/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Niels Provos * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "event2/event-config.h" #include #include #ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "event2/dns.h" #include "event.h" #include "evhttp.h" #include "log-internal.h" #include "util-internal.h" #include "http-internal.h" #include "regress.h" #include "regress_testutils.h" static struct evhttp *http; /* set if a test needs to call loopexit on a base */ static struct event_base *base; static char const BASIC_REQUEST_BODY[] = "This is funny"; static void http_basic_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_chunked_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_post_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_put_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_delete_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_delay_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_large_delay_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_badreq_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static void http_dispatcher_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg); static int http_bind(struct evhttp *myhttp, ev_uint16_t *pport) { int port; struct evhttp_bound_socket *sock; sock = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(myhttp, "", *pport); if (sock == NULL) event_errx(1, "Could not start web server"); port = regress_get_socket_port(evhttp_bound_socket_get_fd(sock)); if (port < 0) return -1; *pport = (ev_uint16_t) port; return 0; } static struct evhttp * http_setup(ev_uint16_t *pport, struct event_base *base) { struct evhttp *myhttp; /* Try a few different ports */ myhttp = evhttp_new(base); if (http_bind(myhttp, pport) < 0) return NULL; /* Register a callback for certain types of requests */ evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/test", http_basic_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/chunked", http_chunked_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/streamed", http_chunked_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/postit", http_post_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/putit", http_put_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/deleteit", http_delete_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/delay", http_delay_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/largedelay", http_large_delay_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/badrequest", http_badreq_cb, NULL); evhttp_set_cb(myhttp, "/", http_dispatcher_cb, NULL); return (myhttp); } #ifndef NI_MAXSERV #define NI_MAXSERV 1024 #endif static int http_connect(const char *address, u_short port) { /* Stupid code for connecting */ #ifdef WIN32 struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in sin; #else struct addrinfo ai, *aitop; char strport[NI_MAXSERV]; #endif struct sockaddr *sa; int slen; evutil_socket_t fd; #ifdef WIN32 if (!(he = gethostbyname(address))) { event_warn("gethostbyname"); } memcpy(&sin.sin_addr, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(port); slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); sa = (struct sockaddr*)&sin; #else memset(&ai, 0, sizeof(ai)); ai.ai_family = AF_INET; ai.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; evutil_snprintf(strport, sizeof(strport), "%d", port); if (getaddrinfo(address, strport, &ai, &aitop) != 0) { event_warn("getaddrinfo"); return (-1); } sa = aitop->ai_addr; slen = aitop->ai_addrlen; #endif fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) event_err(1, "socket failed"); evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(fd); if (connect(fd, sa, slen) == -1) { #ifdef WIN32 int tmp_err = WSAGetLastError(); if (tmp_err != WSAEINPROGRESS && tmp_err != WSAEINVAL && tmp_err != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) event_err(1, "connect failed"); #else if (errno != EINPROGRESS) event_err(1, "connect failed"); #endif } #ifndef WIN32 freeaddrinfo(aitop); #endif return (fd); } static void http_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { const char *what = BASIC_REQUEST_BODY; event_debug(("%s: %s\n", __func__, EVBUFFER_DATA(bufferevent_get_input(bev)))); if (evbuffer_find(bufferevent_get_input(bev), (const unsigned char*) what, strlen(what)) != NULL) { struct evhttp_request *req = evhttp_request_new(NULL, NULL); enum message_read_status done; req->kind = EVHTTP_RESPONSE; done = evhttp_parse_firstline(req, bufferevent_get_input(bev)); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; done = evhttp_parse_headers(req, bufferevent_get_input(bev)); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; if (done == 1 && evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") != NULL) test_ok++; out: evhttp_request_free(req); bufferevent_disable(bev, EV_READ); if (base) event_base_loopexit(base, NULL); else event_loopexit(NULL); } } static void http_writecb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bufferevent_get_output(bev)) == 0) { /* enable reading of the reply */ bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); test_ok++; } } static void http_errorcb(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *arg) { test_ok = -2; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_basic_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = evbuffer_new(); int empty = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Empty") != NULL; event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* For multi-line headers test */ { const char *multi = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers,"X-multi"); if (multi) { if (strcmp("END", multi + strlen(multi) - 3) == 0) test_ok++; if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "X-Last")) test_ok++; } } /* injecting a bad content-length */ if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "X-Negative")) evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Length", "-100"); /* allow sending of an empty reply */ evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine", !empty ? evb : NULL); evbuffer_free(evb); } static char const* const CHUNKS[] = { "This is funny", "but not hilarious.", "bwv 1052" }; struct chunk_req_state { struct evhttp_request *req; int i; }; static void http_chunked_trickle_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = evbuffer_new(); struct chunk_req_state *state = arg; struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "%s", CHUNKS[state->i]); evhttp_send_reply_chunk(state->req, evb); evbuffer_free(evb); if (++state->i < (int) (sizeof(CHUNKS)/sizeof(CHUNKS[0]))) { event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_chunked_trickle_cb, state, &when); } else { evhttp_send_reply_end(state->req); free(state); } } static void http_chunked_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval when = { 0, 0 }; struct chunk_req_state *state = malloc(sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct chunk_req_state)); state->req = req; if (strcmp(evhttp_request_uri(req), "/streamed") == 0) { evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Length", "39"); } /* generate a chunked/streamed reply */ evhttp_send_reply_start(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine"); /* but trickle it across several iterations to ensure we're not * assuming it comes all at once */ event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_chunked_trickle_cb, state, &when); } static void http_complete_write(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { struct bufferevent *bev = arg; const char *http_request = "host\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); } static void http_basic_test(void) { struct timeval tv; struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0, port2 = 0; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* bind to a second socket */ if (http_bind(http, &port2) == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (bind)\n"); exit(1); } fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); /* first half of the http request */ http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: some"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_usec = 10000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_complete_write, bev, &tv); event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok == 3); /* connect to the second port */ bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); fd = http_connect("", port2); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); evhttp_free(http); tt_assert(test_ok == 5); end: ; } static void http_delay_reply(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { struct evhttp_request *req = arg; evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine", NULL); ++test_ok; } static void http_delay_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval tv; evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 200 * 1000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_delay_reply, req, &tv); } static void http_badreq_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *buf = evbuffer_new(); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "Hello, %s!", ""); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", buf); evbuffer_free(buf); } static void http_badreq_errorcb(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *arg) { event_debug(("%s: called (what=%04x, arg=%p)", __func__, what, arg)); /* ignore */ } #ifndef SHUT_WR #ifdef WIN32 #define SHUT_WR SD_SEND #else #define SHUT_WR 1 #endif #endif static void http_badreq_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { const char *what = "Hello,"; const char *bad_request = "400 Bad Request"; event_debug(("%s: %s\n", __func__, EVBUFFER_DATA(bev->input))); if (evbuffer_find(bev->input, (const unsigned char *) bad_request, strlen(bad_request)) != NULL) { TT_FAIL(("%s: bad request detected", __func__)); bufferevent_disable(bev, EV_READ); event_loopexit(NULL); return; } if (evbuffer_find(bev->input, (const unsigned char*) what, strlen(what)) != NULL) { struct evhttp_request *req = evhttp_request_new(NULL, NULL); enum message_read_status done; req->kind = EVHTTP_RESPONSE; done = evhttp_parse_firstline(req, bev->input); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; done = evhttp_parse_headers(req, bev->input); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; if (done == 1 && evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") != NULL) test_ok++; out: evhttp_request_free(req); evbuffer_drain(bev->input, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bev->input)); } shutdown(bev->ev_read.ev_fd, SHUT_WR); } static void http_badreq_successcb(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { event_debug(("%s: called (what=%04x, arg=%p)", __func__, what, arg)); event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_bad_request_test(void) { struct timeval tv; struct bufferevent *bev = NULL; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port=0, port2=0; test_ok = 0; /* fprintf(stdout, "Testing \"Bad Request\" on connection close: "); */ http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* bind to a second socket */ if (http_bind(http, &port2) == -1) TT_DIE(("Bind socket failed")); /* NULL request test */ fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_badreq_readcb, http_writecb, http_badreq_errorcb, NULL); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); /* real NULL request */ http_request = ""; shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR); timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_usec = 10000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_badreq_successcb, bev, &tv); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); if (test_ok != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } /* Second answer (BAD REQUEST) on connection close */ /* connect to the second port */ fd = http_connect("", port2); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_badreq_readcb, http_writecb, http_badreq_errorcb, NULL); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); /* first half of the http request */ http_request = "GET /badrequest HTTP/1.0\r\n" \ "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" \ "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_usec = 10000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_badreq_successcb, bev, &tv); event_dispatch(); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); end: evhttp_free(http); if (bev) bufferevent_free(bev); } static struct evhttp_connection *delayed_client; static void http_large_delay_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval tv; evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 3; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_delay_reply, req, &tv); evhttp_connection_fail(delayed_client, EVCON_HTTP_EOF); } /* * HTTP DELETE test, just piggyback on the basic test */ static void http_delete_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = evbuffer_new(); int empty = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Empty") != NULL; /* Expecting a DELETE request */ if (req->type != EVHTTP_REQ_DELETE) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (delete type)\n"); exit(1); } event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* allow sending of an empty reply */ evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine", !empty ? evb : NULL); evbuffer_free(evb); } static void http_delete_test(void) { struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "DELETE /deleteit HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); evhttp_free(http); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); end: ; } static void http_request_done(struct evhttp_request *, void *); static void http_request_empty_done(struct evhttp_request *, void *); static void _http_connection_test(int persistent) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok); /* try