> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/development.md](../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/development.md).
**The Docs Structure is dictated by [.vitepress/config.ts](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs/.vitepress/config.ts)**.
Mermaid uses a [Git Flow](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/)–inspired approach to branching. So development is done in the `develop` branch.
We make all changes via Pull Requests. As we have many Pull Requests from developers new to mermaid, we have put in place a process, wherein _knsv, Knut Sveidqvist_ is the primary reviewer of changes and merging pull requests. The process is as follows:
The docs are located in the `src/docs` folder and are written in Markdown. Just pick the right section and start typing. If you want to propose changes to the structure of the documentation, such as adding a new section or a new file you do that via **[.vitepress/config.ts](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs/.vitepress/config.ts)**.
> **All the documents displayed in the GitHub.io page are listed in [.vitepress/config.ts](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs/.vitepress/config.ts)**.
The contents of <https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/> are based on the docs from the `master` branch. Updates committed to the `master` branch are reflected in the [Mermaid Docs](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/) once released.
We encourage contributions to the documentation at [mermaid-js/mermaid/src/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs). We publish documentation using GitHub Pages with [Docsify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV88lp7egMw&t=3s)
This is important so that, if someone that does not know about this great feature suggests a change to the grammar, they get notified early on when that change breaks the parser. Another important aspect is that, without proper parsing, tests refactoring is pretty much impossible.
This tests the rendering and visual appearance of the diagrams. This ensures that the rendering of that feature in the e2e will be reviewed in the release process going forward. Less chance that it breaks!
The rendering tests are very straightforward to create. There is a function `imgSnapshotTest`, which takes a diagram in text form and the mermaid options, and it renders that diagram in Cypress.
When running in CI it will take a snapshot of the rendered diagram and compare it with the snapshot from last build and flag it for review if it differs.
After logging in at [GitHub.com](https://www.github.com), open or append to an issue [using the GitHub issue tracker of the mermaid-js repository](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Area%3A+Documentation%22).
Markdown is used to format the text, for more information about Markdown [see the GitHub Markdown help page](https://help.github.com/en/github/writing-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax).
1. Find the Markdown file (.md) to edit in the [packages/mermaid/src/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs) directory in the `develop` branch.
3. To edit a file, click the pencil icon at the top-right of the file contents panel.
4. Describe what you changed in the **Propose file change** section, located at the bottom of the page.
5. Submit your changes by clicking the button **Propose file change** at the bottom (by automatic creation of a fork and a new branch).
6. Create a Pull Request of your newly forked branch by clicking the green **Create Pull Request** button.
## Last Words
Don't get daunted if it is hard in the beginning. We have a great community with only encouraging words. So, if you get stuck, ask for help and hints in the Slack forum. If you want to show off something good, show it off there.
[Join our Slack community if you want closer contact!](https://join.slack.com/t/mermaid-talk/shared_invite/enQtNzc4NDIyNzk4OTAyLWVhYjQxOTI2OTg4YmE1ZmJkY2Y4MTU3ODliYmIwOTY3NDJlYjA0YjIyZTdkMDMyZTUwOGI0NjEzYmEwODcwOTE)
![Image of superhero wishing you good luck](https://media.giphy.com/media/l49JHz7kJvl6MCj3G/giphy.gif)