Stop using deprecated autoconf code to set integer types; detect actual files to include more thoroughly. This should make us work on solaris 9 again. This should be a backport candidate, if it works. Also, make all libevent code use ev_uint32_t etc, rather than uint_32_t.
In ANSI C, int func() is a function with unspecified arguments, whereas int func(void) is a function that takes no arguments. Using int func() to mean a function with no arguments is a C++ism, so let's not use or generate it.
http.c is a violation of the ctype(3) interface and an unused function.
test/regress_http.c are incorrect format strings.
test/regress.c uses raise(3) from signal.h.
evdns.c: evdns_error_strings is unused. The GET* macros can eat the
semicolon from the expression. pos is passed in as off_t, so just pass
that down. When assigning negativ values to unsigned variables, an
explicit cast is considered good style.