> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/syntax/packet.md](../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/syntax/packet.md).
# Packet Diagram (v\<MERMAID_RELEASE_VERSION>+)
## Introduction
A packet diagram is a visual representation used to illustrate the structure and contents of a network packet. Network packets are the fundamental units of data transferred over a network.
This diagram type is particularly useful for developers, network engineers, educators, and students who require a clear and concise way to represent the structure of network packets.
- **Ranges**: Each line after the title represents a different field in the packet. The range (e.g., `0-15`) indicates the bit positions in the packet.
- **Field Description**: A brief description of what the field represents, enclosed in quotes.
## Configuration
Please refer to the [configuration](/config/schema-docs/config-defs-packet-diagram-config.html) guide for details.