#!/bin/bash # 2024.Dec kneutron # This is script 2 of 2 - run the below one 1st to create the LXC # https://github.com/kneutron/ansitest/blob/master/proxmox/proxmox-create-lxc-xrdp-icewm-thunderbird-debian.sh # Goal: Setup Unprivileged LXC with Debian Standard 12, 2xvCPU (you can probably get away with 1), rootfs 10GB, RAM 1GB, 512MB Swap, IP = DHCP or static, DNS as appropriate # REF: https://www.reddit.com/r/Proxmox/comments/1hayp1j/comment/m1ilo4n/?context=3 # Fire up LXC console after it builds, root login should already be there, no password needed: # # Run this script INSIDE the running LXC, you may need to ' chmod +x ' it first # (root) Cmds to accomplish everything: # xxx TODO editme myid=dave apt update apt upgrade -y # SKIP # apt install fluxbox # rdesktop clicking did nothing, so went with icewm apt install -y icewm xterm xfce4-terminal apt install -y xrdp adduser xrdp ssl-cert systemctl restart xrdp apt install -y joe mc screen tmux vim apt install -y thunderbird # Requires input for passwd adduser $myid echo '' #screen -aAO -h 2000 # ============= echo "Fire up rdesktop client / mstsc, point it to the below IP address, login as $myid" echo " You should see icewm minimal desktop with 4 virtual screens preconfigured." echo '' echo "Right-click the desktop, open Terminal, enter ' thunderbird & '" echo '(or use the "Start" menu) and setup your email account(s).' ip a date; # NOTE you can install e.g. fluxbox afterward to save RAM, and switching to it from icewm should work