0&&(n+=o.selectorText+" { "+o.style.cssText+" }\n")}}}catch(c){"undefined"!=typeof console&&"undefined"!==console.warn&&"undefined"!==o&&console.warn('Invalid CSS selector "'+o.selectorText+'"',c)}var l="",h="";for(var d in e)e.hasOwnProperty(d)&&"undefined"!=typeof d&&("default"===d?(e.default.styles instanceof Array&&(l+="#"+t.id.trim()+" .node { "+e[d].styles.join("; ")+"; }\n"),e.default.nodeLabelStyles instanceof Array&&(l+="#"+t.id.trim()+" .node text { "+e[d].nodeLabelStyles.join("; ")+"; }\n"),e.default.edgeLabelStyles instanceof Array&&(l+="#"+t.id.trim()+" .edgeLabel text { "+e[d].edgeLabelStyles.join("; ")+"; }\n")):e[d].styles instanceof Array&&(h+="#"+t.id.trim()+" ."+d+" { "+e[d].styles.join("; ")+"; }\n"));if(""!==n||""!==l||""!==h){var f=document.createElement("style");f.setAttribute("type","text/css"),f.setAttribute("title","mermaid-svg-internal-css"),f.innerHTML="/* */\n",t.insertBefore(f,t.firstChild)}}},{}]},{},[101]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gulp/tasks/dist.js b/gulp/tasks/dist.js
index 04cf782dd..65e9f3278 100644
--- a/gulp/tasks/dist.js
+++ b/gulp/tasks/dist.js
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ gulp.task('fullDist', ['slimDist'], function() {
// Basic usage
-gulp.task('mermaid',function() {
+gulp.task('mermaid.slim',function() {
// Single entry point to browserify
var EXTERNALS = ['d3'];
- gulp.src('src/mermaid.js')
+ return gulp.src('src/mermaid.js')
external: ['d3'],
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ gulp.task('mermaid',function() {
+// Basic usage
+gulp.task('mermaid',function() {
return gulp.src('src/mermaid.js')
@@ -96,12 +100,13 @@ gulp.task('mermaid',function() {
// Basic usage
gulp.task('mermaidAPI',function() {
return gulp.src('src/mermaidAPI.js')
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/'));
@@ -135,4 +140,4 @@ gulp.task('editor', function() {
//gulp.task('dist', ['slimDist', 'fullDist','jasmine']);
gulp.task('legacy', ['slimDist', 'fullDist']);
-gulp.task('dist', ['mermaidAPI', 'mermaidAPI.slim','mermaid']);
+gulp.task('dist', ['mermaidAPI', 'mermaidAPI.slim','mermaid.slim','mermaid']);
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index ed408fffa..e20fc8ca8 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@
"browserify": "~6.2.0",
"clone": "^0.2.0",
"codeclimate-test-reporter": "0.0.4",
+ "connect-livereload": "^0.5.3",
"d3": "~3.4.13",
"dateformat": "^1.0.11",
"event-stream": "^3.2.0",
+ "express": "^4.12.4",
"foundation": "^4.2.1-1",
"front-matter": "^0.2.0",
"gulp": "~3.8.9",
@@ -51,12 +53,14 @@
"gulp-ext-replace": "~0.1.0",
"gulp-filelog": "^0.4.1",
"gulp-hogan": "^1.1.0",
+ "gulp-if": "^1.2.5",
"gulp-insert": "^0.4.0",
"gulp-istanbul": "^0.4.0",
"gulp-jasmine": "~1.0.1",
"gulp-jison": "~1.2.0",
"gulp-jshint": "^1.9.0",
"gulp-less": "^3.0.1",
+ "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.0",
"gulp-rename": "~1.2.0",
"gulp-shell": "^0.2.10",
"gulp-tag-version": "^1.2.1",
@@ -86,6 +90,9 @@
"require-dir": "^0.3.0",
"rewire": "^2.1.3",
"rimraf": "^2.2.8",
- "tape": "^3.0.3"
+ "tape": "^3.0.3",
+ "tiny-lr": "^0.1.6",
+ "vinyl-source-stream": "^1.1.0",
+ "watchify": "^3.2.2"
diff --git a/src/d3.js b/src/d3.js
index 88961ef9d..20e698e5f 100644
--- a/src/d3.js
+++ b/src/d3.js
@@ -25,3 +25,458 @@ if (!d3) {
module.exports = d3;
+D3 Text Wrap
+By Vijith Assar
+Detailed instructions at http://www.github.com/vijithassar/d3textwrap
+(function() {
+ // set this variable to a string value to always force a particular
+ // wrap method for development purposes, for example to check tspan
+ // rendering using a foreignobject-enabled browser. set to 'tspan' to
+ // use tspans and 'foreignobject' to use foreignobject
+ var force_wrap_method = false; // by default no wrap method is forced
+ force_wrap_method = 'tspans'; // uncomment this statement to force tspans
+ // force_wrap_method = 'foreignobjects'; // uncomment this statement to force foreignobjects
