播放、flutter与原生交互、手势、选择图片、上拉加载、下拉刷新等功能。功能较多、但是没有太多的业务逻辑, 对于初学者来说很容易看明白。具体的功能和特点请参考demo | 324 | Dart | 04/20 |
| 42 | [ GanZhiXiong / gzx_dropdown_menu ] ( https : //github.com/GanZhiXiong/gzx_dropdown_menu) | 自定义功能强大的下拉筛选菜单flutter package, 支持iOS和Android | 311 | Dart | 05/23 |
| 43 | [ Im - Kevin / cool_ui ] ( https : //github.com/Im-Kevin/cool_ui) | 用flutter实现一些我认为好看的UI控件,有Popover,仿Weui的Toast,自定义键盘 | 299 | Dart | 05/24 |
| 44 | [ zhibuyu / Flutter_Stocks ] ( https : //github.com/zhibuyu/Flutter_Stocks) | 项目使用Flutter进行开发, 同时支持Andriod与iOS。 支持财经新闻阅读、实时大盘指数、实时沪深行情、k线查看、登录、网页查看、侧边栏、系統分享、微信分享等功能 | 265 | Dart | 05/19 |
| 45 | [ fluttercandies / ncov_2019 ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/ncov_2019) | 为抗击新肺炎贡献一份技术力量-App研发 | 251 | Dart | 04/27 |
| 46 | [ togettoyou / flutter - one - app ] ( https : //github.com/togettoyou/flutter-one-app) | 🎊Flutter 仿「ONE·一个」APP, 兼容Android、iOS双平台, Flutter的练手学习, 覆盖了各种基本控件使用、下拉刷新上拉加载、HTML解析、音乐播放、图片预览下载、权限申请等, 使用Android Studio的FlutterJsonBeanFactory插件完成JSON转Dart实体 | 248 | Dart | 03/01 |
| 47 | [ best - flutter / flutter_amap_location ] ( https : //github.com/best-flutter/flutter_amap_location) | 高德地图flutter定位组件 | 236 | Dart | 01/18 |
| 48 | [ 385841539 / flutter_BaseWidget ] ( https : //github.com/385841539/flutter_BaseWidget) | 一个规范flutter生命周期的Widget基类, 并且封装了基本属性, 加快开发速度, 常见的自定义控件~完善的网络请求封装,功能非常全。 | 228 | Dart | 04/08 |
| 49 | [ v7lin / fake_wechat ] ( https : //github.com/v7lin/fake_wechat) | flutter版微信登录/分享/支付 | 202 | Dart | 04/11 |
| 50 | [ lishuhao / sy_flutter_widgets ] ( https : //github.com/lishuhao/sy_flutter_widgets) | 纯flutter Widget组件库, 不依赖Native及其它第三方package。包括省市区选择器, Rate评分, Stepper步进器, 照片墙, 地址编辑, 自带加载更多的ListView和GridView | 196 | Dart | 02/01 |
| 51 | [ lwlizhe / flutter_novel ] ( https : //github.com/lwlizhe/flutter_novel) | 仿追书神器, 具有仿真、滑动和滚动翻页、字体大小、行高、背景、目录等功能的Flutter 阅读APP | 193 | Dart | 04/07 |
| 52 | [ flutterchina / lpinyin ] ( https : //github.com/flutterchina/lpinyin) | Dart 汉字转拼音, Flutter, web, other | 185 | Dart | 01/28 |
| 53 | [ hahafather007 / flutter_weather ] ( https : //github.com/hahafather007/flutter_weather) | 参考《假装看天气》Android客户端, 利用Flutter打造的跨平台《假装看天气》 | 181 | Dart | 05/21 |
| 54 | [ Tecode / flutter_book ] ( https : //github.com/Tecode/flutter_book) | Flutter1.17.x book App,使用Mobx数据管理器支持Android和iOS, 使用库json_serializable、json_annotation、dio。 | 167 | Dart | 05/19 |
| 55 | [ iceCola7 / flutter_wanandroid ] ( https : //github.com/iceCola7/flutter_wanandroid) | 🔥项目基于 Flutter 移动应用框架,采用 Dart 语言编写,努力打造一款优秀的 [玩Android] 客户端 | 166 | Dart | 03/25 |
| 56 | [ persilee / flutter_ctrip ] ( https : //github.com/persilee/flutter_ctrip) | 跨端(iOS/Android)移动应用创建携程App | 161 | Dart | 05/13 |
| 57 | [ CoderMikeHe / flutter_wechat ] ( https : //github.com/CoderMikeHe/flutter_wechat) | 🔥🔥🔥 利用 Flutter 来高仿微信(WeChat) 7.0.0+ App, 代码规范惊为天人、注释详解令人发指、细节处理精益求精、核心功能配备文档、接近98%还原度的原生App视觉体验。代码不多, 注释多。( 持续更新, 敬请期待, 欢迎Star和Fork…) | 159 | Dart | 05/25 |
| 58 | [ buhuiming / flutter_nb ] ( https : //github.com/buhuiming/flutter_nb) | 一个集成环信IM的Flutter项目。(Flutter IM, Flutter即时通讯) | 158 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 59 | [ fujianlian / GankFlutter ] ( https : //github.com/fujianlian/GankFlutter) | flutter开发的干货集中营客户端 | 157 | Dart | 04/12 |
| 60 | [ Yuzopro / opengit_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/Yuzopro/opengit_flutter) | OpenGit基于Flutter的Github客户端, 支持Android和iOS。项目中涉及到BloC、Redux、国际化、多主题以及Github相关信息的查看等。 | 141 | Dart | 05/11 |
| 61 | [ zhouteng0217 / ShareExtend ] ( https : //github.com/zhouteng0217/ShareExtend) | 调用系统分享的Flutter组件, 支持分享文本, 图片, 视频和文件 | 120 | Dart | 05/29 |
| 62 | [ dechengyang / ydc_flutter_app ] ( https : //github.com/dechengyang/ydc_flutter_app) | Flutter是Google(全球顶级互联网科技公司)出品, 后台够硬, 毫无疑问Flutter即将或已经成为跨平台开发的主流, Flutter野心很大, 不仅冲击着原生开发, 而且很有可能会烧到Web前端。作为移动端开发者的你, 如果不关注Flutter的话, 实在说不过去啦! ydcflutter_app是一款跨平台Flutter商城项目, 一套代码同时可以运行在Android端和iOS端, 功能持续更新中..., 适合学习和日常使用。完全可以当做一个脚手架项目来使用, 只需在里面添加你的业务代码即可。见者有份, 就不要吝啬啦, Star一下哦! | 118 | Dart | 04/11 |
| 63 | [ zhaojijin / flutter_kline ] ( https : //github.com/zhaojijin/flutter_kline) | flutter kline candlesticks candle wick k线图 分时图 日k | 117 | Dart | 05/11 |
| 64 | [ yxwandroid / flutter_plugin_record ] ( https : //github.com/yxwandroid/flutter_plugin_record) | flutter 仿微信录制语音功能 支持android和ios | 112 | Dart | 05/30 |
| 65 | [ qq326646683 / flutter_tencentplayer ] ( https : //github.com/qq326646683/flutter_tencentplayer) | 支持视频、直播源播放;边下边播放;清晰度、播放速度设置;离线下载;支持下载断点续传 | 108 | Dart | 05/15 |
| 66 | [ githubliruiyuan / HybridFlutter ] ( https : //github.com/githubliruiyuan/HybridFlutter) | Flutter + V8/JsCore 开发小程序引擎 | 101 | Dart | 04/14 |
| 67 | [ meetqy / flutter_luckin_coffee ] ( https : //github.com/meetqy/flutter_luckin_coffee) | flutter luckin coffee application( 仿瑞幸咖啡) | 98 | Dart | 03/16 |
