# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. Please edit the source file in [packages/mermaid/src/docs/n00b-gettingStarted.md](../packages/mermaid/src/docs/n00b-gettingStarted.md).
Mermaid is composed of three parts: Deployment, Syntax and Configuration.
This section talks about the different ways to deploy Mermaid. Learning the [Syntax](./n00b-syntaxReference.md) would be of great help to the beginner.
> Generally the live editor is enough for most general uses of mermaid, and is a good place to start learning.
**Absolute beginners are advised to view the Video [Tutorials](./Tutorials.md) on the Live Editor, to gain a better understanding of mermaid.**
## Four ways of using mermaid:
1. Using the Mermaid Live Editor at [mermaid.live](https://mermaid.live).
2. Using [mermaid plugins](./integrations.md) with programs you are familiar with.
3. Calling the Mermaid JavaScript API.
4. Deploying Mermaid as a dependency.
**Note: It is our recommendation that you review all approaches, and choose the one that is best for your project.**
> More in depth information can be found at [Usage](./usage.md).
## 1. Using the Live Editor
Available at [mermaid.live](https://mermaid.live)
In the `Code` section one can write or edit raw mermaid code, and instantly `Preview` the rendered result on the panel beside it.
The `Configuration` Section is for changing the appearance and behavior of mermaid diagrams. An easy introduction to mermaid configuration is found in the [Advanced usage](./n00b-advanced.md) section. A complete configuration reference cataloging the default values can be found on the [mermaidAPI](Setup.md) page.
![Code,Config and Preview](./img/Code-Preview-Config.png)
### Editing History
Your code will be autosaved every minute into the Timeline tab of History which shows the most recent 30 items.
You can manually save code by clicking the Save icon in the History section. It can also be accessed in the Saved tab. This is stored in the browser storage only.
### Saving a Diagram:
You may choose any of the methods below, to save it
**We recommend that you save your diagram code on top of any method you choose, in order to make edits and modifications further down the line.**
### Editing your diagrams
Editing is as easy as pasting your **Diagram code**, into the `code` section of the `Live Editor`.
### Loading from Gists
The Gist you create should have a code.mmd file and optionally a config.json. [Example](https://gist.github.com/sidharthv96/6268a23e673a533dcb198f241fd7012a)
To load a gist into the Editor, you can use https://mermaid.live/edit?gist=https://gist.github.com/sidharthv96/6268a23e673a533dcb198f241fd7012a
and to View, https://mermaid.live/view?gist=https://gist.github.com/sidharthv96/6268a23e673a533dcb198f241fd7012a
## 2. Using Mermaid Plugins:
You can generate mermaid diagrams from within popular applications using plug-ins. It can be done in the same way, you would use the Live Editor. Here's a list of [Mermaid Plugins](./integrations.md).
**This is covered in greater detail in the [Usage section](usage.md)**
## 3. Calling the JavaScript API
This method can be used with any common web server like Apache, IIS, nginx, node express.
You will also need a text editing tool like Notepad++ to generate a .html file. It is then deployed by a web browser (such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, but not Internet Explorer).
The API works by pulling rendering instructions from the source `mermaid.js` in order to render diagrams on the page.
b. The importing of mermaid library through the `mermaid.esm.js` or `mermaid.esm.min.mjs` and the `mermaid.initialize()` call, which dictates the appearance of diagrams and also starts the rendering process .
`mermaid.initialize()` call takes all the definitions contained in all the `<pre class="mermaid">` tags that it finds in the html body and renders them into diagrams. Example:
Rendering in Mermaid is initialized by `mermaid.initialize()` call. You can place `mermaid.initialize()` inside `mermaid.min.js` for brevity. However, doing the opposite lets you control when it starts looking for `<div>`tags inside the web page with `mermaid.initialize()`. This is useful when you think that not all `<div>` tags may have loaded on the execution of `mermaid.min.js` file.
`startOnLoad` is one of the parameters that can be defined by `mermaid.initialize()`
- In early versions of mermaid, the `<script>` tag was invoked in the `<head>` part of the web page. Nowadays we can place it in the `<body>` as seen above. Older parts of the documentation frequently reflects the previous way which still works.