2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
import { select } from 'd3';
import dagre from 'dagre';
import graphlib from 'graphlib';
import { logger } from '../../logger';
import classDb, { lookUpDomId } from './classDb';
import { parser } from './parser/classDiagram';
import svgDraw from './svgDraw';
import { getConfig } from '../../config';
import { render } from '../../dagre-wrapper/index.js';
// import addHtmlLabel from 'dagre-d3/lib/label/add-html-label.js';
import { curveLinear } from 'd3';
2020-08-23 15:45:23 +02:00
import { interpolateToCurve, getStylesFromArray, configureSvgSize } from '../../utils';
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
import common from '../common/common';
parser.yy = classDb;
let idCache = {};
const padding = 20;
const conf = {
dividerMargin: 10,
padding: 5,
textHeight: 10
* Function that adds the vertices found during parsing to the graph to be rendered.
* @param vert Object containing the vertices.
* @param g The graph that is to be drawn.
export const addClasses = function(classes, g) {
// const svg = select(`[id="${svgId}"]`);
const keys = Object.keys(classes);
logger.info('keys:', keys);
2020-06-24 21:46:59 +02:00
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// Iterate through each item in the vertex object (containing all the vertices found) in the graph definition
keys.forEach(function(id) {
const vertex = classes[id];
* Variable for storing the classes for the vertex
* @type {string}
2020-09-23 19:27:09 +02:00
let cssClassStr = '';
if (vertex.cssClasses.length > 0) {
cssClassStr = cssClassStr + ' ' + vertex.cssClasses.join(' ');
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// if (vertex.classes.length > 0) {
// classStr = vertex.classes.join(' ');
// }
const styles = { labelStyle: '' }; //getStylesFromArray(vertex.styles);
// Use vertex id as text in the box if no text is provided by the graph definition
let vertexText = vertex.text !== undefined ? vertex.text : vertex.id;
// We create a SVG label, either by delegating to addHtmlLabel or manually
// let vertexNode;
// if (getConfig().flowchart.htmlLabels) {
// const node = {
// label: vertexText.replace(
// /fa[lrsb]?:fa-[\w-]+/g,
// s => `<i class='${s.replace(':', ' ')}'></i>`
// )
// };
// vertexNode = addHtmlLabel(svg, node).node();
// vertexNode.parentNode.removeChild(vertexNode);
// } else {
// const svgLabel = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');
// svgLabel.setAttribute('style', styles.labelStyle.replace('color:', 'fill:'));
// const rows = vertexText.split(common.lineBreakRegex);
// for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
// const tspan = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'tspan');
// tspan.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', 'xml:space', 'preserve');
// tspan.setAttribute('dy', '1em');
// tspan.setAttribute('x', '1');
// tspan.textContent = rows[j];
// svgLabel.appendChild(tspan);
// }
// vertexNode = svgLabel;
// }
let radious = 0;
let _shape = '';
// Set the shape based parameters
switch (vertex.type) {
case 'class':
2020-07-21 15:25:16 +02:00
_shape = 'class_box';
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
2020-07-21 15:25:16 +02:00
_shape = 'class_box';
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// Add the node
g.setNode(vertex.id, {
labelStyle: styles.labelStyle,
shape: _shape,
labelText: vertexText,
2020-07-21 15:25:16 +02:00
classData: vertex,
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
rx: radious,
ry: radious,
2020-09-23 19:27:09 +02:00
class: cssClassStr,
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
style: styles.style,
id: vertex.id,
2020-09-10 20:58:16 +02:00
domId: vertex.domId,
haveCallback: vertex.haveCallback,
link: vertex.link,
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
width: vertex.type === 'group' ? 500 : undefined,
type: vertex.type,
padding: getConfig().flowchart.padding
logger.info('setNode', {
labelStyle: styles.labelStyle,
shape: _shape,
labelText: vertexText,
rx: radious,
ry: radious,
2020-09-23 19:27:09 +02:00
class: cssClassStr,
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
style: styles.style,
id: vertex.id,
width: vertex.type === 'group' ? 500 : undefined,
type: vertex.type,
padding: getConfig().flowchart.padding
* Add edges to graph based on parsed graph defninition