| 68 | [ 2697a / bujuan - sixbugs ] ( https : //github.com/2697a/bujuan-sixbugs) | flutter仿网易云音乐 | 97 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 69 | [ JD - CP / flutter_eyepetizer ] ( https : //github.com/JD-CP/flutter_eyepetizer) | 基于 Google Flutter 开发的一款仿开眼视频 App。 | 94 | Dart | 04/20 |
| 70 | [ v7lin / fake_alipay ] ( https : //github.com/v7lin/fake_alipay) | flutter版支付宝登录/支付 | 93 | Dart | 01/03 |
| 71 | [ xuexiangjys / FlutterSample ] ( https : //github.com/xuexiangjys/FlutterSample) | Flutter使用指南,包含众多组件和插件的使用 | 92 | Dart | 04/03 |
| 72 | [ jiang111 / flutter_code ] ( https : //github.com/jiang111/flutter_code) | b站视频教程: https://space.bilibili.com/480410119/ | 92 | Dart | 05/09 |
| 73 | [ AntJavascript / flutter - shop ] ( https : //github.com/AntJavascript/flutter-shop) | 一个flutter商城项目包含( 首页、商品分类, 商品列表、商品详情、购物车、确认订单、收货地址、个人中心、优惠券、登录) 真实接口 | 89 | Dart | 05/05 |
| 74 | [ WangCharlie / douyin ] ( https : //github.com/WangCharlie/douyin) | 使用Flutter撸一个抖音国外版, 看看有多炫 | 88 | Dart | 06/01 |
| 75 | [ Hentioe / mikack - mobile ] ( https : //github.com/Hentioe/mikack-mobile) | 使用 Rust + Flutter 开发的手机漫画阅读器 | 83 | Dart | 05/21 |
| 76 | [ v7lin / fake_tencent ] ( https : //github.com/v7lin/fake_tencent) | flutter版QQ登录/分享 | 82 | Dart | 01/18 |
| 77 | [ fmtjava / flutter_eyepetizer ] ( https : //github.com/fmtjava/flutter_eyepetizer) | 基于Fullter实现的一款精美的仿开眼视频(Eyepetizer )跨平台App,适合入门,快速掌握Dart语言以及上手flutter开发,希望和大家共同成长,喜欢的话, 欢迎start或fork! | 81 | Dart | 05/23 |
| 78 | [ GetuiLaboratory / getui - flutter - plugin ] ( https : //github.com/GetuiLaboratory/getui-flutter-plugin) | 个推官方提供的推送SDK Flutter 插件(支持 Android & iOS) | 78 | Dart | 04/13 |
| 79 | [ Zocoo / flutter - app ] ( https : //github.com/Zocoo/flutter-app) | flutter 社交app Updated 3 minutes ago 主要用于研究flutter常用packages, 涉及到, app版本升级, 权限获取, 扫码, 图片选择, 图片上传, 图片压缩, 图片裁剪, 图片缓存, 数据缓存, http通讯。本人纯后端出生, ui别吐槽 | 77 | Dart | 03/13 |
| 80 | [ microapp - store / linjiashop - flutter ] ( https : //github.com/microapp-store/linjiashop-flutter) | 邻家小铺app,采用flutter开发, 跨平台 | 77 | Dart | 05/16 |
| 81 | [ pheromone / Flutter_learn_demo ] ( https : //github.com/pheromone/Flutter_learn_demo) | Flutter_learn_demo Flutter学习历程 | 75 | Dart | 05/28 |
| 82 | [ chenxianqi / kefu_server ] ( https : //github.com/chenxianqi/kefu_server) | 基于MIMC小米消息云实现的客服系统 | 74 | Dart | 05/24 |
| 83 | [ v7lin / fake_push ] ( https : //github.com/v7lin/fake_push) | flutter版腾讯(信鸽)推送SDK | 74 | Dart | 03/09 |
| 84 | [ maoqitian / flutter_wanandroid ] ( https : //github.com/maoqitian/flutter_wanandroid) | :pizza:让你随时随地都能愉快学习、进阶Android技术的跨平台WanAndroid客户端。Android、ios完美运行, 主题切换, 统一数据加载封装, 功能丰富完整、适合日常学习和使用。同款Java版本: https://github.com/maoqitian/MaoWanAndoidClient | 72 | Dart | 04/08 |
| 85 | [ FrancisQiang / flutter - bill ] ( https : //github.com/FrancisQiang/flutter-bill) | :fire: :fire: :fire: 使用Flutter制作的一个账单app 非常流畅 可以供日常使用或者Flutter爱好者学习 | 66 | Dart | 03/03 |
| 86 | [ Mayandev / django_morec ] ( https : //github.com/Mayandev/django_morec) | 🎬一个非常精美的电影推荐应用,使用 Flutter 与 Django 进行构建,可根据用户收藏的电影、演员、标签,定时生成推荐列表以及相应的推荐解释。 | 64 | Dart | 05/21 |
| 87 | [ GaozyDev / CoolWeather ] ( https : //github.com/GaozyDev/CoolWeather) | 一款可以精准预测两小时雨势的天气APP | 64 | Dart | 04/15 |
| 88 | [ lycstar / reader_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/lycstar/reader_flutter) | Flutter小说app | 61 | Dart | 05/09 |
| 89 | [ ShaunRain / flutter_tindercard ] ( https : //github.com/ShaunRain/flutter_tindercard) | A Tinder(探探) Card Widget build with flutter. | 61 | Dart | 05/15 |
| 90 | [ onlyloveyd / FlutterGank ] ( https : //github.com/onlyloveyd/FlutterGank) | Gank.io Flutter版本 | 60 | Dart | 01/08 |
| 91 | [ LiangWuCode / 2019 - nCoV ] ( https : //github.com/LiangWuCode/2019-nCoV) | 本项目使用flutter开发,主要内容为疫情地图、实时疫情、同行程查询、辟谣、以及收集平台疫情通道,以达到实时掌握最新疫情,完成紧急辟谣、同行程乘车查询等目的。 | 60 | Dart | 04/23 |
| 92 | [ simplezhli / flutter_2d_amap ] ( https : //github.com/simplezhli/flutter_2d_amap) | Flutter 高德2D地图插件( 支持Android、iOS、Web) | 60 | Dart | 06/01 |
| 93 | [ 451518849 / flutter_lc_im ] ( https : //github.com/451518849/flutter_lc_im) | 一个简单、轻量可用于正式项目的 flutter 聊天插件。 | 59 | Dart | 05/14 |
| 94 | [ raojianxiong / xiechengwang_app ] ( https : //github.com/raojianxiong/xiechengwang_app) | 一款99%纯Flutter APP, 仿携程旅行APP, 可实际操作 | 57 | Dart | 03/09 |
| 95 | [ xing16 / WanAndroid - Flutter ] ( https : //github.com/xing16/WanAndroid-Flutter) | 精致好用的玩 Android 客户端( Flutter版) | 54 | Dart | 02/22 |
| 96 | [ ding - zou / flutter - wechat ] ( https : //github.com/ding-zou/flutter-wechat) | 🔥A flutter app which clones wechat, it's based on flutter and dart, it's on the road! 这是一个仿照微信样式基于flutter实现的app, 还在继续完善中, 使用到了flutter中大多数的组件, 适合以此项目进行flutter学习。 https://dzou.top | 52 | Dart | 04/09 |
