Make test for bufferevent_connect_hostname system-neutral

Previously, the be5_outcome field for the dns error would be set to
something dependent on our system resolver.  It turns out that you
can't rely on nameservers to really give you an NEXIST answer for nowadays: too many of them are annoyingly broken and
like to redirect you to their locked-in portals.  This patch changes
the bufferevent_connect_hostname test so that it makes sure that the
dns_error of be5_outcome is "whatever you would get from resolving
the target hostname"
This commit is contained in:
Nick Mathewson 2010-05-08 19:11:50 -04:00
parent 88a543fc19
commit f89168e7ea

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@ -1011,6 +1011,7 @@ test_bufferevent_connect_hostname(void *arg)
struct bufferevent *be1=NULL, *be2=NULL, *be3=NULL, *be4=NULL, *be5=NULL;
struct be_conn_hostname_result be1_outcome={0,0}, be2_outcome={0,0},
be3_outcome={0,0}, be4_outcome={0,0}, be5_outcome={0,0};
int expect_err5;
struct evdns_base *dns=NULL;
struct evdns_server_port *port=NULL;
evutil_socket_t server_fd=-1;
@ -1080,6 +1081,18 @@ test_bufferevent_connect_hostname(void *arg)
/* Use the blocking resolver with a nonexistent hostname. */
tt_assert(!bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(be5, NULL, AF_INET,
"", 80));
/* The blocking resolver will use the system nameserver, which
* might tell us anything. (Yes, some twits even pretend that
* is real.) Let's see what answer to expect. */
struct evutil_addrinfo hints, *ai = NULL;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
expect_err5 = evutil_getaddrinfo(
"", "80", &hints, &ai);
@ -1091,8 +1104,10 @@ test_bufferevent_connect_hostname(void *arg)
tt_int_op(be3_outcome.dnserr, ==, 0);
tt_int_op(be4_outcome.what, ==, BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED);
tt_int_op(be4_outcome.dnserr, ==, 0);
if (expect_err5) {
tt_int_op(be5_outcome.what, ==, BEV_EVENT_ERROR);
tt_int_op(be5_outcome.dnserr, ==, EVUTIL_EAI_NONAME);
tt_int_op(be5_outcome.dnserr, ==, expect_err5);
tt_int_op(n_accept, ==, 3);
tt_int_op(n_dns, ==, 2);