mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 06:13:04 +08:00
Instead of using 'alimit' for keeping the size of the array and at the same time being a hint for '#t', a table now keeps these two values separate. The Table structure has a field 'asize' with the size of the array, while the length hint is kept in the array itself. That way, tables with no array part waste no space with that field. Moreover, the space for the hint may have zero cost for small arrays, if the array of tags plus the hint still fits in a single word.
942 lines
22 KiB
942 lines
22 KiB
-- $Id: testes/nextvar.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print('testing tables, next, and for')
local function checkerror (msg, f, ...)
local s, err = pcall(f, ...)
assert(not s and string.find(err, msg))
local function printTable (t)
local a, h = T.querytab(t)
for i = 1, a do
print("", T.querytab(t, i - 1))
for i = 1, h do
print("", T.querytab(t, a + i - 1))
local function countentries (t)
local e = 0
for _ in pairs(t) do e = e + 1 end
return e
local function check (t, na, nh)
if not T then return end
local a, h = T.querytab(t)
if a ~= na or h ~= nh then
print(na, nh, a, h)
local a = {}
-- make sure table has lots of space in hash part
for i=1,100 do a[i.."+"] = true end
for i=1,100 do a[i.."+"] = undef end
-- fill hash part with numeric indices testing size operator
for i=1,100 do
a[i] = true
assert(#a == i)
do -- rehash moving elements from array to hash
local a = {}
for i = 1, 100 do a[i] = i end
check(a, 128, 0)
for i = 5, 95 do a[i] = nil end
check(a, 128, 0)
a[129] = 1 -- force a re-hash
check(a, 4, 8) -- keys larger than 4 go to the hash part
for i = 1, 4 do assert(a[i] == i) end
for i = 5, 95 do assert(a[i] == nil) end
for i = 96, 100 do assert(a[i] == i) end
assert(a[129] == 1)
do -- growing hash part keeping array part
local a = table.create(1000)
check(a, 1000, 0)
a.x = 10
check(a, 1000, 1) -- array part keeps its elements
do -- "growing" length of a prebuilt table
local N = 100
local a = table.create(N)
for i = 1, N do
a[#a + 1] = true
assert(#a == i)
check(a, N, 0)
-- testing ipairs
local x = 0
for k,v in ipairs{10,20,30;x=12} do
x = x + 1
assert(k == x and v == x * 10)
for _ in ipairs{x=12, y=24} do assert(nil) end
-- test for 'false' x ipair
x = false
local i = 0
for k,v in ipairs{true,false,true,false} do
i = i + 1
x = not x
assert(x == v)
assert(i == 4)
-- iterator function is always the same
assert(type(ipairs{}) == 'function' and ipairs{} == ipairs{})
do -- overflow (must wrap-around)
local f = ipairs{}
local k, v = f({[math.mininteger] = 10}, math.maxinteger)
assert(k == math.mininteger and v == 10)
k, v = f({[math.mininteger] = 10}, k)
assert(k == nil)
-- alternate insertions and deletions in an almost full hash.
-- In versions pre-5.5, that causes constant rehashings and
-- takes a long time to complete.
local a = {}
for i = 1, 2^11 - 1 do
a[i .. ""] = true
for i = 1, 1e5 do
local key = i .. "."