| 97 | [ zhouzaihang / flutter_hand_tracking_plugin ] ( https : //github.com/zhouzaihang/flutter_hand_tracking_plugin) | 这是一个 Flutter Packge 以实现摄像头精确追踪并识别十指的运动路径/轨迹和手势动作, 且输出22个手部关键点以支持更多手势自定义. 基于这个包可以编写业务逻辑将手势信息实时转化为指令信息: 一二三四五, rock, spiderman...还可以对不同手势编写不同特效. 可用于短视频直播特效, 智能硬件等领域, 为人机互动带来更自然丰富的体验 | 51 | Dart | 05/23 |
| 98 | [ ducafecat / flutter_learn_news ] ( https : //github.com/ducafecat/flutter_learn_news) | flutter实战学习-新闻客户端 | 47 | Dart | 05/18 |
| 99 | [ v7lin / fake_weibo ] ( https : //github.com/v7lin/fake_weibo) | flutter版新浪微博登录/分享 | 47 | Dart | 01/03 |
| 100 | [ BugKingLiang / flutter_pinduoduo ] ( https : //github.com/BugKingLiang/flutter_pinduoduo) | 初学Flutter,仿拼多多客户端.尽量保证和拼多多客户端界面一致.[后续更新中..........] | 46 | Dart | 05/26 |
| 101 | [ KagurazakaHanabi / dailypics ] ( https : //github.com/KagurazakaHanabi/dailypics) | 图鉴日图 - 精选壁纸推荐 | 46 | Dart | 04/01 |
| 102 | [ yangyiRunning / Exploring_Flutter_in_action ] ( https : //github.com/yangyiRunning/Exploring_Flutter_in_action) | 从头到尾撸一遍Flutter的一切... | 45 | Dart | 05/18 |
| 103 | [ SBDavid / flutter_page_tracker ] ( https : //github.com/SBDavid/flutter_page_tracker) | flutter埋点、弹窗埋点、页面埋点事件捕获框架, 支持普通页面的页面曝光事件( PageView) , 页面离开事件( PageExit) 。支持在TabView和PageView组件中发送页面曝光和页面离开 | 43 | Dart | 04/07 |
| 104 | [ Vove7 / yyets_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/Vove7/yyets_flutter) | 人人影视客户端 for Flutter | 43 | Dart | 05/21 |
| 105 | [ jaydenxiao2016 / order_app ] ( https : //github.com/jaydenxiao2016/order_app) | 这是一款方便餐厅点餐的pad应用, 是一个完整的商业应用, 主要功能有登陆, 服务员设置, 多语言设置, 客人点餐台, 酒水点餐台, 支付确认, 订单明细查看, 控制台桌台管理等功能, 是本人基于google出品的flutter框架开发的跨平台app, 能在ios和android平台上高质量运行。 | 42 | Dart | 03/17 |
| 106 | [ xausky / DockerRegisterCloud ] ( https : //github.com/xausky/DockerRegisterCloud) | 基于 Docker 仓库协议的网盘客户端,可以将目前众多的免费容器仓库服务用于网盘。 | 40 | Dart | 05/31 |
| 107 | [ zhangyujiu / wanandroid ] ( https : //github.com/zhangyujiu/wanandroid) | 用flutter实现wanandroid跨平台项目 | 38 | Dart | 05/31 |
| 108 | [ best - flutter / flutter_wechat_ble ] ( https : //github.com/best-flutter/flutter_wechat_ble) | ble 4.0 with wechat style api for flutter. flutter版微信api风格的低功耗蓝牙 | 38 | Dart | 03/04 |
| 109 | [ Ha2ryZhang / alltv_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/Ha2ryZhang/alltv_flutter) | alltv_flutter 一览全网主播 | 37 | Dart | 05/25 |
| 110 | [ xiedong11 / flutter_app ] ( https : //github.com/xiedong11/flutter_app) | Flutter进阶之旅专栏 | 36 | Dart | 04/30 |
| 111 | [ zegoim / zego - flutter - sdk ] ( https : //github.com/zegoim/zego-flutter-sdk) | 即构科技音视频Flutter SDK | 36 | Dart | 05/06 |
| 112 | [ laxian / dart - json2entity ] ( https : //github.com/laxian/dart-json2entity) | Dart语言的json转实体类工具 - Convert json to entity class for Dart and flutter | 36 | Dart | 05/31 |
| 113 | [ xfhy / WanAndroid - Flutter ] ( https : //github.com/xfhy/WanAndroid-Flutter) | Flutter版本 WanAndroid客户端 适合Flutter入门学习 | 34 | Dart | 04/13 |
| 114 | [ hehuapei / study - demo ] ( https : //github.com/hehuapei/study-demo) | 学习分享demo | 33 | Dart | 04/21 |
| 115 | [ Cyenoch / Flutter - Coolapk ] ( https : //github.com/Cyenoch/Flutter-Coolapk) | flutter coolapk, 酷安 Flutter版( 第三方) 酷安, 酷安Windows版, 酷安Linux版 | 33 | Dart | 05/01 |
| 116 | [ Sky24n / Fitness ] ( https : //github.com/Sky24n/Fitness) | Flutter 仿微博客户端! A Weibo client application developed with Flutter, which supports both Android and iOS. | 32 | Dart | 05/22 |
| 117 | [ fluttify - project / amap_all_fluttify ] ( https : //github.com/fluttify-project/amap_all_fluttify) | 高德地图 Flutter插件 | 32 | Dart | 05/16 |
| 118 | [ fluttercandies / left - scroll - actions ] ( https : //github.com/fluttercandies/left-scroll-actions) | Flutter的左滑删除组件 | 32 | Dart | 04/01 |
| 119 | [ ChessLuo / flutter_study_app ] ( https : //github.com/ChessLuo/flutter_study_app) | 🔥勤能补拙, 我希望能利用业余时间去学习及总结一些有关flutter的知识并运用到项目中去, Come on! ! ! | 32 | Dart | 04/05 |
| 120 | [ zhujiang521 / flutter_play_android ] ( https : //github.com/zhujiang521/flutter_play_android) | Flutter版本的玩安卓 | 31 | Dart | 04/13 |
| 121 | [ italianshen / flutter_today_news ] ( https : //github.com/italianshen/flutter_today_news) | 高仿今日头条 | 31 | Dart | 04/23 |
| 122 | [ onemengxin / FlutterMovieApp ] ( https : //github.com/onemengxin/FlutterMovieApp) | 使用flutter开发的影视APP, 半成品, 使用flutter写的第一个应用 | 30 | Dart | 03/30 |
| 123 | [ SHIMLY - GitHub / fluter_mfw ] ( https : //github.com/SHIMLY-GitHub/fluter_mfw) | flutter 高仿马蜂窝 | 28 | Dart | 04/08 |
| 124 | [ liaobushi520 / fake_wechat ] ( https : //github.com/liaobushi520/fake_wechat) | 仿微信, 同时整合部分App( 抖音, 头条, qq音乐等) 界面. 努力开发中 | 27 | Dart | 04/12 |
| 125 | [ zhaolongs / Flutter_Fai_Webview ] ( https : //github.com/zhaolongs/Flutter_Fai_Webview) | Flutter 加载 Html 插件 | 27 | Dart | 03/04 |
| 126 | [ XPoet / dart - basic - study ] ( https : //github.com/XPoet/dart-basic-study) | Dart快速入门教程, 持续更新中, 点 Star 即可收藏 | 26 | Dart | 04/24 |
