mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 07:03:17 +08:00
added Imperative state
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,19 +13,32 @@ import {
} from '../common/commonDb.js';
import defaultConfig from '../../defaultConfig.js';
import type { DiagramOrientation, Commit } from './gitGraphTypes.js';
import { ImperativeState } from '../../utils/imperativeState.js';
interface GitGraphState {
commits: Map<string, Commit>;
head: Commit | null;
branchConfig: Map<string, { name: string; order: number | undefined }>;
branches: Map<string, string | null>;
currBranch: string;
direction: DiagramOrientation;
seq: number;
options: any;
const mainBranchName = defaultConfig.gitGraph.mainBranchName;
const mainBranchOrder = defaultConfig.gitGraph.mainBranchOrder;
let commits = new Map<string, Commit>();
let head: Commit | null = null;
let branchesConfig = new Map<string, { name: string; order: number | undefined }>();
branchesConfig.set(mainBranchName, { name: mainBranchName, order: mainBranchOrder });
let branches = new Map<string, string | null>();
branches.set(mainBranchName, null);
let curBranch = mainBranchName;
let direction: DiagramOrientation = 'LR';
let seq = 0;
const state = new ImperativeState<GitGraphState>(() => ({
commits: new Map(),
head: null,
branchConfig: new Map([[mainBranchName, { name: mainBranchName, order: mainBranchOrder }]]),
branches: new Map([[mainBranchName, null]]),
currBranch: mainBranchName,
direction: 'LR',
seq: 0,
options: {},
@ -34,11 +47,6 @@ function getId() {
return random({ length: 7 });
// /**
// * @param currentCommit
// * @param otherCommit
// */
// function isFastForwardable(currentCommit, otherCommit) {
// log.debug('Entering isFastForwardable:', currentCommit.id, otherCommit.id);
// let cnt = 0;
@ -60,10 +68,6 @@ function getId() {
// return currentCommit.id === otherCommit.id;
// }
* @param currentCommit - current commit
* @param otherCommit - other commit
// function isReachableFrom(currentCommit, otherCommit) {
// const currentSeq = currentCommit.seq;
// const otherSeq = otherCommit.seq;
@ -88,23 +92,22 @@ function uniqBy(list: any[], fn: (item: any) => any) {
export const setDirection = function (dir: DiagramOrientation) {
direction = dir;
state.records.direction = dir;
let options = {};
export const setOptions = function (rawOptString: string) {
log.debug('options str', rawOptString);
rawOptString = rawOptString?.trim();
rawOptString = rawOptString || '{}';
try {
options = JSON.parse(rawOptString);
state.records.options = JSON.parse(rawOptString);
} catch (e: any) {
log.error('error while parsing gitGraph options', e.message);
export const getOptions = function () {
return options;
return state.records.options;
export const commit = function (msg: string, id: string, type: number, tags: string[] | undefined) {
@ -115,26 +118,26 @@ export const commit = function (msg: string, id: string, type: number, tags: str
const config = getConfig();
tags = tags?.map((tag) => common.sanitizeText(tag, config));
const newCommit: Commit = {
id: id ? id : seq + '-' + getId(),
id: id ? id : state.records.seq + '-' + getId(),
message: msg,
seq: seq++,
type: type ? type : commitType.NORMAL,
tags: tags ? tags : [],
parents: head == null ? [] : [head.id],
branch: curBranch,
seq: state.records.seq++,
type: type ?? commitType.NORMAL,
tags: tags ?? [],
parents: state.records.head == null ? [] : [state.records.head.id],
branch: state.records.currBranch,
head = newCommit;
state.records.head = newCommit;
log.info('main branch', mainBranchName);
commits.set(newCommit.id, newCommit);
branches.set(curBranch, newCommit.id);
state.records.commits.set(newCommit.id, newCommit);
state.records.branches.set(state.records.currBranch, newCommit.id);
log.debug('in pushCommit ' + newCommit.id);
export const branch = function (name: string, order: number | undefined) {
name = common.sanitizeText(name, getConfig());
if (!branches.has(name)) {
branches.set(name, head != null ? head.id : null);
branchesConfig.set(name, { name, order });
if (!state.records.branches.has(name)) {
state.records.branches.set(name, state.records.head != null ? state.records.head.id : null);
state.records.branchConfig.set(name, { name, order });
log.debug('in createBranch');
} else {