* @param {Object} edges The edges to add to the graph
* @param {Object} g The graph object
export const addRelations = function(relations, g) {
let cnt = 0;
let defaultStyle;
let defaultLabelStyle;
// if (typeof relations.defaultStyle !== 'undefined') {
// const defaultStyles = getStylesFromArray(relations.defaultStyle);
// defaultStyle = defaultStyles.style;
// defaultLabelStyle = defaultStyles.labelStyle;
// }
relations.forEach(function(edge) {
const edgeData = {};
//Set relationship style and line type
edgeData.classes = 'relation';
edgeData.pattern = edge.relation.lineType == 1 ? 'dashed' : 'solid';
edgeData.id = 'id' + cnt;
// Set link type for rendering
if (edge.type === 'arrow_open') {
edgeData.arrowhead = 'none';
} else {
edgeData.arrowhead = 'normal';
logger.info(edgeData, edge);
2020-08-07 14:52:42 +02:00
//Set edge extra labels
2020-08-13 19:41:33 +02:00
//edgeData.startLabelLeft = edge.relationTitle1;
edgeData.startLabelRight = edge.relationTitle1 === 'none' ? '' : edge.relationTitle1;
edgeData.endLabelLeft = edge.relationTitle2 === 'none' ? '' : edge.relationTitle2;
//edgeData.endLabelRight = edge.relationTitle2;
2020-08-07 14:52:42 +02:00
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
//Set relation arrow types
2020-06-24 21:46:59 +02:00
edgeData.arrowTypeStart = getArrowMarker(edge.relation.type1);
edgeData.arrowTypeEnd = getArrowMarker(edge.relation.type2);
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
let style = '';
let labelStyle = '';
if (typeof edge.style !== 'undefined') {
const styles = getStylesFromArray(edge.style);
style = styles.style;
labelStyle = styles.labelStyle;
} else {
style = 'fill:none';
if (typeof defaultStyle !== 'undefined') {
style = defaultStyle;
if (typeof defaultLabelStyle !== 'undefined') {
labelStyle = defaultLabelStyle;
edgeData.style = style;
edgeData.labelStyle = labelStyle;
if (typeof edge.interpolate !== 'undefined') {
edgeData.curve = interpolateToCurve(edge.interpolate, curveLinear);
} else if (typeof relations.defaultInterpolate !== 'undefined') {
edgeData.curve = interpolateToCurve(relations.defaultInterpolate, curveLinear);
} else {
edgeData.curve = interpolateToCurve(conf.curve, curveLinear);
edge.text = edge.title;
if (typeof edge.text === 'undefined') {
if (typeof edge.style !== 'undefined') {
edgeData.arrowheadStyle = 'fill: #333';
} else {
edgeData.arrowheadStyle = 'fill: #333';
edgeData.labelpos = 'c';
if (getConfig().flowchart.htmlLabels && false) { // eslint-disable-line
edgeData.labelType = 'html';
edgeData.label = '<span class="edgeLabel">' + edge.text + '</span>';
} else {
edgeData.labelType = 'text';
edgeData.label = edge.text.replace(common.lineBreakRegex, '\n');
if (typeof edge.style === 'undefined') {
edgeData.style = edgeData.style || 'stroke: #333; stroke-width: 1.5px;fill:none';
edgeData.labelStyle = edgeData.labelStyle.replace('color:', 'fill:');
// Add the edge to the graph
g.setEdge(edge.id1, edge.id2, edgeData, cnt);
// Todo optimize
const getGraphId = function(label) {
const keys = Object.keys(idCache);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (idCache[keys[i]].label === label) {
return keys[i];
return undefined;
export const setConf = function(cnf) {
const keys = Object.keys(cnf);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
conf[key] = cnf[key];
* Draws a flowchart in the tag with id: id based on the graph definition in text.
* @param text
* @param id
export const drawOld = function(text, id) {
idCache = {};
logger.info('Rendering diagram ' + text);
// Fetch the default direction, use TD if none was found
const diagram = select(`[id='${id}']`);
// insertMarkers(diagram);
// Layout graph, Create a new directed graph
const g = new graphlib.Graph({
multigraph: true
// Set an object for the graph label
isMultiGraph: true
// Default to assigning a new object as a label for each new edge.
g.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() {
return {};
const classes = classDb.getClasses();
const keys = Object.keys(classes);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const classDef = classes[keys[i]];
const node = svgDraw.drawClass(diagram, classDef, conf);
idCache[node.id] = node;
// Add nodes to the graph. The first argument is the node id. The second is
// metadata about the node. In this case we're going to add labels to each of
// our nodes.