| 127 | [ CZXBigBrother / flutter_TikTok ] ( https : //github.com/CZXBigBrother/flutter_TikTok) | flutter 仿抖音(TikTok)功能目录 | 26 | Dart | 01/13 |
| 128 | [ cairuoyu / flutter_admin ] ( https : //github.com/cairuoyu/flutter_admin) | flutter admin: 一个基于flutter web的后台管理系统 | 26 | Dart | 05/27 |
| 129 | [ bozaigao / fish - redux - demo ] ( https : //github.com/bozaigao/fish-redux-demo) | 基于闲鱼fish-redux架构的Flutter项目脚手架 | 26 | Dart | 04/07 |
| 130 | [ shingohu / flutter_filereader ] ( https : //github.com/shingohu/flutter_filereader) | Flutter实现的本地文件(pdf word excel 等)查看插件,非在线预览 | 26 | Dart | 04/22 |
| 131 | [ py - novel / client_mobile_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/py-novel/client_mobile_flutter) | 【公羊阅读】客户端: Dart + Flutter + Dio 实现小说客户端 | 26 | Dart | 02/28 |
| 132 | [ wangjianxiandev / WanAndroidFlutter ] ( https : //github.com/wangjianxiandev/WanAndroidFlutter) | 🔥项目基于 Flutter 移动应用框架,采用 Dart 语言编写, 继续学习新知识打造新的WanAndroid客户端 | 25 | Dart | 05/15 |
| 133 | [ IwantBEStrong / video_player_full_funciton ] ( https : //github.com/IwantBEStrong/video_player_full_funciton) | 基于video_player实现全屏播放、手势控制的视频组件 | 25 | Dart | 01/06 |
| 134 | [ Anjiefan / flutter_app_o2o ] ( https : //github.com/Anjiefan/flutter_app_o2o) | flutter高校食堂o2o预定服务, 商业级应用, 持续升级, 完全开源。 | 25 | Dart | 03/16 |
| 135 | [ YangJ0720 / flutter_food ] ( https : //github.com/YangJ0720/flutter_food) | Flutter小试牛刀 - 仿饿了么APP( Flutter + Native混合栈) | 25 | Dart | 05/17 |
| 136 | [ cheer - fun / pixivic - flutter ] ( https : //github.com/cheer-fun/pixivic-flutter) | Pixivic 官方移动端应用,使用 Flutter 构建 | 24 | Dart | 05/19 |
| 137 | [ cliclitv / clicli - dark ] ( https : //github.com/cliclitv/clicli-dark) | :zap: CliCli Dark. clicli 纯黑 | 23 | Dart | 05/22 |
| 138 | [ xwh817 / flutter_music_player ] ( https : //github.com/xwh817/flutter_music_player) | Flutter实现的音乐播放器 | 23 | Dart | 05/11 |
| 139 | [ xuexiangjys / flutter_template ] ( https : //github.com/xuexiangjys/flutter_template) | Flutter空壳模板工程, 已搭建基础框架, 实现国际化、主题换肤、登录注册等功能, 可在此基础上简单修改实现自己的应用功能。 | 22 | Dart | 05/14 |
| 140 | [ Wait1997 / flutter - bilibili ] ( https : //github.com/Wait1997/flutter-bilibili) | 仿哔哩哔哩练习的项目,项目还没有完成有时间会完成。 | 22 | Dart | 02/18 |
| 141 | [ XimalayaCloud / flutter_page_tracker ] ( https : //github.com/XimalayaCloud/flutter_page_tracker) | flutter埋点框架: 支持弹窗埋点、页面埋点事件埋点, 支持普通页面的页面曝光事件, 页面离开事件。支持在TabView和PageView组件中发送页面曝光和页面离开。 | 22 | Dart | 02/06 |
| 142 | [ yohom / decorated_flutter ] ( https : //github.com/yohom/decorated_flutter) | Flutter常用工具/Widget封装 | 21 | Dart | 05/23 |
| 143 | [ yayxs / flutter - koa2 - du ] ( https : //github.com/yayxs/flutter-koa2-du) | Flutter 1.12.13 + Koa2 实现 《独APP》 又名: DU° | 21 | Dart | 03/16 |
| 144 | [ nillnil / flutter_base ] ( https : //github.com/nillnil/flutter_base) | 实现一套代码, 2种风格, ios使用Cupertino风格组件, andriod、fuchsia使用Material风格组件 | 20 | Dart | 01/09 |
| 145 | [ shichunlei / flutter_jd_address_selector ] ( https : //github.com/shichunlei/flutter_jd_address_selector) | 京东地址选择器 | 19 | Dart | 05/09 |
| 146 | [ 1136346879 / flutter - ] ( https : //github.com/1136346879/flutter-) | flutter基础组件使用及插件引入 | 19 | Dart | 03/26 |
| 147 | [ jiajiayao / Flutter_Demo ] ( https : //github.com/jiajiayao/Flutter_Demo) | 一个学习用的仿造小米商城 demo | 19 | Dart | 05/22 |
| 148 | [ a188037445 / file - sharer ] ( https : //github.com/a188037445/file-sharer) | 跨平台文件共享 | 18 | Dart | 04/22 |
| 149 | [ leetomlee123 / book ] ( https : //github.com/leetomlee123/book) | 笔趣阁源基于flutter的小说阅读app | 18 | Dart | 05/30 |
| 150 | [ idealclover / NJU - Class - Shedule - Flutter ] ( https : //github.com/idealclover/NJU-Class-Shedule-Flutter) | 🍻 南哪课表APP Written in Flutter | 18 | Dart | 04/28 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
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# # TeX
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
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2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 1 | [ lib - pku / libpku ] ( https : //github.com/lib-pku/libpku) | 贵校课程资料民间整理 | 22.4k | TeX | 04/17 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 2 | [ billryan / resume ] ( https : //github.com/billryan/resume) | An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template. 大陆镜像 https://gods.coding.net/p/resume/git | 3.6k | TeX | 02/27 |
| 3 | [ sjtug / SJTUThesis ] ( https : //github.com/sjtug/SJTUThesis) | 上海交通大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板 Shanghai Jiao Tong University XeLaTeX Thesis Template | 1.7k | TeX | 05/30 |