@ -146,30 +149,32 @@ export const branch = function (name: string, order: number | undefined) {
export const merge = (
otherBranch: string,
custom_id?: string,
override_type?: number,
custom_tags?: string[]
customId?: string,
overrideType?: number,
customTags?: string[]
): void => {
otherBranch = common.sanitizeText(otherBranch, getConfig());
if (custom_id) {
custom_id = common.sanitizeText(custom_id, getConfig());
if (customId) {
customId = common.sanitizeText(customId, getConfig());
const currentBranchCheck: string | null | undefined = branches.get(curBranch);
const otherBranchCheck: string | null | undefined = branches.get(otherBranch);
const currentBranchCheck: string | null | undefined = state.records.branches.get(
const otherBranchCheck: string | null | undefined = state.records.branches.get(otherBranch);
const currentCommit: Commit | undefined = currentBranchCheck
? commits.get(currentBranchCheck)
? state.records.commits.get(currentBranchCheck)
: undefined;
const otherCommit: Commit | undefined = otherBranchCheck
? commits.get(otherBranchCheck)
? state.records.commits.get(otherBranchCheck)
: undefined;
if (currentCommit && otherCommit && currentCommit.branch === otherBranch) {
throw new Error(`Cannot merge branch '${otherBranch}' into itself.`);
if (curBranch === otherBranch) {
if (state.records.currBranch === otherBranch) {
const error: any = new Error('Incorrect usage of "merge". Cannot merge a branch to itself');
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
text: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['branch abc'],
@ -177,26 +182,26 @@ export const merge = (
throw error;
} else if (currentCommit === undefined || !currentCommit) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "merge". Current branch (' + curBranch + ')has no commits'
`Incorrect usage of "merge". Current branch (${state.records.currBranch})has no commits`
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
text: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['commit'],
throw error;
} else if (!branches.has(otherBranch)) {
} else if (!state.records.branches.has(otherBranch)) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "merge". Branch to be merged (' + otherBranch + ') does not exist'
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
text: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['branch ' + otherBranch],
expected: [`branch ${otherBranch}`],
throw error;
} else if (otherCommit === undefined || !otherCommit) {
@ -204,8 +209,8 @@ export const merge = (
'Incorrect usage of "merge". Branch to be merged (' + otherBranch + ') has no commits'
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
text: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['"commit"'],
@ -214,33 +219,26 @@ export const merge = (
} else if (currentCommit === otherCommit) {
const error: any = new Error('Incorrect usage of "merge". Both branches have same head');
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch,
text: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['branch abc'],
throw error;
} else if (custom_id && commits.has(custom_id)) {
} else if (customId && state.records.commits.has(customId)) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "merge". Commit with id:' +
custom_id +
customId +
' already exists, use different custom Id'
error.hash = {
text: 'merge ' + otherBranch + custom_id + override_type + custom_tags?.join(' '),
token: 'merge ' + otherBranch + custom_id + override_type + custom_tags?.join(' '),
text: `merge ${otherBranch} ${customId} ${overrideType} ${customTags?.join(' ')}`,
token: `merge ${otherBranch} ${customId} ${overrideType} ${customTags?.join(' ')}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: [
'merge ' +
otherBranch +
' ' +
custom_id +
'_UNIQUE ' +
override_type +
' ' +
custom_tags?.join(' '),
`merge ${otherBranch} ${customId}_UNIQUE ${overrideType} ${customTags?.join(' ')}`,
@ -260,21 +258,21 @@ export const merge = (
const verifiedBranch: string = otherBranchCheck ? otherBranchCheck : ''; //figure out a cleaner way to do this
const commit: Commit = {
id: custom_id ? custom_id : seq + '-' + getId(),
message: 'merged branch ' + otherBranch + ' into ' + curBranch,
seq: seq++,
parents: [head == null ? null : head.id, verifiedBranch],
