diff --git a/cypress/integration/rendering/imageShape.spec.ts b/cypress/integration/rendering/imageShape.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ae4326ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/integration/rendering/imageShape.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import { imgSnapshotTest } from '../../helpers/util';
+const looks = ['classic', 'handDrawn'] as const;
+const directions = ['TB', 'BT', 'LR', 'RL'] as const;
+const labelPos = [undefined, 't', 'b'] as const;
+looks.forEach((look) => {
+ directions.forEach((direction) => {
+ labelPos.forEach((pos) => {
+ describe(`Test imageShape in ${look} look and dir ${direction} with label position ${pos ? pos : 'not defined'}`, () => {
+ it(`without label`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', w: '100', h: '100' }@\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ it(`with label`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'This is a label for image shape'`;
+ flowchartCode += `, w: '200', h: '200'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ it(`with very long label`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'This is a very very very very very long long long label for image shape'`;
+ flowchartCode += `, w: '100', h: '100'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ it(`with markdown htmlLabels:true`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'This is **bold** and strong for image shape'`;
+ flowchartCode += `, w: '450', h: '550'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ it(`with markdown htmlLabels:false`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'This is **bold** and strong for image shape'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, {
+ look,
+ htmlLabels: false,
+ flowchart: { htmlLabels: false },
+ });
+ });
+ it(`with styles`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'new image shape'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px \n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ it(`with classDef`, () => {
+ let flowchartCode = `flowchart ${direction}\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` classDef customClazz fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` nA --> A@{ img: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/02/22/18/49/paper-4871356_1280.jpg', label: 'new image shape'`;
+ flowchartCode += `, w: '450', h: '550'`;
+ if (pos) {
+ flowchartCode += `, pos: '${pos}'`;
+ }
+ flowchartCode += ` }@\n`;
+ flowchartCode += ` A:::customClazz\n`;
+ imgSnapshotTest(flowchartCode, { look });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });