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synced 2025-02-04 07:13:25 +08:00
docs: Auto generate shape docs
Not keen on how it's currently run, open to suggestions on better ways.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import { execFileSync } from 'child_process';
import { build } from 'esbuild';
import { rm } from 'fs/promises';
import { generateLangium } from '../.build/generateLangium.js';
import type { MermaidBuildOptions } from './util.js';
import { defaultOptions, getBuildConfig } from './util.js';
const buildDocs = async () => {
const option: MermaidBuildOptions = {
options: {
file: 'rendering-util/rendering-elements/shapes.cli.ts',
name: 'mermaid-shapes',
packageName: 'mermaid',
} as const;
await build({ ...getBuildConfig(option), splitting: false, sourcemap: false });
const handler = (e) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const main = async () => {
await generateLangium();
await buildDocs().catch(handler);
execFileSync('node', ['packages/mermaid/dist/mermaid-shapes.esm.mjs']);
await rm('packages/mermaid/dist/mermaid-shapes.esm.mjs');
void main();
@ -316,53 +316,55 @@ This syntax creates a node A as a rectangle. It renders in the same way as `A["A
Below is a comprehensive list of the newly introduced shapes and their corresponding semantic meanings, short names, and aliases:
| **Semantic Name** | **Shape Name** | **Short Name** | **Description** | **Alias Supported** |
| ------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **Process** | Rectangle | `rect` | Standard process shape | `proc`, `process`, `rectangle` |
| **Event** | Rounded Rectangle | `rounded` | Represents an event | `event` |
| **Terminal Point** | Stadium | `stadium` | Terminal point | `terminal`, `pill` |
| **Subprocess** | Framed Rectangle | `fr-rect` | Subprocess | `subprocess`,`subproc`, `framed-rectangle`, `subroutine` |
| **Database** | Cylinder | `cyl` | Database storage | `db`, `database`, `cylinder` |
| **Start** | Circle | `circle` | Starting point | `circ` |
| **Odd** | Odd | `odd` | Odd shape | |
| **Decision** | Diamond | `diam` | Decision-making step | `decision`, `diamond` |
| **Prepare Conditional** | Hexagon | `hex` | Preparation or condition step | `hexagon`, `prepare` |
| **Data Input/Output** | Lean Right | `lean-r` | Represents input or output | `lean-right`, `in-out` |
| **Data Input/Output** | Lean Left | `lean-l` | Represents output or input | `lean-left`, `out-in` |
| **Priority Action** | Trapezoid Base Bottom | `trap-b` | Priority action | `priority`, `trapezoid-bottom` |
| **Manual Operation** | Trapezoid Base Top | `trap-t` | Represents a manual task | `manual`, `trapezoid-top` |
| **Stop** | Double Circle | `dbl-circ` | Represents a stop point | `double-circle` |
| **Text Block** | Text Block | `text` | Text block | - |
| **Card** | Notched Rectangle | `notch-rect` | Represents a card | `card`, `notched-rectangle` |
| **Lined/Shaded Process** | Lined Rectangle | `lin-rect` | Lined process shape | `lined-rectangle`,`lined-process`, `lin-proc`,`shaded-process` |
| **Start** | Small Circle | `sm-circ` | Small starting point | `start`, `small-circle` |
| **Stop** | Framed Circle | `fr-circ` | Stop point | `stop`, `framed-circle` |
| **Fork/Join** | Filled Rectangle | `fork` | Fork or join in process flow | `join` |
| **Collate** | Hourglass | `hourglass` | Represents a collate operation | `hourglass` |
| **Comment** | Curly Brace | `brace` | Adds a comment | `comment`, `brace-l` |
| **Comment Right** | Curly Brace | `brace-r` | Adds a comment | - |
| **Comment with braces on both sides** | Curly Braces | `braces` | Adds a comment | - |