to make another request over the same connection */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* * if our connections are not supposed to be persistent; request * a close from the server. */ if (!persistent) evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); /* make another request: request empty reply */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_empty_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Empty", "itis"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_connection_test(void) { _http_connection_test(0); } static void http_persist_connection_test(void) { _http_connection_test(1); } static struct regress_dns_server_table search_table[] = { { "localhost", "A", "", 0 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; static void http_connection_async_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; struct evdns_base *dns_base = NULL; ev_uint16_t portnum = 0; char address[64]; tt_assert(regress_dnsserver(base, &portnum, search_table)); dns_base = evdns_base_new(base, 0/* init name servers */); tt_assert(dns_base); /* Add ourself as the only nameserver, and make sure we really are * the only nameserver. */ evutil_snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "", portnum); evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add(dns_base, address); test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_base_new(base, dns_base, "", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok); /* try to make another request over the same connection */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* * if our connections are not supposed to be persistent; request * a close from the server. */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); /* make another request: request empty reply */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_empty_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Empty", "itis"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); if (dns_base) evdns_base_free(dns_base, 0); regress_clean_dnsserver(); } static void http_request_never_call(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } static void http_do_cancel(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { struct evhttp_request *req = arg; struct timeval tv; evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500 * 1000; evhttp_cancel_request(req); event_loopexit(&tv); ++test_ok; } static void http_cancel_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; struct timeval tv; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_never_call, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ tt_int_op(evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/delay"), !=, -1); evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100 * 1000; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_do_cancel, req, &tv); event_dispatch(); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); /* try to make another request over the same connection */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ tt_int_op(evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test"), !=, -1); event_dispatch(); /* make another request: request empty reply */ test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_empty_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Empty", "itis"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ tt_int_op(evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test"), !=, -1); event_dispatch(); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_request_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { const char *what = arg; if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(what)) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), what, strlen(what)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_request_expect_error(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { if (req->response_code == HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } /* test virtual hosts */ static void http_virtual_host_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; struct evhttp *second = NULL, *third = NULL; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* virtual host */ second = evhttp_new(NULL); evhttp_set_cb(second, "/funnybunny", http_basic_cb, NULL); third = evhttp_new(NULL); evhttp_set_cb(third, "/blackcoffee", http_basic_cb, NULL); if (evhttp_add_virtual_host(http, "foo.com", second) == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't add vhost"); } if (evhttp_add_virtual_host(http, "bar.*.foo.com", third) == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't add wildcarded vhost"); } evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* make a request with a different host and expect an error */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_expect_error, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/funnybunny") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok == 1); test_ok = 0; /* make a request with the right host and expect a response */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "foo.com"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/funnybunny") == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok == 1); test_ok = 0; /* make a request with the right host and expect a response */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void*) BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "bar.magic.foo.com"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/blackcoffee") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok == 1) end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } /* test date header and content length */ static void http_request_empty_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Date") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Length") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (strcmp(evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Length"), "0")) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } /* * HTTP DISPATCHER test */ void http_dispatcher_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = evbuffer_new(); event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "DISPATCHER_TEST"); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine", evb); evbuffer_free(evb); } static void http_dispatcher_test_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { const char *what = "DISPATCHER_TEST"; if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (content type)\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(what)) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (length %lu vs %lu)\n", (unsigned long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), (unsigned long)strlen(what)); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), what, strlen(what)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (data)\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_dispatcher_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* also