If you are new to mermaid, read the [Getting Started](../getting-started/n00b-gettingStarted.md) and [Overview](../overview/n00b-overview.md) sections, to learn the basics of mermaid.
This section is a list of diagram types supported by mermaid. Below is a list of links to articles that explain the syntax of the diagrams or charts that can be called.
### The benefits of text based diagramming are its speed and modifiability. Mermaid allows for easy maintenance and modification of diagrams. This means your diagrams will always be up to date and closely follow your code and improve your documentation.
You can proofread your definitions in real-time with the [Mermaid Live Editor](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor), additionally, you can also render and download them immediately using the Live Editor.
This would then offer you the following choices to download the diagram:
**Note:** Copying the markdown will allow you to link to your unique diagram from anywhere online.
## Directives:
[Directives](./directives.md) gives a diagram author the capability to alter the appearance of a diagram before rendering, by changing some of the applied configurations and can alter the font style, color and other aesthetic aspects of the diagram.
## Theme Creation:
Mermaid allows [Customized Themes](./theming.md) for websites and even individual diagrams.This is done using directives and can be very helpful, not only for styling but for simplifying more complex diagrams.