| **Com Link** | Lightning Bolt | `bolt` | Communication link | `com-link`, `lightning-bolt` |
| **Document** | Document | `doc` | Represents a document | `doc`, `document` |
| **Delay** | Half-Rounded Rectangle | `delay` | Represents a delay | `half-rounded-rectangle` |
| **Direct Access Storage** | Horizontal Cylinder | `h-cyl` | Direct access storage | `das`, `horizontal-cylinder` |
| **Disk Storage** | Lined Cylinder | `lin-cyl` | Disk storage | `disk`, `lined-cylinder` |
| **Display** | Curved Trapezoid | `curv-trap` | Represents a display | `curved-trapezoid`, `display` |
| **Divided Process** | Divided Rectangle | `div-rect` | Divided process shape | `div-proc`, `divided-rectangle`, `divided-process` |
| **Extract** | Triangle | `tri` | Extraction process | `extract`, `triangle` |
| **Internal Storage** | Window Pane | `win-pane` | Internal storage | `internal-storage`, `window-pane` |
| **Junction** | Filled Circle | `f-circ` | Junction point | `junction`, `filled-circle` |
| **Lined Document** | Lined Document | `lin-doc` | Lined document | `lined-document` |
| **Loop Limit** | Trapezoidal Pentagon | `notch-pent` | Loop limit step | `loop-limit`, `notched-pentagon` |
| **Manual File** | Flipped Triangle | `flip-tri` | Manual file operation | `manual-file`, `flipped-triangle` |
| **Manual Input** | Sloped Rectangle | `sl-rect` | Manual input step | `manual-input`, `sloped-rectangle` |
| **Multi-Document** | Stacked Document | `docs` | Multiple documents | `documents`, `st-doc`, `stacked-document` |
| **Multi-Process** | Stacked Rectangle | `st-rect` | Multiple processes | `procs`, `processes`, `stacked-rectangle` |
| **Paper Tape** | Flag | `flag` | Paper tape | `paper-tape` |
| **Stored Data** | Bow Tie Rectangle | `bow-rect` | Stored data | `stored-data`, `bow-tie-rectangle` |
| **Summary** | Crossed Circle | `cross-circ` | Summary | `summary`, `crossed-circle` |
| **Tagged Document** | Tagged Document | `tag-doc` | Tagged document | `tag-doc`, `tagged-document` |
| **Tagged Process** | Tagged Rectangle | `tag-rect` | Tagged process | `tagged-rectangle`,`tag-proc`, `tagged-process` |
<!-- Will be auto generated with `pnpm --filter mermaid docs:shapes` -->
| **Semantic Name** | **Shape Name** | **Short Name** | **Description** | **Alias Supported** |
| --------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Card | Notched Rectangle | `notch-rect` | Represents a card | `card`, `notched-rectangle` |
| Collate | Hourglass | `hourglass` | Represents a collate operation | `collate`, `hourglass` |
| Com Link | Lightning Bolt | `bolt` | Communication link | `com-link`, `lightning-bolt` |
| Comment | Curly Brace | `brace` | Adds a comment | `brace-l`, `comment` |
| Comment Right | Curly Brace | `brace-r` | Adds a comment | |
| Comment with braces on both sides | Curly Braces | `braces` | Adds a comment | |
| Data Input/Output | Lean Right | `lean-r` | Represents input or output | `in-out`, `lean-right` |
| Data Input/Output | Lean Left | `lean-l` | Represents output or input | `lean-left`, `out-in` |
| Database | Cylinder | `cyl` | Database storage | `cylinder`, `database`, `db` |
| Decision | Diamond | `diam` | Decision-making step | `decision`, `diamond`, `question` |
| Delay | Half-Rounded Rectangle | `delay` | Represents a delay | `half-rounded-rectangle` |
| Direct Access Storage | Horizontal Cylinder | `h-cyl` | Direct access storage | `das`, `horizontal-cylinder` |
| Disk Storage | Lined Cylinder | `lin-cyl` | Disk storage | `disk`, `lined-cylinder` |
| Display | Curved Trapezoid | `curv-trap` | Represents a display | `curved-trapezoid`, `display` |
