mirror of https://github.com/lua/lua.git synced 2025-02-04 06:13:04 +08:00
Roberto Ierusalimschy 314745ed84 Avoid excessive name pollution in test files
Test files are more polite regarding the use of globals when locals
would do, and when globals are necessary deleting them after use.
2022-12-28 18:34:11 -03:00

492 lines
12 KiB

-- $Id: testes/events.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print('testing metatables')
local debug = require'debug'
X = 20; B = 30
_ENV = setmetatable({}, {__index=_G})
X = X+10
assert(X == 30 and _G.X == 20)
B = false
assert(B == false)
_ENV["B"] = undef
assert(B == 30)
assert(getmetatable{} == nil)
assert(getmetatable(4) == nil)
assert(getmetatable(nil) == nil)
a={name = "NAME"}; setmetatable(a, {__metatable = "xuxu",
__tostring=function(x) return x.name end})
assert(getmetatable(a) == "xuxu")
assert(tostring(a) == "NAME")
-- cannot change a protected metatable
assert(pcall(setmetatable, a, {}) == false)
a.name = "gororoba"
assert(tostring(a) == "gororoba")
local a, t = {10,20,30; x="10", y="20"}, {}
assert(setmetatable(a,t) == a)
assert(getmetatable(a) == t)
assert(setmetatable(a,nil) == a)
assert(getmetatable(a) == nil)
assert(setmetatable(a,t) == a)
function f (t, i, e)
assert(not e)
local p = rawget(t, "parent")
return (p and p[i]+3), "dummy return"
t.__index = f
a.parent = {z=25, x=12, [4] = 24}
assert(a[1] == 10 and a.z == 28 and a[4] == 27 and a.x == "10")
a = setmetatable({}, t)
function f(t, i, v) rawset(t, i, v-3) end
setmetatable(t, t) -- causes a bug in 5.1 !
t.__newindex = f
a[1] = 30; a.x = "101"; a[5] = 200
assert(a[1] == 27 and a.x == 98 and a[5] == 197)
do -- bug in Lua 5.3.2
local mt = {}
mt.__newindex = mt
local t = setmetatable({}, mt)
t[1] = 10 -- will segfault on some machines
assert(mt[1] == 10)
local c = {}
a = setmetatable({}, t)
t.__newindex = c
t.__index = c
a[1] = 10; a[2] = 20; a[3] = 90;
for i = 4, 20 do a[i] = i * 10 end
assert(a[1] == 10 and a[2] == 20 and a[3] == 90)
for i = 4, 20 do assert(a[i] == i * 10) end
assert(next(a) == nil)
local a;
a = setmetatable({}, {__index = setmetatable({},
{__index = setmetatable({},
{__index = function (_,n) return a[n-3]+4, "lixo" end})})})
a[0] = 20
for i=0,10 do
assert(a[i*3] == 20 + i*4)
do -- newindex
local foi
local a = {}
for i=1,10 do a[i] = 0; a['a'..i] = 0; end
setmetatable(a, {__newindex = function (t,k,v) foi=true; rawset(t,k,v) end})
foi = false; a[1]=0; assert(not foi)
foi = false; a['a1']=0; assert(not foi)
foi = false; a['a11']=0; assert(foi)
foi = false; a[11]=0; assert(foi)
foi = false; a[1]=undef; assert(not foi)
a[1] = undef
foi = false; a[1]=nil; assert(foi)
setmetatable(t, nil)
function f (t, ...) return t, {...} end
t.__call = f
local x,y = a(table.unpack{'a', 1})
assert(x==a and y[1]=='a' and y[2]==1 and y[3]==undef)
x,y = a()
assert(x==a and y[1]==undef)
local b = setmetatable({}, t)
function f(op)
return function (...) cap = {[0] = op, ...} ; return (...) end
t.__add = f("add")
t.__sub = f("sub")
t.__mul = f("mul")
t.__div = f("div")
t.__idiv = f("idiv")
t.__mod = f("mod")
t.__unm = f("unm")
t.__pow = f("pow")
t.__len = f("len")
t.__band = f("band")
t.__bor = f("bor")
t.__bxor = f("bxor")
t.__shl = f("shl")
t.__shr = f("shr")
t.__bnot = f("bnot")
t.__lt = f("lt")
t.__le = f("le")
local function checkcap (t)
assert(#cap + 1 == #t)
for i = 1, #t do
assert(cap[i - 1] == t[i])
assert(math.type(cap[i - 1]) == math.type(t[i]))
-- Some tests are done inside small anonymous functions to ensure
-- that constants go to constant table even in debug compilation,
-- when the constant table is very small.
