<# Turn just about any *nix command output into a parsable PS object HOWTO display all functions in this script: Select-String -Path parse-df-ls-funcs-sourceme.ps1 -Pattern "function" Tested with Powershell 7.1.7 on OSX 10.13 High Sierra Author: kingneutron@gmail.com # 2023.0131 REQUIRES: gdf installed from brew or macports, available in $PATH # Call script with $0 1 for demo, you can also pipe output |less for pager # REF: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell-community/converting-string-output-to-objects/ # REF: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/powertip-customize-table-headings-with-powershell/ # REF: https://sid-500.com/2021/06/23/powershell-manipulating-strings-with-trim-trimstart-and-trimend-method/ # Provides functions if sourced: ' . ./$0 ' # parseGDFHT # parseGDFT #> # REF: https://www.computerperformance.co.uk/powershell/if-and/ $demo = 0 $chkarg = $Args[0] if ($chkarg -eq '1' -Or $chkarg -eq "demo") { $demo = 1 } if ($demo -gt 0) { $lines = gdf -hT <# Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/disk3s2 hfs 187G 151G 36G 81% / /dev/disk6s1 zfs 54G 448K 54G 1% /Volumes/zsam53 zsam53/dot-thunderbird-linux zfs 56G 2.2G 54G 4% /Volumes/zsam53/dot-thunderbird-linux zsam53/dvdrips-shr-zsam53 zfs 54G 480K 54G 1% /Volumes/zsam53/dvdrips-shr-zsam53 #> # skip the header line $columns = ($lines[2] -split ' ').Trim() | Where-Object {$_ } # DEBUGG $columns } function parseGDFHT { param([object[]]$Lines) $skip = 1 $Lines ` | Select-Object -Skip $skip ` | ForEach-Object ` { $columns = ($_ -split ' ').Trim() | Where-Object {$_ } [pscustomobject]@{ Filesystem = $columns[0] Type = $columns[1] Size = $columns[2] Used = $columns[3] Avail = $columns[4] Usepct = [int]$columns[5].Trim('%') # cast as integer to make useful for sorting MountedOn = $columns[6] } # customobj } # lines } # func if ($demo -gt 0) { Write-Output "Limit to last 10:" parseGDFHT (gdf -hT) ` | Select-Object -Last 10 ` | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Output "Select only zfs filesystems:" parseGDFHT (gdf -hT) ` | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'zfs'} ` | Format-Table -AutoSize } <# gdf -T Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/disk3s2 hfs 195618588 157638992 37723596 81% / /dev/disk6s1 zfs 55725472 448 55725024 1% /Volumes/zsam53 #> function parseGDFT { param([object[]]$Lines) $skip = 1 #$tmp = '89%' #$tmp2 = $tmp -replace '%','' #$tmp2 #89 # REF: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/lang-spec/chapter-04?view=powershell-7.3 # ^ Casting to decimal and int var types $Lines ` | Select-Object -Skip $skip ` | ForEach-Object ` { $columns = ($_ -split ' ').Trim() | Where-Object {$_ } [pscustomobject]@{ Filesystem = $columns[0] Type = $columns[1] Size = [decimal]$columns[2] # bignum to make useful for sorting Used = [decimal]$columns[3] Avail = [decimal]$columns[4] Usepct = [int]$columns[5].Trim('%') MountedOn = $columns[6] } # customobj } # lines } # func if ($demo -gt 0) { Write-Output "Select only FS Available over 79GB:" # 80*1024*1024 = 83886080 $criteria = 79*1024*1024 parseGDFT (gdf -T) ` | Where-Object {$_.Avail -ge $criteria } ` | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Output "Select only FS with 50%+ available:" parseGDFT (gdf -T) ` | Where-Object {$_.Usepct -ge 50} ` | Format-Table -AutoSize #gdf -T |awk '{$1="";$3=""; print}' #Type Used Available Use% Mounted on #hfs 157650784 37711804 81% / Write-Output "Display only certain fields df-short sorted by largest avail space:" parseGDFT (gdf -T) ` | Sort-Object -Property Avail ` | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Type, Used, Avail, Usepct, MountedOn Write-Output "Rename output fields on the fly:" #Get-Process notepad | # Format-Table ProcessName, @{Label="TotalRunningTime"; Expression={(Get-Date) - $_.StartTime}} parseGDFT (gdf -T) ` | Format-Table -AutoSize Filesystem, MountedOn, @{L="PctUsed"; E={$_.Usepct} } # REF: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/sort-object?view=powershell-7.3 Write-Output "Sort by percent-used field with only certain columns displayed:" parseGDFT (gdf -T) ` | Sort-Object -Property Usepct -Descending ` | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Type, Used, Avail, Usepct, MountedOn } function dfhtzfssortbypct { # how to call this func: dfhtzfssortbypct (gdf -T) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by largest use% column low..high" #(gdf -T) $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace '%','' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | Sort-Object {[int]$_.Use} ` |Format-Table } # func function dftzfssortbymostfreespace { # how to call this func: dftzfssortbymostfreespace (gdf -T) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by largest use% column low..high" #(gdf -T) $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace '%','' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,1k-blocks,Used,Available,Mounted ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Available} -Descending ` |Format-Table } # func function dftzfsnomountedsortbymostfreespace { # how to call this func: funcname (gdf -T) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by largest use% column low..high" #(gdf -T) $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace '%','' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,Used,Available,1k-blocks ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Available} -Descending ` |Format-Table } # func function dftzfs4fieldssortbymostusedspace { # how to call this func: funcname (gdf -T) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by largest use% column low..high" #(gdf -T) $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace '%','' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,Used,1k-blocks ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Used} -Descending ` |Format-Table } # func if ($demo -gt 0) { # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2063995/powershell-echo-on # Equivalent to bash ' set -x ' #Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 #0: Turn script tracing off. #1: Trace script lines as they run. #2: Trace script lines, variable assignments, func calls, and scripts. # Alt method OTF, use convert-from-csv: - NOTE format-table needs to be LAST # PS > (gdf -hT) -replace '\s+',',' | convertfrom-csv |Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' |Format-Table # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15040460/sort-object-and-integers # Cast csv column "Use%" OTF as integer for sorting and remove the % sign Write-Output "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by largest use% column low..high" (gdf -T) -replace '\s+',',' -replace '%','' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | Sort-Object {[int]$_.Use} ` |Format-Table <# Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use Mounted ---------- ---- --------- ---- --------- --- ------- /dev/disk6s1 zfs 55725472 448 55725024 1 /Volumes/zsam53 /dev/disk8s1 zfs 2089958804 440 2089958364 1 /Volumes/zhgstera6 zhgstera6/shrcompr-gz3 zfs 2121152668 31194304 2089958364 2 /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-… zhgstera6/tmpdel-xattrsa zfs 2148201824 58243460 2089958364 3 /Volumes/zhgstera6/tmpdel-xa… zsam53/dot-thunderbird-linux zfs 57928244 2203220 55725024 4 /Volumes/zsam53/dot-thunderb… zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines-linux zfs 2248803996 158845632 2089958364 8 /Volumes/zhgstera6/virtbox-v… zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 2474267964 384309600 2089958364 16 /Volumes/zhgstera6/notshrcom… #> Write-Output "DFT - Display zfs filesystems only and sort by space available column high..low , omit Use% field" (gdf -T) -replace '\s+',',' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,1k-blocks,Used,Available,Mounted ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Available} -Descending ` |Format-Table <# Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Mounted ---------- ---- --------- ---- --------- ------- zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines-linux zfs 2242779492 158845632 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/virtbox-virtm… zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines zfs 2795502068 711568208 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/virtbox-virtm… zhgstera6/tmpdel-xattrsa zfs 2142177320 58243460 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/tmpdel-xattrsa zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 3304246824 1220312964 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgs… zhgstera6/shrcompr-gz3 zfs 2115128164 31194304 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-gz3 zhgstera6/osx-home-moved zfs 2117395128 33461268 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/osx-home-moved zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6/bkp-bookmarks zfs 2124029172 40095312 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/notshrcompr-z… zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 