| Divided Process | Divided Rectangle | `div-rect` | Divided process shape | `div-proc`, `divided-process`, `divided-rectangle` |
| Document | Document | `doc` | Represents a document | `doc`, `document` |
| Event | Rounded Rectangle | `rounded` | Represents an event | `event` |
| Extract | Triangle | `tri` | Extraction process | `extract`, `triangle` |
| Fork/Join | Filled Rectangle | `fork` | Fork or join in process flow | `join` |
| Internal Storage | Window Pane | `win-pane` | Internal storage | `internal-storage`, `window-pane` |
| Junction | Filled Circle | `f-circ` | Junction point | `filled-circle`, `junction` |
| Lined Document | Lined Document | `lin-doc` | Lined document | `lined-document` |
| Lined/Shaded Process | Lined Rectangle | `lin-rect` | Lined process shape | `lin-proc`, `lined-process`, `lined-rectangle`, `shaded-process` |
| Loop Limit | Trapezoidal Pentagon | `notch-pent` | Loop limit step | `loop-limit`, `notched-pentagon` |
| Manual File | Flipped Triangle | `flip-tri` | Manual file operation | `flipped-triangle`, `manual-file` |
| Manual Input | Sloped Rectangle | `sl-rect` | Manual input step | `manual-input`, `sloped-rectangle` |
| Manual Operation | Trapezoid Base Top | `trap-t` | Represents a manual task | `inv-trapezoid`, `manual`, `trapezoid-top` |
| Multi-Document | Stacked Document | `docs` | Multiple documents | `documents`, `st-doc`, `stacked-document` |
| Multi-Process | Stacked Rectangle | `st-rect` | Multiple processes | `processes`, `procs`, `stacked-rectangle` |
| Odd | Odd | `odd` | Odd shape | |
| Paper Tape | Flag | `flag` | Paper tape | `paper-tape` |
| Prepare Conditional | Hexagon | `hex` | Preparation or condition step | `hexagon`, `prepare` |
| Priority Action | Trapezoid Base Bottom | `trap-b` | Priority action | `priority`, `trapezoid`, `trapezoid-bottom` |
| Process | Rectangle | `rect` | Standard process shape | `proc`, `process`, `rectangle` |
| Start | Circle | `circle` | Starting point | `circ` |
| Start | Small Circle | `sm-circ` | Small starting point | `small-circle`, `start` |
| Stop | Double Circle | `dbl-circ` | Represents a stop point | `double-circle` |
| Stop | Framed Circle | `fr-circ` | Stop point | `framed-circle`, `stop` |
| Stored Data | Bow Tie Rectangle | `bow-rect` | Stored data | `bow-tie-rectangle`, `stored-data` |
| Subprocess | Framed Rectangle | `fr-rect` | Subprocess | `framed-rectangle`, `subproc`, `subprocess`, `subroutine` |
| Summary | Crossed Circle | `cross-circ` | Summary | `crossed-circle`, `summary` |
| Tagged Document | Tagged Document | `tag-doc` | Tagged document | `tag-doc`, `tagged-document` |
| Tagged Process | Tagged Rectangle | `tag-rect` | Tagged process | `tag-proc`, `tagged-process`, `tagged-rectangle` |
| Terminal Point | Stadium | `stadium` | Terminal point | `pill`, `terminal` |
| Text Block | Text Block | `text` | Text block | |
### Example Flowchart with New Shapes
@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ README.*
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
"clean": "rimraf dist",
"dev": "pnpm -w dev",
"docs:code": "typedoc src/defaultConfig.ts src/config.ts src/mermaid.ts && prettier --write ./src/docs/config/setup",
"docs:build": "rimraf ../../docs && pnpm docs:spellcheck && pnpm docs:code && tsx scripts/docs.cli.mts",
"docs:build": "rimraf ../../docs && pnpm docs:shapes && pnpm docs:spellcheck && pnpm docs:code && tsx scripts/docs.cli.mts",
"docs:shapes": "cd ../.. && tsx .esbuild/docs.ts",
"docs:verify": "pnpm docs:spellcheck && pnpm docs:code && tsx scripts/docs.cli.mts --verify",