| 4 | [ jindongwang / transferlearning - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/jindongwang/transferlearning-tutorial) | 《迁移学习简明手册》LaTex源码 | 1.7k | TeX | 01/10 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 5 | [ mohuangrui / ucasthesis ] ( https : //github.com/mohuangrui/ucasthesis) | [最新样式] 中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 1.6k | TeX | 05/22 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 6 | [ zhanwen / MathModel ] ( https : //github.com/zhanwen/MathModel) | 研究生数学建模, 本科生数学建模、数学建模竞赛优秀论文, 数学建模算法, LaTeX论文模板, 算法思维导图, 参考书籍, Matlab软件教程, PPT | 1.2k | TeX | 05/01 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 7 | [ NiuTrans / MTBook ] ( https : //github.com/NiuTrans/MTBook) | 《机器翻译:统计建模与深度学习方法》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Statistical Modeling and Deep Learning Methods | 1.1k | TeX | 05/31 |
| 8 | [ wuzhouhui / awk ] ( https : //github.com/wuzhouhui/awk) | The AWK Programming Language (AWK 程序设计语言, awkbook) 中文翻译, LaTeX 排版 | 758 | TeX | 04/12 |
| 9 | [ huzecong / oi - slides ] ( https : //github.com/huzecong/oi-slides) | 我的信息学竞赛讲课课件 | 750 | TeX | 01/31 |
| 10 | [ wklchris / Note - by - LaTeX ] ( https : //github.com/wklchris/Note-by-LaTeX) | 《简单粗暴 LaTeX》源码 \| A LaTeX handbook to help Chinese LaTeX learners. | 672 | TeX | 01/08 |
| 11 | [ dingjikerbo / Leetcode - Java ] ( https : //github.com/dingjikerbo/Leetcode-Java) | Leetcode刷题之旅 | 570 | TeX | 02/24 |
| 12 | [ dustincys / hithesis ] ( https : //github.com/dustincys/hithesis) | 嗨! thesis! 哈尔滨工业大学毕业论文LaTeX模板 | 471 | TeX | 05/23 |
| 13 | [ shifujun / UESTCthesis ] ( https : //github.com/shifujun/UESTCthesis) | 电子科技大学毕设设计论文LaTeX模板 | 447 | TeX | 01/06 |
| 14 | [ bingjin / ThinkPython2 - CN ] ( https : //github.com/bingjin/ThinkPython2-CN) | 《Think Python 2e》最新版中文翻译, 已完结。 | 412 | TeX | 04/19 |
| 15 | [ x - magus / ThesisUESTC ] ( https : //github.com/x-magus/ThesisUESTC) | ThesisUESTC-电子科技大学毕业论文模板 | 411 | TeX | 05/29 |
| 16 | [ BHOSC / BUAAthesis ] ( https : //github.com/BHOSC/BUAAthesis) | 北航毕设论文LaTeX模板 | 393 | TeX | 03/27 |
| 17 | [ ice1000 / resume ] ( https : //github.com/ice1000/resume) | :space_invader: My resume / 我的简历 | 392 | TeX | 05/28 |
| 18 | [ Haixing - Hu / nju - thesis ] ( https : //github.com/Haixing-Hu/nju-thesis) | 南京大学学位论文XeLaTeX模板 | 271 | TeX | 03/02 |
| 19 | [ hushidong / biblatex - gb7714 - 2015 ] ( https : //github.com/hushidong/biblatex-gb7714-2015) | A biblatex implementation of the GB/T7714-2015 bibliography style \|\| GB/T 7714-2015 参考文献著录和标注的biblatex样式包 | 262 | TeX | 05/01 |
| 20 | [ swq123459 / GZHU - Report - Latex - Version ] ( https : //github.com/swq123459/GZHU-Report-Latex-Version) | 我自己制作的广州大学Latex报告模板, 有毕业设计, 课程设计, 毕业论文, 等等🎈 | 219 | TeX | 05/09 |
| 21 | [ mohuangrui / ucasproposal ] ( https : //github.com/mohuangrui/ucasproposal) | 中国科学院大学开题报告 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 185 | TeX | 05/22 |
| 22 | [ mtobeiyf / whu - thesis ] ( https : //github.com/mtobeiyf/whu-thesis) | :memo: 武汉大学毕业论文 LaTeX 模版 2020 | 159 | TeX | 05/24 |
| 23 | [ njuHan / njuthesis - nju - thesis - template ] ( https : //github.com/njuHan/njuthesis-nju-thesis-template) | 南京大学学位论文(本科/硕士/博士), 毕业论文LaTeX模板 | 136 | TeX | 05/29 |
| 24 | [ SamZhangQingChuan / Editorials ] ( https : //github.com/SamZhangQingChuan/Editorials) | 算法题解& 教程 | 120 | TeX | 05/22 |
| 25 | [ nuaatug / nuaathesis ] ( https : //github.com/nuaatug/nuaathesis) | LaTeX document class for NUAA, supporting bachelor/master/PH.D thesis in Chinese/English/Japanese. 南航本科、硕士、博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | 119 | TeX | 05/25 |
| 26 | [ nanmu42 / CQUThesis ] ( https : //github.com/nanmu42/CQUThesis) | :pencil: 重庆大学毕业论文LaTeX模板---LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University | 118 | TeX | 05/28 |
| 27 | [ miloyip / graphvizuml ] ( https : //github.com/miloyip/graphvizuml) | 使用 Graphviz 绘画 UML 图 | 117 | TeX | 04/30 |
| 28 | [ CheckBoxStudio / BUAAThesis ] ( https : //github.com/CheckBoxStudio/BUAAThesis) | 北航研究生学位论文模板( Word+LaTeX) . | 115 | TeX | 03/07 |
| 29 | [ OsbertWang / install - latex ] ( https : //github.com/OsbertWang/install-latex) | 一份简短的关于 LaTeX 安装的介绍 | 72 | TeX | 05/31 |
| 30 | [ wangrongwei / omnetpp_primer ] ( https : //github.com/wangrongwei/omnetpp_primer) | OMNeT++的仿真手册 | 69 | TeX | 05/15 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 31 | [ YijunYuan / ECNU - Undergraduate - LaTeX ] ( https : //github.com/YijunYuan/ECNU-Undergraduate-LaTeX) | 华东师范大学本科毕业论文模板(不再维护) | 65 | TeX | 04/09 |
| 32 | [ wurahara / SEU - Beamer - Slide ] ( https : //github.com/wurahara/SEU-Beamer-Slide) | 东南大学幻灯片模板(豪华版):clipboard: | 64 | TeX | 03/08 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 33 | [ sppmg / TW_Thesis_Template ] ( https : //github.com/sppmg/TW_Thesis_Template) | The LaTeX Template for TW Thesis 台灣碩博士 LaTeX 論文樣板 | 63 | TeX | 05/24 |
| 34 | [ annProg / PanBook ] ( https : //github.com/annProg/PanBook) | Pandoc LaTeX, Epub模板, 用于生成书籍, 幻灯片(beamer), 简历, 论文等( cv, thesis, ebook,beamer) | 60 | TeX | 05/27 |