bind to local host */ evhttp_connection_set_local_address(evcon, ""); /* * At this point, we want to schedule an HTTP GET request * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_dispatcher_test_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/?arg=val") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } /* * HTTP POST test. */ void http_postrequest_done(struct evhttp_request *, void *); #define POST_DATA "Okay. Not really printf" static void http_post_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * At this point, we want to schedule an HTTP POST request * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_postrequest_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); evbuffer_add_printf(req->output_buffer, POST_DATA); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_POST, "/postit") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); evhttp_connection_free(evcon); evhttp_free(http); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 1); end: ; } void http_post_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb; event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); /* Yes, we are expecting a post request */ if (req->type != EVHTTP_REQ_POST) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (post type)\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(POST_DATA)) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (length: %lu vs %lu)\n", (unsigned long) EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), (unsigned long) strlen(POST_DATA)); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), POST_DATA, strlen(POST_DATA))) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (data)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Got :%s\n", EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer)); fprintf(stdout, "Want:%s\n", POST_DATA); exit(1); } evb = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is fine", evb); evbuffer_free(evb); } void http_postrequest_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { const char *what = BASIC_REQUEST_BODY; if (req == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (timeout)\n"); exit(1); } if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (response code)\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (content type)\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(what)) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (length %lu vs %lu)\n", (unsigned long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), (unsigned long)strlen(what)); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), what, strlen(what)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (data)\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } /* * HTTP PUT test, basically just like POST, but ... */ void http_putrequest_done(struct evhttp_request *, void *); #define PUT_DATA "Hi, I'm some PUT data" static void http_put_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * Schedule the HTTP PUT request */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_putrequest_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "someotherhost"); evbuffer_add_printf(req->output_buffer, PUT_DATA); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_PUT, "/putit") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); evhttp_connection_free(evcon); evhttp_free(http); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 1); end: ; } void http_put_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb; event_debug(("%s: called\n", __func__)); /* Expecting a PUT request */ if (req->type != EVHTTP_REQ_PUT) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (put type)\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(PUT_DATA)) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (length: %lu vs %lu)\n", (unsigned long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), (unsigned long)strlen(PUT_DATA)); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), PUT_DATA, strlen(PUT_DATA))) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (data)\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Got :%s\n", EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer)); fprintf(stdout, "Want:%s\n", PUT_DATA); exit(1); } evb = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "That ain't funny"); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Everything is great", evb); evbuffer_free(evb); } void http_putrequest_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { const char *what = "That ain't funny"; if (req == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (timeout)\n"); exit(1); } if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (response code)\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (content type)\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != strlen(what)) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (length %lu vs %lu)\n", (unsigned long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), (unsigned long)strlen(what)); exit(1); } if (memcmp(EVBUFFER_DATA(req->input_buffer), what, strlen(what)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED (data)\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_failure_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { const char *what = "400 Bad Request"; if (evbuffer_find(bufferevent_get_input(bev), (const unsigned char*) what, strlen(what)) != NULL) { test_ok = 2; bufferevent_disable(bev, EV_READ); event_loopexit(NULL); } } /* * Testing that the HTTP server can deal with a malformed request. */ static void http_failure_test(void) { struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_failure_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "illegal request\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); evhttp_free(http); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); end: ; } static void close_detect_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct timeval tv; tt_assert(req); tt_assert(req->response_code == HTTP_OK); test_ok = 1; end: evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 3; event_loopexit(&tv); } static void close_detect_launch(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { struct evhttp_connection *evcon = arg; struct evhttp_request *req; req = evhttp_request_new(close_detect_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/test") == -1) { tt_fail_msg("Couldn't make request"); } } static void close_detect_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evhttp_connection *evcon = arg; struct timeval tv; if (req != NULL && req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { tt_abort_msg("Failed"); } evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 3; /* longer than the http time out */ /* launch a new request on the persistent connection in 3 seconds */ event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, close_detect_launch, evcon, &tv); end: ; } static void _http_close_detection(int with_delay) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* 2 second timeout */ evhttp_set_timeout(http, 1); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); delayed_client = evcon; /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(close_detect_cb, evcon); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, with_delay ? "/largedelay" : "/test") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("couldn't make request"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); /* at this point, the http server should have no connection */ tt_assert(TAILQ_FIRST(&http->connections) == NULL); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_close_detection_test(void) { _http_close_detection(0); } static void http_close_detection_delay_test(void) { _http_close_detection(1); } static void http_highport_test(void) { int i = -1; struct evhttp *myhttp = NULL; /* Try a few different ports */ for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { myhttp = evhttp_start("", 65535 - i); if (myhttp != NULL) { test_ok = 1; evhttp_free(myhttp); return; } } tt_fail_msg("Couldn't get a high port"); } static void http_bad_header_test(void *ptr) { struct evkeyvalq headers; TAILQ_INIT(&headers); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One", "Two") == 0); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One", "Two\r\n Three") == 0); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One\r", "Two") == -1); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One\n", "Two") == -1); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One", "Two\r") == -1); tt_want(evhttp_add_header(&headers, "One", "Two\n") == -1); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); } static int validate_header( const struct evkeyvalq* headers, const char *key, const char *value) { const char *real_val = evhttp_find_header(headers, key); tt_assert(real_val != NULL); tt_want(strcmp(real_val, value) == 0); end: return (0); } static void http_parse_query_test(void *ptr) { struct evkeyvalq headers; int r; TAILQ_INIT(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test&foo=bar", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test") == 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "foo", "bar") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test+foo", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test foo") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test%0Afoo", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test\nfoo") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test%0Dfoo", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test\rfoo") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test&&q2", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, -1); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test+this", &headers); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test this") == 0); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=test&q2=foo", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "test") == 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q2", "foo") == 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q&q2=foo", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, -1); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=foo&q2", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, -1); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=foo&q2&q3=x", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, -1); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); r = evhttp_parse_query("http://www.test.com/?q=&q2=&q3=", &headers); tt_int_op(r, ==, 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q", "") == 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q2", "") == 0); tt_want(validate_header(&headers, "q3", "") == 0); evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); end: evhttp_clear_headers(&headers); } static void http_parse_uri_test(void *ptr) { struct evhttp_uri *uri = NULL; char url_tmp[4096]; #define TT_URI(want) do { \ char *ret = evhttp_uri_join(uri, url_tmp, sizeof(url_tmp)); \ tt_want(ret != NULL); \ tt_want(ret == url_tmp); \ if (strcmp(ret,want) != 0) \ TT_FAIL(("\"%s\" != \"%s\"",ret,want)); \ } while(0) tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(NULL, 0, 0) == NULL); tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(NULL, url_tmp, 0) == NULL); tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(NULL, url_tmp, sizeof(url_tmp)) == NULL); /* bad URIs: parsing */ #define BAD(s) do { \ if (evhttp_uri_parse(s) != NULL) \ TT_FAIL(("Expected error parsing \"%s\"",s)); \ } while(0) BAD("http://www.test.com/ why hello"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hello\x01"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hello?\x01"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hello#\x01"); BAD("http://www.\x01.test.com/why-hello"); BAD("http://www.%7test.com/why-hello"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hell%7o"); BAD("h%3ttp://www.test.com/why-hello"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hello%7"); BAD("http://www.test.com/why-hell%7o"); BAD("http://www.test.com/foo?ba%r"); BAD("http://www.test.com/foo#ba%r"); BAD("99:99/foo"); BAD("http://www.test.com:999x/"); BAD("http://www.test.com:x/"); BAD("http://[hello-there]/"); BAD("http://[::1]]/"); BAD("http://[::1/"); BAD("http://[foob/"); BAD("http://[/"); BAD("http://[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:Ffff:ffff:ffff:" "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]/"); BAD("http://[vX.foo]/"); BAD("http://[vX.foo]/"); BAD("http://[v.foo]/"); BAD("http://[v5.fo%o]/"); BAD("http://[v5X]/"); BAD("http://[v5]/"); BAD("http://[]/"); BAD("http://f\x01red@www.example.com/"); BAD("http://f%0red@www.example.com/"); BAD("http://www.example.com:9999999999999999999999999999999999999/"); BAD("http://www.example.com:hihi/"); BAD("://www.example.com/"); /* bad URIs: joining */ uri = calloc(sizeof(struct evhttp_uri),1); uri->host = (char*)"www.example.com"; tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(uri, url_tmp, sizeof(url_tmp)) != NULL); /* not enough space: */ tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(uri, url_tmp, 3) == NULL); /* host is set, but path doesn't start with "/": */ uri->path = (char*)"hi_mom"; tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(uri, url_tmp, sizeof(url_tmp)) == NULL); tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(uri, NULL, sizeof(url_tmp))==NULL); tt_want(evhttp_uri_join(uri, url_tmp, 0)==NULL); free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("mailto:foo@bar"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->host == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(!strcmp(uri->scheme, "mailto")); tt_want(!strcmp(uri->path, "foo@bar")); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("mailto:foo@bar"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://www.test.com/?q=t%33est"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=t%33est") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://www.test.com/?q=t%33est"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://%77ww.test.com"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "%77ww.