2021-07-08 00:22:45 -05:00

669 lines
28 KiB

echo "$0 - 2021 Dave Bechtel - make a ZFS DRAID pool"
echo "- pass arg1='reset' to destroy test pool"
echo "- pass arg1='fail' and arg2=dev2fail to simulate failure"
echo "Reboot to clear simulated device failures before issuing 'reset'"
# Requires at least zfs 2.1.0
# total disks for pool / children
# raidz level (usually 2)
# spares
function zps () {
zpool status -v |awk 'NF>0'
#pooldisks=$(echo /dev/sd{b..y})
pooldisks1=$(echo /dev/sd{b..m})
pooldisks2=$(echo /dev/sd{n..y})
pooldisks=$pooldisks1' '$pooldisks2 # need entire set for reset
# sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk sdl sdm sdn sdo sdp sdq sdr sds sdt sdu sdv sdw sdx sdy
# extending to 32 disks
#pooldisks2=$(echo /dev/sda{a..h})
#sdaa sdab sdac sdad sdae sdaf sdag sdah
# failexit.mrg
function failexit () {
echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description)
exit $1
# cre8 drive translation table - NOTE 32 disk config gets overridden vv
source ~/bin/boojum/ $td
# Flame the pool and start over from 0
if [ "$1" = "reset" ]; then
logger "$(date) - $0 - RESET issued - destroying $zp"
# no need to worry if its not imported / already destroyed
if [ $(zpool list |grep -c $zp) -gt 0 ]; then
zpool destroy $zp || failexit 999 "Failed to destroy $zp"
for d in $pooldisks; do
echo -e -n "o Clearing label for disk $d \r"
zpool labelclear -f "$d"1
echo ''
# also reset hotspares
# echo ${hotspares[@]}
# zpool status -v |egrep 'sdz|sday|sdaz|sdby|sdbz|sdcy|sdcz'
for d in ${hotspares[@]}; do
#echo $d # DEBUG
echo -e -n "o Clearing label for Hotspare disk $d \r"
zpool labelclear -f "/dev/$d"1
echo ''
zpool status -v
exit; # early
# Simulate a drive failure; if zed daemon is running, a spare should auto kick in
if [ "$1" = "fail" ]; then
# NOTE we do NO error checking here, so if you fail your ROOT DISK, THAT'S ON YOU!
# also cp syslog
echo "$(date) - $0 - Simulating disk failure for $2 $(ls -lR $DD |grep $2)" |tee |logger
echo offline > /sys/block/$2/device/state
cat /sys/block/$2/device/state |tee |logger
time dd if=/dev/urandom of=/$zp/^^tmpfileDELME bs=1M count=$td; sync
# force a write; if not work, try scrub
exit; # early
if [ "$iteration" = "1" ]; then
# compression=zstd-3
# -o ashift=12
# raidz level (usually 2)
# Vspares - this is a 96-drive pool, you DON'T want to skimp!
( set -x
time zpool create -o autoreplace=on -o autoexpand=on -O atime=off -O compression=lz4 \
$zp \
draid$rzl:8d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks1 \
draid$rzl:8d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks2 \
|| failexit 101 "Failed to create DRAID"
elif [ "$iteration" = "2" ]; then
# zpool create <pool> draid[<parity>][:<data>d][:<children>c][:<spares>s] <vdevs...>
# ex: draid2:4d:1s:11c
# raidz level (usually 2)
# Vspares - this is a 96-drive pool, you DON'T want to skimp!
( set -x
time zpool create -o ashift=12 -o autoexpand=on -O atime=off -O compression=zstd-3 \
$zp \
draid$rzl:8d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks1 \
draid$rzl:8d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks2 \
|| failexit 101 "Failed to create DRAID"
