# - Config file for the Libevent package # It defines the following variables # LIBEVENT_FOUND - true if libevent and all required components found on the system # LIBEVENT_xxx_FOUND - true if component xxx(see available components) found on the system # LIBEVENT_VERSION - libevent version in format Major.Minor.Patch # LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS - directories where libevent header is located. # LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR - same as DIRS # LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES - libevent library to link against. # LIBEVENT_LIBRARY - same as LIBRARIES # # These variables are deprecated, don't use them. # LIBEVENT_STATIC_LIBRARIES - libraries to link against (archive/static) # LIBEVENT_SHARED_LIBRARIES - libraries to link against (shared) # # When you try to locate the libevent libraries, you should specify which components you want to use. # The following table lists all available components. If none is given, all imported targets will used. # core - the core functions of libevent # extra - extra functions, contains http, dns and rpc # pthreads - multiple threads for libevent, does not exist on Windows # openssl - OpenSSL support for libevent # mbedtls - MbedTLS support for libevent # # By default, the shared libraries of libevent will be found. To find the static ones instead, # you must set the LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK variable to TRUE before calling find_package(Libevent ...). # If no component provided, all components will be used. # example: # set(LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK TRUE) # find_package(Libevent 2.2 REQUIRED COMPONENTS core) # include_directories(${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Can be omitted # target_link_libraries(myapp ${LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES}) # or target_link_libraries(myapp libevent::core) # # find_package() can handle dependencies automatically. For example, given the 'openssl' component, # all dependencies (libevent_core, libssl, libcrypto and openssl include directories) will be found. set(LIBEVENT_VERSION @EVENT_PACKAGE_VERSION@) # Load the dependencies of all components. As find_dependency propagates the original # find_package attributes (i.e. required or not), there's no need to repeat this or filter # by component. include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro) find_dependency(Threads) if(@EVENT__HAVE_MBEDTLS@) find_dependency(MbedTLS) endif() if(@EVENT__HAVE_OPENSSL@) find_dependency(OpenSSL) endif() # IMPORTED targets from LibeventTargets.cmake set(LIBEVENT_STATIC_LIBRARIES "@LIBEVENT_STATIC_LIBRARIES@") set(LIBEVENT_SHARED_LIBRARIES "@LIBEVENT_SHARED_LIBRARIES@") # Default to the same type as libevent was built: if(NOT DEFINED LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK) set(LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK NOT @EVENT_LIBRARY_SHARED@) endif() if(${LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK}) set(_LIB_TYPE static) set(_AVAILABLE_LIBS "${LIBEVENT_STATIC_LIBRARIES}") # CMake before 3.15 doesn't link OpenSSL to pthread/dl, do it ourselves instead if (${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.15.0" AND ${LIBEVENT_STATIC_LINK} AND ${OPENSSL_FOUND} AND ${Threads_FOUND}) set_property(TARGET OpenSSL::Crypto APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES Threads::Threads) set_property(TARGET OpenSSL::Crypto APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) endif () else() set(_LIB_TYPE shared) set(_AVAILABLE_LIBS "${LIBEVENT_SHARED_LIBRARIES}") endif() macro(message_if_needed _flag _msg) if (NOT ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(${_flag} "${_msg}") endif() endmacro() macro(no_component_msg _comp) if(${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_${_comp}) set(pthreadlib) if(NOT WIN32) set(pthreadlib ", pthreads") endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "Your libevent library does not contain a ${_comp} component!\n" "The valid components are core, extra${pthreadlib}, openssl and mbedtls.") else() message_if_needed(WARNING "Your libevent library does not contain a ${_comp} component!") endif() endmacro() set(_EVENT_COMPONENTS) if(${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS) foreach(_comp ${${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS}) list(FIND _AVAILABLE_LIBS ${_comp} _INDEX) if(_INDEX GREATER -1) list(APPEND _EVENT_COMPONENTS ${_comp}) else() no_component_msg(${_comp}) endif() endforeach() else() set(_EVENT_COMPONENTS ${_AVAILABLE_LIBS}) endif() set(_POSSIBLE_PKG_NAMES) list(APPEND _POSSIBLE_PKG_NAMES ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME} LIBEVENT Libevent libevent) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _POSSIBLE_PKG_NAMES) macro(set_case_insensitive_found _comp) foreach(name ${_POSSIBLE_PKG_NAMES}) if("${_comp}" STREQUAL "") set(${name}_FOUND TRUE) set(${name}_NOTFOUND FALSE) else() set(${name}_${_comp}_FOUND TRUE) set(${name}_${_comp}_NOTFOUND FALSE) endif() endforeach() endmacro() foreach(_comp ${_EVENT_COMPONENTS}) list(APPEND LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES "libevent::${_comp}") set_case_insensitive_found(${_comp}) endforeach() if(LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES) set(LIBEVENT_LIBRARY ${LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES}) # Avoid including targets more than once. if(NOT TARGET libevent::core) # Include the project Targets file, this contains definitions for IMPORTED targets. include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/LibeventTargets-${_LIB_TYPE}.cmake) endif() get_target_property(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS libevent::core INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_filename_component(LIBEVENT_INSTALL_PREFIX "${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS}" PATH) message_if_needed(STATUS "Found libevent ${LIBEVENT_VERSION} in ${LIBEVENT_INSTALL_PREFIX}") else() if(${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can not find any libraries for libevent.") else() message_if_needed(WARNING "Can not find any libraries for libevent.") endif() endif() set(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR ${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) unset(_LIB_TYPE) unset(_AVAILABLE_LIBS) unset(_EVENT_COMPONENTS) unset(_POSSIBLE_PKG_NAMES)