Original post:
This post is in response to a posting last December on a Windows
regression fork failure ([Libevent-users] Re: Libevent 2.0.10-stable
is released by Dongsheng Song). I noticed the question was not
answered and I recently experienced the same error myself when
trying to run the Windows regression tests myself.
I checked the return status from the CreateProcess call and found it
was "file not found". This led me to look at the command-line I was
using which was .\regress in a Visual Studio 2008 command prompt
window. Windows could not find the file because it did not have the
.exe extension on the end. The code that builds the command should
be modified to ensure the extension is present.
The big win here is that we can get process-level isolation.
This has been tested to work okay on at least Linux and Win32. Only
the tests in regress.c have been converted wrapped in the new wrapper
functions; the others are still on the old system.