+ // exit immediately if something in this location
+ // has already been defined; the plugin will defer to whatever
+ // else you're doing in your code
+ if(d3.selection.prototype.textwrap) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // double check the force_wrap_method flag
+ // and reset if someone screwed up the above
+ // settings
+ if(typeof force_wrap_method == 'undefined') {
+ var force_wrap_method = false;
+ }
+ // create the plugin method twice, both for regular use
+ // and again for use inside the enter() selection
+ d3.selection.prototype.textwrap = d3.selection.enter.prototype.textwrap = function(bounds, padding) {
+ // default value of padding is zero if it's undefined
+ var padding = parseInt(padding) || 0;
+ // save callee into a variable so we can continue to refer to it
+ // as the function scope changes
+ var selection = this;
+ // create a variable to store desired return values in
+ var return_value;
+ // extract wrap boundaries from any d3-selected rect and return them
+ // in a format that matches the simpler object argument option
+ var extract_bounds = function(bounds) {
+ // discard the nested array wrappers added by d3
+ var bounding_rect = bounds[0][0];
+ // sanitize the svg element name so we can test against it
+ var element_type = bounding_rect.tagName.toString();
+ // if it's not a rect, exit
+ if(element_type !== 'rect') {
+ return false;
+ // if it's a rect, proceed to extracting the position attributes
+ } else {
+ var bounds_extracted = {};
+ bounds_extracted.x = d3.select(bounding_rect).attr('x') || 0;
+ bounds_extracted.y = d3.select(bounding_rect).attr('y') || 0;
+ bounds_extracted.width = d3.select(bounding_rect).attr('width') || 0;
+ bounds_extracted.height = d3.select(bounding_rect).attr('height') || 0;
+ // also pass along the getter function
+ bounds_extracted.attr = bounds.attr;
+ }
+ return bounds_extracted;
+ }
+ // double check the input argument for the wrapping
+ // boundaries to make sure it actually contains all
+ // the information we'll need in order to wrap successfully
+ var verify_bounds = function(bounds) {
+ // quickly add a simple getter method so you can use either
+ // bounds.x or bounds.attr('x') as your notation,
+ // the latter being a common convention among D3
+ // developers
+ if(!bounds.attr) {
+ bounds.attr = function(property) {
+ if(this[property]) {
+ return this[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if it's an associative array, make sure it has all the
+ // necessary properties represented directly
+ if(
+ (typeof bounds == 'object') &&
+ (typeof bounds.x !== 'undefined') &&
+ (typeof bounds.y !== 'undefined') &&
+ (typeof bounds.width !== 'undefined') &&
+ (typeof bounds.height !== 'undefined')
+ // if that's the case, then the bounds are fine
+ ) {
+ // return the lightly modified bounds
+ return bounds;
+ // if it's a numerically indexed array, assume it's a
+ // d3-selected rect and try to extract the positions
+ } else if (
+ // first try to make sure it's an array using Array.isArray
+ (
+ (typeof Array.isArray == 'function') &&
+ (Array.isArray(bounds))
+ ) ||
+ // but since Array.isArray isn't always supported, fall
+ // back to casting to the object to string when it's not
+ (Object.prototype.toString.call(bounds) === '[object Array]')
+ ) {
+ // once you're sure it's an array, extract the boundaries
+ // from the rect
+ var extracted_bounds = extract_bounds(bounds);
+ return extracted_bounds;
+ } else {
+ // but if the bounds are neither an object nor a numerical
+ // array, then the bounds argument is invalid and you'll
+ // need to fix it
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var apply_padding = function(bounds, padding) {
+ var padded_bounds = bounds;
+ if(padding !== 0) {
+ padded_bounds.x = parseInt(padded_bounds.x) + padding;
+ padded_bounds.y = parseInt(padded_bounds.y) + padding;
+ padded_bounds.width -= padding * 2;
+ padded_bounds.height -= padding * 2;
