#!/bin/bash5 # Paste a vertical list of servers separated by newline # ^ pass them as comma-separated server(s) to ansible; reboot and wait up to 10 min echo "Paste vertical list of servers / IP addresses; Enter EOF at the end of server list to begin processing" buildstr="" while read inline; do [ "$inline" = "EOF" ] && break; fstchr=${inline:0} if [[ $fstchr =~ ^[0-9] ]] && [ $(echo $inline |awk '{sum+=gsub(/\./,"")}END{print sum}') -eq 3 ]; then # 1st char=number and contains 3 dots, more than likely an IPV4 addr buildstr="$buildstr$inline," else hnonly=${inline%%.*} # strip evyting after first dot, dont need FQDN hnonly=${hnonly,,} # and lowercase it buildstr="$buildstr$hnonly," fi done buildstr=$(echo ${buildstr%,}) # omit trailing comma servers=$buildstr echo "$buildstr" ansible-playbook reboot-and-wait.yml --become -e "target=$servers"