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://%77ww.test.com"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://www.test.com?q=test"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://www.test.com?q=test"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://www.test.com#fragment"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want_str_op(uri->fragment, ==, "fragment"); TT_URI("http://www.test.com#fragment"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://8000/"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "8000") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://8000/"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://:8000/"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == 8000); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://:8000/"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://www.test.com:/"); /* empty port */ tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want_str_op(uri->path, ==, "/"); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://www.test.com/"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("http://www.test.com:"); /* empty port 2 */ tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "http") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("http://www.test.com"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("ftp://www.test.com/?q=test"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ftp") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "www.test.com") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("ftp://www.test.com/?q=test"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("ftp://[::1]:999/?q=test"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ftp") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "[::1]") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == 999); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("ftp://[::1]:999/?q=test"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("ftp://[ff00::]/?q=test"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ftp") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "[ff00::]") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("ftp://[ff00::]/?q=test"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("ftp://[v99.not_(any:time)_soon]/?q=test"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "ftp") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "[v99.not_(any:time)_soon]") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("ftp://[v99.not_(any:time)_soon]/?q=test"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("scheme://user:pass@foo.com:42/?q=test&s=some+thing#fragment"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "scheme") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->userinfo, "user:pass") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "foo.com") == 0); tt_want(uri->port == 42); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=test&s=some+thing") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "fragment") == 0); TT_URI("scheme://user:pass@foo.com:42/?q=test&s=some+thing#fragment"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("scheme://user@foo.com/#fragment"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "scheme") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->userinfo, "user") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "foo.com") == 0); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "fragment") == 0); TT_URI("scheme://user@foo.com/#fragment"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("scheme://%75ser@foo.com/#frag@ment"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "scheme") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->userinfo, "%75ser") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "foo.com") == 0); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "frag@ment") == 0); TT_URI("scheme://%75ser@foo.com/#frag@ment"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("file:///some/path/to/the/file"); tt_want(strcmp(uri->scheme, "file") == 0); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/some/path/to/the/file") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("file:///some/path/to/the/file"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("///some/path/to/the-file"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->scheme == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(strcmp(uri->host, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/some/path/to/the-file") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("///some/path/to/the-file"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("/s:ome/path/to/the-file?q=99#fred"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->scheme == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->host == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "/s:ome/path/to/the-file") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=99") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "fred") == 0); TT_URI("/s:ome/path/to/the-file?q=99#fred"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("relative/path/with/co:lon"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->scheme == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->host == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "relative/path/with/co:lon") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(uri->fragment == NULL); TT_URI("relative/path/with/co:lon"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("bob?q=99&q2=q?33#fr?ed"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->scheme == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->host == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "bob") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->query, "q=99&q2=q?33") == 0); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "fr?ed") == 0); TT_URI("bob?q=99&q2=q?33#fr?ed"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); uri = evhttp_uri_parse("#fr?ed"); tt_want(uri != NULL); tt_want(uri->scheme == NULL); tt_want(uri->userinfo == NULL); tt_want(uri->host == NULL); tt_want(uri->port == -1); tt_want(strcmp(uri->path, "") == 0); tt_want(uri->query == NULL); tt_want(strcmp(uri->fragment, "fr?ed") == 0); TT_URI("#fr?ed"); evhttp_uri_free(uri); } static void http_uriencode_test(void *ptr) { char *s=NULL, *s2=NULL; size_t sz; #define ENC(from,want,plus) do { \ s = evhttp_uriencode((from), -1, (plus)); \ tt_assert(s); \ tt_str_op(s,==,(want)); \ sz = -1; \ s2 = evhttp_uridecode((s), (plus), &sz); \ tt_assert(s2); \ tt_str_op(s2,==,(from)); \ tt_int_op(sz,==,strlen(from)); \ free(s); \ free(s2); \ s = s2 = NULL; \ } while (0) #define DEC(from,want,dp) do { \ s = evhttp_uridecode((from),(dp),&sz); \ tt_assert(s); \ tt_str_op(s,==,(want)); \ tt_int_op(sz,==,strlen(want)); \ free(s); \ s = NULL; \ } while (0) #define OLD_DEC(from,want) do { \ s = evhttp_decode_uri((from)); \ tt_assert(s); \ tt_str_op(s,==,(want)); \ free(s); \ s = NULL; \ } while (0) ENC("Hello", "Hello",0); ENC("99", "99",0); ENC("", "",0); ENC( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789-.