#!/bin/bash # DEPENDS: smartctl, parted, fdisk echo "Parameter: Supply short device name [sdb], etc" echo "MAKE SURE you supply the right disk device - author takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for data loss!" echo "Use at your own risk!" argg=$1 [ $(which parted |wc -l) -gt 0 ] || apt-get install -y parted #source ~/bin/failexit.mrg # failexit.mrg function failexit () { echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description) exit $1 } smartctl -a /dev/$argg |head -n 16 fdisk -l /dev/$argg ls -l /dev/disk/by-id |grep $argg echo "THIS WILL DESTRUCTIVELY APPLY A GPT LABEL to /dev/$argg - ARE YOU SURE - Enter to proceed OR ^C" read parted -s /dev/$argg mklabel gpt || failexit 99 "! Failed to apply GPT label to /dev/$argg" fdisk -l /dev/$argg exit;