| 35 | [ bubifengyun / deepin - bible ] ( https : //github.com/bubifengyun/deepin-bible) | 关于深度操作系统的使用介绍 | 59 | TeX | 05/28 |
| 36 | [ Borber / SBtream ] ( https : //github.com/Borber/SBtream) | 获取斗鱼&虎牙&哔哩哔哩&抖音&网易CC&火猫&企鹅电竞&YY直播&一直播&快手&花椒&映客 等直播平台的真实流媒体地址( 直播源) , 可在PotPlayer、flv.js等播放器中播放。 | 53 | TeX | 04/05 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 37 | [ latexstudio / ChenLaTeXBookTemplate ] ( https : //github.com/latexstudio/ChenLaTeXBookTemplate) | ChenLaTeX书籍模板, 群享书籍模板-由群共建-QQ群: 91940767 | 50 | TeX | 02/28 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 38 | [ EthanDeng / vscode - latex ] ( https : //github.com/EthanDeng/vscode-latex) | LaTeX 编译环境配置: Visual Studio Code 配置简介 | 49 | TeX | 01/17 |
| 39 | [ megrxu / zju - report - latex - template ] ( https : //github.com/megrxu/zju-report-latex-template) | 浙江大学实验报告模板 | 47 | TeX | 05/30 |
| 40 | [ M - Mono / Stories - about - Ming - Dynasty ] ( https : //github.com/M-Mono/Stories-about-Ming-Dynasty) | 明朝那些事儿(全七卷) | 44 | TeX | 04/12 |
| 41 | [ 7sDream / scp - pdf ] ( https : //github.com/7sDream/scp-pdf) | SCP 基金会中文 Wiki 文档集, 下载: https://github.com/7sDream/scp-pdf/releases | 43 | TeX | 05/03 |
| 42 | [ CSGrandeur / CSU - Thesis - LaTeX - Template ] ( https : //github.com/CSGrandeur/CSU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template) | 中南大学学位论文LaTeX模板 | 41 | TeX | 04/06 |
| 43 | [ shuosc / SHU - Bachelor - Thesis - OSC ] ( https : //github.com/shuosc/SHU-Bachelor-Thesis-OSC) | 上海大学本科生毕业论文latex模板-开源社区版本。 | 38 | TeX | 05/27 |
| 44 | [ Citing / Xi - Theory ] ( https : //github.com/Citing/Xi-Theory) | 浙江大学《习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论》课程 | 34 | TeX | 01/11 |
| 45 | [ longbiaochen / corona - virus ] ( https : //github.com/longbiaochen/corona-virus) | 一个冠状病毒肺炎传染病学研究数据集 | 33 | TeX | 05/25 |
| 46 | [ fatestigma / scuthesis ] ( https : //github.com/fatestigma/scuthesis) | 四川大学本科生毕业论文( 设计) LaTeX 模板 | 33 | TeX | 04/26 |
| 47 | [ gdut - yy / A - Philosophy - of - Software - Design - zh ] ( https : //github.com/gdut-yy/A-Philosophy-of-Software-Design-zh) | 《软件设计的哲学》中文翻译 A Philosophy of Software Design | 31 | TeX | 05/12 |
| 48 | [ TomHeaven / nudt_thesis ] ( https : //github.com/TomHeaven/nudt_thesis) | NUDT硕士博士毕业论文latex模板 | 31 | TeX | 04/06 |
| 49 | [ netcan / HFUT_Thesis ] ( https : //github.com/netcan/HFUT_Thesis) | 合肥工业大学毕业设计(论文)模板 | 28 | TeX | 02/05 |
| 50 | [ wengan - li / ncku - thesis - template - latex ] ( https : //github.com/wengan-li/ncku-thesis-template-latex) | NCKU Thesis/Dissertation Template in Latex \| 台灣國立成功大學碩博士用畢業論文LaTex模板 | 28 | TeX | 03/25 |
| 51 | [ Timozer / CUGThesis ] ( https : //github.com/Timozer/CUGThesis) | 中国地质大学(武汉)研究生学位论文 TeX 模板。目前仍然在开发和完善中,如果有下载并且使用的同学,请时常记得来这里更新模板。 | 28 | TeX | 02/19 |
| 52 | [ li - xin - yi / machine_learning_techniques ] ( https : //github.com/li-xin-yi/machine_learning_techniques) | machine learning techniques/机器学习技法 | 26 | TeX | 04/22 |
| 53 | [ Iydon / sustechthesis ] ( https : //github.com/Iydon/sustechthesis) | 南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板( Southern University of Science and Technology Thesis Template LaTeX Template) | 26 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 54 | [ liangzhenduo0608 / TJU - thesis - template ] ( https : //github.com/liangzhenduo0608/TJU-thesis-template) | 天津大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模版 | 23 | TeX | 03/14 |
| 55 | [ imguozr / NJUPThesis - Bachelor ] ( https : //github.com/imguozr/NJUPThesis-Bachelor) | LaTeX template for NJUPT Undergraduate Thesis. 南京邮电大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模版。 | 22 | TeX | 05/25 |
| 56 | [ MacroUniverse / PhysWiki ] ( https : //github.com/MacroUniverse/PhysWiki) | 小时物理百科 | 22 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 57 | [ registor / cpplects - beamer ] ( https : //github.com/registor/cpplects-beamer) | 用Beamer制作的《C++面向对象程序设计》课件。 | 21 | TeX | 04/23 |
| 58 | [ xfdywy / bjtu - thesis - templete ] ( https : //github.com/xfdywy/bjtu-thesis-templete) | 北京交通大学研究生毕业论文非官方模版 | 20 | TeX | 05/30 |
| 59 | [ Yixf - Education / course_Statistics_Story ] ( https : //github.com/Yixf-Education/course_Statistics_Story) | 天津医科大学,本科选修课,《故事中的统计学》课程资料 | 20 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 60 | [ mohuangrui / latexspine ] ( https : //github.com/mohuangrui/latexspine) | 书脊制作及生成模板 LaTeX Template for Producing Book Spine | 20 | TeX | 02/12 |
| 61 | [ DansYU / SeuThesiY ] ( https : //github.com/DansYU/SeuThesiY) | 用于排版东南大学硕博学位论文的LaTeX模板 | 18 | TeX | 04/20 |
| 62 | [ Regulust / hithesis - alpha ] ( https : //github.com/Regulust/hithesis-alpha) | hithesis-alpha是在hithesis的基础上进行的改编尝试, 尝试添加开题/中期报告样式。 | 18 | TeX | 05/18 |