"docs:pre:vitepress": "pnpm --filter ./src/docs prefetch && rimraf src/vitepress && pnpm docs:code && tsx scripts/docs.cli.mts --vitepress && pnpm --filter ./src/vitepress install --no-frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts",
"docs:build:vitepress": "pnpm docs:pre:vitepress && (cd src/vitepress && pnpm run build) && cpy --flat src/docs/landing/ ./src/vitepress/.vitepress/dist/landing",
@ -212,53 +212,8 @@ This syntax creates a node A as a rectangle. It renders in the same way as `A["A
Below is a comprehensive list of the newly introduced shapes and their corresponding semantic meanings, short names, and aliases:
| **Semantic Name** | **Shape Name** | **Short Name** | **Description** | **Alias Supported** |
| ------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **Process** | Rectangle | `rect` | Standard process shape | `proc`, `process`, `rectangle` |
| **Event** | Rounded Rectangle | `rounded` | Represents an event | `event` |
| **Terminal Point** | Stadium | `stadium` | Terminal point | `terminal`, `pill` |
| **Subprocess** | Framed Rectangle | `fr-rect` | Subprocess | `subprocess`,`subproc`, `framed-rectangle`, `subroutine` |
| **Database** | Cylinder | `cyl` | Database storage | `db`, `database`, `cylinder` |
| **Start** | Circle | `circle` | Starting point | `circ` |
| **Odd** | Odd | `odd` | Odd shape | |
| **Decision** | Diamond | `diam` | Decision-making step | `decision`, `diamond` |
| **Prepare Conditional** | Hexagon | `hex` | Preparation or condition step | `hexagon`, `prepare` |
| **Data Input/Output** | Lean Right | `lean-r` | Represents input or output | `lean-right`, `in-out` |
| **Data Input/Output** | Lean Left | `lean-l` | Represents output or input | `lean-left`, `out-in` |
| **Priority Action** | Trapezoid Base Bottom | `trap-b` | Priority action | `priority`, `trapezoid-bottom` |
| **Manual Operation** | Trapezoid Base Top | `trap-t` | Represents a manual task | `manual`, `trapezoid-top` |
| **Stop** | Double Circle | `dbl-circ` | Represents a stop point | `double-circle` |
| **Text Block** | Text Block | `text` | Text block | - |
| **Card** | Notched Rectangle | `notch-rect` | Represents a card | `card`, `notched-rectangle` |
| **Lined/Shaded Process** | Lined Rectangle | `lin-rect` | Lined process shape | `lined-rectangle`,`lined-process`, `lin-proc`,`shaded-process` |
| **Start** | Small Circle | `sm-circ` | Small starting point | `start`, `small-circle` |
| **Stop** | Framed Circle | `fr-circ` | Stop point | `stop`, `framed-circle` |
| **Fork/Join** | Filled Rectangle | `fork` | Fork or join in process flow | `join` |
| **Collate** | Hourglass | `hourglass` | Represents a collate operation | `hourglass` |
| **Comment** | Curly Brace | `brace` | Adds a comment | `comment`, `brace-l` |
| **Comment Right** | Curly Brace | `brace-r` | Adds a comment | - |
| **Comment with braces on both sides** | Curly Braces | `braces` | Adds a comment | - |
| **Com Link** | Lightning Bolt | `bolt` | Communication link | `com-link`, `lightning-bolt` |
| **Document** | Document | `doc` | Represents a document | `doc`, `document` |
| **Delay** | Half-Rounded Rectangle | `delay` | Represents a delay | `half-rounded-rectangle` |
| **Direct Access Storage** | Horizontal Cylinder | `h-cyl` | Direct access storage | `das`, `horizontal-cylinder` |
| **Disk Storage** | Lined Cylinder | `lin-cyl` | Disk storage | `disk`, `lined-cylinder` |
| **Display** | Curved Trapezoid | `curv-trap` | Represents a display | `curved-trapezoid`, `display` |
| **Divided Process** | Divided Rectangle | `div-rect` | Divided process shape | `div-proc`, `divided-rectangle`, `divided-process` |
| **Extract** | Triangle | `tri` | Extraction process | `extract`, `triangle` |