assert(b+5 == b); checkcap{"add", b, 5}
assert(5.2 + b == 5.2); checkcap{"add", 5.2, b}
assert(b+'5' == b); checkcap{"add", b, '5'}
assert(5+b == 5); checkcap{"add", 5, b}
assert('5'+b == '5'); checkcap{"add", '5', b}
b=b-3; assert(getmetatable(b) == t); checkcap{"sub", b, 3}
assert(5-a == 5); checkcap{"sub", 5, a}
assert('5'-a == '5'); checkcap{"sub", '5', a}
assert(a*a == a); checkcap{"mul", a, a}
assert(a/0 == a); checkcap{"div", a, 0}
assert(a/0.0 == a); checkcap{"div", a, 0.0}
assert(a%2 == a); checkcap{"mod", a, 2}
assert(a // (1/0) == a); checkcap{"idiv", a, 1/0}
;(function () assert(a & "hi" == a) end)(); checkcap{"band", a, "hi"}
;(function () assert(10 & a == 10) end)(); checkcap{"band", 10, a}
;(function () assert(a | 10 == a) end)(); checkcap{"bor", a, 10}
assert(a | "hi" == a); checkcap{"bor", a, "hi"}
assert("hi" ~ a == "hi"); checkcap{"bxor", "hi", a}
;(function () assert(10 ~ a == 10) end)(); checkcap{"bxor", 10, a}
assert(-a == a); checkcap{"unm", a, a}
assert(a^4.0 == a); checkcap{"pow", a, 4.0}
assert(a^'4' == a); checkcap{"pow", a, '4'}
assert(4^a == 4); checkcap{"pow", 4, a}
assert('4'^a == '4'); checkcap{"pow", '4', a}
assert(#a == a); checkcap{"len", a, a}
assert(~a == a); checkcap{"bnot", a, a}
assert(a << 3 == a); checkcap{"shl", a, 3}
assert(1.5 >> a == 1.5); checkcap{"shr", 1.5, a}
-- for comparison operators, all results are true
assert(5.0 > a); checkcap{"lt", a, 5.0}
assert(a >= 10); checkcap{"le", 10, a}
assert(a <= -10.0); checkcap{"le", a, -10.0}
assert(a < -10); checkcap{"lt", a, -10}
-- test for rawlen
t = setmetatable({1,2,3}, {__len = function () return 10 end})
assert(#t == 10 and rawlen(t) == 3)
assert(rawlen"abc" == 3)
assert(not pcall(rawlen, io.stdin))
assert(not pcall(rawlen, 34))
assert(not pcall(rawlen))
-- rawlen for long strings
assert(rawlen(string.rep('a', 1000)) == 1000)
t = {}
t.__lt = function (a,b,c)
assert(c == nil)
if type(a) == 'table' then a = a.x end
if type(b) == 'table' then b = b.x end
return a<b, "dummy"
t.__le = function (a,b,c)
assert(c == nil)
if type(a) == 'table' then a = a.x end
if type(b) == 'table' then b = b.x end
return a<=b, "dummy"
t.__eq = function (a,b,c)
assert(c == nil)
if type(a) == 'table' then a = a.x end
if type(b) == 'table' then b = b.x end
return a == b, "dummy"
function Op(x) return setmetatable({x=x}, t) end
local function test (a, b, c)
assert(not(Op(1)<Op(1)) and (Op(1)<Op(2)) and not(Op(2)<Op(1)))
assert(not(1 < Op(1)) and (Op(1) < 2) and not(2 < Op(1)))
assert(not(Op('a')<Op('a')) and (Op('a')<Op('b')) and not(Op('b')<Op('a')))
assert(not('a' < Op('a')) and (Op('a') < 'b') and not(Op('b') < Op('a')))
assert((Op(1)<=Op(1)) and (Op(1)<=Op(2)) and not(Op(2)<=Op(1)))
assert((Op('a')<=Op('a')) and (Op('a')<=Op('b')) and not(Op('b')<=Op('a')))
assert(not(Op(1)>Op(1)) and not(Op(1)>Op(2)) and (Op(2)>Op(1)))