~_", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789-.~_",0); ENC(" ", "%20",0); ENC(" ", "+",1); ENC("\xff\xf0\xe0", "%FF%F0%E0",0); ENC("\x01\x19", "%01%19",1); ENC("http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt", "http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ietf.org%2Frfc%2Frfc3986.txt",1); ENC("1+2=3", "1%2B2%3D3",1); ENC("1+2=3", "1%2B2%3D3",0); /* Now try encoding with internal NULs. */ s = evhttp_uriencode("hello\0world", 11, 0); tt_assert(s); tt_str_op(s,==,"hello%00world"); free(s); s = NULL; /* Now try out some decoding cases that we don't generate with * encode_uri: Make sure that malformed stuff doesn't crash... */ DEC("%%xhello th+ere \xff", "%%xhello th+ere \xff", 0); /* Make sure plus decoding works */ DEC("plus+should%20work+", "plus should work ",1); /* Try some lowercase hex */ DEC("%f0%a0%b0", "\xf0\xa0\xb0",1); /* Try an internal NUL. */ sz = 0; s = evhttp_uridecode("%00%00x%00%00", 1, &sz); tt_int_op(sz,==,5); tt_assert(!memcmp(s, "\0\0x\0\0", 5)); free(s); s = NULL; /* Try with size == NULL */ sz = 0; s = evhttp_uridecode("%00%00x%00%00", 1, NULL); tt_assert(!memcmp(s, "\0\0x\0\0", 5)); free(s); s = NULL; /* Test out the crazy old behavior of the deprecated * evhttp_decode_uri */ OLD_DEC("http://example.com/normal+path/?key=val+with+spaces", "http://example.com/normal+path/?key=val with spaces"); end: if (s) free(s); if (s2) free(s2); #undef ENC #undef DEC #undef OLD_DEC } static void http_base_test(void *ptr) { struct event_base *base = NULL; struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0; test_ok = 0; base = event_init(); http = http_setup(&port, base); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_readcb, http_writecb, http_errorcb, NULL); bufferevent_base_set(base, bev); http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); event_base_dispatch(base); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_closesocket(fd); evhttp_free(http); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); end: if (base) event_base_free(base); } /* * the server is just going to close the connection if it times out during * reading the headers. */ static void http_incomplete_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { test_ok = -1; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_incomplete_errorcb(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *arg) { if (what == (EVBUFFER_READ | EVBUFFER_EOF)) test_ok++; else test_ok = -2; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_incomplete_writecb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { if (arg != NULL) { evutil_socket_t fd = *(evutil_socket_t *)arg; /* terminate the write side to simulate EOF */ shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bufferevent_get_output(bev)) == 0) { /* enable reading of the reply */ bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); test_ok++; } } static void _http_incomplete_test(int use_timeout) { struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evhttp_set_timeout(http, 1); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_incomplete_readcb, http_incomplete_writecb, http_incomplete_errorcb, use_timeout ? NULL : &fd); http_request = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); bufferevent_free(bev); if (use_timeout) { evutil_closesocket(fd); } evhttp_free(http); if (use_timeout && tv_end.tv_sec >= 3) { tt_abort_msg("time"); } else if (!use_timeout && tv_end.tv_sec >= 1) { /* we should be done immediately */ tt_abort_msg("time"); } tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); end: ; } static void http_incomplete_test(void) { _http_incomplete_test(0); } static void http_incomplete_timeout_test(void) { _http_incomplete_test(1); } /* * the server is going to reply with chunked data. */ static void http_chunked_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { /* nothing here */ } static void http_chunked_errorcb(struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *arg) { if (!test_ok) goto out; test_ok = -1; if ((what & EVBUFFER_EOF) != 0) { struct evhttp_request *req = evhttp_request_new(NULL, NULL); const char *header; enum message_read_status done; req->kind = EVHTTP_RESPONSE; done = evhttp_parse_firstline(req, bufferevent_get_input(bev)); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; done = evhttp_parse_headers(req, bufferevent_get_input(bev)); if (done != ALL_DATA_READ) goto out; header = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Transfer-Encoding"); if (header == NULL || strcmp(header, "chunked")) goto out; header = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Connection"); if (header == NULL || strcmp(header, "close")) goto out; header = evbuffer_readln(bufferevent_get_input(bev), NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF); if (header == NULL) goto out; /* 13 chars */ if (strcmp(header, "d")) goto out; free((char*)header); if (strncmp((char *)evbuffer_pullup(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 13), "This is funny", 13)) goto out; evbuffer_drain(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 13 + 2); header = evbuffer_readln(bufferevent_get_input(bev), NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF); if (header == NULL) goto out; /* 18 chars */ if (strcmp(header, "12")) goto out; free((char *)header); if (strncmp((char *)evbuffer_pullup(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 18), "but not hilarious.", 18)) goto out; evbuffer_drain(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 18 + 2); header = evbuffer_readln(bufferevent_get_input(bev), NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF); if (header == NULL) goto out; /* 8 chars */ if (strcmp(header, "8")) goto out; free((char *)header); if (strncmp((char *)evbuffer_pullup(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 8), "bwv 1052.", 8)) goto out; evbuffer_drain(bufferevent_get_input(bev), 8 + 2); header = evbuffer_readln(bufferevent_get_input(bev), NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF); if (header == NULL) goto out; /* 0 chars */ if (strcmp(header, "0")) goto out; free((char *)header); test_ok = 2; evhttp_request_free(req); } out: event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_chunked_writecb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(bufferevent_get_output(bev)) == 0) { /* enable reading of the reply */ bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); test_ok++; } } static void