branch: curBranch,
id: customId ? customId : state.records.seq + '-' + getId(),
message: `merged branch ${otherBranch} into ${state.records.currBranch}`,
seq: state.records.seq++,
parents: [state.records.head == null ? null : state.records.head.id, verifiedBranch],
branch: state.records.currBranch,
type: commitType.MERGE,
customType: override_type,
customId: custom_id ? true : false,
tags: custom_tags ? custom_tags : [],
customType: overrideType,
customId: customId ? true : false,
tags: customTags ? customTags : [],
head = commit;
commits.set(commit.id, commit);
branches.set(curBranch, commit.id);
state.records.head = commit;
state.records.commits.set(commit.id, commit);
state.records.branches.set(state.records.currBranch, commit.id);
// }
log.debug('in mergeBranch');
@ -291,13 +289,13 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
tags = tags?.map((tag) => common.sanitizeText(tag, config));
parentCommitId = common.sanitizeText(parentCommitId, getConfig());
if (!sourceId || !commits.has(sourceId)) {
if (!sourceId || !state.records.commits.has(sourceId)) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "cherryPick". Source commit id should exist and provided'
error.hash = {
text: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
token: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
text: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
token: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['cherry-pick abc'],
@ -305,7 +303,7 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
throw error;
const sourceCommit = commits.get(sourceId);
const sourceCommit = state.records.commits.get(sourceId);
if (sourceCommit === undefined || !sourceCommit) {
throw new Error('Incorrect usage of "cherryPick". Source commit id should exist and provided');
@ -325,30 +323,30 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
throw error;
if (!targetId || !commits.has(targetId)) {
if (!targetId || !state.records.commits.has(targetId)) {
// cherry-pick source commit to current branch
if (sourceCommitBranch === curBranch) {
if (sourceCommitBranch === state.records.currBranch) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "cherryPick". Source commit is already on current branch'
error.hash = {
text: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
token: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
text: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
token: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['cherry-pick abc'],
throw error;
const currentCommitId = branches.get(curBranch);
const currentCommitId = state.records.branches.get(state.records.currBranch);
if (currentCommitId === undefined || !currentCommitId) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "cherry-pick". Current branch (' + curBranch + ')has no commits'
`Incorrect usage of "cherry-pick". Current branch (${state.records.currBranch})has no commits`
error.hash = {
text: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
token: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
text: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
token: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['cherry-pick abc'],
@ -356,14 +354,14 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
throw error;
const currentCommit = commits.get(currentCommitId);
const currentCommit = state.records.commits.get(currentCommitId);
if (currentCommit === undefined || !currentCommit) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Incorrect usage of "cherry-pick". Current branch (' + curBranch + ')has no commits'
`Incorrect usage of "cherry-pick". Current branch (${state.records.currBranch})has no commits`
error.hash = {
text: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
token: 'cherryPick ' + sourceId + ' ' + targetId,
text: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
token: `cherryPick ${sourceId} ${targetId}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['cherry-pick abc'],
@ -371,11 +369,11 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
throw error;
const commit = {
id: seq + '-' + getId(),
message: 'cherry-picked ' + sourceCommit?.message + ' into ' + curBranch,
seq: seq++,
parents: [head == null ? null : head.id, sourceCommit.id],
