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# REF:
# 2024.Jun kneutron
# Objective: Restore a proxmox zfs boot/root disk from a mirror file over sshfs and reboot into it (Disaster Recovery)
# NOTE - should have been run beforehand!!
# Tested with "systemrescuecd + zfs" ISO
# NOTE - this is a PROOF OF CONCEPT script and is NOT meant to be run blindly!
# you need to EDIT IT before running!
# MAKE SURE you specify the correct destination disk and other info! Author takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for data loss!!
# This should hopefully get your full environment back online and running in a minimum amount of time
# IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to test this process in a VM first before you rely on it!
# TODO EDITME before running!
# Will be mounted on this server / local dir
# destination directory on the remote side
# TODO add a subdir here for different systems
# for sshfs
destserver= # macpro-static
# hostname or IP; IP is better for systemrescue environment
# NOTE this **needs** to be the correct disk!
# Default is set to proxmox restore VM with SCSI disk
# Obtain from /dev/disk/by-id
# failexit.mrg
function failexit () {
echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description)
exit $1
set -u # abort if var undefined
# Takes only 1 arg, use in loop if multiple
function install-if-missing () {
[ $(which $1 |wc -l) -gt 0 ] || apt-get install -y $1
# NOTE this will not work on systemrescuecd, as its not Debian
# You can make your own rescue environment simply by installing Debian+ZFS to usb drive, and add any necessary recovery packages
install-if-missing sshfs
mkdir -pv $destdir
# if not already mounted
if [ $(df -T |grep sshfs |grep -c $destdir) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Mounting $destdir on $destserver"
# TODO change this to samba, nfs, whatever works for you
# TODO ssh-copy-id for passwordless access
sshfs -o \
$loginid@$destserver:$sshfsmountthis $destdir
if [ $(df -T |grep -c $destdir) -eq 0 ]; then
failexit 40 "$destdir is not mounted, cannot proceed"
cd $destdir
echo "
Currently available restore mirror disks:"
ls -lh *disk
# TODO EDITME - this is the restore/mirror file
echo "
Selected restore disk:
echo ''
echo "Hit Enter to proceed with this default, ^C to abort, or input another filename here to use:"
read infile
[ "$infile" = "" ] || mirfile=$infile
[ -e $mirfile ] || failexit 44 "Cannot find $PWD/$mirfile"
ls -lh dd*gz
echo ''
echo "Selected EFI restore disk:
echo "Hit Enter to proceed with this, or input another filename here to use:"
read infile
[ "$infile" = "" ] || efifile=$infile
[ -e $efifile ] || failexit 45 "Cannot find $PWD/$efifile"
zpool export -f rpool # if $0 run >1
echo ''
echo "$(date) - Attempting to import rpool from $PWD - NOTE THIS MAY NOT WORK if there are multiple restore disks in the same dir"
zpool import -f -N -d $PWD rpool # without mounting any datasets
#Breakdown of options:
# -f # Force - likely necessary since we offlined this disk and it wasn't "exported properly"
# -N # Do not mount zfs datasets, just import this pool
# -d $PWD # Look in the current directory for the pool disk(s)
zpool status rpool -v |awk 'NF>0'
result=$(zpool list)
[ "$result" = "no pools available" ] && failexit 50 "Unable to find / import rpool! Cannot continue"
guessdisk=$(zpool status -v |grep UNAVAIL |head -n 1 |awk '{print $1}')
# if no disk needs detaching, we skip this
# bash if not
if [ ! "$guessdisk" = "" ]; then
echo "Guessing disk to detach from rpool:
echo "Hit Enter to proceed with this, or input another disk identifier here to use:"
echo "PROTIP - run $0 from GNU screen or tmux so you can use the keyboard to copypasta"
read indisk
[ "$indisk" = "" ] || guessdisk=$indisk
[ $(zpool status rpool -v |grep -c $guessdisk) -eq 0 ] && failexit 60 "$guessdisk does not appear to be in the rpool"
echo "Detaching $guessdisk from rpool"
zpool detach rpool $guessdisk
# Remember, "rpool" is basically mounted over the network at this point
# We still need to mirror it to local disk and restore EFI partition so it (hopefully) boots
# NOTE nothing can be actively mounted on the destination disk - including swap
echo ''
echo "$(date) - Creating new partition table on /dev/$zfsroot - ALL EXISTING DATA WILL BE ERASED"
time parted -s /dev/$zfsroot mklabel gpt || failexit 99 "Failed to create fresh GPT partition table on /dev/$zfsroot"
echo ''
echo "Recreating boot/root partitions on /dev/$zfsroot"
# TODO change from 512 to 1G for "standard" proxmox efi partition
# The -n options are sizes, and the -t sets the filesystem type.
#-n 2:0:+1G \
sgdisk -g \
-n 1:0:+1M \
-n 2:0:+512M \
-n 3:0:0 \
-t 1:8300 \
-t 2:EF00 \
-t 3:BF01 \
-p /dev/$zfsroot
time sync; sleep 1
gdisk -l /dev/$zfsroot
echo ''
echo "$(date) - Restoring EFI to /dev/${zfsroot}2"
time gzip -cd $efifile |dd of=/dev/${zfsroot}2 bs=1M status=progress || failexit 101 "Failed to restore EFI partition"
# NOTE I have not bothered to re-size the ZFS partition on the replacement
# disk to take advantage of any increased disk space
# Tips for resizing here:
# REF:
#zpool attach rpool /mnt/macpro-sgtera2/rpool-mirror-64gig-thumbdrive-zfs-efi.disk \
# ata-Samsung_Portable_SSD_T5_S49WNV0MC04217F-part3
echo ''
echo "$(date) - Beginning restore process"
zpool labelclear /dev/${zfsroot}3 # shouldnt be necessary, but why not
time zpool attach rpool $destdir/$mirfile \
/dev/${zfsroot}3 || failexit 102 "Failed to attach physical disk ${zfsroot}3 to rpool $mirfile"
function watchresilver () {
# do forever
while :; do
echo "Pool: rpool - NOW: $(date) -- Watchresilver started: $sdate"
zpool status rpool |grep -A 2 'in progress' || break 2
zpool iostat -v rpool #2 3 &
# zpool iostat -T d -v $1 2 3 & # with timestamp
sleep 5
zpool status -v rpool |awk 'NF>0' # skip blank lines
echo "o Resilver watch rpool start: $sdate // Completed: $ndate"
echo "Now we need to take the file-backed copy offline, leaving it intact for later use if
needed - NOTE you do NOT want to issue a detach or a zpool split at this
point because this is an rpool, and a detach will not guarantee usable data
on the detached disk. We just offline it, and reboot to get out from under it
(so to speak.)"
(set -x
zpool offline rpool $destdir/$mirfile
# reboot
echo ''
echo "
After rebooting, you will get dumped into the initramfs because ZFS has
temporarily lost its mind and can't import from the cache file properly.
Easy fix:
(initramfs) zpool import -f
Then hit Control+D, boot process resumes and should survive further reboots.
If the boot process does not continue, hard reboot and issue:
(initramfs) rm -fv /etc/zfs/zpool.cache
(initramfs) zpool import -a -f -d /dev/disk/by-id
Then hit ^D to continue the boot process. Further reboots should work OK.
Finally, without the target/backup $destdir being mounted, you should detach the file-backed copy
from the rpool to get it out of DEGRADED state:
# zpool detach rpool $destdir/$mirfile
And you should be back to a bootable single-disk Proxmox rpool.
(Its probably a good idea to write these instructions down.)
Refer to the online reference if you want to attach a mirror to a single-disk rpool:
echo $0 DONE