> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/development.md](../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/development.md).
Once you have cloned the repository onto your development machine, change into the `mermaid` project folder so that you can install `pnpm`. You will need `npx` to install pnpm because volta doesn't support it yet.
# Change into the mermaid directory (the top level director of the mermaid project repository)
cd mermaid
# npx is required for first install because volta does not support pnpm yet
npx pnpm install
#### 3. Verify Everything Is Working
Once you have installed pnpm, you can run the `test` script to verify that pnpm is working _and_ that the repository has been cloned correctly:
pnpm test
The `test` script and others are in the top-level `package.json` file.
All tests should run sucessfully without any errors or failures. (You might see _lint_ or _formatting_ warnings; those are ok during this step.)
Once the release happens we merge the `release` branch with `master` and delete the `release` branch. The live product and on-line documentation are what is in the `master` branch.
If your work is specific to a single diagram type, it is a good idea to put the diagram type at the start of the dscription. This will help use keep release notes organized: it will help us keep changes for a diagram type together.
If you are fixing a bug, you should add tests to ensure that your code has actually fixed the bug, to specify/describe what the code is doing, and to ensure the bug doesn't happen again.
(If there had been a test for the situation, the bug never would have happened in the first place.)
You may need to change existing tests if they were inaccurate.
The rendering tests are very straightforward to create. There is a function `imgSnapshotTest`, which takes a diagram in text form and the mermaid options, and it renders that diagram in Cypress.
When running in CI it will take a snapshot of the rendered diagram and compare it with the snapshot from last build and flag it for review if it differs.
If the users have no way to know that things have changed, then you haven't really _fixed_ anything for the users; you've just added to making Mermaid feel broken.
Likewise, if users don't know that there is a new feature that you've implemented, it will forever remain unknown and unused.
The documentation has to be updated to users know that things have changed and added!
We know it can sometimes be hard to code _and_ write user documentation.
\[TODO - how to submit documentation changes -- see [Contributing Documentation](#contributing-documentation)
Create another issue specifically for the documentation.\
You will need to help with the PR, but definitely ask for help if you feel stuck.
When it feels hard to write stuff out, explaining it to someone and having that person ask you clarifying questions can often be 80% of the work!]
When in doubt, write up and submit what you can. It can be clarified and refined later. (With documentation, something is better than nothing!)
### 4. Submit your pull request
\[TODO - PR titles should start with (fix | feat | ....)]
We make all changes via Pull Requests (PRs). As we have many Pull Requests from developers new to Mermaid, \
we have put in place a process wherein _knsv, Knut Sveidqvist_ is the primary reviewer of changes and merging pull requests. The process is as follows:
- Large changes are reviewed by knsv or other developer asked to review by knsv
- Smaller, low-risk changes like dependencies, documentation, etc. can be reviewed and merged by active collaborators
**Reminder: Pull Requests should be submitted to the develop branch.**
## Contributing Documentation
\[TODO: This section is still a WIP. It still needs revision.]
If it is not in the documentation, it's like it never happened. Wouldn't that be sad? With all the effort that was put into the feature?
The docs are located in the `src/docs` folder and are written in Markdown. Just pick the right section and start typing.
If you want to propose changes to the structure of the documentation, such as adding a new section or a new file you do that via the **[sidebar](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/edit/develop/src/docs/_sidebar.md)**.
> **All the documents displayed in the GitHub.io page are listed in [sidebar.md](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/edit/develop/src/docs/_sidebar.md)**.
The contents of <https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/> are based on the docs from the `master` branch.
Updates committed to the `master` branch are reflected in the [Mermaid Docs](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/) once released.
### How to Contribute to Documentation
We are a little less strict here, it is OK to commit directly in the `develop` branch if you are a collaborator.
The documentation is located in the `src/docs` directory and organized according to relevant subfolder.
The contents of <https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/> are based on the docs from the `master` branch. Updates committed to the `master` branch are reflected in the [Mermaid Docs](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/) once released.
**The Docs Structure is dictated by [sidebar.md](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/edit/develop/src/docs/_sidebar.md)**
The `docs` folder will be automatically generated when committing to `src/docs` and should not be edited manually.
We encourage contributions to the documentation at [mermaid-js/mermaid/src/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/src/docs). We publish documentation using GitHub Pages with [Docsify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV88lp7egMw&t=3s)
- Documentation (we encourage updates to the `src/docs` folder; you can submit them via direct commits)
The source files for documentation are in `/packages/mermaid/docs` and are written in markdown.
**_DO NOT CHANGE FILES IN `/docs`_**
### The official documentation site
**[The mermaid documentation site](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/) is powered by [Docsify](https://docsify.js.org), a simple documentation site generator.**
\[TODO - how to preview the documents on a local machine? how to run VitePress?]
If you want to preview the whole documentation site on your machine, you need to install `docsify-cli`:
Markdown is used to format the text, for more information about Markdown [see the GitHub Markdown help page](https://help.github.com/en/github/writing-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax).
1. Find the Markdown file (.md) to edit in the [mermaid-js/mermaid/src/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/src/docs) directory in the `develop` branch.
#### First search to see if someone has already asked (and hopefully been answered) or suggested the same thing.
- search in the Discussions
- search in the open Issues
If you find an open issue or discussion thread that is similar to your question but isn't answered,
you can let us know that you are also interested in it. \[TODO: describe +1, upvote]
This helps the team know the relative interest in something and helps them set priorities and assignments.
Feel free to add to the discussion on the issue or topic.
If you can't find anything that already addresses your question or suggestion, _open a new issue:_
Log in to [GitHub.com](https://www.github.com), open or append to an issue [using the GitHub issue tracker of the mermaid-js repository](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Area%3A+Documentation%22).
Don't get daunted if it is hard in the beginning. We have a great community with only encouraging words. So, if you get stuck, ask for help and hints in the Slack forum. If you want to show off something good, show it off there.
[Join our Slack community if you want closer contact!](https://join.slack.com/t/mermaid-talk/shared_invite/enQtNzc4NDIyNzk4OTAyLWVhYjQxOTI2OTg4YmE1ZmJkY2Y4MTU3ODliYmIwOTY3NDJlYjA0YjIyZTdkMDMyZTUwOGI0NjEzYmEwODcwOTE)
![Image of superhero wishing you good luck](https://media.giphy.com/media/l49JHz7kJvl6MCj3G/giphy.gif)