#!/bin/bash # 2024.Dec kneutron # Goal: create a light-resources proxmox LXC container with thunderbird # that can be accessed with e.g. rdesktop or ' mstsc ' (Windows) from any PC in the house # NOTE you can always give the LXC more RAM / Disk size in the PVE GUI later on if your mailbox is large echo "This is script 1 of 2" echo "Matching deploy script is here:" echo " https://github.com/kneutron/ansitest/blob/master/proxmox/proxmox-deploy-lxc-debian-icewm-thunderbird.sh " echo '' echo '- YOU NEED TO EDIT THIS SCRIPT BEFORE RUNNING IT -' echo '...the defaults may/not work for your environment' echo '' # xxx TODO EDITME usestorage="local-lvm" # lvm-thin disksize=10 # GB numcpu=1 ramalloc=2 # GB let vram=$ramalloc*1024 usedns= lxcpass="54321" ########################## No edits are needed past this point # /var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-12-standard_12.2-1_amd64.tar.zst # NOTE this template needs to be downloaded beforehand on the proxmox host!! # failexit.mrg function failexit () { echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description) exit $1 } template="/var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-12-standard_12.2-1_amd64.tar.zst" [ -e "$template" ] || failexit 44 "Debian template not found! Please download it on the proxmox host first" echo "$(date) - Please wait, getting next free vmid" let newid=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid) date echo "About to create LXC: $newid using Debian image, for xrdp / rdesktop Thunderbird email" echo "The (lightweight) desktop environment will be: icewm, but you also have the choice" echo " of installing e.g. fluxbox , enlightenment , xfce4 , openbox , lxQT , windowmaker" echo " AfterStep, FVWM, Sawfish, JWM, tinywm, or whatever floats your boat." echo '' echo "Backing Storage: $usestorage -- Disk size: $disksize GB -- vCPU: $numcpu -- vRAM: $ramalloc GB" echo "Enter to proceed or ^C to stop" read -n 1 # set cmode back to "tty" if you want to have a console login prompt, but sometimes it doesnt come up (set -x time pct create $newid \ "$template" \ --cmode shell \ --cores $numcpu \ --features nesting=1 \ --hostname "debian-lxc-xrdp-thunderbird" \ --memory $vram \ --swap 512 \ --nameserver $usedns \ --net0 name="eth0",bridge="vmbr0",firewall=0,ip=dhcp,ip6=auto,link_down=0 \ --ostype=debian \ --password "$lxcpass" \ --storage $usestorage \ --rootfs volume=$usestorage:${disksize},mountoptions=noatime,size=${disksize}G \ --unprivileged 1 \ --start 1 \ --timezone host \ --description "Kneutron Debian LXC container for xrdp / rdesktop Thunderbird email" || failexit 99 "Failed to create LXC!" ) ##################################################################################### date echo "New VMID is $newid" echo " go to PVE dashboard on port 8006, select the new LXC / Console," echo " you should have a root login prompt: \#" echo '' echo "NOTE root password = $lxcpass" echo '' echo "If you do not get a dhcp ip address, Disconnect the eth0 in the PVE GUI" echo " and Reconnect it" echo "Then in-LXC, issue ' killall dhclient; dhclient -v eth0 ' without the quotes" echo " After that, ' ip a ' should return an IP address and you should be able to" echo " ping e.g. google.com - otherwise you may need to adapt LXC to your network" echo '' echo 'To (fairly easily) get the deploy script into the LXC:' echo '' echo "In-lxc as root, issue ' ip a; nc -l -p 80 |tar xpvf - ' " echo '' echo "Then on proxmox host (or wherever you have the deploy script downloaded) issue:" echo " ' tar cpf - proxmox-deploy\*sh |nc -w 3 put-ip-address-of-lxc-here 80 '" echo '' echo "This should tar up the deploy script on the fly, and pass it to LXC with netcat" echo " without having to get involved with adding users and such." echo '' echo "Should work fine with Linux, if you are on Windows then will probably need to" echo " add a user, install / enable openssh_server, and use e.g. WinSCP" echo '' echo "NOTE you may need to ' chmod +x ' the deploy script before running it." echo '' echo "Enjoy! Kneutron" # REF: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/how-to-create-a-container-from-command-line-pct-create.107304/ # Inspired by: # REF: https://www.reddit.com/r/Proxmox/comments/1hayp1j/mail_client_vm/ # NOTE if no killall command, ' ps ax |grep dh ' and kill the PID of dhclient, then issue dhclient -v...