| **Internal Storage** | Window Pane | `win-pane` | Internal storage | `internal-storage`, `window-pane` |
| **Junction** | Filled Circle | `f-circ` | Junction point | `junction`, `filled-circle` |
| **Lined Document** | Lined Document | `lin-doc` | Lined document | `lined-document` |
| **Loop Limit** | Trapezoidal Pentagon | `notch-pent` | Loop limit step | `loop-limit`, `notched-pentagon` |
| **Manual File** | Flipped Triangle | `flip-tri` | Manual file operation | `manual-file`, `flipped-triangle` |
| **Manual Input** | Sloped Rectangle | `sl-rect` | Manual input step | `manual-input`, `sloped-rectangle` |
| **Multi-Document** | Stacked Document | `docs` | Multiple documents | `documents`, `st-doc`, `stacked-document` |
| **Multi-Process** | Stacked Rectangle | `st-rect` | Multiple processes | `procs`, `processes`, `stacked-rectangle` |
| **Paper Tape** | Flag | `flag` | Paper tape | `paper-tape` |
| **Stored Data** | Bow Tie Rectangle | `bow-rect` | Stored data | `stored-data`, `bow-tie-rectangle` |
| **Summary** | Crossed Circle | `cross-circ` | Summary | `summary`, `crossed-circle` |
| **Tagged Document** | Tagged Document | `tag-doc` | Tagged document | `tag-doc`, `tagged-document` |
| **Tagged Process** | Tagged Rectangle | `tag-rect` | Tagged process | `tagged-rectangle`,`tag-proc`, `tagged-process` |
<!-- Will be auto generated with `pnpm --filter mermaid docs:shapes` -->
<!--@include: ./shapesTable.md -->
### Example Flowchart with New Shapes
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { buildShapeDoc } from './shapesDoc.js';
export const writeShapeDoc = async () => {
await writeFile('packages/mermaid/src/docs/syntax/shapesTable.md', buildShapeDoc());
void writeShapeDoc();
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import { describe, it } from 'vitest';
import { buildShapeDoc } from './shapesDoc.js';
describe('build shapesTable', () => {
it('should build shapesTable based on the shapeDefs', () => {
"| **Semantic Name** | **Shape Name** | **Short Name** | **Description** | **Alias Supported** |
| --------------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Card | Notched Rectangle | \`notch-rect\` | Represents a card | \`card\`, \`notched-rectangle\` |
| Collate | Hourglass | \`hourglass\` | Represents a collate operation | \`collate\`, \`hourglass\` |
| Com Link | Lightning Bolt | \`bolt\` | Communication link | \`com-link\`, \`lightning-bolt\` |
| Comment | Curly Brace | \`brace\` | Adds a comment | \`brace-l\`, \`comment\` |
| Comment Right | Curly Brace | \`brace-r\` | Adds a comment | |
| Comment with braces on both sides | Curly Braces | \`braces\` | Adds a comment | |
| Data Input/Output | Lean Right | \`lean-r\` | Represents input or output | \`in-out\`, \`lean-right\` |
| Data Input/Output | Lean Left | \`lean-l\` | Represents output or input | \`lean-left\`, \`out-in\` |
| Database | Cylinder | \`cyl\` | Database storage | \`cylinder\`, \`database\`, \`db\` |
| Decision | Diamond | \`diam\` | Decision-making step | \`decision\`, \`diamond\`, \`question\` |
| Delay | Half-Rounded Rectangle | \`delay\` | Represents a delay | \`half-rounded-rectangle\` |
| Direct Access Storage | Horizontal Cylinder | \`h-cyl\` | Direct access storage | \`das\`, \`horizontal-cylinder\` |
| Disk Storage | Lined Cylinder | \`lin-cyl\` | Disk storage | \`disk\`, \`lined-cylinder\` |
| Display | Curved Trapezoid | \`curv-trap\` | Represents a display | \`curved-trapezoid\`, \`display\` |
| Divided Process | Divided Rectangle | \`div-rect\` | Divided process shape | \`div-proc\`, \`divided-process\`, \`divided-rectangle\` |
