#!/opt/local/bin/bash # macports bash5 #BANG/usr/local/bin/bash # bash5 from brew # xxx 2020.0526 mod for OSX - requires file-based pool if zpool was created with dual-boot-compatible options # -> check with ' zpool upgrade ' or ' zpool get all |grep encryption ' - if encryption is missing, you need ^^ # NOTE - relies on (macports or brew) gnu "coreutils" being installed as well as updated bash v5 # REF: https://www.topbug.net/blog/2013/04/14/install-and-use-gnu-command-line-tools-in-mac-os-x/ # RUN AS ROOT - tested on OSX High Sierra 10.13 with ZFS zfs-1.9.4-0 / zfs-kmod-1.9.4-0 # Pass arg $1 = "cleanup" to delete test encryption datasets # REF: https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/10363 # REF: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-find-out-aes-ni-advanced-encryption-enabled-on-linux-system/ ##Check for root priviliges if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run $0 as root." exit 1 fi # if we not on OSX, you running the wrong version of this script # ex. OSTYPE=darwin17.7.0 if [ $(echo $OSTYPE |grep -c darwin) -ne 1 ]; then echo "You need to be running this on an OSX box. There is a Linux version of this script available." exit 10 fi # DEFINE VARS #zp=zfilepool # EDITME # NOTE this zpool is FILE-based due to dual-boot pool compatibility zp=zint500 # EDITME # NOTE this zpool is FILE-based due to dual-boot pool compatibility logfile=~/zfs-test-encryption-speeds.log # will be copied to ramdisk (prep) - put "" to skip - # EDITME #isofile=/Volumes/zsgtera2B/shrcompr-zsgt2B/ISO/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso isofile=/Volumes/zsgtera2B/shrcompr-zsgt2B/ISO/KNOPPIX_V8.6-2019-08-08-EN.iso #isofile="" compr=lz4 #ramdisksize=1200 # MB # EDITME based on size of ISO file +200MB ramdisksize=4900 # MB # EDITME based on size of ISO file +200MB # recommended for systems with 8GB+ RAM, or have NO apps running # - will auto-skip if RAM <6GB or if set to 0 # check ram size, skip if too low # REF: https://serverfault.com/questions/112711/how-can-i-get-cpu-count-and-total-ram-from-the-os-x-command-line rammstein=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType |grep " Memory:" |awk '{print $2}') # result is in GB # Memory: 20 GB [ $rammstein -lt 6 ] && let ramdisksize=0 && loggit "! Warning - SKIPPING RAMDISK - INSTALLED RAM IS LESS THAN 6GB" #|| [ $ramdisksize -eq 0 ] ## checks later # where are we storing the key for these test datasets (will be created if not exist) zfskeyloc=~/zek-testencr-zfs.key #===================================== # failexit.mrg function failexit () { echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description) exit $1 } # Echo something to current console AND log # Can also handle piped input ( cmd |logecho ) # Warning: Has trouble echoing '*' even when quoted. function loggit () { args=$@ if [ -z "$args" ]; then args='tmp' while [ 1 ]; do read -e -t2 args if [ -n "$args" ]; then echo "$args" |tee -a $logfile; else break; fi done else echo "$args" |tee -a $logfile; fi } # END FUNC function osxmkramdisk () { # tested in High Sierra osx 10.13 # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46224103/create-apfs-ram-disk-on-macos-high-sierra # REF for previous versions of OSX: https://osxdaily.com/2007/03/23/create-a-ram-disk-in-mac-os-x/ [ $ramdisksize = 0 ] && loggit "! Warning - SKIPPING RAMDISK" && return; loggit "o Creating RAMDISK of $ramdisksize MB" let blox=$ramdisksize*2048 diskisat=$(hdid -nomount ram://$blox) time diskutil erasedisk hfs+ ramdisk $diskisat || loggit "o Warning code 120 - Failed to create ramdisk, continuing without it" # /dev/disk9s1 hfs 1.1G 13M 1.1G 2% /Volumes/ramdisk # df -k #Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on #/dev/disk9s1 1097688 12336 1085352 