g.setNode(node.id, node);
logger.info('Org height: ' + node.height);
const relations = classDb.getRelations();
logger.info('relations:', relations);
relations.forEach(function(relation) {
'tjoho' + getGraphId(relation.id1) + getGraphId(relation.id2) + JSON.stringify(relation)
relation: relation
relation.title || 'DEFAULT'
g.nodes().forEach(function(v) {
if (typeof v !== 'undefined' && typeof g.node(v) !== 'undefined') {
logger.debug('Node ' + v + ': ' + JSON.stringify(g.node(v)));
select('#' + lookUpDomId(v)).attr(
'translate(' +
(g.node(v).x - g.node(v).width / 2) +
',' +
(g.node(v).y - g.node(v).height / 2) +
' )'
g.edges().forEach(function(e) {
if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && typeof g.edge(e) !== 'undefined') {
logger.debug('Edge ' + e.v + ' -> ' + e.w + ': ' + JSON.stringify(g.edge(e)));
svgDraw.drawEdge(diagram, g.edge(e), g.edge(e).relation, conf);
const svgBounds = diagram.node().getBBox();
const width = svgBounds.width + padding * 2;
const height = svgBounds.height + padding * 2;
2020-08-23 15:45:23 +02:00
configureSvgSize(diagram, height, width, conf.useMaxWidth);
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// Ensure the viewBox includes the whole svgBounds area with extra space for padding
const vBox = `${svgBounds.x - padding} ${svgBounds.y - padding} ${width} ${height}`;
logger.debug(`viewBox ${vBox}`);
diagram.attr('viewBox', vBox);
export const draw = function(text, id) {
logger.info('Drawing class');
// const parser = classDb.parser;
// parser.yy = classDb;
// Parse the graph definition
// try {
// } catch (err) {
// logger.debug('Parsing failed');
// }
// Fetch the default direction, use TD if none was found
let dir = 'TD';
const conf = getConfig().flowchart;
logger.info('config:', conf);
const nodeSpacing = conf.nodeSpacing || 50;
const rankSpacing = conf.rankSpacing || 50;
// Create the input mermaid.graph
const g = new graphlib.Graph({
multigraph: true,
compound: true
rankdir: dir,
nodesep: nodeSpacing,
ranksep: rankSpacing,
marginx: 8,
marginy: 8
.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() {
return {};
// let subG;
// const subGraphs = flowDb.getSubGraphs();
// logger.info('Subgraphs - ', subGraphs);
// for (let i = subGraphs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// subG = subGraphs[i];
// logger.info('Subgraph - ', subG);
// flowDb.addVertex(subG.id, subG.title, 'group', undefined, subG.classes);
// }
// Fetch the verices/nodes and edges/links from the parsed graph definition
const classes = classDb.getClasses();
const relations = classDb.getRelations();
// let i = 0;
// for (i = subGraphs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// subG = subGraphs[i];
// selectAll('cluster').append('text');
// for (let j = 0; j < subG.nodes.length; j++) {
// g.setParent(subG.nodes[j], subG.id);
// }
// }
addClasses(classes, g, id);
addRelations(relations, g);
// Add custom shapes
// flowChartShapes.addToRenderV2(addShape);
// Set up an SVG group so that we can translate the final graph.
const svg = select(`[id="${id}"]`);
2020-08-12 13:45:07 -07:00
svg.attr('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink');
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// Run the renderer. This is what draws the final graph.
const element = select('#' + id + ' g');
2020-06-24 21:46:59 +02:00
render(element, g, ['aggregation', 'extension', 'composition', 'dependency'], 'classDiagram', id);
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
// element.selectAll('g.node').attr('title', function() {
// return flowDb.getTooltip(this.id);
// });
const padding = 8;
const svgBounds = svg.node().getBBox();
const width = svgBounds.width + padding * 2;
const height = svgBounds.height + padding * 2;
`new ViewBox 0 0 ${width} ${height}`,
`translate(${padding - g._label.marginx}, ${padding - g._label.marginy})`
2020-08-23 15:45:23 +02:00
configureSvgSize(svg, height, width, conf.useMaxWidth);
2020-06-24 19:34:12 +02:00
svg.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);
.attr('transform', `translate(${padding - g._label.marginx}, ${padding - svgBounds.y})`);
// Index nodes
// flowDb.indexNodes('subGraph' + i);
// Add label rects for non html labels
if (!conf.htmlLabels) {
const labels = document.querySelectorAll('[id="' + id + '"] .edgeLabel .label');
for (let k = 0; k < labels.length; k++) {
const label = labels[k];
// Get dimensions of label
const dim = label.getBBox();
const rect = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect');
rect.setAttribute('rx', 0);
rect.setAttribute('ry', 0);
rect.setAttribute('width', dim.width);
rect.setAttribute('height', dim.height);
rect.setAttribute('style', 'fill:#e8e8e8;');
label.insertBefore(rect, label.firstChild);
// If node has a link, wrap it in an anchor SVG object.
// const keys = Object.keys(classes);
// keys.forEach(function(key) {
// const vertex = classes[key];
// if (vertex.link) {
// const node = select('#' + id + ' [id="' + key + '"]');
// if (node) {
// const link = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'a');
// link.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'class', vertex.classes.join(' '));
// link.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'href', vertex.link);
// link.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rel', 'noopener');
// const linkNode = node.insert(function() {
// return link;
// }, ':first-child');
// const shape = node.select('.label-container');
// if (shape) {
// linkNode.append(function() {
// return shape.node();
// });
// }
// const label = node.select('.label');
// if (label) {
// linkNode.append(function() {
// return label.node();
// });
// }
// }
// }
// });
export default {
function getArrowMarker(type) {
let marker;
switch (type) {
case 0:
marker = 'aggregation';
case 1:
marker = 'extension';
case 2:
marker = 'composition';
case 3:
marker = 'dependency';
marker = 'none';
return marker;