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synced 2025-02-04 06:13:04 +08:00
A to-be-closed variable is constant and it must have a close metamethod when it is created. A program has to go out of its way (e.g., by changing the variable's metamethod) to invalidate that check. So, it is not worth to test that again. If the program tampers with the metamethod, Lua will raise a regular error when attempting to call it.
274 lines
7.7 KiB
274 lines
7.7 KiB
** $Id: lfunc.c $
** Auxiliary functions to manipulate prototypes and closures
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#define lfunc_c
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lprefix.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
CClosure *luaF_newCclosure (lua_State *L, int nupvals) {
GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VCCL, sizeCclosure(nupvals));
CClosure *c = gco2ccl(o);
c->nupvalues = cast_byte(nupvals);
return c;
LClosure *luaF_newLclosure (lua_State *L, int nupvals) {
GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VLCL, sizeLclosure(nupvals));
LClosure *c = gco2lcl(o);
c->p = NULL;
c->nupvalues = cast_byte(nupvals);
while (nupvals--) c->upvals[nupvals] = NULL;
return c;
** fill a closure with new closed upvalues
void luaF_initupvals (lua_State *L, LClosure *cl) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cl->nupvalues; i++) {
GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VUPVAL, sizeof(UpVal));
UpVal *uv = gco2upv(o);
uv->v = &uv->u.value; /* make it closed */
cl->upvals[i] = uv;
luaC_objbarrier(L, cl, uv);
** Create a new upvalue at the given level, and link it to the list of
** open upvalues of 'L' after entry 'prev'.
static UpVal *newupval (lua_State *L, int tbc, StkId level, UpVal **prev) {
GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VUPVAL, sizeof(UpVal));
UpVal *uv = gco2upv(o);
UpVal *next = *prev;
uv->v = s2v(level); /* current value lives in the stack */
uv->tbc = tbc;
uv->u.open.next = next; /* link it to list of open upvalues */
uv->u.open.previous = prev;
if (next)
next->u.open.previous = &uv->u.open.next;
*prev = uv;
if (!isintwups(L)) { /* thread not in list of threads with upvalues? */
L->twups = G(L)->twups; /* link it to the list */
G(L)->twups = L;
return uv;
** Find and reuse, or create if it does not exist, an upvalue
** at the given level.
UpVal *luaF_findupval (lua_State *L, StkId level) {
UpVal **pp = &L->openupval;
UpVal *p;
lua_assert(isintwups(L) || L->openupval == NULL);
while ((p = *pp) != NULL && uplevel(p) >= level) { /* search for it */
lua_assert(!isdead(G(L), p));
if (uplevel(p) == level) /* corresponding upvalue? */
return p; /* return it */
pp = &p->u.open.next;
/* not found: create a new upvalue after 'pp' */
return newupval(L, 0, level, pp);
** Call closing method for object 'obj' with error message 'err'.
** (This function assumes EXTRA_STACK.)
static void callclosemethod (lua_State *L, TValue *obj, TValue *err) {
StkId top = L->top;
const TValue *tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, obj, TM_CLOSE);
setobj2s(L, top, tm); /* will call metamethod... */
setobj2s(L, top + 1, obj); /* with 'self' as the 1st argument */
setobj2s(L, top + 2, err); /* and error msg. as 2nd argument */
L->top = top + 3; /* add function and arguments */
luaD_callnoyield(L, top, 0); /* call method */
** Check whether 'obj' has a close metamethod and raise an error
** if not.
static void checkclosemth (lua_State *L, StkId level, const TValue *obj) {
const TValue *tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, obj, TM_CLOSE);
if (ttisnil(tm)) { /* no metamethod? */
int idx = cast_int(level - L->ci->func); /* variable index */
const char *vname = luaG_findlocal(L, L->ci, idx, NULL);
if (vname == NULL) vname = "?";
luaG_runerror(L, "variable '%s' got a non-closable value", vname);