| 63 | [ kevinleeex / scu_thesis_2020 ] ( https : //github.com/kevinleeex/scu_thesis_2020) | 四川大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模版(复刻官方word模版)Here you go! | 18 | TeX | 05/27 |
| 64 | [ jiandahao / BIT - thesis - LaTex ] ( https : //github.com/jiandahao/BIT-thesis-LaTex) | 北京理工大学学硕士/博士学位毕业论文LaTeX模板( LaTeX Template for BIT thesis) | 17 | TeX | 05/07 |
| 65 | [ Checkmate986212 / TJU - Thesis - 2020 ] ( https : //github.com/Checkmate986212/TJU-Thesis-2020) | 天津大学本科生2020年毕业论文模板 | 17 | TeX | 05/12 |
| 66 | [ Samurais / book - of - tao ] ( https : //github.com/Samurais/book-of-tao) | 《道德经》是中国历史上春秋时期末期老子写作的论述处世哲学的作品 | 16 | TeX | 03/24 |
| 67 | [ EthanDeng / Chinese - ERJ ] ( https : //github.com/EthanDeng/Chinese-ERJ) | 《经济研究》杂志 LaTeX 论文模板 - LaTeX Template for Economic Research Journal | 16 | TeX | 02/14 |
| 68 | [ syvshc / 2019Fall_FA ] ( https : //github.com/syvshc/2019Fall_FA) | 2019秋季学期泛函分析笔记QAQ:unicorn: | 15 | TeX | 04/08 |
| 69 | [ luojike / comparch ] ( https : //github.com/luojike/comparch) | 计算机系统结构的实验站 | 15 | TeX | 01/03 |
2020-05-26 00:27:23 +08:00
| 70 | [ muyuuuu / A - customized - MCM - LaTeX - template - based - on - ctexart ] ( https : //github.com/muyuuuu/A-customized-MCM-LaTeX-template-based-on-ctexart) | 华北理工大学数学建模协会定制的美赛LaTeX模板, 附2019年C题一等奖论文, 欢迎使用。 | 14 | TeX | 04/17 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 71 | [ CNYuYang / My - 19 - years - old ] ( https : //github.com/CNYuYang/My-19-years-old) | 这是一篇描述自己19岁那年参加电子设计大赛的经历的短文📕 | 14 | TeX | 03/18 |
| 72 | [ sikouhjw / zhangyu1000 ] ( https : //github.com/sikouhjw/zhangyu1000) | 重排2020张宇1000题 | 14 | TeX | 02/08 |
| 73 | [ bubifengyun / SJTUThesis - Rmd ] ( https : //github.com/bubifengyun/SJTUThesis-Rmd) | 基于https://github.com/sjtug/SJTUThesis 使用 bookdown 改编 | 13 | TeX | 03/04 |
| 74 | [ Warlocat / A - Not - So - Short - Guide - for - LinJun - Group ] ( https : //github.com/Warlocat/A-Not-So-Short-Guide-for-LinJun-Group) | 浙江大学王林军课题组入门指南 | 12 | TeX | 03/02 |
| 75 | [ huanght1997 / IntroComputationModel ] ( https : //github.com/huanght1997/IntroComputationModel) | 南京大学宋方敏《计算模型导引》题解 | 12 | TeX | 02/27 |
| 76 | [ Nick - Hopps / gdutart ] ( https : //github.com/Nick-Hopps/gdutart) | 广东工业大学毕业设计/论文LaTeX模板 | 12 | TeX | 03/10 |
| 77 | [ gzr2017 / UNet - AerialImageSegmentation ] ( https : //github.com/gzr2017/UNet-AerialImageSegmentation) | 2019本科毕业设计: 基于UNet的遥感图像语义分割 | 12 | TeX | 02/08 |
| 78 | [ Hsins / NTU - Thesis ] ( https : //github.com/Hsins/NTU-Thesis) | 🎓 Unofficial LaTeX and Word templates for your master/doctor thesis at National Taiwan University. 國立臺灣大學碩博士學位論文 LaTeX 與 Word 模板 | 12 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 79 | [ suchot / LZUThesis2017 ] ( https : //github.com/suchot/LZUThesis2017) | 兰州大学本科生( 学士学位) LaTeX模板 | 12 | TeX | 05/14 |
| 80 | [ m13253 / LaTeX - HDU - Bachelor - Thesis ] ( https : //github.com/m13253/LaTeX-HDU-Bachelor-Thesis) | LaTeX template for bachelor thesis of Hangzhou Dianzi University 杭州电子科技大学本科毕业设计的 LaTeX 模板 | 11 | TeX | 01/06 |
| 81 | [ jiafeng5513 / JLU_Dissertation ] ( https : //github.com/jiafeng5513/JLU_Dissertation) | 吉林大学学位论文Latex模板 | 11 | TeX | 03/25 |
| 82 | [ yuanhongjian / ML_Algorithm_Formula_Derivation ] ( https : //github.com/yuanhongjian/ML_Algorithm_Formula_Derivation) | 周志华《机器学习》西瓜书 一些算法中核心公式的推导(包含相关数学基础) / important formula derivations of some algorithms and their mathematical prerequisites in <Machine Learning> of ZHOU Zhihua | 11 | TeX | 05/10 |
| 83 | [ qyxf / qyxf - sets ] ( https : //github.com/qyxf/qyxf-sets) | 钱院学辅 LaTeX 宏集 | 11 | TeX | 01/08 |
| 84 | [ FrankSFLYS / usstthesis ] ( https : //github.com/FrankSFLYS/usstthesis) | 上海理工大学本科毕业设计( 论文) LaTeX 模板 | 10 | TeX | 05/27 |
| 85 | [ duoduo666 / mido - Barock ] ( https : //github.com/duoduo666/mido-Barock) | 用AI创造乐曲 | 10 | TeX | 04/30 |
| 86 | [ Yixf - Education / course_Linux ] ( https : //github.com/Yixf-Education/course_Linux) | 天津医科大学, 生物医学工程与技术学院, 《Linux系统概论》课程资料 | 10 | TeX | 05/20 |
| 87 | [ tuxify / zzuthesis ] ( https : //github.com/tuxify/zzuthesis) | 郑州大学本科毕业设计(论文)和研究生学位论文(含 硕士和博士) LaTex 模版。--Imported from code.google.com/p/zzuthesis | 10 | TeX | 04/06 |
| 88 | [ registor / boxiesty ] ( https : //github.com/registor/boxiesty) | 这是一个从 "https://github.com/latexstudio/ChenLaTeXBookTemplate" 中提取出来的基于tcolorbox宏包和minted 宏包或listings宏包排版代码的宏包。另外, 结合原代码中的排版Ubuntu终端窗口的代码, 我进一步完善了用于排版Ubuntu、Mac、Windows终端窗口的环境和从文件中加载终端窗口内容的排版命令。 可以用:\usepackage{boxie}加载该宏包。 | 10 | TeX | 03/02 |
| 89 | [ yuhlzu / LZUThesis2020 ] ( https : //github.com/yuhlzu/LZUThesis2020) | 兰州大学2020毕业论文LaTex模板 | 10 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 90 | [ claviering / latex - scnu ] ( https : //github.com/claviering/latex-scnu) | 华师毕业论文模板, 华师本科毕业论文模板, 华师论文模板, latex 模板, 毕业论文模板, SCNU, SCNU 论文模板, SCNU 本科论文模板 | 9 | TeX | 04/22 |