a[key] = true
a[key] = nil
assert(countentries(a) == 2^11 - 1)
if not T then
(Message or print)
('\n >>> testC not active: skipping tests for table sizes <<<\n')
else --[
-- testing table sizes
-- minimum power of 2 (or zero) >= n
local function mp2 (n)
local mp = 2^math.ceil(math.log(n, 2))
assert((mp == 0 or mp/2 < n) and n <= mp)
return mp
-- testing C library sizes
local s = 0
for _ in pairs(math) do s = s + 1 end
check(math, 0, mp2(s))
-- testing constructor sizes
local sizes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 254, 255, 256, 257, 500, 1001}
for _, sa in ipairs(sizes) do -- 'sa' is size of the array part
local arr = {"return {"}
for i = 1, sa do arr[1 + i] = "1," end -- build array part
for _, sh in ipairs(sizes) do -- 'sh' is size of the hash part
for j = 1, sh do -- build hash part
arr[1 + sa + j] = string.format('k%x=%d,', j, j)
arr[1 + sa + sh + 1] = "}"
local prog = table.concat(arr)
local f = assert(load(prog))
f() -- call once to ensure stack space
-- make sure table is not resized after being created
if sa == 0 or sh == 0 then
T.alloccount(2); -- header + array or hash part
T.alloccount(3); -- header + array part + hash part
local t = f()
assert(#t == sa)
check(t, sa, mp2(sh))
-- tests with unknown number of elements
local a = {}
for i=1,sizes[#sizes] do a[i] = i end -- build auxiliary table
for k in ipairs(sizes) do
local t = {table.unpack(a,1,k)}
assert(#t == k)
check(t, k, 0)
t = {1,2,3,table.unpack(a,1,k)}
check(t, k+3, 0)
assert(#t == k + 3)
-- testing tables dynamically built
local lim = 130
local a = {}; a[2] = 1; check(a, 2, 0)
a = {}; a[0] = 1; check(a, 0, 1);
a[2] = 1; check(a, 2, 1)
a = {}; a[0] = 1; a[1] = 1; check(a, 1, 1)
a = {}
for i = 1,lim do
a[i] = 1
assert(#a == i)
check(a, mp2(i), 0)
a = {}
for i = 1,lim do
a['a'..i] = 1
assert(#a == 0)
check(a, 0, mp2(i))
-- insert and delete elements until a rehash occurr. Caller must ensure
-- that a rehash will change the shape of the table. Must repeat because
-- the insertion may collide with the deleted element, and then there is
-- no rehash.
local function forcerehash (t)
local na, nh = T.querytab(t)
local i = 10000
i = i + 1
t[i] = true
t[i] = undef
local nna, nnh = T.querytab(t)
until nna ~= na or nnh ~= nh
local a = {}
for i=1,16 do a[i] = i end
check(a, 16, 0)
for i=1,11 do a[i] = undef end
check(a, 16, 0)
a[30] = true -- force a rehash
a[30] = undef
check(a, 0, 8) -- 5 elements in the hash part: [12]-[16]
a[10] = 1
check(a, 16, 1)
for i=1,14 do a[i] = true; a[i] = undef end
check(a, 16, 1) -- no rehash...
a[31] = true; a[32] = true -- force a rehash
check(a, 0, 4) -- [15], [16], [31], [32]
-- reverse filling
local N = 2^10
local a = {}
for i = N, 1, -1 do a[i] = i end -- fill in reverse
check(a, mp2(N), 0)
do -- "almost sparse" arrays
-- create table with holes in 1/3 of its entries; all its
-- elements are always in the array part
local a = {}
for i = 1, 257 do
if i % 3 ~= 1 then
a[i] = true
check(a, mp2(i), 0)
-- alternate insertions and deletions should give some extra
-- space for the hash part. Otherwise, a mix of insertions/deletions
-- could cause too many rehashes. (See the other test for "alternate
-- insertions and deletions" in this file.)
local a = {}
for i = 1, 256 do
a[i .. ""] = true
check(a, 0, 256) -- hash part is full
a["256"] = nil -- delete a key
-- table has only 255 elements, but it got some extra space;
-- otherwise, almost each delete-insert would rehash the table again.
assert(countentries(a) == 255)
check(a, 0, 512)
-- size tests for vararg
lim = 35
local function foo (n, ...)