+ }
+ return padded_bounds;
+ }
+ // verify bounds
+ var verified_bounds = verify_bounds(bounds);
+ // modify bounds if a padding value is provided
+ if(padding) {
+ verified_bounds = apply_padding(verified_bounds, padding);
+ }
+ // check that we have the necessary conditions for this function to operate properly
+ if(
+ // selection it's operating on cannot be not empty
+ (selection.length == 0) ||
+ // d3 must be available
+ (!d3) ||
+ // desired wrapping bounds must be provided as an input argument
+ (!bounds) ||
+ // input bounds must validate
+ (!verified_bounds)
+ ) {
+ // try to return the calling selection if possible
+ // so as not to interfere with methods downstream in the
+ // chain
+ if(selection) {
+ return selection;
+ // if all else fails, just return false. if you hit this point then you're
+ // almost certainly trying to call the textwrap() method on something that
+ // doesn't make sense!
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if we've validated everything then we can finally proceed
+ // to the meat of this operation
+ } else {
+ // reassign the verified bounds as the set we want
+ // to work with from here on; this ensures that we're
+ // using the same data structure for our bounds regardless
+ // of whether the input argument was a simple object or
+ // a d3 selection
+ bounds = verified_bounds;
+ // wrap using html and foreignObjects if they are supported
+ var wrap_with_foreignobjects = function(item) {
+ // establish variables to quickly reference target nodes later
+ var parent = d3.select(item[0].parentNode);
+ var text_node = parent.select('text');
+ var styled_line_height = text_node.style('line-height');
+ // extract our desired content from the single text element
+ var text_to_wrap = text_node.text();
+ // remove the text node and replace with a foreign object
+ text_node.remove();
+ var foreign_object = parent.append('foreignObject');
+ // add foreign object and set dimensions, position, etc
+ foreign_object
+ .attr("requiredFeatures", "http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility")
+ .attr('x', bounds.x)
+ .attr('y', bounds.y)
+ .attr('width', bounds.width)
+ .attr('height', bounds.height);
+ // insert an HTML div
+ var wrap_div = foreign_object
+ .append('xhtml:div')
+ // this class is currently hardcoded
+ // probably not necessary but easy to
+ // override using .classed() and for now
+ // it's nice to avoid a litany of input
+ // arguments
+ .attr('class', 'wrapped');
+ // set div to same dimensions as foreign object
+ wrap_div
+ .style('height', bounds.height)
+ .style('width', bounds.width)
+ // insert text content
+ .html(text_to_wrap);
+ if(styled_line_height) {
+ wrap_div.style('line-height', styled_line_height);
+ }
+ return_value = parent.select('foreignObject');
+ }
+ // wrap with tspans if foreignObject is undefined
+ var wrap_with_tspans = function(item) {
+ // operate on the first text item in the selection
+ var text_node = item[0];
+ var parent = text_node.parentNode;
+ var text_node_selected = d3.select(text_node);
+ // measure initial size of the text node as rendered
+ var text_node_height = text_node.getBBox().height;
+ var text_node_width = text_node.getBBox().width;
+ // figure out the line height, either from rendered height
+ // of the font or attached styling
+ var line_height;
+ var rendered_line_height = text_node_height;
+ var styled_line_height = text_node_selected.style('line-height');
+ if(
+ (styled_line_height) &&
+ (parseInt(styled_line_height))
+ ) {
+ line_height = parseInt(styled_line_height.replace('px', ''));
+ } else {
+ line_height = rendered_line_height;
+ }
+ // only fire the rest of this if the text content
+ // overflows the desired dimensions
+ if(text_node_width > bounds.width) {
+ // store whatever is inside the text node
+ // in a variable and then zero out the
+ // initial content; we'll reinsert in a moment
+ // using tspan elements.
