version: 2.2.0.{build} os: Visual Studio 2015 build: verbosity: detailed environment: global: CYG_ROOT: C:/MinGW/msys/1.0 matrix: - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "autotools" EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: "" - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "" # Since we have FREE billing plan, let's reduce amount of builds to make # primary two runs/starts faster. # # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "autotools" # EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: "--disable-openssl" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "autotools" # EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: "--disable-thread-support" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "autotools" # EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: "--disable-debug-mode" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "autotools" # EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: "--disable-malloc-replacement" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" # EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DEVENT__DISABLE_OPENSSL=ON" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" # EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DEVENT__DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT=ON" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" # EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DEVENT__DISABLE_DEBUG_MODE=ON" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" # EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DEVENT__DISABLE_MM_REPLACEMENT=ON" # - EVENT_BUILD_METHOD: "cmake" # EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS: "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE'" init: - 'echo Building libevent %version% for Windows' - 'echo System architecture: %PLATFORM%' - 'echo Repo build branch is: %APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%' - 'echo Build folder is: %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%' - 'echo Repo build commit is: %APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT%' - 'echo Cygwin root is: %CYG_ROOT%' install: - C:\MinGW\bin\mingw-get install autotools autoconf automake build_script: - ps: | if ($env:EVENT_BUILD_METHOD -eq 'autotools') { $env:PATH="$env:CYG_ROOT\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;$($env:PATH)" bash -lc "echo 'C:\MinGW /mingw' > /etc/fstab" bash -lc "echo 'C:\OpenSSL-Win32 /ssl' >> /etc/fstab" $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER = $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER -replace "\\", "/" bash -lc "exec 0&1; cd $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; bash -x ./ && ./configure LDFLAGS='-L/ssl -L/ssl/lib -L/ssl/lib/MinGW' CFLAGS=-I/ssl/include $env:EVENT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS && make && make verify -j20" } else { md build cd build cmake .. $env:EVENT_CMAKE_OPTIONS cmake --build . $env:CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL="20" ctest --output-on-failure } on_failure: - 7z a . - appveyor PushArtifact