| Document | Document | \`doc\` | Represents a document | \`doc\`, \`document\` |
| Event | Rounded Rectangle | \`rounded\` | Represents an event | \`event\` |
| Extract | Triangle | \`tri\` | Extraction process | \`extract\`, \`triangle\` |
| Fork/Join | Filled Rectangle | \`fork\` | Fork or join in process flow | \`join\` |
| Internal Storage | Window Pane | \`win-pane\` | Internal storage | \`internal-storage\`, \`window-pane\` |
| Junction | Filled Circle | \`f-circ\` | Junction point | \`filled-circle\`, \`junction\` |
| Lined Document | Lined Document | \`lin-doc\` | Lined document | \`lined-document\` |
| Lined/Shaded Process | Lined Rectangle | \`lin-rect\` | Lined process shape | \`lin-proc\`, \`lined-process\`, \`lined-rectangle\`, \`shaded-process\` |
| Loop Limit | Trapezoidal Pentagon | \`notch-pent\` | Loop limit step | \`loop-limit\`, \`notched-pentagon\` |
| Manual File | Flipped Triangle | \`flip-tri\` | Manual file operation | \`flipped-triangle\`, \`manual-file\` |
| Manual Input | Sloped Rectangle | \`sl-rect\` | Manual input step | \`manual-input\`, \`sloped-rectangle\` |
| Manual Operation | Trapezoid Base Top | \`trap-t\` | Represents a manual task | \`inv-trapezoid\`, \`manual\`, \`trapezoid-top\` |
| Multi-Document | Stacked Document | \`docs\` | Multiple documents | \`documents\`, \`st-doc\`, \`stacked-document\` |
| Multi-Process | Stacked Rectangle | \`st-rect\` | Multiple processes | \`processes\`, \`procs\`, \`stacked-rectangle\` |
| Odd | Odd | \`odd\` | Odd shape | |
| Paper Tape | Flag | \`flag\` | Paper tape | \`paper-tape\` |
| Prepare Conditional | Hexagon | \`hex\` | Preparation or condition step | \`hexagon\`, \`prepare\` |
| Priority Action | Trapezoid Base Bottom | \`trap-b\` | Priority action | \`priority\`, \`trapezoid\`, \`trapezoid-bottom\` |
| Process | Rectangle | \`rect\` | Standard process shape | \`proc\`, \`process\`, \`rectangle\` |
| Start | Circle | \`circle\` | Starting point | \`circ\` |
| Start | Small Circle | \`sm-circ\` | Small starting point | \`small-circle\`, \`start\` |
| Stop | Double Circle | \`dbl-circ\` | Represents a stop point | \`double-circle\` |
| Stop | Framed Circle | \`fr-circ\` | Stop point | \`framed-circle\`, \`stop\` |
| Stored Data | Bow Tie Rectangle | \`bow-rect\` | Stored data | \`bow-tie-rectangle\`, \`stored-data\` |
| Subprocess | Framed Rectangle | \`fr-rect\` | Subprocess | \`framed-rectangle\`, \`subproc\`, \`subprocess\`, \`subroutine\` |
| Summary | Crossed Circle | \`cross-circ\` | Summary | \`crossed-circle\`, \`summary\` |
| Tagged Document | Tagged Document | \`tag-doc\` | Tagged document | \`tag-doc\`, \`tagged-document\` |
| Tagged Process | Tagged Rectangle | \`tag-rect\` | Tagged process | \`tag-proc\`, \`tagged-process\`, \`tagged-rectangle\` |
| Terminal Point | Stadium | \`stadium\` | Terminal point | \`pill\`, \`terminal\` |
| Text Block | Text Block | \`text\` | Text block | |"
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { markdownTable } from 'markdown-table';
import { shapesDefs } from './shapes.js';
export const buildShapeDoc = () => {
const data = shapesDefs.map((shape) => {
const { name, semanticName, description, shortName, aliases } = shape;
const aliasString = aliases?.join('`, `');
return [
aliasString ? `\`${aliasString}\`` : '',
data.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]));
return markdownTable([
['Semantic Name', 'Shape Name', 'Short Name', 'Description', 'Alias Supported'].map(
(s) => `**${s}**`
export const writeShapeDoc = async () => {
await writeFile('packages/mermaid/src/docs/syntax/shapesTable.md', buildShapeDoc());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user