2% 4 4294967275 0% /Volumes/ramdisk # NOTE - To destroy the RAM disk again, call # diskutil eject # e.g. diskutil eject /dev/disk2 # umount /Volumes/ramdisk # hdiutil detach /dev/diskX } function ridmeofthesedatasets () { cd /Volumes/$zp loggit "$0 - `date` - Cleanup called" for zdel in `echo Test-aes*`; do loggit "$0 - Destroying encryption test dataset: $zp/$zdel"; time zfs destroy -rv $zp/$zdel; done diskutil eject /Volumes/ramdisk && loggit "$0 - RAMdisk ejected" gdf -hT |head -n 1 gdf -hT |grep $zp exit; } # Utility calls [ -e /Volumes/ramdisk ] || osxmkramdisk [ "$1" = "cleanup" ] && ridmeofthesedatasets # MAIN ==================================================================== # REFS: # https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/341525/use-osx-terminal-to-find-out-the-cpu-instructions-set-avx-sse-and-such # https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/352769/does-macos-have-a-command-to-retrieve-detailed-cpu-information-like-proc-cpuinf # https://serverfault.com/questions/112711/how-can-i-get-cpu-count-and-total-ram-from-the-os-x-command-line # https://osxdaily.com/2010/08/03/list-all-third-party-kernel-extensions/ mv -v $logfile $logfile-old 2>/dev/null echo "$(date) - $(hostname) - BEGIN encryption speed tests" |tee $logfile loggit "o Kernel: $(uname -r)" loggit "o Zpool version: $(zpool version)" #loggit "$(dmesg |grep ZFS)" loggit "ZFS kext module version: $(kextstat|grep zfs |awk '{print $6 $7}')" #net.lundman.zfs(1.9.4) loggit "o CPU detected: $(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType |egrep 'Processor Name|Processor Speed|Number of Processors|Cores')" #loggit "o CPU detected: $(grep -m1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo |awk -F: '{print $2}')" #loggit "o Number of CPU cores/hyperthreads: $(grep -c 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo)" #loggit "o Actual number of $(grep -m1 cores /proc/cpuinfo)" loggit "o CPU supports AES acceleration (blank=NO): $(sysctl -a |grep -i aes)" loggit "o Check for openssl / run benchmarks" which openssl && loggit "$(openssl speed aes)" # NOTE VeraCrypt (avail in macports and brew) - PROTIP macports find install path by starting gui app, rt-click, show in Finder if [ -e /Applications/MacPorts/VeraCrypt.app/Contents/MacOS/VeraCrypt ]; then loggit "o VeraCrypt is installed - note it has a nice GUI Benchmark available under Tools / Benchmark" loggit "+ (that unfortunately cannot be called from the command line)" loggit "+ or there is a beta Linux benchmark test available at: https://www.pickysysadmin.ca/2016/09/03/veracrypt-cli-benchmark-script/" fi loggit "o PREP - Copy ~1GB iso file to ramdisk if not already there" [ -e /Volumes/ramdisk ] && [ -e "$isofile" ] && time cp -vn "$isofile" /Volumes/ramdisk |tee -a $logfile rc=$? [ "$rc" -gt 0 ] && failexit 404 "$isofile failed to copy to ramdisk" # get current zfs supported encryption types (NOTE depends on up-to-date man page) - output commasep # yes, this is 3 different replace methods ;-) who doesn't like to show off a bit now and then #encrline=$(man zfs|grep "encryption=" |head -n 1 |sed 's/|/,/g' |sed 's/off,on,//g') # fails on osx # read zfs man page, get ciphers, change pipe to comma, blank out unnec. stuff # OSX workaround: (from ' man man ' ) encrline=$(man zfs |col -b |grep 'encryption=' |head -n 1 |sed 's/|/,/g') #|sed 's/on,off,//g') # NOTE on/off is REVERSED from linux(!) so we process differently below in case they change it to match # encryption=on,off,aes-128-ccm,aes-192-ccm,aes-256-ccm,aes-128-gcm,aes-192-gcm,aes-256-gcm encrline=$(echo "$encrline" |tr -d '[:space:]') # strip blanks encrline=${encrline/on,/} # bash inline sed, replace string with blank encrline=${encrline/off,/} encrline=${encrline/encryption=/} loggit "o Supported ZFS encryption types (per ' man zfs ')" loggit "$encrline" # we expect something like: #aes-128-ccm,aes-192-ccm,aes-256-ccm,aes-128-gcm,aes-192-gcm,aes-256-gcm # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/918886/how-do-i-split-a-string-on-a-delimiter-in-bash#tab-top # read string into bash array - rather elegant oIFS="$IFS" IFS="," declare -a encrtype=($encrline) IFS="$oIFS" unset oIFS #generate 32 byte passkey ONLY if not already exist #[ -e $zfskeyloc ] || dd if=/dev/urandom of="$zfskeyloc" bs=1 count=32 [ -e $zfskeyloc ] || dd if=/dev/urandom of="$zfskeyloc" bs=32 count=1 # NOTE omit xattr=sa for freebsd as of 2020.0526, may change after support is added to their code # NOTE relatime and acltype=posixacl are missing from OSX zfs port as of 2020.0526 for testencr in "${encrtype[@]}"; do loggit "o Creating $zp dataset for $testencr (if it doesnt already exist)" [ -e /Volumes/$zp/Test-$testencr ] || \ zfs create -o \ atime=off -o compression=$compr -o sharesmb=off -o recordsize=1024k \ -o encryption=$testencr \ -o keyformat=raw \ -o keylocation=file://"$zfskeyloc" \ -o normalization=formD \ -o xattr=sa \ $zp/Test-$testencr || failexit 99 "! Failed to create ZFS $zp/$testencr" loggit "$(zfs get encryption,keylocation $zp/Test-$testencr)" done #sync # may not want to do this if you have a long e.g. backup process running # osx rough equiv = 'purge' #free #echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches # free pagecache #free gdf -hT |head -n 1 gdf -hT |egrep "$zp|ramdisk" ls -lh /Volumes/ramdisk/*.iso loggit "$(date) $0 - $(hostname)" loggit "+ Ready for testing" # from here you can test how long it takes to copy iso file, run fio, etc # time (cp -v $isofile /$zp/aesdataset; sync) - linux # time cp -v $isofile /Volumes/$zp/aesdataset # NOTE osx nicely waits for the sync to finish echo "o $0 Logfile is: $logfile" exit; ################################################# 2021.0129 minor code cleanup, chg to ~4GB RAMdisk & ISO 2020.0526 Author: Kneutron - knocked together a zfs test script to create datasets per encryption type 2020.0526 Mod for OSX 2020.0527 V2 - minor changes, more descriptive, major functionality still the same Known bug: logfile does not capture initial openssl tests: #Doing aes-128 cbc for 3s on 16 size blocks: 14957278 aes-128 cbc's in 2.87s OSX HOWTO create file-based pool: [[ zp=zfilepool; time truncate -s 8000MiB zfile1 && \ zpool create -o ashift=12 -o autoexpand=off -o autoreplace=off -O compression=lz4 -O atime=off $zp $PWD/zfile1 # pool: zfilepool # state: ONLINE # scan: none requested #config: # NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM # zfilepool ONLINE 0 0 0 # /var/root/tmpdel/zfile1 ONLINE 0 0 0 #errors: No known data errors ]] TODO benchmarks: https://malcont.net/2017/07/apfs-and-hfsplus-benchmarks-on-2017-macbook-pro-with-macos-high-sierra/ #SKIP filevault2 commands: https://macadmins.psu.edu/files/2012/11/psumacconf2012-filevault.pdf NOTE if reboot or $thing happens to zpool such as export, you may need to: zfs load-key $zp/encrtype zfs mount -a NOTE if doing this on an ssd-based pool, you may want to "zpool trim $zp" after doing cleanup # note this does not work on osx (fixed on osx port) - REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41489692/how-to-search-linux-man-pages-e-g-with-grep $ man zfs|grep "encryption=" |head -n 1 |sed 's/|/,/g' |sed 's/off,on,//g' encryption=off|on|aes-128-ccm|aes-192-ccm|aes-256-ccm|aes-128-gcm|aes-192-gcm|aes-256-gcm encryption=off,on,aes-128-ccm,aes-192-ccm,aes-256-ccm,aes-128-gcm,aes-192-gcm,aes-256-gcm encryption=aes-128-ccm,aes-192-ccm,aes-256-ccm,aes-128-gcm,aes-192-gcm,aes-256-gcm /zmsata480 # for z in `echo aes*`; do echo $z; zfs destroy zmsata480/$z;done