branch: curBranch,
id: state.records.seq + '-' + getId(),
message: `cherry-picked ${sourceCommit?.message} into ${state.records.currBranch}`,
seq: state.records.seq++,
parents: [state.records.head == null ? null : state.records.head.id, sourceCommit.id],
branch: state.records.currBranch,
type: commitType.CHERRY_PICK,
tags: tags
? tags.filter(Boolean)
@ -385,36 +383,36 @@ export const cherryPick = function (
head = commit;
commits.set(commit.id, commit);
branches.set(curBranch, commit.id);
state.records.head = commit;
state.records.commits.set(commit.id, commit);
state.records.branches.set(state.records.currBranch, commit.id);
log.debug('in cherryPick');
export const checkout = function (branch: string) {
branch = common.sanitizeText(branch, getConfig());
if (!branches.has(branch)) {
if (!state.records.branches.has(branch)) {
const error: any = new Error(
'Trying to checkout branch which is not yet created. (Help try using "branch ' + branch + '")'
`Trying to checkout branch which is not yet created. (Help try using "branch ${branch}")`
error.hash = {
text: 'checkout ' + branch,
token: 'checkout ' + branch,
text: `checkout ${branch}`,
token: `checkout ${branch}`,
line: '1',
loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
expected: ['"branch ' + branch + '"'],
expected: [`branch ${branch}`],
throw error;
//branches[branch] = head != null ? head.id : null;
//log.debug('in createBranch');
} else {
curBranch = branch;
const id = branches.get(curBranch);
state.records.currBranch = branch;
const id = state.records.branches.get(state.records.currBranch);
if (id === undefined || !id) {
head = null;
state.records.head = null;
} else {
head = commits.get(id) ?? null;
state.records.head = state.records.commits.get(id) ?? null;
@ -469,23 +467,23 @@ function prettyPrintCommitHistory(commitArr: Commit[]) {
const label = [line, commit.id, commit.seq];
for (const branch in branches) {
if (branches.get(branch) === commit.id) {
for (const branch in state.records.branches) {
if (state.records.branches.get(branch) === commit.id) {
log.debug(label.join(' '));
if (commit.parents && commit.parents.length == 2 && commit.parents[0] && commit.parents[1]) {
const newCommit = commits.get(commit.parents[0]);
const newCommit = state.records.commits.get(commit.parents[0]);
upsert(commitArr, commit, newCommit);
if (commit.parents[1]) {
} else if (commit.parents.length == 0) {
} else {
if (commit.parents[0]) {
const newCommit = commits.get(commit.parents[0]);
const newCommit = state.records.commits.get(commit.parents[0]);
upsert(commitArr, commit, newCommit);
@ -494,27 +492,18 @@ function prettyPrintCommitHistory(commitArr: Commit[]) {
export const prettyPrint = function () {
const node = getCommitsArray()[0];
export const clear = function () {
commits = new Map();
head = null;
const mainBranch = defaultConfig.gitGraph.mainBranchName;
const mainBranchOrder = defaultConfig.gitGraph.mainBranchOrder;
branches = new Map();
branches.set(mainBranch, null);
branchesConfig = new Map();
branchesConfig.set(mainBranch, { name: mainBranch, order: mainBranchOrder });
curBranch = mainBranch;
seq = 0;
export const getBranchesAsObjArray = function () {
const branchesArray = [...branchesConfig.values()]
const branchesArray = [...state.records.branchConfig.values()]
.map((branchConfig, i) => {
if (branchConfig.order !== null && branchConfig.order !== undefined) {
return branchConfig;
@ -531,13 +520,13 @@ export const getBranchesAsObjArray = function () {
export const getBranches = function () {
return branches;
return state.records.branches;
export const getCommits = function () {
return commits;
return state.records.commits;
export const getCommitsArray = function () {
const commitArr = [...commits.values()];
const commitArr = [...state.records.commits.values()];
commitArr.forEach(function (o) {
@ -545,13 +534,13 @@ export const getCommitsArray = function () {
return commitArr;
export const getCurrentBranch = function () {
return curBranch;
return state.records.currBranch;
export const getDirection = function () {
return direction;
return state.records.direction;
export const getHead = function () {
return head;
return state.records.head;
export const commitType = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user