#!/bin/bash # Tested with Ubuntu # 2020.1005 mod for auto-month # 2014-2021 Dave Bechtel # test for interactive shell / OK to ask for input intera=1 [ $(echo $- |grep i |wc -l) -gt 0 ] && intera=0 # TODO comment if you want auto #mymonth=Mar outfile=/tmp/zfs-killmonth-tmp.txt #source ~/bin/failexit.mrg # failexit.mrg function failexit () { echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description) exit $1 } #zfs-list-snaps--boojum.sh |grep virtb |grep Jan |awk '{print $1}' |xargs -n1 -t zfs-killsnaps.sh # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13168463/using-date-command-to-get-previous-current-and-next-month # The fuzz in units can cause problems with relative items. # To determine the previous month more reliably, you can ask for the month before the 15th of current month # fix for debian $2 to $3 pmonth=$(date --date="$(date +%Y-%m-15) -2 month" |awk '{print $2}') # arg NOT blank [ "$1" = "" ] || mymonth=$1 # arg IS blank [ "$1" = "" ] && [ "$mymonth" = "" ] && mymonth=$pmonth # sanity check for valid month validmo="Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec" sanity=$(echo $validmo |grep -c $mymonth) # will NOT allow "July", only 3-letter if [ $sanity -eq 0 ]; then failexit 12 "! Invalid month specified: $mymonth" fi echo "$(date) - DF before:" > $outfile df -h -T |head -n 1 >> $outfile df -h -T |grep zfs >> $outfile # could use more error checking if $mymonth = 0 lines... # NOTE requires another script in PATH numlines=$(zfs-list-snaps--boojum.sh |grep $mymonth |wc -l) if [ $numlines -gt 0 ]; then echo "o KILLING THESE SNAPSHOTS:" >> $outfile zfs-list-snaps--boojum.sh |grep $mymonth >> $outfile # full dump of snapshots to delete echo "Killing $numlines snapshots for $mymonth ... PK to proceed!" [ $intera -gt 0 ] && read else failexit 101 "No $mymonth snapshots found to kill!" fi # killzem - NOTE requires another script in PATH set -x time zfs-list-snaps--boojum.sh |grep $mymonth |awk '{print $1}' \ |shuf \ |xargs -P 0 -n1 zfs-killsnaps.sh # -n1 # parallel after random shuffle xxxxx 2023.0630 set +x # review [ $intera -gt 0 ] && zfs-list-snaps--boojum.sh |less echo "$(date) - DF after:" >> $outfile #df -h >> $outfile df -h -T |head -n 1 >> $outfile df -h -T |grep zfs >> $outfile [ $intera -gt 0 ] && less $outfile