http_chunked_request_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Transfer-Encoding") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer) != 13 + 18 + 8) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } if (strncmp((char *)evbuffer_pullup(req->input_buffer, 13 + 18 + 8), "This is funnybut not hilarious.bwv 1052", 13 + 18 + 8)) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } test_ok = 1; event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_chunk_out_test(void) { struct bufferevent *bev; evutil_socket_t fd; const char *http_request; ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; int i; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_chunked_readcb, http_chunked_writecb, http_chunked_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "GET /chunked HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); bufferevent_free(bev); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, <, 1); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 2); /* now try again with the regular connection object */ evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* make two requests to check the keepalive behavior */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_chunked_request_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/chunked") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); tt_assert(test_ok == 1); } end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_stream_out_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_request_done, (void *)"This is funnybut not hilarious.bwv 1052"); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/streamed") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_stream_in_chunk(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *reply = arg; if (req->response_code != HTTP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } evbuffer_add_buffer(reply, req->input_buffer); } static void http_stream_in_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { if (evbuffer_get_length(req->input_buffer) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_loopexit(NULL); } /** * Makes a request and reads the response in chunks. */ static void _http_stream_in_test(char const *url, size_t expected_len, char const *expected) { struct evhttp_connection *evcon; struct evbuffer *reply = evbuffer_new(); struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; ev_uint16_t port = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); req = evhttp_request_new(http_stream_in_done, reply); evhttp_request_set_chunked_cb(req, http_stream_in_chunk); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, url) == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); if (evbuffer_get_length(reply) != expected_len) { TT_DIE(("reply length %lu; expected %lu; FAILED (%s)\n", (unsigned long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(reply), (unsigned long)expected_len, (char*)evbuffer_pullup(reply, -1))); } if (memcmp(evbuffer_pullup(reply, -1), expected, expected_len) != 0) { tt_abort_msg("Memory mismatch"); } test_ok = 1; end: if (reply) evbuffer_free(reply); if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_stream_in_test(void) { _http_stream_in_test("/chunked", 13 + 18 + 8, "This is funnybut not hilarious.bwv 1052"); _http_stream_in_test("/test", strlen(BASIC_REQUEST_BODY), BASIC_REQUEST_BODY); } static void http_stream_in_cancel_chunk(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { tt_int_op(req->response_code, ==, HTTP_OK); end: evhttp_cancel_request(req); event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_stream_in_cancel_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { /* should never be called */ tt_fail_msg("In cancel done"); } static void http_stream_in_cancel_test(void) { struct evhttp_connection *evcon; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; ev_uint16_t port = 0; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); req = evhttp_request_new(http_stream_in_cancel_done, NULL); evhttp_request_set_chunked_cb(req, http_stream_in_cancel_chunk); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/chunked") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } event_dispatch(); test_ok = 1; end: evhttp_connection_free(evcon); evhttp_free(http); } static void http_connection_retry_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { tt_assert(req); tt_int_op(req->response_code, !=, HTTP_OK); if (evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Content-Type") != NULL) { tt_abort_msg("(content type)\n"); } tt_uint_op(EVBUFFER_LENGTH(req->input_buffer), ==, 0); test_ok = 1; end: event_loopexit(NULL); } static void http_make_web_server(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { ev_uint16_t port = *(ev_uint16_t*)arg; http = http_setup(&port, NULL); } static void http_connection_retry_test(void) { ev_uint16_t port = 0; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; struct timeval tv, tv_start, tv_end; test_ok = 0; /* auto detect a port */ http = http_setup(&port, NULL); evhttp_free(http); http = NULL; evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); tt_assert(evcon); evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evcon, 1); /* also bind to local host */ evhttp_connection_set_local_address(evcon, ""); /* * At this point, we want to schedule an HTTP GET request * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(http_connection_retry_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/?arg=val") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, <, 1); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 1); /* * now test the same but with retries */ test_ok = 0; evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evcon, 1); evhttp_connection_set_retries(evcon, 1); req = evhttp_request_new(http_connection_retry_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/?arg=val") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, >, 1); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, <, 6); tt_assert(test_ok == 1); /* * now test the same but with retries and give it a web server * at the end */ test_ok = 0; evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evcon, 1); evhttp_connection_set_retries(evcon, 3); req = evhttp_request_new(http_dispatcher_test_done, NULL); tt_assert(req); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/?arg=val") == -1) { tt_abort_msg("Couldn't make request"); } /* start up a web server one second after the connection tried * to send a request */ evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = 1; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_make_web_server, &port, &tv); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, >, 1); tt_int_op(tv_end.tv_sec, <, 6); tt_int_op(test_ok, ==, 1); end: if (evcon) evhttp_connection_free(evcon); if (http) evhttp_free(http); } static void http_primitives(void *ptr) { char *escaped = NULL; struct evhttp *http; escaped = evhttp_htmlescape("