local arg = {...}
check(arg, n, 0)
assert(select('#', ...) == n)
arg[n+1] = true
check(arg, mp2(n+1), 0)
arg.x = true
check(arg, mp2(n+1), 1)
local a = {}
for i=1,lim do a[i] = true; foo(i, table.unpack(a)) end
end --]
-- test size operation on tables with nils
assert(#{} == 0)
assert(#{nil} == 0)
assert(#{nil, nil} == 0)
assert(#{nil, nil, nil} == 0)
assert(#{nil, nil, nil, nil} == 0)
assert(#{1, 2, 3, nil, nil} == 3)
local s1, s2 = math.randomseed()
"testing length for some random tables (seeds 0X%x:%x)", s1, s2))
local N = 130
for i = 1, 1e3 do -- create that many random tables
local a = table.create(math.random(N)) -- initiate with random size
for j = 1, math.random(N) do -- add random number of random entries
a[math.random(N)] = true
assert(#a == 0 or a[#a] and not a[#a + 1])
local nofind = {}
a,b,c = 1,2,3
a,b,c = nil
-- next uses always the same iteraction function
assert(next{} == next{})
local function find (name)
local n,v
while 1 do
n,v = next(_G, n)
if not n then return nofind end
assert(_G[n] ~= undef)
if n == name then return v end
local function find1 (name)
for n,v in pairs(_G) do
if n==name then return v end
return nil -- not found
assert(print==find("print") and print == find1("print"))
assert(not find1("return"))
_G["ret" .. "urn"] = undef
_G["xxx"] = 1
-- invalid key to 'next'
checkerror("invalid key", next, {10,20}, 3)
-- both 'pairs' and 'ipairs' need an argument
checkerror("bad argument", pairs)
checkerror("bad argument", ipairs)
a = {}
for i=0,10000 do
if math.fmod(i,10) ~= 0 then
a['x'..i] = i
n = {n=0}
for i,v in pairs(a) do
n.n = n.n+1
assert(i and v and a[i] == v)
assert(n.n == 9000)
a = nil
do -- clear global table
local a = {}
for n,v in pairs(_G) do a[n]=v end
for n,v in pairs(a) do
if not package.loaded[n] and type(v) ~= "function" and
not string.find(n, "^[%u_]") then
_G[n] = undef
local function checknext (a)
local b = {}
do local k,v = next(a); while k do b[k] = v; k,v = next(a,k) end end
for k,v in pairs(b) do assert(a[k] == v) end
for k,v in pairs(a) do assert(b[k] == v) end
assert(#{} == 0)
assert(#{[-1] = 2} == 0)
for i=0,40 do
local a = {}
for j=1,i do a[j]=j end
assert(#a == i)
-- 'maxn' is now deprecated, but it is easily defined in Lua
function table.maxn (t)
local max = 0
for k in pairs(t) do
max = (type(k) == 'number') and math.max(max, k) or max
return max
assert(table.maxn{} == 0)
assert(table.maxn{["1000"] = true} == 0)
assert(table.maxn{["1000"] = true, [24.5] = 3} == 24.5)
assert(table.maxn{[1000] = true} == 1000)
assert(table.maxn{[10] = true, [100*math.pi] = print} == 100*math.pi)
table.maxn = nil
-- int overflow
a = {}
for i=0,50 do a[2^i] = true end
do -- testing 'next' with all kinds of keys
local a = {
[1] = 1, -- integer
[1.1] = 2, -- float
['x'] = 3, -- short string
[string.rep('x', 1000)] = 4, -- long string
[print] = 5, -- C function
[checkerror] = 6, -- Lua function
[coroutine.running()] = 7, -- thread
[true] = 8, -- boolean
[io.stdin] = 9, -- userdata
[{}] = 10, -- table
local b = {}; for i = 1, 10 do b[i] = true end
for k, v in pairs(a) do
assert(b[v]); b[v] = undef
assert(next(b) == nil) -- 'b' now is empty
-- erasing values
local t = {[{1}] = 1, [{2}] = 2, [string.rep("x ", 4)] = 3,
[100.3] = 4, [4] = 5}
local n = 0
for k, v in pairs( t ) do
n = n+1
assert(t[k] == v)
t[k] = undef
assert(t[k] == undef)
assert(n == 5)
print("testing next x GC of deleted keys")
-- bug in 5.4.1
local co = coroutine.wrap(function (t)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
