Test commit

This commit is contained in:
Knut Sveidqvist 2023-05-24 12:27:30 +02:00
parent 9fb25310e8
commit bd616e0ef5

View File

@ -50,28 +50,21 @@
<pre class="mermaid" style="width: 50%">
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant John as John<br/>Second Line
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob-->>John: How about you John?
Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row.
Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
alt either this
Alice->>John: Yes
else or this
Alice->>John: No
else or this will happen
Alice->John: Maybe
par this happens in parallel
Alice -->> Bob: Parallel message 1
Alice -->> John: Parallel message 2
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart LR
b("`The dog in **the** hog.(1)
NL`") --"`1o **bold**`"--> c[new strings svg labels]
<pre class="mermaid" style="width: 50%">
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%%
flowchart LR
b("`The dog in **the** hog.(1)
NL`") --"`1o **bold**`"--> c[new strings html labels]
<pre class="mermaid" style="width: 50%">
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%%
flowchart LR
b("The dog in the hog.(1)\nNL") --"1o bold"--> c[old strings svg labels]
<script type="module">
// import mindmap from '../../packages/mermaid-mindmap/src/detector';