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synced 2025-02-06 05:08:25 +08:00
fixed grub install from chroot
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226 lines
7.3 KiB
# 2024.0419 kneutron
# Mod for proxmox LVM+ext4 root
# EFI version
# =LLC= © (C)opyright 2017 Boojum Consulting LLC / Dave Bechtel, All rights reserved.
## NOTICE: Only Boojum Consulting LLC personnel may use or redistribute this code,
## Unless given explicit permission by the author - see http://www.boojumconsultingsa.com
# To be run from systemrescuecd environment; NOTE restore disk MUST be partitioned 1st!
# REQUIRES 1 arg: filename of .fsa
# copy this script to /tmp and chmod +x, run from there
# If you prefer not to use an ISO to restore from, systemrescuecd has sshfs:
# HOWTO mount your backup storage over sshfs:
# sshfs -C -o Ciphers=chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com loginid@ipaddress:/path/to/backupfile \
# /mnt/path \
# -o follow_symlinks
# mkdir -pv /mnt/restore; sshfs -C -o Ciphers=chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com dave@ \
# /mnt/restore -o follow_symlinks
# If using sshfs, cd to restore-dir and run /tmp/$0
# failexit.mrg
function failexit () {
echo '! Something failed! Code: '"$1 $2" # code # (and optional description)
exit $1
vgchange -a y
# TODO editme
#rootdev=/dev/sda3 # for physical disk non-nvme
#rootdev=/dev/vda3 # for restore to VM
rootdev=/dev/mapper/pve-root # for proxmox ext4+LVM restore
# TODO editme
umount $rootdev # failsafe
#mkdir -pv $cdr
umount $rootdir # failsafe
mkdir -pv $rootdir
myres=BOOJUM-RESTORE.sh # injection script
# NOTE sr0 is systemrescue
#mount /dev/sr1 $cdr -oro
#chkmount=`df |grep -c $cdr`
#[ $chkmount -gt 0 ] || failexit 99 "Failed to mount $cdr"; # failed to mount
chkmount=`df |grep -c $rootdir`
[ $chkmount -eq 0 ] || failexit 98 "$rootdir is still mounted - cannot restore!";
#cd $cdr || failexit 199 "Cannot CD to $cdr";
echo "$(date) - Restoring EFI partition to $efidev"
[ -e boot-efi.dd.lzop ] && time lzop -cd boot-efi.dd.lzop > $efidev
[ -e boot-efi.dd ] && time dd if=boot-efi.dd of=$efidev bs=1M status=progress > $efidev
# debugg
#read -n 1 -p "PK"
echo "`date` - RESTORING root filesystem to $rootdev"
# PROBLEM with long filenames in UDF - gets cut off, use $1
#time fsarchiver restfs *.fsa id=0,dest=$rootdev
time fsarchiver restfs -v "$1" id=0,dest=$rootdev || failexit 400 "Restore to $rootdev failed!";