local k1 = next(t) -- all previous keys were deleted
assert(k == k1) -- current key is the first in the table
t[k] = nil
local expected = (type(k) == "table" and k[1] or
type(k) == "function" and k() or
string.sub(k, 1, 1))
assert(expected == v)
local t = {}
t[{1}] = 1 -- add several unanchored, collectable keys
t[{2}] = 2
t[string.rep("a", 50)] = "a" -- long string
t[string.rep("b", 50)] = "b"
t[{3}] = 3
t[string.rep("c", 10)] = "c" -- short string
t[function () return 10 end] = 10
local count = 7
while co(t) do
collectgarbage("collect") -- collect dead keys
count = count - 1
assert(count == 0 and next(t) == nil) -- traversed the whole table
local function test (a)
assert(not pcall(table.insert, a, 2, 20));
table.insert(a, 10); table.insert(a, 2, 20);
table.insert(a, 1, -1); table.insert(a, 40);
table.insert(a, #a+1, 50)
table.insert(a, 2, -2)
assert(a[2] ~= undef)
assert(a["2"] == undef)
assert(not pcall(table.insert, a, 0, 20));
assert(not pcall(table.insert, a, #a + 2, 20));
assert(table.remove(a,1) == -1)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == -2)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == 10)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == 20)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == 40)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == 50)
assert(table.remove(a,1) == nil)
assert(table.remove(a) == nil)
assert(table.remove(a, #a) == nil)
a = {n=0, [-7] = "ban"}
assert(a.n == 0 and a[-7] == "ban")
a = {[-7] = "ban"};
assert(a.n == nil and #a == 0 and a[-7] == "ban")
a = {[-1] = "ban"}
assert(#a == 0 and table.remove(a) == nil and a[-1] == "ban")
a = {[0] = "ban"}
assert(#a == 0 and table.remove(a) == "ban" and a[0] == undef)
table.insert(a, 1, 10); table.insert(a, 1, 20); table.insert(a, 1, -1)
assert(table.remove(a) == 10)
assert(table.remove(a) == 20)
assert(table.remove(a) == -1)
assert(table.remove(a) == nil)
a = {'c', 'd'}
table.insert(a, 3, 'a')
table.insert(a, 'b')
assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'c')
assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'd')
assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'a')
assert(table.remove(a, 1) == 'b')
assert(table.remove(a, 1) == nil)
assert(#a == 0 and a.n == nil)
a = {10,20,30,40}
assert(table.remove(a, #a + 1) == nil)
assert(not pcall(table.remove, a, 0))
assert(a[#a] == 40)
assert(table.remove(a, #a) == 40)
assert(a[#a] == 30)
assert(table.remove(a, 2) == 20)
assert(a[#a] == 30 and #a == 2)
do -- testing table library with metamethods
local function test (proxy, t)
for i = 1, 10 do
table.insert(proxy, 1, i)
assert(#proxy == 10 and #t == 10 and proxy[1] ~= undef)
for i = 1, 10 do
assert(t[i] == 11 - i)
for i = 1, 10 do
assert(t[i] == i and proxy[i] == i)
assert(table.concat(proxy, ",") == "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10")
for i = 1, 8 do
assert(table.remove(proxy, 1) == i)
assert(#proxy == 2 and #t == 2)
local a, b, c = table.unpack(proxy)
assert(a == 9 and b == 10 and c == nil)
-- all virtual
local t = {}
local proxy = setmetatable({}, {
__len = function () return #t end,
__index = t,
__newindex = t,
test(proxy, t)
-- only __newindex
local count = 0
t = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function (t,k,v) count = count + 1; rawset(t,k,v) end})
test(t, t)
assert(count == 10) -- after first 10, all other sets are not new
-- no __newindex
t = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function (_,k) return k + 1 end,