assert(not(Op('a')>Op('a')) and not(Op('a')>Op('b')) and (Op('b')>Op('a')))
assert((Op(1)>=Op(1)) and not(Op(1)>=Op(2)) and (Op(2)>=Op(1)))
assert((1 >= Op(1)) and not(1 >= Op(2)) and (Op(2) >= 1))
assert((Op('a')>=Op('a')) and not(Op('a')>=Op('b')) and (Op('b')>=Op('a')))
assert(('a' >= Op('a')) and not(Op('a') >= 'b') and (Op('b') >= Op('a')))
assert(Op(1) == Op(1) and Op(1) ~= Op(2))
assert(Op('a') == Op('a') and Op('a') ~= Op('b'))
assert(a == a and a ~= b)
assert(Op(3) == c)
test(Op(1), Op(2), Op(3))
-- test `partial order'
local function rawSet(x)
local y = {}
for _,k in pairs(x) do y[k] = 1 end
return y
local function Set(x)
return setmetatable(rawSet(x), t)
t.__lt = function (a,b)
for k in pairs(a) do
if not b[k] then return false end
b[k] = undef
return next(b) ~= nil
t.__le = function (a,b)
for k in pairs(a) do
if not b[k] then return false end
return true
assert(Set{1,2,3} < Set{1,2,3,4})
assert(not(Set{1,2,3,4} < Set{1,2,3,4}))
assert((Set{1,2,3,4} <= Set{1,2,3,4}))
assert((Set{1,2,3,4} >= Set{1,2,3,4}))
assert(not (Set{1,3} <= Set{3,5}))
assert(not(Set{1,3} <= Set{3,5}))
assert(not(Set{1,3} >= Set{3,5}))
t.__eq = function (a,b)
for k in pairs(a) do
if not b[k] then return false end
b[k] = undef
return next(b) == nil
local s = Set{1,3,5}
assert(s == Set{3,5,1})
assert(not rawequal(s, Set{3,5,1}))
assert(rawequal(s, s))
assert(Set{1,3,5,1} == rawSet{3,5,1})
assert(rawSet{1,3,5,1} == Set{3,5,1})
assert(Set{1,3,5} ~= Set{3,5,1,6})
-- '__eq' is not used for table accesses
t[Set{1,3,5}] = 1
assert(t[Set{1,3,5}] == undef)
do -- test invalidating flags
local mt = {__eq = true}
local a = setmetatable({10}, mt)
local b = setmetatable({10}, mt)
mt.__eq = nil
assert(a ~= b) -- no metamethod
mt.__eq = function (x,y) return x[1] == y[1] end
assert(a == b) -- must use metamethod now
if not T then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping tests for \z
userdata <<<\n')
local u1 = T.newuserdata(0, 1)
local u2 = T.newuserdata(0, 1)
local u3 = T.newuserdata(0, 1)
assert(u1 ~= u2 and u1 ~= u3)
debug.setuservalue(u1, 1);
debug.setuservalue(u2, 2);
debug.setuservalue(u3, 1);
debug.setmetatable(u1, {__eq = function (a, b)
return debug.getuservalue(a) == debug.getuservalue(b)
debug.setmetatable(u2, {__eq = function (a, b)
return true
assert(u1 == u3 and u3 == u1 and u1 ~= u2)
assert(u2 == u1 and u2 == u3 and u3 == u2)
assert(u2 ~= {}) -- different types cannot be equal
assert(rawequal(u1, u1) and not rawequal(u1, u3))
local mirror = {}
debug.setmetatable(u3, {__index = mirror, __newindex = mirror})
for i = 1, 10 do u3[i] = i end
for i = 1, 10 do assert(u3[i] == i) end
t.__concat = function (a,b,c)
assert(c == nil)
if type(a) == 'table' then a = a.val end
if type(b) == 'table' then b = b.val end
if A then return a..b
return setmetatable({val=a..b}, t)
c = {val="c"}; setmetatable(c, t)