# TODO fix
#while `wait -n`; do ## notwork - endless loop
#while [ `jobs |wc -l` -gt 0 ]; do
# df -h |grep $rootdev # grep fsa
# sleep 5
# boojumtastic!
tune2fs -m1 $rootdev
mount $rootdev $rootdir -onoatime,rw
# Comment out any existing swap partitions in restored fstab
# REF: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/295537/how-do-i-comment-lines-in-fstab-using-sed
#sed -e '/[/]/common s/^/#/' /etc/fstab
/bin/cp -v $rootdir/etc/fstab $rootdir/etc/fstab--bkp && \
sed -i '/swap/s/^/#/' $rootdir/etc/fstab; grep swap $rootdir/etc/fstab
# Detect swap partition(s) in restore environ - print /dev/sdXX w/o ":"
#for p in `blkid |grep TYPE=\"swap\" |awk -F: '{ print $1 }'`; do
# pmod=${p##*/} # strip off beginning /dev/, leave sdXX
# swapuuid=`ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid |grep $pmod |awk '{ print $9 }'`
# check have we already done this?
# [ `grep -c $swapuuid $rootdir/etc/fstab` -gt 0 ] || \
# echo "UUID=$swapuuid swap swap defaults,pri=2 0 0" |tee -a $rootdir/etc/fstab
# echo "UUID=$swapuuid swap swap defaults,pri=2 0 0" >> $rootdir/etc/fstab
# /dev/sdb5
#ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid |grep sdb5
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 27 11:09 dfc46f8f-bcfa-4e73-b62f-b24dd0bf60cf -> ../../sdb5
# Make sure we can boot!
echo "$(date) - Installing grub"
grub-install --root-directory=$rootdir $rtdevonly
mount -o bind /dev $rootdir/dev; mount -o bind /proc $rootdir/proc; mount -o bind /sys $rootdir/sys
#mount -o bind $efidev $rootdir/boot/efi # not work?
touch $myres2 || failexit 298 "Check if R/O filesystem?"
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $myres2 || failexit 299 "Cannot update $myres2 injection script - Check R/O filesystem?"
echo "mount /boot/efi" >>$myres2
echo "grub-install $rtdevonly" >> $myres2 # from chroot
echo "update-grub" >> $myres2
echo "exit;" >> $myres2
# inject script here!
chroot $rootdir /bin/bash /$myres
# Leave chroot mounted in case we need it
#umount -a $rootdir/*
#umount -a $rootdir/{dev,proc,sys}
#umount $rootdir/* 2>/dev/null
#umount $rootdir 2>/dev/null
df -hT
echo "DON'T FORGET TO COPY /home and adjust fstab for swap / home / squid BEFORE booting new drive!"
echo "+ also adjust etc/network/interfaces , getdrives-byid , etc/rc.local , etc/hostname , etc/hosts ,"
echo "+ etc/init/tty11 port (home/cloudssh/.bash_login"
echo '====='
echo "If restoring to VM and a zpool on the host does not exist:"
echo " systemctl disable zfs-import@zpoolnamehere "
echo "...and it should not hold up the reboot anymore"
echo "- Also remove anything from /etc/fstab that exists on the host but not in-vm"
# 2024.0419 kneutron
Full restore instructions:
Boot systemrescuecd
cd /tmp
Fire up ' mc ' Midnight Commander
Tab to right pane, Esc+9 (or F9) and SFTP to where your .fsa backup file(s) are
SCP the appropriate restore script over to local /tmp and ' chmod +x ' it
EDIT THIS SCRIPT (look for EDITME) and change the appropriate values to match your restore environnment
Follow the sshfs HOWTO in the comment at the beginning of this script to mount your backup file storage
cd /mnt/restore
/tmp/$0 backupfilename.fsa # Start the restore
From here you can still chroot into the /mnt/tmp2 dir and disable zfs imports, edit /etc/fstab, et al
Shutdown, remove rescue media and it should reboot into Proxmox VE
If not, boot Super Grub Disc and that should do it
Once you have a PVE login prompt, you can login as root and reinstall grub
' grub-install /dev/blah '
and then do a test reboot to make sure everything comes up as expected.
HOWTO restore:
# time fsarchiver restfs *-fsarc1.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdf1
Statistics for filesystem 0
* files successfully processed:....regfiles=159387, directories=25579, symlinks=49276, hardlinks=25, specials=108
* files with errors:...............regfiles=0, directories=0, symlinks=0, hardlinks=0, specials=0
real 4m26.116s
( 3.9GB )
# mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/tmp2
# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/tmp2 /dev/sdf
# mount -o bind /dev /mnt/tmp2/dev; mount -o bind /proc /mnt/tmp2/proc; mount -o bind /sys /mnt/tmp2/sys
# chroot /mnt/tmp2 /bin/bash
# update-grub
Generating grub configuration file ...
Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-36-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.2.0-36-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
Found Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (14.04) on /dev/sda1
# grub-install /dev/sdf # from chroot
# umount -a /mnt/tmp2/*
# DON'T FORGET TO COPY /home and adjust fstab for swap / home / squid BEFORE booting new drive!
# also adjust etc/network/interfaces , getdrives-byid , etc/rc.local , etc/hostname , etc/hosts , etc/init/tty11 port (home/cloudssh/.bash_login)
2024.0419 Tested, works OK with proxmox lvm
2017.0827 Tested, works OK