__len = function (_) return 5 end})
assert(table.concat(t, ";") == "2;3;4;5;6")
do -- testing overflow in table.insert (must wrap-around)
local t = setmetatable({},
{__len = function () return math.maxinteger end})
table.insert(t, 20)
local k, v = next(t)
assert(k == math.mininteger and v == 20)
if not T then
(Message or print)
('\n >>> testC not active: skipping tests for table library on non-tables <<<\n')
else --[
local debug = require'debug'
local tab = {10, 20, 30}
local mt = {}
local u = T.newuserdata(0)
checkerror("table expected", table.insert, u, 40)
checkerror("table expected", table.remove, u)
debug.setmetatable(u, mt)
checkerror("table expected", table.insert, u, 40)
checkerror("table expected", table.remove, u)
mt.__index = tab
checkerror("table expected", table.insert, u, 40)
checkerror("table expected", table.remove, u)
mt.__newindex = tab
checkerror("table expected", table.insert, u, 40)
checkerror("table expected", table.remove, u)
mt.__len = function () return #tab end
table.insert(u, 40)
assert(#u == 4 and #tab == 4 and u[4] == 40 and tab[4] == 40)
assert(table.remove(u) == 40)
table.insert(u, 1, 50)
assert(#u == 4 and #tab == 4 and u[4] == 30 and tab[1] == 50)
mt.__newindex = nil
mt.__len = nil
local tab2 = {}
local u2 = T.newuserdata(0)
debug.setmetatable(u2, {__newindex = function (_, k, v) tab2[k] = v end})
table.move(u, 1, 4, 1, u2)
assert(#tab2 == 4 and tab2[1] == tab[1] and tab2[4] == tab[4])
end -- ]
a = {}
for i=1,1000 do
a[i] = i; a[i - 1] = undef
assert(next(a,nil) == 1000 and next(a,1000) == nil)
assert(next({}) == nil)
assert(next({}, nil) == nil)
for a,b in pairs{} do error"not here" end
for i=1,0 do error'not here' end
for i=0,1,-1 do error'not here' end
a = nil; for i=1,1 do assert(not a); a=1 end; assert(a)
a = nil; for i=1,1,-1 do assert(not a); a=1 end; assert(a)
print("testing floats in numeric for")
local a
-- integer count
a = 0; for i=1, 1, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
a = 0; for i=10000, 1e4, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
a = 0; for i=1, 0.99999, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0)
a = 0; for i=9999, 1e4, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0)
a = 0; for i=1, 0.99999, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
-- float count
a = 0; for i=0, 0.999999999, 0.1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==10)
a = 0; for i=1.0, 1, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
a = 0; for i=-1.5, -1.5, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
a = 0; for i=1e6, 1e6, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
a = 0; for i=1.0, 0.99999, 1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0)
a = 0; for i=99999, 1e5, -1.0 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==0)
a = 0; for i=1.0, 0.99999, -1 do a=a+1 end; assert(a==1)
do -- attempt to change the control variable
local st, msg = load "for i = 1, 10 do i = 10 end"
assert(not st and string.find(msg, "assign to const variable 'i'"))
local st, msg = load "for v, k in pairs{} do v = 10 end"
assert(not st and string.find(msg, "assign to const variable 'v'"))
-- conversion
a = 0; for i="10","1","-2" do a=a+1 end; assert(a==5)
do -- checking types
local c
local function checkfloat (i)
assert(math.type(i) == "float")
c = c + 1
c = 0; for i = 1.0, 10 do checkfloat(i) end
assert(c == 10)
c = 0; for i = -1, -10, -1.0 do checkfloat(i) end
assert(c == 10)
local function checkint (i)
assert(math.type(i) == "integer")
c = c + 1
local m = math.maxinteger