+ var text_to_wrap = text_node_selected.text();
+ text_node_selected.text('');
+ if(text_to_wrap) {
+ // keep track of whether we are splitting by spaces
+ // so we know whether to reinsert those spaces later
+ var break_delimiter;
+ // split at spaces to create an array of individual words
+ var text_to_wrap_array;
+ if(text_to_wrap.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
+ var break_delimiter = ' ';
+ text_to_wrap_array = text_to_wrap.split(' ');
+ } else {
+ // if there are no spaces, figure out the split
+ // points by comparing rendered text width against
+ // bounds and translating that into character position
+ // cuts
+ break_delimiter = '';
+ var string_length = text_to_wrap.length;
+ var number_of_substrings = Math.ceil(text_node_width / bounds.width);
+ var splice_interval = Math.floor(string_length / number_of_substrings);
+ if(
+ !(splice_interval * number_of_substrings >= string_length)
+ ) {
+ number_of_substrings++;
+ }
+ var text_to_wrap_array = [];
+ var substring;
+ var start_position;
+ for(var i = 0; i < number_of_substrings; i++) {
+ start_position = i * splice_interval;
+ substring = text_to_wrap.substr(start_position, splice_interval);
+ text_to_wrap_array.push(substring);
+ }
+ }
+ // new array where we'll store the words re-assembled into
+ // substrings that have been tested against the desired
+ // maximum wrapping width
+ var substrings = [];
+ // computed text length is arguably incorrectly reported for
+ // all tspans after the first one, in that they will include
+ // the width of previous separate tspans. to compensate we need
+ // to manually track the computed text length of all those
+ // previous tspans and substrings, and then use that to offset
+ // the miscalculation. this then gives us the actual correct
+ // position we want to use in rendering the text in the SVG.
+ var total_offset = 0;
+ // object for storing the results of text length computations later
+ var temp = {};
+ // loop through the words and test the computed text length
+ // of the string against the maximum desired wrapping width
+ for(var i = 0; i < text_to_wrap_array.length; i++) {
+ var word = text_to_wrap_array[i];
+ var previous_string = text_node_selected.text();
+ var previous_width = text_node.getComputedTextLength();
+ // initialize the current word as the first word
+ // or append to the previous string if one exists
+ var new_string;
+ if(previous_string) {
+ new_string = previous_string + break_delimiter + word;
+ } else {
+ new_string = word;
+ }
+ // add the newest substring back to the text node and
+ // measure the length
+ text_node_selected.text(new_string);
+ var new_width = text_node.getComputedTextLength();
+ // adjust the length by the offset we've tracked
+ // due to the misreported length discussed above
+ var test_width = new_width - total_offset;
+ // if our latest version of the string is too
+ // big for the bounds, use the previous
+ // version of the string (without the newest word
+ // added) and use the latest word to restart the
+ // process with a new tspan
+ if(new_width > bounds.width) {
+ if(
+ (previous_string) &&
+ (previous_string !== '')
+ ) {
+ total_offset = total_offset + previous_width;
+ temp = {string: previous_string, width: previous_width, offset: total_offset};
+ substrings.push(temp);
+ text_node_selected.text('');