** Prepare and call a closing method.
** If status is CLOSEKTOP, the call to the closing method will be pushed
** at the top of the stack. Otherwise, values can be pushed right after
** the 'level' of the upvalue being closed, as everything after that
** won't be used again.
static void prepcallclosemth (lua_State *L, StkId level, int status) {
TValue *uv = s2v(level); /* value being closed */
TValue *errobj;
if (status == CLOSEKTOP)
errobj = &G(L)->nilvalue; /* error object is nil */
else { /* 'luaD_seterrorobj' will set top to level + 2 */
errobj = s2v(level + 1); /* error object goes after 'uv' */
luaD_seterrorobj(L, status, level + 1); /* set error object */
callclosemethod(L, uv, errobj);
** Try to create a to-be-closed upvalue
** (can raise a memory-allocation error)
static void trynewtbcupval (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
newupval(L, 1, cast(StkId, ud), &L->openupval);
** Create a to-be-closed upvalue. If there is a memory error
** when creating the upvalue, the closing method must be called here,
** as there is no upvalue to call it later.
void luaF_newtbcupval (lua_State *L, StkId level) {
TValue *obj = s2v(level);
lua_assert(L->openupval == NULL || uplevel(L->openupval) < level);
if (!l_isfalse(obj)) { /* false doesn't need to be closed */
int status;
checkclosemth(L, level, obj);
status = luaD_rawrunprotected(L, trynewtbcupval, level);
if (unlikely(status != LUA_OK)) { /* memory error creating upvalue? */
lua_assert(status == LUA_ERRMEM);
luaD_seterrorobj(L, LUA_ERRMEM, level + 1); /* save error message */
callclosemethod(L, s2v(level), s2v(level + 1));
luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRMEM); /* throw memory error */
void luaF_unlinkupval (UpVal *uv) {
*uv->u.open.previous = uv->u.open.next;
if (uv->u.open.next)
uv->u.open.next->u.open.previous = uv->u.open.previous;
** Close all upvalues up to the given stack level. A 'status' equal
** to NOCLOSINGMETH closes upvalues without running any __close
** metamethods.
void luaF_close (lua_State *L, StkId level, int status) {
UpVal *uv;
StkId upl; /* stack index pointed by 'uv' */
while ((uv = L->openupval) != NULL && (upl = uplevel(uv)) >= level) {
TValue *slot = &uv->u.value; /* new position for value */
lua_assert(uplevel(uv) < L->top);
luaF_unlinkupval(uv); /* remove upvalue from 'openupval' list */
setobj(L, slot, uv->v); /* move value to upvalue slot */
uv->v = slot; /* now current value lives here */
if (!iswhite(uv)) { /* neither white nor dead? */
nw2black(uv); /* closed upvalues cannot be gray */
luaC_barrier(L, uv, slot);
if (uv->tbc && status != NOCLOSINGMETH) {
ptrdiff_t levelrel = savestack(L, level);
prepcallclosemth(L, upl, status); /* may change the stack */
level = restorestack(L, levelrel);
Proto *luaF_newproto (lua_State *L) {
GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VPROTO, sizeof(Proto));
Proto *f = gco2p(o);
f->k = NULL;
f->sizek = 0;
f->p = NULL;
f->sizep = 0;
f->code = NULL;
f->sizecode = 0;
f->lineinfo = NULL;
f->sizelineinfo = 0;
f->abslineinfo = NULL;
f->sizeabslineinfo = 0;
f->upvalues = NULL;
f->sizeupvalues = 0;
f->numparams = 0;
f->is_vararg = 0;
f->maxstacksize = 0;
f->locvars = NULL;
f->sizelocvars = 0;
f->linedefined = 0;
f->lastlinedefined = 0;
f->source = NULL;
return f;
void luaF_freeproto (lua_State *L, Proto *f) {
luaM_freearray(L, f->code, f->sizecode);
luaM_freearray(L, f->p, f->sizep);
luaM_freearray(L, f->k, f->sizek);
luaM_freearray(L, f->lineinfo, f->sizelineinfo);
luaM_freearray(L, f->abslineinfo, f->sizeabslineinfo);
luaM_freearray(L, f->locvars, f->sizelocvars);
luaM_freearray(L, f->upvalues, f->sizeupvalues);
luaM_free(L, f);
** Look for n-th local variable at line 'line' in function 'func'.
** Returns NULL if not found.
const char *luaF_getlocalname (const Proto *f, int local_number, int pc) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i<f->sizelocvars && f->locvars[i].startpc <= pc; i++) {
if (pc < f->locvars[i].endpc) { /* is variable active? */
if (local_number == 0)
return getstr(f->locvars[i].varname);
return NULL; /* not found */