2468243460 384309600 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/notshrcompr-z… /dev/disk8s1 zfs 2083934300 440 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6 zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines/nocompr-freebsd zfs 2093468028 9534168 2083933860 /Volumes/zhgstera6/virtbox-virtm… zint500/shrcompr-zint500 zfs 124323944 40715408 83608536 /Volumes/zint500/shrcompr-zint500 zint500/virtbox-virtmachines zfs 119698008 36089472 83608536 /Volumes/zint500/virtbox-virtmac… #> # OOO = "select" order determines which fields are first Write-Output "DFT - display ZFS filesystems, fields out of order, omit Mounted-on, Sort by most Available space" (gdf -T) -replace '\s+',',' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,Used,Available,1k-blocks ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Available} -Descending ` |Format-Table <# Filesystem Type Used Available 1K-blocks ---------- ---- ---- --------- --------- zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines-linux zfs 158845632 2083933848 2242779480 zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines zfs 711568208 2083933848 2795502056 zhgstera6/tmpdel-xattrsa zfs 58243460 2083933848 2142177308 zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 1220312964 2083933848 3304246812 zhgstera6/shrcompr-gz3 zfs 31194304 2083933848 2115128152 zhgstera6/osx-home-moved zfs 33461268 2083933848 2117395116 zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6/bkp-bookmarks zfs 40095312 2083933848 2124029160 zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 384309600 2083933848 2468243448 /dev/disk8s1 zfs 440 2083933848 2083934288 zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines/nocompr-freebsd zfs 9534168 2083933848 2093468016 zint500/shrcompr-zint500 zfs 40715408 83608636 124324044 zint500/virtbox-virtmachines zfs 36089492 83608636 119698128 #> Write-Output "DFT - display ZFS filesystems, fields out of order, omit multiple columns, Sort by most Used space" (gdf -T) -replace '\s+',',' ` | convertfrom-csv ` | Where-Object Type -like 'zfs' ` | select Filesystem,Type,Used,1k-blocks ` | Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Used} -Descending ` |Format-Table <# Filesystem Type Used 1K-blocks ---------- ---- ---- --------- zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 1220312964 3304246812 zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines zfs 711568208 2795502056 zhgstera6/dvdrips-shr zfs 538333192 2622267040 zhgstera6/notshrcompr-zhgst6 zfs 384309600 2468243448 zhgstera6/virtbox-virtmachines-linux zfs 158845632 2242779480 zsam53/notshrcompr-zsam53 zfs 70684008 126126680 zsam53/shrcompr-zsam53 zfs 67551036 122993708 zint500/notshrcompr-zint500 zfs 58707900 142316500 zhgstera6/tmpdel-xattrsa zfs 58243460 2142177308 #> } # if demo <# ===== LS The Long Format If the -l option is given, the following information is displayed for each file: file mode, number of links, owner name, group name, number of bytes in the file, abbreviated month, day-of-month file was last modified, hour file last modified, minute file last modified, and the pathname drwxr-xr-x 4 dave staff 136 Feb 1 13:21 bkps #> # vv also Year # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $LSHeadertmp='perms','links','owner','group','size','datemonth','datemonthday','hourminuteoryear','name' Remove-Variable -Name LSHeader -Scope global -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue # clear if already set Set-Variable -Name "LSHeader" -Value $LSHeadertmp -Scope global -Description "globalLSheader" -PassThru #Set-Variable -Name "LSHeader" -Value $LSHeadertmp -Option constant -Scope global -Description "globalLSheader" -PassThru function lsps1 { # how to call this func: lsps1 (ls -lrt [path]) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "LS - Display only .ps1 files" #(ls -lrt) $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` | convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Where-Object Name -like '*.ps1' ` |Format-Table } # func function lssortsmallestshort { # how to call this func: funcname (ls -lS [path]) param([object[]]$Lines) #Write-Host "LS - Display only certain fields, sort by size small to large, comma-separated size" # - NOTE \s+ #(ls -lS) # NOTE Use ls -lrS to sort largest descending $Lines -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` | convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Select-Object -Property perms,owner,group,@{ n='Size';e={"{0:N0}" -f ($_.size)} },name ` | Where-Object perms -ne total ` |Format-Table # | Select-Object -Property perms,owner,group,size,name ` } # func if ($demo -gt 0) { # LS - display only ps1 - dont ask me why we have to replace multiple commas twice (was missing \s+ #SKIP# (ls -lrt) -replace '\s',',' -replace '@,',',' -replace ',,',',' -replace ',,',',' |Out-String ` #PS > (ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' -replace ',,',',' |Out-String ` ##|Out-String ` # is not necessary Write-Output "LS - Display only .ps1 files" lsps1 (ls -lrt $HOME/bin/powershell) #(ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` #| convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` #| Where-Object Name -like '*.ps1' ` #|Format-Table <# perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminute name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------- ---- -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 83 Jan 13 16:33 hashtable.ps1 #> Write-Output "LS - filter / leave out extraneous total line and Display files where :group != dave" cd /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6 (ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` | convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Where-Object perms -ne total ` | Where-Object group -ne 'dave' ` |Format-Table <# perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminuteoryear name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave staff 72453489 May 14 2020 Katy_Perry-Daisies_Official-NutHKRKBgR0… -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave staff 89774 May 18 2020 Katy_Perry-Daisies_Official-NutHKRKBgR0… -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave wheel 703 Aug 23 2020 zpool-upgrade-linux.txt -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave wheel 491 Apr 16 2021 zfs-missing-linuxside-086.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave wheel 3541 Jun 5 2022 bkpsys-2fsarchive -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 103 Oct 11 15:37 fix-console-resolution.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 157 Dec 5 15:33 makemkv-getnewkey.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 1610 Dec 7 13:57 unpass.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 561 Dec 9 15:07 split-motorhead-flac.sh #> Write-Output "Display files where datemonth is Jan" (ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` | convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Where-Object datemonth -like 'Jan' ` |Format-Table <# perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminuteoryear name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave staff 83 Jan 13 16:33 hashtable.ps1 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 dave staff 621 Jan 23 10:51 get-pc-info.ps1 #> <# SKIP THIS - will not sort right as string #PS /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6> (ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` |convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Where-Object size -gt 50000 ` |Format-Table perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminuteoryear name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 727080111 Jan 31 2020 Star_Trek-Picard_Free_Series_Premiere… -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave staff 72453489 May 14 2020 Katy_Perry-Daisies_Official-NutHKRKBg… -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 90975484 Jun 18 2020 balena-etcher-electron-1.5.99-linux-x… -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 83886080 Jul 3 2020 OpenZFS_on_OS_X_1.9.4.dmg -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 906679642 Apr 29 2021 wsl-AlmaLinux8.zip -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 68771041 Jul 3 2021 squidserver7-kn-JEOS-201303.7z -rw-rwx--- 1 dave dave 919955725 Jul 10 2021 test-zfs-21-Draid-xfs.7z -rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 82658304 Apr 20 2022 vscode-code_1.66.2-1649664567_amd64.d… -rw------- 1 dave dave 533171860 Oct 16 19:42 VMware-Player-Full-16.2.0-18760230.x8… -rw-r--r--@ 1 dave dave 536072059 Oct 21 12:59 VMware-Workstation-Full-15.5.2-157852… -rw-r--r--@ 1 dave dave 91512032 Oct 25 11:54 virtualbox-7.0_7.0.2-154219_Debian_bu… -rw-r--r--@ 1 dave dave 519045120 Nov 3 19:39 veeam-recovery-media-… #> Write-Output "LS - Display only certain fields, sort by size small to large, size as 1KB comma-separated" # - NOTE \s+ #PS /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6> (ls -lrS) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ` |convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` | Select-Object -Property perms,owner,group,@{ n='Size';e={"{0:N0}" -f ($_.size/1KB)} },name ` | Where-Object perms -ne total ` |Format-Table # @{ n='Size';e={"{0:N0}" -f ($_.Size/1KB)} } <# perms owner group size name ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- drwxrwxr-x dave dave 3 vm-ansible-controller drwxrwxr-x dave dave 3 send-to-zfs-shared.workflow drwxrwxr-x dave dave 3 etc-wicd-scripts-postconnect drwxr-xr-x dave dave 3 dvdrips drwxrw---- dave dave 3 config drwxr-xr-x dave dave 3 bkps-AOMEI # SKIP must match multiple criteria (sort will not work right when size is string instead of number) # SKIP PS /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6> (ls -lrt) -replace '\s',',' -replace ',,',',' -replace ',,',',' ` #|convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader ` #| Where-Object size -gt 50000 ` #| Where-Object name -like '*.zip' ` #|Format-Table #> #$LSHeader='perms','links','owner','group','size','datemonth','datemonthday','hourminuteoryear','name' # TEST OK PS 7.1.7 on OSX #$resultobj.GetType().size # Blank! Write-Output "LS - store results in a var and make an object that can be reused and manipulated different ways" $result = (ls -lrt) -replace '\s+',',' -replace ',,',',' ;` $resultobj = ($result |convertfrom-csv -Header $LSHeader) # REF: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/where-object?view=powershell-7.3 Write-Output "LS - Display files that have a size >50MB" # reCast size to decimal for sorting OTF $resultobj ` | Where-Object {[decimal]$_.size -gt 50000} |Format-Table # Multiple criteria with proper number sort Write-Output "LS - Look for .zip files that are over 50MB , re-using the same object" $resultobj ` | Where-Object {[decimal]$_.size -gt 50000} ` | Where-Object name -like '*.zip' ` |Format-Table <# perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminuteoryear name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 358392 Feb 2 2020 font-klingon-pIqaDFontsNormalAndWeb.z… -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 6507097 Jun 12 2020 wsusoffline120.zip -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 90975484 Jun 18 2020 balena-etcher-electron-1.5.99-linux-x… -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 1225899 Jul 5 2020 vocational-cobol.zip -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 86568 Aug 1 2020 zfs_autobackup-master.zip -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 8323895 Aug 11 2020 win10-Run-in-Sandbox-master.zip -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 5440144 Jan 16 2021 ccextractor-0.88_no_windows.zip -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 6506667 Apr 7 2021 wsusofflineCE120.zip -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 906679642 Apr 29 2021 wsl-AlmaLinux8.zip -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 8507058 May 14 2021 motherboard-bios-fryserver-Z170-DELUX… -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 8931021 May 14 2021 motherboard-bios-fryserver-Z170-DELUX… -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 8712971 May 14 2021 motherboard-bios-fryserver-latest-Z17… -rw-rwxr-- 1 dave dave 257970 Jul 20 2021 iSCSIInitiator-master.zip -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 6295615 Aug 30 2021 barrier-master-like-synergy-pc-contro… -rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 14120730 Nov 27 2021 ventoy-1.0.61-windows.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 dave dave 130983880 Feb 18 2022 AmazonMusicDownload.zip -rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 2254468 Nov 13 09:53 Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.1.… -rw-rw-r--@ 1 dave dave 324810 Dec 13 12:18 ansitest-master.zip #> # https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/powertip-sorting-more-than-one-column/ Write-Output "LS - Look for files from previous years , re-using the same object" Write-Output "Sorts on TWO FIELDS (sort by Date ascending, Group by Name [a-z] within Year)" $resultobj ` | Where-Object perms -ne total ` | Where-Object hourminuteoryear -notlike '*:*' ` | Sort-Object -property @{e="hourminuteoryear";Descending=$false},@{e="name";Descending=$false} ` |Format-Table <# perms links owner group size datemonth datemonthday hourminuteoryear name ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- -rwxrwxrwx 1 dave dave 20588 Feb 16 1998 rochmail.wav -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 123 Jul 9 2011 debsort -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 607 Aug 14 2015 grepdvdtitle.