/* inih -- unit tests This works simply by dumping a bunch of info to standard output, which is redirected to an output file (baseline_*.txt) and checked into the Subversion repository. This baseline file is the test output, so the idea is to check it once, and if it changes -- look at the diff and see which tests failed. Here's how I produced the two baseline files (with Tiny C Compiler): tcc -DINI_ALLOW_MULTILINE=1 ../ini.c -run unittest.c > baseline_multi.txt tcc -DINI_ALLOW_MULTILINE=0 ../ini.c -run unittest.c > baseline_single.txt */ #include #include #include #include "../ini.h" int User; char Prev_section[50]; int dumper(void* user, const char* section, const char* name, const char* value) { User = (int)user; if (strcmp(section, Prev_section)) { printf("... [%s]\n", section); strncpy(Prev_section, section, sizeof(Prev_section)); Prev_section[sizeof(Prev_section) - 1] = '\0'; } printf("... %s=%s;\n", name, value); return strcmp(name, "user")==0 && strcmp(value, "parse_error")==0 ? 0 : 1; } void parse(const char* fname) { static int u = 100; int e; *Prev_section = '\0'; e = ini_parse(fname, dumper, (void*)u); printf("%s: e=%d user=%d\n", fname, e, User); u++; } int main(void) { parse("no_file.ini"); parse("normal.ini"); parse("bad_section.ini"); parse("bad_comment.ini"); parse("user_error.ini"); parse("multi_line.ini"); parse("bad_multi.ini"); return 0; }