+ text_node_selected.text(word);
+ }
+ }
+ // if we're up to the last word in the array,
+ // get the computed length as is without
+ // appending anything further to it
+ else if(i == text_to_wrap_array.length - 1) {
+ text_node_selected.text('');
+ var final_string = new_string;
+ if(
+ (final_string) &&
+ (final_string !== '')
+ ) {
+ if((new_width - total_offset) > 0) {new_width = new_width - total_offset}
+ temp = {string: final_string, width: new_width, offset: total_offset};
+ substrings.push(temp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // position the overall text node
+ text_node_selected.attr('y', function() {
+ var y_offset = bounds.y;
+ // shift by line-height to move the baseline into
+ // the bounds – otherwise the text baseline would be
+ // at the top of the bounds
+ if(line_height) {y_offset += line_height;}
+ return y_offset;
+ });
+ // shift to the right by the padding value
+ if(padding) {
+ text_node_selected
+ .attr('x', bounds.x)
+ ;
+ }
+ // append each substring as a tspan
+ var current_tspan;
+ var tspan_count;
+ // double check that the text content has been removed
+ // before we start appending tspans
+ text_node_selected.text('');
+ for(var i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++) {
+ var substring = substrings[i].string;
+ if(i > 0) {
+ var previous_substring = substrings[i - 1];
+ }
+ // only append if we're sure it won't make the tspans
+ // overflow the bounds.
+ if((i) * line_height < bounds.height - (line_height * 1.5)) {
+ current_tspan = text_node_selected.append('tspan')
+ .text(substring);
+ // vertical shift to all tspans after the first one
+ current_tspan
+ .attr('dy', function(d) {
+ if(i > 0) {
+ return line_height;
+ }
+ });
+ // shift left from default position, which
+ // is probably based on the full length of the
+ // text string until we make this adjustment
+ current_tspan
+ // .attr('dx', function() {
+ // if(i == 0) {
+ // var render_offset = 0;
+ // } else if(i > 0) {
+ // render_offset = substrings[i - 1].width;
+ // render_offset = render_offset * -1;
+ // }
+ // return render_offset;
+ // })
+ .attr('x', function() {
+ return bounds.x;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // assign our modified text node with tspans
+ // to the return value
+ return_value = d3.select(parent).selectAll('text');
+ }
+ // variable used to hold the functions that let us
+ // switch between the wrap methods
+ var wrap_method;
+ // if a wrap method if being forced, assign that
+ // function
+ if(force_wrap_method) {
+ if(force_wrap_method == 'foreignobjects') {
+ wrap_method = wrap_with_foreignobjects;
+ } else if (force_wrap_method == 'tspans') {
+ wrap_method = wrap_with_tspans;
+ }
+ }
+ // if no wrap method is being forced, then instead
+ // test for browser support of foreignobject and
+ // use whichever wrap method makes sense accordingly
+ if(!force_wrap_method) {
+ if(typeof SVGForeignObjectElement !== 'undefined') {
+ wrap_method = wrap_with_foreignobjects;
+ } else {
+ wrap_method = wrap_with_tspans;
+ }
+ }
+ // run the desired wrap function for each item
+ // in the d3 selection that called .textwrap()
+ for(var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
+ var item = selection[i];
+ wrap_method(item);
+ }
+ // return the modified nodes so we can chain other
+ // methods to them.
