#!/bin/bash # running from cron, we need this PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/zfs/bin:/Users/dave-imac5/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/dave-imac5/Library/Python/3.8/bin:/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/usr/local/zfs/bin: # Script version: scrver="2022_0521@1345" # xxx TODO editme ^^ # Select from a list of known virtualbox VMs, which to stop/start - can handle multiple like 1,3,5 # REQUIRES VboxManage, tr, pr, grep, awk, sed, tee, bash version > 3.2.57(1)-release #NOTE running vms that are still "coming up" from disk-saved state are NOT considered as "running" # until they are all the way up! # This script will XOR the state of a VM - if running, it will Stop it; if not running, it will Start it. # Entering "all" will STOP all running VMs # NOTE Cleaning up the logfile when it gets too big is left as an exercise for the end-user :B logf=$HOME/vms-stopped-started.log vbm=VBoxManage debugg=0 # failexit.mrg function failexit () { echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description) exit "$1" } function stopvm () { echo "$(date) - $(whoami) Stopping VM ${vm} / ${vmuuid}" |tee -a "$logf" [ $debugg -eq 0 ] && time $vbm controlvm ${vmuuid} savestate && echo "$(date) - $vm is now stopped" |tee -a "$logf" # Dont actually stop any if debugging } function startvm () { echo "$(date) - $(whoami) Starting VM ${vm} / ${vmuuid}" |tee -a "$logf" [ $debugg -eq 0 ] && time $vbm startvm ${vmuuid} && echo "$(date) - $vm is now running" |tee -a "$logf" # Dont actually start any if debugging } ########## MAIN echo "o-> Utility to change state of a virtualbox VM -stop if running, +start if not running | v.$scrver-$debugg <-o" #if [ "$1" = "s" ] || [ "$1" = "" ]; then [ "$1" = "" ] || vmn=$1 # select ; REF: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/reading-output-into-array runtest=$($vbm list runningvms) if [ "$runtest" = "" ]; then echo "FYI: No VMs are currently running under ID $(whoami)" else echo "( $(echo "$runtest" |grep -c \}) ) VMs are currently running" # ya, its a hack :B fi OIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' # populate array with list of known VMs declare -a vmlist=( $($vbm list vms |tr -d '"' |sort) ) #LiveCD--64 {hexnum} maxvmnum=${#vmlist[@]} # of elements in array IFS="$OIFS" cols=$(stty size |awk '{print $2}') # columns / terminal size - REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1780483/lines-and-columns-environmental-variables-lost-in-a-script # dump array - REF: https://opensource.com/article/18/5/you-dont-know-bash-intro-bash-arrays for i in ${!vmlist[@]}; do chkrun=$(echo $runtest |grep -c $(echo ${vmlist[$i]} |awk '{print $2}') ) # check is this uuid in running? if [ $chkrun -gt 0 ]; then echo "$i + ${vmlist[$i]}" # Prefix with "+" to indicate running else echo "$i - ${vmlist[$i]}" # - = not running fi done |tr -d '"{}' |pr -2 -t -w $cols |awk 'NF>0' # Remove quotes and brackets from output, vertical output with 'pr', no blank lines # ISSUE - interesting, $COLUMNS is not avail at runtime! but we can get from stty size field 2 # FEATURE: fancy display in 2 columns sorted vertically # done |tr -d '"{}' |awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3}' |paste - - |column -t # Old way - fancy display in 2 columns; $1=number of entry, $2=nameofvm, $3=vmUUID echo -n "+=ON; Enter comma-separated number(s) of VM to XOR, or all to stop-all: " [ "$1" = "" ] && read vmn # echo "You selected $vmn" #else # vmn="$1" # xxx 2024.0601 # declare -a vmlist=( $($vbm list vms |tr -d '"' |tr -d '{}' |sort) ) # maxvmnum=$($vbm list vms |wc -l |awk '{print $1}') # ${#vmlist[@]} # of elements in array #fi [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && set -x # auto-lowercase it for convenience vmn=${vmn,,} test4comma=$(echo $vmn |grep -c ',') if [ "$vmn" = "all" ]; then # we are assuming there is no concievable way an end-user would want to XOR the state of every.single.vm STOPALLVMS.sh # external script, needs to be in PATH exit; elif [ $test4comma -gt 0 ]; then # vmn is comma-separated, multiple "1,3,5" procthese="$vmn" # SANITY while [ $(echo "$procthese" |grep -c ',,') -gt 0 ]; do procthese=$(echo "$procthese" |sed 's/,,/,/g') # get rid of multiple commas JIC done procthese=$(echo $procthese |sed 's/ //g') # get rid of spaces procthese=$(echo $procthese |sed 's/^,//g') # get rid of leading comma (extraneous) procthese=$(echo $procthese |sed 's/,$//g') # get rid of trailing comma (extraneous) echo "After sanity checks, will be processing: $procthese" # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/918886/how-do-i-split-a-string-on-a-delimiter-in-bash#tab-top oIFS="$IFS" IFS="," declare -a dothese=($procthese) IFS="$oIFS" # xxx new for procthisvmnum in "${dothese[@]}" ;do # sanity - REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/806906/how-do-i-test-if-a-variable-is-a-number-in-bash regexp='^[0-9]+$' # yes, I know it should probably go outside the loop but easier to read if ! [[ $procthisvmnum =~ $regexp ]] ; then echo "Error: $procthisvmnum is Not a number" |tee -a "$logf" continue; # next iteration fi # we are zero-indexed, remember so -1 less than what we know if [ $procthisvmnum -ge $maxvmnum ]; then let whatweknow=$maxvmnum-1 echo "Invalid VM number $procthisvmnum , outside max known: $whatweknow" |tee -a "$logf" continue; # next iteration fi vm=${vmlist[$procthisvmnum]} # get name + uuid from "known" array [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && echo "vm: $vm" [ "$vm" = "" ] && failexit 45 "$vm not found in list!" vmuuid=$(echo $vm |tr -d '{}' |awk '{print $2}') # take out brackets and only print uuid [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && echo "vmuuid: $vmuuid" vm=$(echo "$vm" |tr -d '"' |awk '{print $1}') # take out quotes and only print name, note we are changing the vbl so uuid has 2b b4 # check cur list of Running vms against known array info - BUGFIX check for uuid, not name! # stopthis=$(VBoxManage list runningvms |awk '/'$vm'/ {print $2}' |tr -d '{}') # get vm uuid + remove brackets stopthis=$(VBoxManage list runningvms |awk '/'$vmuuid'/ {print $2}' |tr -d '{}') # get vm uuid + remove brackets [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && echo "stopthis / vmuuid: $stopthis / $vmuuid" if [ "$stopthis" = "" ]; then startvm $vmuuid # $vm else stopvm $vmuuid # $stopthis fi done else [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && echo "Single VM, either a number or passed as arg" if [ "${#vmn}" -gt 0 ]; then # check length, user entered selection # sanity - REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/806906/how-do-i-test-if-a-variable-is-a-number-in-bash re='^[0-9]+$' # why is varname different here? for debugging if ! [[ $vmn =~ $re ]] ; then failexit 10 "Error: $vmn is Not a number" fi if [ $vmn -ge $maxvmnum ]; then let whatweknow=$maxvmnum-1 echo "Invalid VM number $vmn , outside max known: $whatweknow" |tee -a "$logf" failexit 250 "Invalid VM index number" fi vm=${vmlist[$vmn]} # get name by number from array - NOTE if this equates to 0 somehow, it still works - was BUG if you enter random text as selection vmuuid=$(echo $vm |tr -d '{}' |awk '{print $2}') # take out brackets and only print uuid fi vm=$(echo "$vm" |tr -d '"' |awk '{print $1}') # take out quotes and only print name # take out brackets and only print uuid # [ "$vmuuid" = "" ] && vmuuid=$($vbm list vms |grep "$vm" |awk '{print $2}' |tr -d '{}') [ "$vmuuid" = "" ] && failexit 46 "Cannot find uuid for $vm / unknown VM?" [ $debugg -gt 0 ] && echo "vmuuid: $vmuuid" # stopthis=$(VBoxManage list runningvms |awk '/'$vm'/ {print $2}' |tr -d '{}') # remove brackets stopthis=$(VBoxManage list runningvms |awk '/'$vmuuid'/ {print $2}' |tr -d '{}') # remove brackets # BUGFIX search running for uuid, not name if [ "$stopthis" = "" ]; then startvm $vmuuid # $vm else stopvm $vmuuid # $stopthis fi fi date; ls -lh "$logf" # call us again - TODO test for interactive #exec $0 exit; # 2022.0520 Dave Bechtel # Adapted from: vbox-selectvm-statechange / vbox-select-stopvm.sh # Feature: display sorted vertically with ' pr -2 ' instead of paste # NOTE this one uses vertical-sorted display and haz Extra Sanity # The script: # o Smart enough to XOR a VM if you pass it the UUID (without the brackets) or vmname as arg :) # o Will not care if you put in the same number two or more times(!) # o Does NOT process ranges, like 1-3 or 1..3 -- only comma-separated 2024.0601 FIX if user enters vm number as arg # helpful aliases: alias vb='wmctrl -s 2; virtualbox &' alias vbm='VBoxManage ' alias vb-listvms="VBoxManage list vms |tr -d '\"{}' |awk '{print \$1,\$2}' |sort |column -t" alias vb-listvms-short="VBoxManage list vms |tr -d '\"{}' |awk '{print \$1}' |sort |paste - - |column -t" alias vb-listvmsv="VBoxManage list vms |tr -d '\"{}' |awk '{print \$1,\"/ \"\$2}' |sort |pr -2 -t -w $(stty size|cut -d' ' -f2) |awk 'NF>0'" alias vb-listrunning='VBoxManage list runningvms' alias vb-listrunningnobracket="echo $(VBoxManage list runningvms |awk '{print $2}' |tr -d '{}')" # FIX In all cases, we should pass the UUID to stop/start in case of dup vm names to avoid confusion... # FIX + standardized date format in logfile # fixed single-vm treatment, check if single-vm index number outside known, dont failexit if no vms are running # tested crazy input like ,,,,,,,,,99,,,,,31,,,gob,,0,,,,,,,, and added sedloop # BUGfixed - counting more than 1 comma in 1 line with grep -c fails: # + fixed with awk REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10817439/counting-commas-in-a-line-in-bash # tmp=",5,0" #echo $tmp |grep -c ',' # not reliable! #1 # FIX Made max-known vm number more palatable when displaying if we-cant-do-that # + Updated requires: list of external progs # display version+debugg on run #FIXED BUG: ,,,,0,,,, starts/stops!! #FIXED: mixing up similarly-named VMs / uuids # 2022.0521 chomping 1, onthefly from the front is buggy - sep into array after sanity = works better, no doubling # v20220521.1345 + added feature to display "+" if VM running, - if not # -removed extraneous comments / oldcode