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 1138 May 16 2016 doubleback-cloud.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 149 May 16 2016 tty-doubleback-cloud -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 27121269 Jun 2 2017 Edelweiss-Bring_Me_Edelweiss-BuWrg80d… -rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 123494 Jul 7 2018 cyberpower-ups-linux-powerpanel_132_a… drwxrwxr-x 16 dave dave 16 Apr 26 2018 macOS-wallpapers-upscaled -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 18714256 Oct 30 2018 The_Wallflowers-One_Headlight_Officia… drwxrwxrwx 551 dave dave 551 Apr 22 2018 wavs -rw-r--r-- 1 dave dave 12157596 Jun 24 2019 basic-4-linux--gambas-3.13.0.tar.bz2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 12157596 Jun 24 2019 basic-4-linux-gambas-3.13.0.tar.bz2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 dave dave 754 Jun 13 2019 bkpsys-2rear.sh -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 2923 Aug 31 2019 chkdvdlist-4missing.sh -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 1967 Sep 3 2019 grepdvdlistmissing.tgz -rwxrwxr-x 1 dave dave 1313153 Jun 9 2019 kvpm-0.9.10.tar.gz #> # WORKS - sort array largest first and cast size (string to decimal) OTF # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28073525/convert-all-values-in-a-csv-column-to-integer-or-remove-leading-zeroes-in-powe#28073963 Write-Output "LS - Look for files from previous years , re-using the same object" Write-Output "Sorts on TWO FIELDS (sort by Date (year) ascending, Group by Size high..low within Year)" $resultobj ` | Where-Object perms -ne total ` | Where-Object hourminuteoryear -notlike '*:*' ` | Sort-Object -property @{e="hourminuteoryear";Descending=$false},@{e={[decimal]$_.size};Descending=$true} ` |Format-Table #Sort-Object -descending {[decimal] $_.size} ` #| Sort-Object {[decimal]$_.Used} -Descending ` <# $ar = @(); foreach ($tmp in $resultobj.size) { $tmp2 = [decimal]$tmp; $ar += $tmp2 } $resultdecimal = @() for($i=0; $i -lt $resultobj.size.Length; $i=$i+1) {$resultdecimal += ([decimal]$resultobj.size[$i])} PS > $resultdecimal |Sort-Object 519045120 533171860 536072059 727080111 906679642 919955725 #> <# parse PS -ef: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD 0 1 0 0 12Jan23 ?? 126:45.39 /sbin/launchd 0 42 1 0 12Jan23 ?? 4:53.92 /usr/sbin/syslogd #> # with newline Write-Output "`nPS-EF - Display only certain fields" (ps -ef) -replace '\s+',',' ` |convertfrom-csv ` | select PID,TIME,CMD ` | Where-Object CMD -like 'bash' <# WARNING: One or more headers were not specified. Default names starting with "H" have been used in place of any missing headers. H1 : UID : 501 PID : 99809 PPID : 1 C : 0 STIME : 9:34AM TTY : ?? TIME : 137:22.72 CMD : /Applications/Thunderbird.app/Contents/MacOS/thunderbird PID TIME CMD --- ---- --- 2122 0:00.25 bash 2463 0:00.38 bash 2464 0:00.24 bash 2466 0:00.21 bash 2465 0:00.21 bash 94301 0:00.73 bash 92180 0:00.24 bash 92289 0:00.22 bash 11615 0:00.29 bash #> # NOTE does not handle spaces for things like "Google Chrome" Write-Output "`nPSEF - check if thunderbird is running" (ps -ef) -replace '\s+',',' ` |convertfrom-csv ` | select PID,TIME,CMD ` | Where-Object {$_.CMD -Like '*thunderbird'} Write-Output "`nPSEF - look for running virtualbox" (ps -ef) -replace '\s+',',' ` |convertfrom-csv ` | select PID,TIME,CMD ` | Where-Object {$_.CMD -Like '*irtual*'} <# WARNING: One or more headers were not specified. Default names starting with "H" have been used in place of any missing headers. PID TIME CMD --- ---- --- 2836 11:06.03 /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox 2838 32:10.06 /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD 2840 101:13.55 /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC 2885 553:41.95 /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/VirtualBoxVM.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM 30766 0:08.96 /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP #> } # ifdemo # NOTE should give perfect comma-sep output: # ls -l /Volumes/zhgstera6/shrcompr-zhgst6/ \ # |awk '{$1="";$2="";$3="";$4=""; print}' |column -t >ls.txt # "squeeze" spaces # tr -s " " < ls.txt |tr ' ' ',' # size, datemo, dateday, dateyr, fname #2205,Jun,20,2020,zpool-resizeup-mirror-no-degradation-raid10.sh #703,Aug,23,2020,zpool-upgrade-linux.txt #71244,Jun,21,2020,zrep.sh