#!/bin/bash # for 1440x900 # Useful to monitor I/O for ZFS 96 disks # For icewm all-desktops - see ~/.icewm/winoptions #http://www.osnews.com/story.php/7774/IceWM--The-Cool-Window-Manager/page5/ # Setup 3 xxterms for monitoring on 2ndary scrn # Used ' xwininfo ' to get geom # Occupy-all xterm -bg black -fg green -sl 1 -rightbar -geometry 87x29+0+0 \ -name montop \ -e top -d 7& xterm -bg black -fg green -rightbar -geometry 104x29-0-33 \ -name mondf \ -e "watch -n 61 'df -T -h |grep -v tmpfs'" & # 4MAC xterm -bg black -fg green -rightbar -geometry 61x24+1092+0 \ -name mac-tempwatch \ -e ~/bin/mac-tempwatch.sh & # switch to virtual desktop #2 sleep 1; wmctrl -s 1; mon96.sh