d = {val="d"}; setmetatable(d, t)
A = true
assert(c..d == 'cd')
assert(0 .."a".."b"..c..d.."e".."f"..(5+3).."g" == "0abcdef8g")
A = false
assert((c..d..c..d).val == 'cdcd')
x = c..d
assert(getmetatable(x) == t and x.val == 'cd')
x = 0 .."a".."b"..c..d.."e".."f".."g"
assert(x.val == "0abcdefg")
-- concat metamethod x numbers (bug in 5.1.1)
c = {}
local x
setmetatable(c, {__concat = function (a,b)
assert(type(a) == "number" and b == c or type(b) == "number" and a == c)
return c
assert(c..5 == c and 5 .. c == c)
assert(4 .. c .. 5 == c and 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. c == c)
-- test comparison compatibilities
local t1, t2, c, d
t1 = {}; c = {}; setmetatable(c, t1)
d = {}
t1.__eq = function () return true end
t1.__lt = function () return true end
t1.__le = function () return false end
setmetatable(d, t1)
assert(c == d and c < d and not(d <= c))
t2 = {}
t2.__eq = t1.__eq
t2.__lt = t1.__lt
setmetatable(d, t2)
assert(c == d and c < d and not(d <= c))
-- test for several levels of calls
local i
local tt = {
__call = function (t, ...)
i = i+1
if t.f then return t.f(...)
else return {...}
local a = setmetatable({}, tt)
local b = setmetatable({f=a}, tt)
local c = setmetatable({f=b}, tt)
i = 0
x = c(3,4,5)
assert(i == 3 and x[1] == 3 and x[3] == 5)
assert(_G.X == 20)
_G.X, _G.B = nil
local _g = _G
_ENV = setmetatable({}, {__index=function (_,k) return _g[k] end})
a = {}
rawset(a, "x", 1, 2, 3)
assert(a.x == 1 and rawget(a, "x", 3) == 1)
print '+'
-- testing metatables for basic types
mt = {__index = function (a,b) return a+b end,
__len = function (x) return math.floor(x) end}
debug.setmetatable(10, mt)
assert(getmetatable(-2) == mt)
assert((10)[3] == 13)
assert((10)["3"] == 13)
assert(#3.45 == 3)
debug.setmetatable(23, nil)
assert(getmetatable(-2) == nil)
debug.setmetatable(true, mt)
assert(getmetatable(false) == mt)
mt.__index = function (a,b) return a or b end
assert((true)[false] == true)
assert((false)[false] == false)
debug.setmetatable(false, nil)
assert(getmetatable(true) == nil)
debug.setmetatable(nil, mt)
assert(getmetatable(nil) == mt)
mt.__add = function (a,b) return (a or 1) + (b or 2) end
assert(10 + nil == 12)
assert(nil + 23 == 24)
assert(nil + nil == 3)
debug.setmetatable(nil, nil)
assert(getmetatable(nil) == nil)
debug.setmetatable(nil, {})
-- loops in delegation
a = {}; setmetatable(a, a); a.__index = a; a.__newindex = a
assert(not pcall(function (a,b) return a[b] end, a, 10))
assert(not pcall(function (a,b,c) a[b] = c end, a, 10, true))
-- bug in 5.1
T, K, V = nil
grandparent = {}
grandparent.__newindex = function(t,k,v) T=t; K=k; V=v end
parent = {}
parent.__newindex = parent
setmetatable(parent, grandparent)
child = setmetatable({}, parent)
child.foo = 10 --> CRASH (on some machines)
assert(T == parent and K == "foo" and V == 10)
print 'OK'
return 12