c = 0; for i = m, m - 10, -1 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 11)
c = 0; for i = 1, 10.9 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 10)
c = 0; for i = 10, 0.001, -1 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 10)
c = 0; for i = 1, "10.8" do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 10)
c = 0; for i = 9, "3.4", -1 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 6)
c = 0; for i = 0, " -3.4 ", -1 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 4)
c = 0; for i = 100, "96.3", -2 do checkint(i) end
assert(c == 2)
c = 0; for i = 1, math.huge do if i > 10 then break end; checkint(i) end
assert(c == 10)
c = 0; for i = -1, -math.huge, -1 do
if i < -10 then break end; checkint(i)
assert(c == 10)
for i = math.mininteger, -10e100 do assert(false) end
for i = math.maxinteger, 10e100, -1 do assert(false) end
do -- testing other strange cases for numeric 'for'
local function checkfor (from, to, step, t)
local c = 0
for i = from, to, step do
c = c + 1
assert(i == t[c])
assert(c == #t)
local maxi = math.maxinteger
local mini = math.mininteger
checkfor(mini, maxi, maxi, {mini, -1, maxi - 1})
checkfor(mini, math.huge, maxi, {mini, -1, maxi - 1})
checkfor(maxi, mini, mini, {maxi, -1})
checkfor(maxi, mini, -maxi, {maxi, 0, -maxi})
checkfor(maxi, -math.huge, mini, {maxi, -1})
checkfor(maxi, mini, 1, {})
checkfor(mini, maxi, -1, {})
checkfor(maxi - 6, maxi, 3, {maxi - 6, maxi - 3, maxi})
checkfor(mini + 4, mini, -2, {mini + 4, mini + 2, mini})
local step = maxi // 10
local c = mini
for i = mini, maxi, step do
assert(i == c)
c = c + step
c = maxi
for i = maxi, mini, -step do
assert(i == c)
c = c - step
checkfor(maxi, maxi, maxi, {maxi})
checkfor(maxi, maxi, mini, {maxi})
checkfor(mini, mini, maxi, {mini})
checkfor(mini, mini, mini, {mini})
checkerror("'for' step is zero", function ()
for i = 1, 10, 0 do end
checkerror("'for' step is zero", function ()
for i = 1, -10, 0 do end
checkerror("'for' step is zero", function ()
for i = 1.0, -10, 0.0 do end
-- testing generic 'for'
local function f (n, p)
local t = {}; for i=1,p do t[i] = i*10 end
return function (_, n, ...)
assert(select("#", ...) == 0) -- no extra arguments
if n > 0 then
n = n-1
return n, table.unpack(t)
end, nil, n
local x = 0
for n,a,b,c,d in f(5,3) do
x = x+1
assert(a == 10 and b == 20 and c == 30 and d == nil)
assert(x == 5)
-- testing __pairs and __ipairs metamethod
a = {}
local x,y,z = pairs(a)
assert(type(x) == 'function' and y == a and z == nil)
local function foo (e,i)
assert(e == a)
if i <= 10 then return i+1, i+2 end
local function foo1 (e,i)
i = i + 1
assert(e == a)
if i <= e.n then return i,a[i] end
setmetatable(a, {__pairs = function (x) return foo, x, 0 end})
local i = 0
for k,v in pairs(a) do
i = i + 1
assert(k == i and v == k+1)
a.n = 5
a[3] = 30
-- testing ipairs with metamethods
a = {n=10}
setmetatable(a, { __index = function (t,k)
if k <= t.n then return k * 10 end
i = 0
for k,v in ipairs(a) do
i = i + 1
assert(k == i and v == i * 10)
assert(i == a.n)
-- testing yield inside __pairs
local t = setmetatable({10, 20, 30}, {__pairs = function (t)
local inc = coroutine.yield()
return function (t, i)
if i > 1 then return i - inc, t[i - inc] else return nil end
end, t, #t + 1
local res = {}
local co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
for i,p in pairs(t) do res[#res + 1] = p end
co() -- start coroutine
co(1) -- continue after yield
assert(res[1] == 30 and res[2] == 20 and res[3] == 10 and #res == 3)