# One Big Mother
# -o ashift=12
# raidz level (usually 2)
# spares - this is a 96-drive pool, you DON'T want to skimp!
( set -x
time zpool create -o autoreplace=on -o autoexpand=on -O atime=off -O compression=lz4 \
$zp \
draid$rzl:8d:$td'c':$spr's' $pooldisks \
|| failexit 101 "Failed to create DRAID"
[ $rc -gt 0 ] && exit $rc
# ^ Need this check because of subshell, will not exit early otherwise
# [ $(zpool list |grep -c "no pools") -eq 0 ] && \
# zpool add $zp spare ${hotspares[@]}
# The below will not work: gets error
# "requested number of dRAID data disks per group 10 is too high, at most 8 disks are available for data"
#( set -x
#time zpool create -o ashift=12 -o autoexpand=on -O atime=off -O compression=zstd-3 \
# $zp \
# draid$rzl:10d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks1 \
# draid$rzl:10d:12'c':$spr's' $pooldisks2 \
#|| failexit 101 "Failed to create DRAID"
# cre8 datasets
# requires external script in the same PATH
# going with lz4 so not limited by CPU for compression 11 $zp shrcompr 10 $zp notshrcompr 10 $zp notshrcompr-zstd 00 $zp notshrnotcompr
zpool list
zfs list
df -hT |egrep 'ilesystem|zfs'
echo "NOTE - best practice is to export the pool and # zpool import -a -d $DBI"
Group size must divide evenly into draid size
E.g., 30 drives can only support
3 drive group
5 drive group
10 drive group
15 drive group
Only need to specify group size at creation
Group Size - the number of pieces the data is partitioned into plus the amount of parity
o The amount of parity determines the redundancy
o The number of data pieces determines the overhead
dRAID Size - the number of drives used for data
(Does not include spare drives)
# make a draidz1 with x2 VDEVs, 8 data disks, 12 children, 2 spares (per vdev)
Defining for 24 disks in pool b4 hotspares (1)
+ zpool create -o autoreplace=on -o autoexpand=on -O atime=off -O compression=lz4 zdraidtest \
draid1:8d:12c:2s /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg /dev/sdh /dev/sdi /dev/sdj /dev/sdk /dev/sdl /dev/sdm \
draid1:8d:12c:2s /dev/sdn /dev/sdo /dev/sdp /dev/sdq /dev/sdr /dev/sds /dev/sdt /dev/sdu /dev/sdv /dev/sdw /dev/sdx /dev/sdy
real 0m3.304s
+ zfs create -o atime=off -o compression=lz4 -o sharesmb=on -o xattr=sa -o recordsize=1024k zdraidtest/shrcompr
changed ownership of '/zdraidtest/shrcompr' from root to user
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zdraidtest/shrcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/shrcompr
+ zfs create -o atime=off -o compression=lz4 -o sharesmb=off -o recordsize=1024k zdraidtest/notshrcompr
changed ownership of '/zdraidtest/notshrcompr' from root to user
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zdraidtest/notshrcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrcompr
+ zfs create -o atime=off -o compression=zstd-3 -o sharesmb=off -o recordsize=1024k zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd
changed ownership of '/zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd' from root to user
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd
+ zfs create -o atime=off -o compression=off -o sharesmb=off -o recordsize=1024k zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr
changed ownership of '/zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr' from root to user
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr
pool: zdraidtest
state: ONLINE
zdraidtest ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdb ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
sdd ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdf ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdn ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
sdp ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdr ONLINE 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt ONLINE 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 AVAIL
draid1-0-1 AVAIL
draid1-1-0 AVAIL
draid1-1-1 AVAIL
errors: No known data errors
zdraidtest 73.0G 1.77M 73.0G - - 0% 0% 1.00x ONLINE -
zdraidtest 1.15M 62.9G 112K /zdraidtest
zdraidtest/notshrcompr 96.0K 62.9G 96.0K /zdraidtest/notshrcompr
zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd 96.0K 62.9G 96.0K /zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd
zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr 96.0K 62.9G 96.0K /zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr
zdraidtest/shrcompr 96.0K 62.9G 96.0K /zdraidtest/shrcompr
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zdraidtest zfs 63G 128K 63G 1% /zdraidtest
zdraidtest/shrcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/shrcompr
zdraidtest/notshrcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrcompr
zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrcompr-zstd
zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr zfs 63G 1.0M 63G 1% /zdraidtest/notshrnotcompr
NOTE - best practice is to export the pool and # zpool import -a -d /dev/disk/by-id
Here is a severely degraded pool with (6) drive fails and all vspares in use, still going strong with no data loss
despite being raidz1 -- NOTE if we had some pspares configured it could take even more damage:
pool: zdraidtest
status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
invalid. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
functioning in a degraded state.
action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.
scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:49 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 21:51:51 2021
scan: resilvered (draid1:8d:12c:2s-0) 273M in 00:00:34 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 21:38:06 2021
scan: resilvered (draid1:8d:12c:2s-1) 779M in 00:00:38 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 21:51:02 2021
zdraidtest DEGRADED 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdb UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdd UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdf UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-1 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdn UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdp UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-1-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdr UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt ONLINE 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-0-1 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-1 INUSE currently in use
errors: No known data errors
# source 24
Defining for 24 disks in pool b4 hotspares (1)
Dumping shortdisk == longdisk assoc array to /tmp/draid-pooldisks-assoc.log
# zpool add $zp spare ${hotspares[@]}
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-0-1 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-1 INUSE currently in use
errors: No known data errors
We have added a hotspare on the fly but the ZED daemon hasnt done anything with the already-unavail disks,
still need to do a manual replace.