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDiagram.spec.js b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDiagram.spec.js
index 600bc8345..1fbd9ca39 100644
--- a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDiagram.spec.js
+++ b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDiagram.spec.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var d3 = {
return new newD3();
-var sd = proxyquire('./sequenceRenderer', { './d3': d3 });
+//var sd = proxyquire('./sequenceRenderer', { './d3': d3 });
var sd = proxyquire('./sequenceRenderer', { '../../d3': d3 });
var str;
diff --git a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer.js b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer.js
index 2615ded37..5a60a63f8 100644
--- a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer.js
+++ b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer.js
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ var conf = {
// Margin around loop boxes
// Space between messages
@@ -133,21 +132,31 @@ var drawNote = function(elem, startx, verticalPos, msg){
rect.width = conf.width;
rect.class = 'note';
- var g = elem.append("g");
+ var g = elem.append('g');
var rectElem = svgDraw.drawRect(g, rect);
var textObj = svgDraw.getTextObj();
textObj.x = startx;
- textObj.y = verticalPos+conf.noteMargin;
+ textObj.y = verticalPos;
textObj.textMargin = conf.noteMargin;
textObj.dy = '1em';
textObj.text = msg.message;
textObj.class = 'noteText';
- var textElem = svgDraw.drawText(g,textObj);
+ var textElem = svgDraw.drawText(g,textObj, conf.width);
var textHeight = textElem[0][0].getBBox().height;
- exports.bounds.insert(startx, verticalPos, startx + conf.width, verticalPos + 2*conf.noteMargin + textHeight);
+ if(textHeight > conf.width){
+ textElem.remove();
+ g = elem.append("g");
+ textElem = svgDraw.drawText(g,textObj, 2*conf.width);
+ textHeight = textElem[0][0].getBBox().height;
+ rectElem.attr('width',2*conf.width);
+ exports.bounds.insert(startx, verticalPos, startx + 2*conf.width, verticalPos + 2*conf.noteMargin + textHeight);
+ }else{
+ exports.bounds.insert(startx, verticalPos, startx + conf.width, verticalPos + 2*conf.noteMargin + textHeight);
+ }
rectElem.attr('height',textHeight+ 2*conf.noteMargin);
exports.bounds.bumpVerticalPos(textHeight+ 2*conf.noteMargin);
diff --git a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/svgDraw.js b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/svgDraw.js
index f6cf89992..13e9bfa7c 100644
--- a/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/svgDraw.js
+++ b/src/diagrams/sequenceDiagram/svgDraw.js
@@ -19,23 +19,38 @@ exports.drawRect = function(elem , rectData){
return rectElem;
-exports.drawText = function(elem , textData){
+exports.drawText = function(elem, textData, width) {
+ // Remove and ignore br:s
+ var nText = textData.text.replace(/
/ig,' ');
var textElem = elem.append('text');
textElem.attr('x', textData.x);
textElem.attr('y', textData.y);
textElem.style('text-anchor', textData.anchor);
textElem.attr('fill', textData.fill);
- textData.text.split(/
- var span = textElem.append('tspan');
- span.attr('x', textData.x +textData.textMargin);
- span.attr('dy', textData.dy);
- span.text(rowText);
- });
- if(typeof textData.class !== 'undefined'){
+ if (typeof textData.class !== 'undefined') {
textElem.attr("class", textData.class);
+ /* textData.text.split(/
+ var span = textElem.append('tspan');
+ span.attr('x', textData.x +textData.textMargin);
+ span.attr('dy', textData.dy);
+ span.text(rowText);
+ });*/
+ var span = textElem.append('tspan');
+ span.attr('x', textData.x);
+ span.attr('dy', textData.dy);
+ span.text(nText);
+ if(typeof textElem.textwrap !== 'undefined'){
+ textElem.textwrap({
+ x: textData.x+4, // bounding box is 300 pixels from the left
+ y: textData.y-2, // bounding box is 400 pixels from the top
+ width: width, // bounding box is 500 pixels across
+ height: 1800 // bounding box is 600 pixels tall
+ }, textData.textMargin);
+ }
return textElem;
diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js
index 31eb9d76b..22d1eb39d 100644
--- a/src/main.js
+++ b/src/main.js
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-var graph = require('./diagrams/flowchart/graphDb');
