2023-01-18 00:47:49 +05:30
module . exports = {
env : {
browser : true ,
es6 : true ,
'jest/globals' : true ,
node : true ,
} ,
root : true ,
parser : '@typescript-eslint/parser' ,
parserOptions : {
ecmaFeatures : {
experimentalObjectRestSpread : true ,
jsx : true ,
} ,
tsconfigRootDir : _ _dirname ,
sourceType : 'module' ,
ecmaVersion : 2020 ,
allowAutomaticSingleRunInference : true ,
project : [ './tsconfig.eslint.json' , './packages/*/tsconfig.json' ] ,
parser : '@typescript-eslint/parser' ,
} ,
extends : [
'eslint:recommended' ,
'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended' ,
'plugin:json/recommended' ,
'plugin:markdown/recommended' ,
'plugin:@cspell/recommended' ,
'prettier' ,
] ,
plugins : [
'@typescript-eslint' ,
'no-only-tests' ,
'html' ,
'jest' ,
'jsdoc' ,
'json' ,
'@cspell' ,
'lodash' ,
'unicorn' ,
] ,
rules : {
curly : 'error' ,
'no-console' : 'error' ,
'no-prototype-builtins' : 'off' ,
'no-unused-vars' : 'off' ,
'cypress/no-async-tests' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises' : 'error' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises' : 'error' ,
'@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment' : [
'error' ,
'ts-expect-error' : 'allow-with-description' ,
'ts-ignore' : 'allow-with-description' ,
'ts-nocheck' : 'allow-with-description' ,
'ts-check' : 'allow-with-description' ,
minimumDescriptionLength : 10 ,
} ,
] ,
'json/*' : [ 'error' , 'allowComments' ] ,
'@cspell/spellchecker' : [
'error' ,
checkIdentifiers : false ,
checkStrings : false ,
checkStringTemplates : false ,
} ,
] ,
'no-empty' : [
'error' ,
allowEmptyCatch : true ,
} ,
] ,
'no-only-tests/no-only-tests' : 'error' ,
'lodash/import-scope' : [ 'error' , 'method' ] ,
'unicorn/better-regex' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-array-push-push' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-for-loop' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-instanceof-array' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-typeof-undefined' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-unnecessary-await' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-unsafe-regex' : 'warn' ,
'unicorn/no-useless-promise-resolve-reject' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-array-find' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-array-index-of' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-array-some' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-default-parameters' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-includes' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-negative-index' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-object-from-entries' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-string-starts-ends-with' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-string-trim-start-end' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/string-content' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/prefer-spread' : 'error' ,
'unicorn/no-lonely-if' : 'error' ,
} ,
overrides : [
files : [ 'cypress/**' , 'demos/**' ] ,
rules : {
'no-console' : 'off' ,
} ,
} ,
files : [ '*.{js,jsx,mjs,cjs}' ] ,
extends : [ 'plugin:jsdoc/recommended' ] ,
rules : {
'jsdoc/check-indentation' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/check-alignment' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/check-line-alignment' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/multiline-blocks' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/newline-after-description' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/tag-lines' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/require-param-description' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/require-param-type' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/require-returns' : 'off' ,
'jsdoc/require-returns-description' : 'off' ,
} ,
} ,
files : [ '*.{ts,tsx}' ] ,
plugins : [ 'tsdoc' ] ,
rules : {
2023-07-03 00:04:16 +01:00
'no-restricted-syntax' : [
'error' ,
selector : 'TSEnumDeclaration' ,
message :
'Prefer using TypeScript union types over TypeScript enum, since TypeScript enums have a bunch of issues, see https://dev.to/dvddpl/whats-the-problem-with-typescript-enums-2okj' ,
} ,
] ,
2023-01-18 00:47:49 +05:30
'tsdoc/syntax' : 'error' ,
} ,
} ,
files : [ '*.spec.{ts,js}' , 'cypress/**' , 'demos/**' , '**/docs/**' ] ,
rules : {
'jsdoc/require-jsdoc' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars' : 'off' ,
} ,
} ,
files : [ '*.html' , '*.md' , '**/*.md/*' ] ,
rules : {
'no-var' : 'error' ,
'no-undef' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises' : 'off' ,
} ,
parserOptions : {
project : null ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ;