With this version, directives are supported. Directives are divided in two sets, by priority. the first set, containing 'init' or 'initialize' directives take priority. While the other set, containing all other kinds of directives are considered only after 'init' and the graph-type declared.
In this category are any directives that follow the graph type declaration. Essentially, these directives will not be processed early in the flow like the init directive. Each individual graph type will handle these directives. As an example:
This will set the `logLevel` to `debug` and `theme` to `dark` for a sequence diagram. Then, during processing, the config for the sequence diagram is set by the `config` directive. This directive is handled in the `sequenceDb.js`. In this example, the fontFamily, fontSize, and fontWeight are all set for this sequence diagram.
Init directives and any other non-multiline directives should be backwards compatible, because they will be treated as comments in prior versions of mermaid-js.