#!/bin/bash # Linux version # make a restore DVD from .fsarchive bare-metal backup + restore script(s): RESTORE-fsarchive-root.sh // and/or to-XFS version # mount the resulting ISO in a systemrescuecd environment on 2nd dvd drive # xxx TODO editme user=dave outfile=/home/$user/restoreUDF.iso # This is where the fsarchive backup and restore script lives, pass as parm d2b="$1" cd "$d2b" ls -alh pwd echo "Creating UDF ISO from $d2b ..." #PK: #read # how big willit be mkisofs -d -D -f -l -J -N -r -T -v -print-size * echo Sawright? #read time \ mkisofs -allow-lowercase -apple -d -D -f -l -J -joliet-long -max-iso9660-filenames -N -r -R -T -udf -v \ -o $outfile * chown $user $outfile chmod a+rx $outfile ls -lh /home/$user/*.iso exit; # 2021 Dave Bechtel