# zpool replace $zp sdf sdz
pool: zdraidtest
status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
invalid. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
functioning in a degraded state.
action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.
scan: resilvered 1.57G in 00:00:42 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 21:59:23 2021
draid1:8d:12c:2s-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdb UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdd UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-4 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdf UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdz ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
We still have a quandary however, the pool will still show as DEGRADED because a hotspare was used;
to clear this condition we can reboot and bring sdf back online + detach sdz to roll it back to the hotspares,
or replace sdf with a permanent replacement:
# zpool replace $zp sdf sdaa
pool: zdraidtest
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered. The pool will
continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
scan: resilver in progress since Wed Jul 7 22:03:14 2021
23.1G scanned at 987M/s, 14.1G issued at 604M/s, 23.1G total
806M resilvered, 61.15% done, 00:00:15 to go
zdraidtest DEGRADED 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdb UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdd UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid1-0-1 ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
sde ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
spare-4 DEGRADED 0 0 0
replacing-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdf UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdaa ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
sdz ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0 (resilvering)
scan: resilvered 1.89G in 00:00:52 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:04:06 2021
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdaa ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-0-1 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-1 INUSE currently in use
errors: No known data errors
# zpool replace $zp sdr sdab
scan: resilvered 1.52G in 00:01:05 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:07:17 2021
Another iteration - raidz2
# make a draidz2 with x2 VDEVs, 8 data disks, 12 children, 2 spares (per vdev)
pool: zdraidtest
state: ONLINE
zdraidtest ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2:8d:12c:2s-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdb ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
sdd ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdf ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2:8d:12c:2s-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdn ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
sdp ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdr ONLINE 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt ONLINE 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2-0-0 AVAIL
draid2-0-1 AVAIL
draid2-1-0 AVAIL
draid2-1-1 AVAIL
errors: No known data errors
Here is the above pool in a severely degraded condition, one more drive failure will kill it but we have
sustained (8) drive failures despite it being a raidz2 - and still no data loss:
pool: zdraidtest
status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
invalid. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
functioning in a degraded state.
action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.
scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:36 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:30:03 2021
scan: resilvered (draid2:8d:12c:2s-0) 319M in 00:00:10 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:23:40 2021
scan: resilvered (draid2:8d:12c:2s-1) 598M in 00:00:30 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:29:27 2021
zdraidtest DEGRADED 0 0 0
draid2:8d:12c:2s-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdb UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid2-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdd UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid2-0-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdf UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2:8d:12c:2s-1 DEGRADED 0 0 0
spare-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdn UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid2-1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdp UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid2-1-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdr UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt UNAVAIL 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid2-0-1 INUSE currently in use
draid2-1-0 INUSE currently in use
draid2-1-1 INUSE currently in use
errors: No known data errors
NOTE if you simulate/take a drive offline, you cant just "echo online" to it later, that wont bring it back up!
try or reboot
FIX: if a drive is offline, replace it temporarily with a builtin spare:
# zpool replace zdraidtest sdd draid2-0-0
# zps
pool: zdraidtest
status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
invalid. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
functioning in a degraded state.
action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.
scan: resilvered 0B in 00:00:00 with 0 errors on Sat Jul 3 14:43:51 2021
zdraidtest DEGRADED 0 0 0
draid2:5d:24c:2s-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdb ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 DEGRADED 0 0 0
sdd UNAVAIL 0 0 0
draid2-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdf ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
sdn ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
sdp ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdr ONLINE 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt ONLINE 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid2-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid2-0-1 AVAIL
errors: No known data errors
HOWTO fix the above situation with the same disk (you rebooted / it came back online) and decouple the in-use spare:
pool: zdraidtest
state: ONLINE
scan: resilvered 4.42G in 00:01:14 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 7 22:12:23 2021
zdraidtest ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdb ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdc ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdd ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde ONLINE 0 0 0
sdaa ONLINE 0 0 0
sdg ONLINE 0 0 0
sdh ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj ONLINE 0 0 0
sdk ONLINE 0 0 0
sdl ONLINE 0 0 0
sdm ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1:8d:12c:2s-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdn ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdo ONLINE 0 0 0
spare-2 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdp ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-1-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdq ONLINE 0 0 0
sdab ONLINE 0 0 0
sds ONLINE 0 0 0
sdt ONLINE 0 0 0
sdu ONLINE 0 0 0
sdv ONLINE 0 0 0
sdw ONLINE 0 0 0
sdx ONLINE 0 0 0
sdy ONLINE 0 0 0
draid1-0-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-0-1 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-0 INUSE currently in use
draid1-1-1 INUSE currently in use
errors: No known data errors
The drives are all back, but the vspares are all in use.
FIX: # zpool detach $zp draid1-0-0
# zpool detach $zp draid1-0-1
# zpool detach $zp draid1-1-0
# zpool detach $zp draid1-1-1
draid1-0-0 AVAIL
draid1-0-1 AVAIL
draid1-1-0 AVAIL
draid1-1-1 AVAIL
errors: No known data errors
NOTE if you get the following error after rebooting and bringing dead drives back, it should work OK after a scrub:
# zpool detach $zp draid2-0-0
cannot detach draid2-0-0: no valid replicas