-var flow = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/flow');
-var utils = require('./utils');
-var flowRenderer = require('./diagrams/flowchart/flowRenderer');
-var seq = require('./diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer');
-var info = require('./diagrams/example/exampleRenderer');
-var he = require('he');
-var infoParser = require('./diagrams/example/parser/example');
-var flowParser = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/flow');
-var dotParser = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/dot');
+var graph = require('./diagrams/flowchart/graphDb');
+var flow = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/flow');
+var utils = require('./utils');
+var flowRenderer = require('./diagrams/flowchart/flowRenderer');
+var seq = require('./diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceRenderer');
+var info = require('./diagrams/example/exampleRenderer');
+var he = require('he');
+var infoParser = require('./diagrams/example/parser/example');
+var flowParser = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/flow');
+var dotParser = require('./diagrams/flowchart/parser/dot');
var sequenceParser = require('./diagrams/sequenceDiagram/parser/sequenceDiagram');
-var sequenceDb = require('./diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDb');
-var infoDb = require('./diagrams/example/exampleDb');
-var gantt = require('./diagrams/gantt/ganttRenderer');
-var ganttParser = require('./diagrams/gantt/parser/gantt');
-var ganttDb = require('./diagrams/gantt/ganttDb');
-var d3 = require('./d3');
-var nextId = 0;
+var sequenceDb = require('./diagrams/sequenceDiagram/sequenceDb');
+var infoDb = require('./diagrams/example/exampleDb');
+var gantt = require('./diagrams/gantt/ganttRenderer');
+var ganttParser = require('./diagrams/gantt/parser/gantt');
+var ganttDb = require('./diagrams/gantt/ganttDb');
+var d3 = require('./d3');
+var nextId = 0;
* Function that parses a mermaid diagram defintion. If parsing fails the parseError callback is called and an error is
diff --git a/src/mermaid.js b/src/mermaid.js
index acb5a875d..7fea881ed 100644
--- a/src/mermaid.js
+++ b/src/mermaid.js
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ global.mermaid = {
console.log('Mermaid Syntax error:');
- render:function(id, text){
- return mermaidAPI.render(id, text);
+ render:function(id, text,callback, element){
+ return mermaidAPI.render(id, text,callback, element);
diff --git a/src/mermaidAPI.js b/src/mermaidAPI.js
index b427b6d30..1bc14203b 100644
--- a/src/mermaidAPI.js
+++ b/src/mermaidAPI.js
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ var d3 = require('./d3');
var nextId = 0;
// Default options, can be overridden at initialization time
+ * Object with the co0nfigurations
+ * @type {Object}
+ */
var config = {
cloneCssStyles: true,
diff --git a/test/seq.html b/test/seq.html
index f7a3e116a..8b738fc17 100644
--- a/test/seq.html
+++ b/test/seq.html
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
cloneCssStyles: false
- mirrorActors:true
+ mirrorActors:true,
+ height:35
- }
+ };
//mermaid.sequenceConfig = '{"diagramMarginX":50,"diagramMarginY":10,"actorMargin":50,"width":150,"height":45,"boxMargin":10,"boxTextMargin":5,"noteMargin":10,"messageMargin":35, "mirrorActors":true}';
//mermaid.sequenceConfig = JSON.parse('{"diagramMarginX":50,"diagramMarginY":10,"actorMargin":50,"width":150,"height":165,"boxMargin":10,"boxTextMargin":5,"noteMargin":10,"messageMargin":35}');
@@ -28,6 +29,19 @@
+ Autowrap
+ sequenceDiagram
+ Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
+ Bob-->>John: How about you John?
+ Bob--xAlice: I am good thanks!
+ Bob-xJohn: I am good thanks!
+ Note right of John: Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit In a row. Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit In a row. Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit In a row. Bob thinks a long long time, so long that the text does not fit In a row.
+ Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
+ Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
No line breaks
sequenceDiagram;Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?;Bob-->Bob: Hmmm?;Bob-->Alice: Ok;