--- os: - linux - osx sudo: false dist: trusty osx_image: xcode10.1 branches: except: - /.*appveyor.*/ - /.*win.*/ - /.*mingw.*/ - /.*freebsd.*/ - /.*bitrise.*/ git: quiet: true env: matrix: - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__DISABLE_OPENSSL=ON" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT=ON" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__DISABLE_DEBUG_MODE=ON" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__DISABLE_MM_REPLACEMENT=ON" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-openssl" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-thread-support" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-debug-mode" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-malloc-replacement" matrix: include: # clang - os: linux env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="" compiler: clang - os: linux env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=autotools EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="" compiler: clang ## coveralls #- os: linux # env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__COVERAGE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug" COVERALLS=yes # test-export - os: linux env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__LIBRARY_TYPE=STATIC -DEVENT__DISABLE_TESTS=ON -DEVENT__DISABLE_SAMPLES=ON" TEST_EXPORT=STATIC - os: linux env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DEVENT__LIBRARY_TYPE=SHARED -DEVENT__DISABLE_TESTS=ON -DEVENT__DISABLE_SAMPLES=ON" TEST_EXPORT=SHARED # for openssl1.1 - os: linux dist: bionic env: EVENT_BUILD_METHOD=cmake EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS="" OPENSSL_1_1=yes ## deploy documentation to github pages #- os: linux # env: TOOL=doxygen # addons: # apt: # packages: # - doxygen # - doxygen-doc # - doxygen-latex # - doxygen-gui # - graphviz # - cmake # branches: # only: # - master # if: repo = libevent/libevent AND branch = master AND type != pull_request fast_finish: true language: c # osx will use Apple LLVM clang, but we are fine with this, # since we just use default compiler. compiler: gcc before_install: - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then pip install --user cpp-coveralls; fi - export JOBS=20 - export TIMEOUT=50 - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then export OPENSSL_ROOT=$(echo /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/*); export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$OPENSSL_ROOT/include CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENSSL_ROOT/lib; export CFLAGS=-I$CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH LDFLAGS=-L$CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH; export JOBS=1; fi addons: apt: sources: - xenial - sourceline: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main' packages: - zlib1g-dev - libssl-dev - build-essential - automake - autoconf - cmake - lcov homebrew: packages: - openssl - lcov - libtool - gcc script: - if [ "$EVENT_BUILD_METHOD" = "autotools" ]; then ./autogen.sh; ./configure $EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS; time make -j $JOBS; time make -j $JOBS verify; fi - if [ "$EVENT_BUILD_METHOD" = "cmake" ]; then export CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=$JOBS CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1; mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. $EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS; if [ "$TEST_EXPORT" == "STATIC" ]; then cmake --build .; sudo python3 ../test-export/test-export.py static; elif [ "$TEST_EXPORT" == "SHARED" ]; then cmake --build .; sudo python3 ../test-export/test-export.py shared; else time cmake --build .; time cmake --build . --target verify; fi fi - if [ "$TOOL" == "doxygen" ]; then eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"; openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_82aa789583ed_key -iv $encrypted_82aa789583ed_iv -in .github/travis-ci-key.enc -out .github/travis-ci-key -d; chmod 600 .github/travis-ci-key; ssh-add .github/travis-ci-key; mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DEVENT__DOXYGEN=ON .. && cmake --build . --target doxygen; cd doxygen/html; git init; git add -f .; git commit -am "Update documentation ($TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG@$TRAVIS_COMMIT)"; git push -f git@github.com:libevent/doc.git master; fi after_script: - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then coveralls --build-root . --root .. --exclude test --exclude sample --exclude cmake --exclude build/CMakeFiles/CheckTypeSize --exclude build/CMakeFiles/CompilerIdC --gcov-options '\-lp'; fi