mirror of https://github.com/lua/lua.git synced 2025-01-14 05:43:00 +08:00
Roberto Ierusalimschy 3d838f635c Added "emergency collection" to 'io.tmpfile' and 'os.tmpname'
These operations also can give errors for lack of resources, so they
also will try "emergency collections" in case of resource errors.
Because there are now two libraries with that kind of handling,
'resourcetryagain' was moved to the auxiliary library to be shared
by the libraries.
2018-07-27 15:50:53 -03:00

260 lines
8.2 KiB

** $Id: lauxlib.h $
** Auxiliary functions for building Lua libraries
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lauxlib_h
#define lauxlib_h
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lua.h"
/* global table */
#define LUA_GNAME "_G"
/* extra error code for 'luaL_loadfilex' */
/* key, in the registry, for table of loaded modules */
/* key, in the registry, for table of preloaded loaders */
typedef struct luaL_Reg {
const char *name;
lua_CFunction func;
} luaL_Reg;
#define LUAL_NUMSIZES (sizeof(lua_Integer)*16 + sizeof(lua_Number))
LUALIB_API void (luaL_checkversion_) (lua_State *L, lua_Number ver, size_t sz);
#define luaL_checkversion(L) \
LUALIB_API int (luaL_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_tolstring) (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_argerror) (lua_State *L, int arg, const char *extramsg);
LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int arg,
size_t *l);
LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int arg,
const char *def, size_t *l);
LUALIB_API lua_Number (luaL_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int arg);
LUALIB_API lua_Number (luaL_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int arg, lua_Number def);
LUALIB_API lua_Integer (luaL_checkinteger) (lua_State *L, int arg);
LUALIB_API lua_Integer (luaL_optinteger) (lua_State *L, int arg,
lua_Integer def);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_checktype) (lua_State *L, int arg, int t);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_checkany) (lua_State *L, int arg);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_setmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname);
LUALIB_API void *(luaL_testudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname);
LUALIB_API void *(luaL_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_checkoption) (lua_State *L, int arg, const char *def,
const char *const lst[]);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_fileresult) (lua_State *L, int stat, const char *fname);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_execresult) (lua_State *L, int stat);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_resourcetryagain) (lua_State *L);
/* predefined references */
#define LUA_NOREF (-2)
#define LUA_REFNIL (-1)
LUALIB_API int (luaL_ref) (lua_State *L, int t);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadfilex) (lua_State *L, const char *filename,
const char *mode);
#define luaL_loadfile(L,f) luaL_loadfilex(L,f,NULL)
LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadbufferx) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz,
const char *name, const char *mode);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_loadstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s);
LUALIB_API lua_State *(luaL_newstate) (void);
LUALIB_API lua_Integer (luaL_len) (lua_State *L, int idx);
LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_gsub) (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *p,
const char *r);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_setfuncs) (lua_State *L, const luaL_Reg *l, int nup);
LUALIB_API int (luaL_getsubtable) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *fname);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_traceback) (lua_State *L, lua_State *L1,
const char *msg, int level);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_requiref) (lua_State *L, const char *modname,
lua_CFunction openf, int glb);
** ===============================================================
** some useful macros
** ===============================================================
#define luaL_newlibtable(L,l) \
lua_createtable(L, 0, sizeof(l)/sizeof((l)[0]) - 1)
#define luaL_newlib(L,l) \
(luaL_checkversion(L), luaL_newlibtable(L,l), luaL_setfuncs(L,l,0))
#define luaL_argcheck(L, cond,arg,extramsg) \
((void)((cond) || luaL_argerror(L, (arg), (extramsg))))
#define luaL_checkstring(L,n) (luaL_checklstring(L, (n), NULL))
#define luaL_optstring(L,n,d) (luaL_optlstring(L, (n), (d), NULL))
#define luaL_typename(L,i) lua_typename(L, lua_type(L,(i)))
#define luaL_dofile(L, fn) \
(luaL_loadfile(L, fn) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
#define luaL_dostring(L, s) \
(luaL_loadstring(L, s) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
#define luaL_getmetatable(L,n) (lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (n)))
#define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d) (lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n)))
#define luaL_loadbuffer(L,s,sz,n) luaL_loadbufferx(L,s,sz,n,NULL)
** {======================================================
** Generic Buffer manipulation
** =======================================================
typedef struct luaL_Buffer {
char *b; /* buffer address */
size_t size; /* buffer size */
size_t n; /* number of characters in buffer */
lua_State *L;
union {
LUAI_MAXALIGN; /* ensure maximum alignment for buffer */
char b[LUAL_BUFFERSIZE]; /* initial buffer */
} init;
} luaL_Buffer;
#define luaL_addchar(B,c) \
((void)((B)->n < (B)->size || luaL_prepbuffsize((B), 1)), \
((B)->b[(B)->n++] = (c)))
#define luaL_addsize(B,s) ((B)->n += (s))
LUALIB_API void (luaL_buffinit) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B);
LUALIB_API char *(luaL_prepbuffsize) (luaL_Buffer *B, size_t sz);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_addlstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_addstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_addvalue) (luaL_Buffer *B);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_pushresult) (luaL_Buffer *B);
LUALIB_API void (luaL_pushresultsize) (luaL_Buffer *B, size_t sz);
LUALIB_API char *(luaL_buffinitsize) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B, size_t sz);
#define luaL_prepbuffer(B) luaL_prepbuffsize(B, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE)
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** File handles for IO library
** =======================================================
** A file handle is a userdata with metatable 'LUA_FILEHANDLE' and
** initial structure 'luaL_Stream' (it may contain other fields
** after that initial structure).
typedef struct luaL_Stream {
FILE *f; /* stream (NULL for incompletely created streams) */
lua_CFunction closef; /* to close stream (NULL for closed streams) */
} luaL_Stream;
/* }====================================================== */
** {==================================================================
** "Abstraction Layer" for basic report of messages and errors
** ===================================================================
/* print a string */
#if !defined(lua_writestring)
#define lua_writestring(s,l) fwrite((s), sizeof(char), (l), stdout)
/* print a newline and flush the output */
#if !defined(lua_writeline)
#define lua_writeline() (lua_writestring("\n", 1), fflush(stdout))
/* print an error message */
#if !defined(lua_writestringerror)
#define lua_writestringerror(s,p) \
(fprintf(stderr, (s), (p)), fflush(stderr))
/* }================================================================== */
** {============================================================
** Compatibility with deprecated conversions
** =============================================================
#define luaL_checkunsigned(L,a) ((lua_Unsigned)luaL_checkinteger(L,a))
#define luaL_optunsigned(L,a,d) \
#define luaL_checkint(L,n) ((int)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
#define luaL_optint(L,n,d) ((int)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
#define luaL_checklong(L,n) ((long)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
#define luaL_optlong(L,n,d) ((long)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
/* }============================================================ */