#!/bin/bash # "say" requires OSX for speech synth # Use ssh-copy-id beforehand for PWless login # xxx TODO EDITME #tryip="" # mx21 tryip="" # squid user=dave echo "$tryip" function countdown () { # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12498304/using-bash-to-display-a-progress-indicator #pid=$! # Process Id of the previous running command # number declare -i countto=$1 ctr=0 declare -a spin spin[0]="-" spin[1]='\' spin[2]="|" spin[3]="/" echo -n "[$countto] ${spin[0]} " #$ctr" #while [ kill -0 $pid ] while [ $countto -ge $ctr ]; do for i in "${spin[@]}" do # echo -ne "\b$i $ctr" let cdown=$countto-$ctr printf "\r$countto $i $cdown " sleep 1 let ctr=$ctr+1 [ $ctr -ge $countto ] && break read -n 1 -t .1 && break 2 done done echo '' } # do a countdown if waiting for boot if [ "$1" = "1" ]; then date countdown 150 # 250 # 360 which say && say -v Fiona "check monitor" # ping -o # do forever while :; do for ip in $tryip; do echo "Trying IP $ip" ping -c 5 $ip && break 2 done done which say && say -v Fiona "Attempting log in $ip" & date ssh -2 -X -Y -c chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -l $user $ip # # fryserver else # NOTE does not need static ip #autossh -M 32500 -2 -X -Y -l $user p2700quad1404 ssh -2 -X -Y -c chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -l $user $tryip # # fryserver fi