| 91 | [ sikouhjw / liyongle660 ] ( https : //github.com/sikouhjw/liyongle660) | 重排2021李永乐660题 | 9 | TeX | 02/27 |
| 92 | [ ThomasYangth / Liu - Groups - pkuphy ] ( https : //github.com/ThomasYangth/Liu-Groups-pkuphy) | 李群与李代数课程讨论 | 9 | TeX | 05/25 |
| 93 | [ hellckt / SHMTUThesis ] ( https : //github.com/hellckt/SHMTUThesis) | 上海海事大学 LaTeX 学位论文模板 | 9 | TeX | 05/08 |
| 94 | [ BlurryLight / CSU - Thesis - LaTeX - Template ] ( https : //github.com/BlurryLight/CSU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template) | 中南大学本科学位论文LaTeX模板 | 9 | TeX | 02/22 |
| 95 | [ ShixiangWang / geek - r - tutorial ] ( https : //github.com/ShixiangWang/geek-r-tutorial) | 极客R: 数据分析之道 | 9 | TeX | 05/14 |
| 96 | [ fuujiro / DLUT - Beamer - Slide ] ( https : //github.com/fuujiro/DLUT-Beamer-Slide) | 一份简约现代的beamer模板/PPT杀手/学术范入门/大连理工大学beamer | 8 | TeX | 04/04 |
| 97 | [ kalxd / morelull ] ( https : //github.com/kalxd/morelull) | latex民科模板艺术。 | 8 | TeX | 05/25 |
| 98 | [ guanjihuan / www . guanjihuan . com ] ( https : //github.com/guanjihuan/www.guanjihuan.com) | 我的博客网站分享的一些内容 | 8 | TeX | 06/01 |
| 99 | [ hoganbin / CMCThesis ] ( https : //github.com/hoganbin/CMCThesis) | 全国大学生数学竞赛LaTeX试题模板 | 8 | TeX | 01/03 |
| 100 | [ seven1240 / latex ] ( https : //github.com/seven1240/latex) | Latex/Pandoc/Markdown排版 | 8 | TeX | 03/01 |
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
2019-10-13 21:21:37 +08:00
⬆ [ 回到目录 ] ( # 目录 )
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# # Vim script
| # | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - |
2020-05-11 10:09:59 +08:00
| 1 | [ wsdjeg / vim - galore - zh_cn ] ( https : //github.com/wsdjeg/vim-galore-zh_cn) | Vim 从入门到精通 | 5.9k | Vim script | 04/07 |
2020-04-21 22:40:17 +08:00
| 2 | [ wklken / k - vim ] ( https : //github.com/wklken/k-vim) | vim配置 | 4.7k | Vim script | 04/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 3 | [ skywind3000 / asyncrun . vim ] ( https : //github.com/skywind3000/asyncrun.vim) | :rocket: Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !! (Vim 中运行异步任务) | 1.2k | Vim script | 04/23 |
| 4 | [ dofy / learn - vim ] ( https : //github.com/dofy/learn-vim) | Vim 实操教程( Learning Vim) Vim practical tutorial. | 943 | Vim script | 03/10 |
| 5 | [ mashirozx / Pixiv - Nginx ] ( https : //github.com/mashirozx/Pixiv-Nginx) | P站( Pixiv) 的正确打开方式 | 771 | Vim script | 05/13 |
| 6 | [ bilibili / vim - vide ] ( https : //github.com/bilibili/vim-vide) | Lightest vimrc, while strong enough. 最轻的vim配置, 却足够强! | 486 | Vim script | 05/13 |
| 7 | [ skywind3000 / vim - init ] ( https : //github.com/skywind3000/vim-init) | 轻量级 Vim 配置框架,全中文注释 | 310 | Vim script | 04/08 |
| 8 | [ TTWShell / legolas - vim ] ( https : //github.com/TTWShell/legolas-vim) | Vim配置, 为python、go开发者打造的IDE。 | 219 | Vim script | 02/28 |
| 9 | [ broqiang / vim - go - ide ] ( https : //github.com/broqiang/vim-go-ide) | Vim as the IDE for the go language 将 vim 打造成 go 语言的 ide | 81 | Vim script | 05/22 |
| 10 | [ hotoo / vimrc ] ( https : //github.com/hotoo/vimrc) | :v: 闲耘™ 的 Vim 配置。 | 79 | Vim script | 05/20 |
| 11 | [ FengShangWuQi / to - vim - tmux - zsh ] ( https : //github.com/FengShangWuQi/to-vim-tmux-zsh) | 如何让 vim, tmux, zsh 成为我们的神器 | 55 | Vim script | 06/01 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 12 | [ jayli / vim - easydebugger ] ( https : //github.com/jayli/vim-easydebugger) | VIM 调试器, A VIM multi-language debugger plugin | 36 | Vim script | 02/24 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 13 | [ danishprakash / vim - yami ] ( https : //github.com/danishprakash/vim-yami) | Monochromatic dark(闇) theme for Vim | 33 | Vim script | 01/05 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 14 | [ jayli / vim ] ( https : //github.com/jayli/vim) | 我的vim配置文件 | 26 | Vim script | 03/20 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 15 | [ jayli / vim - easycomplete ] ( https : //github.com/jayli/vim-easycomplete) | 好用的代码补全插件 vim-easycomplete | 26 | Vim script | 03/19 |
2020-05-18 09:38:55 +08:00
| 16 | [ qiqiboy / q - vim ] ( https : //github.com/qiqiboy/q-vim) | my vim config. 来自一个前端开发码农的vim配置方案 | 25 | Vim script | 05/15 |
2020-06-01 22:26:17 +08:00
| 17 | [ HaomingJu / . vim ] ( https : //github.com/HaomingJu/.vim) | 使用Vim四年, 整理的配置文件 | 22 | Vim script | 05/10 |
| 18 | [ EvanMeek / Vanilla ] ( https : //github.com/EvanMeek/Vanilla) | 我常用软件的配置文件(已过时,不推荐) | 22 | Vim script | 01/02 |
| 19 | [ skywind3000 / vim - dict ] ( https : //github.com/skywind3000/vim-dict) | 没办法,被逼的,重新整理一个词典补全的数据库 | 21 | Vim script | 04/20 |
| 20 | [ FLHonker / vim - plus - plus ] ( https : //github.com/FLHonker/vim-plus-plus) | Frank的无敌至尊vim配置, 基于vim-plus改造, 一键部署。 | 17 | Vim script | 03/27 |
2019-10-13 21:21:37 +08:00
2019-09-05 11:06:54 +08:00
⬆ [ 回到目录 ] ( # 目录 )